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/lit/ - Literature

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7387647 No.7387647 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ like to read while stoned?

One of my favourite times of the day is when I get to come home from school, smoke with a coffee out on the back porch and watch the sun go down with a nice book.

That being said, I can't exactly read hard philosophy or authors with Pynchon-esque lexicons while I'm really high.

Recently I've been enjoying some Rumi and Delillo's White Noise, before that I had some really comfy evenings with the Hobbit and The Jungle Book

So what does /lit/ like to read while stoned?

>> No.7387653

Mostly poetry or re-reading books.
It's too hard to concentrate on new books for a long read.

>> No.7387657

Comics, can't read quality shit when I'm high.

>> No.7387660

Can't read while high. Mostly watch movies or listen to music.

>> No.7387696

>It's too hard to concentrate on new books

>can't read quality shit when I'm high.

>Can't read while high.

This is why they are legalizing it!

>> No.7387698

weed? grow up

>> No.7387710

Comics + music
mmmmm so comfy

I agree with other anons, reading new stuff is too difficult unless you've got a higher tolerance. In which case you might as well read sober

>> No.7387721

I think that smoking helps me focus on books, allowing me to analyze them more intently. Though, judging by other posters, that could just be my warped perspective.

>> No.7387754

OP here

I can definitely agree, I'm able to immerse myself in what I'm reading much more easily

I'm assuming these other anons don't smoke very often (an observation, not a point of pride)

>> No.7387758

I can understand cinema and music much better on it though. I was/am a student of both, so i'm not really talking about watching Harry Potter, Rambo and listening to House Music.

>> No.7387764

>reading Transmetropolitan or Hellblazer high while listening to Electric Wizard

Fucking beautiful.

>> No.7387770

fav 5 films while high?

>> No.7387774

I can't concentrate enough to read decent literature while high, that's actually why I don't smoke pot anymore.

>> No.7387776

Boy, i've been smoking too much and too much aggressive shit since I was 14. It's not a matter of tolerance.

>> No.7387793

not that guy but

Apocalypse Now
Seven Samurai
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

>> No.7387796

>Bottle Rocket
>Pirates of the Carribean
>Any Pixar film
>Post Tenebras Lux
>Mean Girl

>> No.7387803

Pan's labyrinth's amazing to watch high.

>> No.7387804

Would you recommend weed to someone who has struggled with their weight in the past. I was obese between the ages of 13 and 18 and am now fit and healthy. I have, however, always wanted to try weed but I am worried that the munchies may cause me to put on weight.
Is there a way around this?

>> No.7387812 [DELETED] 

My friend looked him that when we were at Uni together. Pretty spooky.

>> No.7387821

don't have unhealthy/high-calorie shit in the house

>> No.7387826

also if you eat badly for 1 day every now and then it won't make you fat. just don't smoke literally every single day (a bad idea anyways, for desensitization's sake)

>> No.7387830
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>tfw smoke everyday for the past 3 years

>> No.7387832

don't know about you (former) fat folk, but my metabolism's off the charts, no munchie weight. Most of my friends who often smoke pot don't have problems with it.

>> No.7387837

Is it still enjoyable for you?

>> No.7387844

War and Peace

>> No.7387858

one of my favorite things to do is smoke a blunt to the head and read cool thought-provoking shit

i was high for maybe 70% of herodotus and it was the most entertaining book i'd read in years

>> No.7387881

Kubrick is great, Tarkovsky, Nanni Moretti. Magnolia is a great movie, probably one of the greatest movies ever in the last 20 years.

I've watched Harry Potter more times than i can count though. Me and a couple of friends must have pointed out almost all the numerous incongruences and errors of the film, weed works great with it.

>> No.7387883
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yah and look at you know anon. you're a disgusting pleb who browses some subpar chinese cartoon image board.

>> No.7387894

I've found media theory makes a lot more sense when I'm blazed as hell.

>> No.7387921

I read Kafka for the first time really stoned listening to Schoenberg, shit was dope. Camus is good stoned too, and Raymond Carver. Alice Munro is good to re read.

>> No.7388244
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Caffeine + L theanine is a great combo for reading.

The best weed dosage for reading is 1 bong. I can actually really get into whatever I'm doing with just one bong.

No stoners gain a lot of weight from the munchies. Maybe it's possible but stoners tend to be all thin. There's slight evidence marijuana might help food allergies and a better insulin response but not much. Anecdotal evidence shows no evidence of a "weed gut" in any way.

If you simply don't want the munchies brush your teeth after you smoke.

>> No.7388254


I can only understand dense works of theory when I'm high. I think it's because I don't feel as self-conscious about re-reading the same sentence half a dozen times until it clicks.

That said, I can't focus long enough to read much of anything when I'm high.

>> No.7388265


Lots of water. I find if I keep a glass of ice water on hand I don't get nearly as hungry.

Otherwise, just have healthy food around. I keep a bag of clementines in my fridge specifically for when I get the munchies. Low-calorie, sweet, juicy, and low-maintenance. Beats the hell out of a party size bag of Chex Mix.

>> No.7388268


See, and after a year and a half of SMOKE WEED ERRY DAY I really just lost interest. The highs weren't enjoyable anymore. I wasn't doing it recreationally, I was doing it to stave off boredom. Which is the worst time to take drugs, of course.

>> No.7388310

I was a daily weed smoker from age 14 up until about 2 months ago (22 now). Could never read well on it, in the past 3ish years I've cut way back, saving it for late nights or before events like going to work at a call center (which I'm no longer at).
It's always made me an unmotivated piece of shit, but I've always had a great time watching films and listening to music while high. but recently, every time I get high I get incredibly anxious. I've struggled with anxiety my entire like and haven't experienced the feeling this strong until just recently, and only while smoking. Which used to make me feel better. I constantly get extremely concerned about my mother, who lives a couple hours away, worried that she's been murdered. I feel like crying and curling up in bed and never getting out. I feel schizophrenic, and they say that it can often appear in 20-somethings after years of habitual smoking. It's best that I don't touch it any more.

>> No.7388318


Dude clementines are the best munchie food

>> No.7388789
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>Anything Wes Anderson. (Grand Budapest and Mr. Fox are wonderful though. The more control he has over the scene the better.)
>Generic music movie's a la The Wall, Yellow Submarine, Captain Murphy's Duality.
>Fuck sticking to movies: The Eric Andre Show/Off the Air/Danger 5.
>Kubrick is intense af. Opening to Clockwork is immersive.
>Under the Skin was great stoned, but had long, slow sections.
>John Carpenter: The Thing. Escape from New York. (Or The Warriors)

>tfw when i'm not even answering the question anymore, just saying things i've watched recently whilst high and enjoyed...

>> No.7388835

>I was doing it to stave off boredom. Which is the worst time to take drugs, of course.
too true. i fell into a rut where i'd smoke, drink, or do just about any other drug i could get my hands on whenever i was bored, which resulted in me being intoxicated on something every single day for about 8 months. for the past month i've been more moderate in my habits, but during moments like this all i want to do is get high. i'll refrain tonight though, i know i'm better off in the long run.

>> No.7388847

Gaddis. While quite dense at times, the dialogue scenes while stoned is FANTASTIC

Maybe because I'm trying to act out as if I'm having their conversations literally.

>> No.7388864

>I feel like crying and curling up in bed and never getting out.

I know the feeling - I think I'm a schizophrenic in the making, too.

I'm exploring unorthodox treatments (supplementation, primarily) and have an appointment at a center for 'prodromes'. Consider doin' the same, bud

>> No.7388913

I read /lit/ lite while high. Palahniuk and Ellis et al. Or guys like Craig Clevenger or Will Christopher Baer. Nothing I have to put effort into. Reading while high is the only time I ever get the "movie in my head" feel.

>> No.7390299

I don't think I'm actually schizophrenic. It just feels like it when I get high and it's overwhelming. I feel perfectly normal while sober, so as I said, I'm just ending the 8-year friendship I had with pot. I prefer opiates, too, and thankfully I don't have a steady connect for them.
Best of luck to you, though

>> No.7390313

I would highly recommend La Grande Bellezza to people who enjoy watching films while being stoned. There's just something about how the scenes melt into one another with clever visual cues.
Also the films is ridiculously good looking - just sit back and let it wash over you.

>> No.7390347

I like reading Shakespeare while stoned. Helps me read it without constantly checking the footnotes. The flow is much better and I can appreciate the play more.
Also being high made me appreciate the humor in crime and punishment (first non-pleb book I read) which helped me identify writen humor, which is quite different than the humor I was used to.

>> No.7390361
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>> No.7390365

I read Tai Pei high and really dug it

>> No.7390779

You don't understand Pynchon better when you're high? He was off his face when he wrote most of his popular works. (You'll get it when you're high)

>> No.7391591

Definitely. If you live in a legal state, you can smoke strains that don't cause the munchies.

While I rarely smoke anymore, I attribute a decent chunk of my personal growth to weed. However, much of that growth came about from the long term anxiety that marijuana use exacerbated.

It's one thing to force yourself to examine new perspectives and mental states, it's another thing entirely to *feel* those differing perspectives.

>> No.7391604

Drugs are for degenerates.

>> No.7391614

Its pretty fun. I read a good portion of Ulysses in a boat in the middle of a foggy lake yesterday after inhaling Mr Blooms special blend

>> No.7391659
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The Mummy
Walk Hard
The Seventh Seal
The Exterminating Angel

>> No.7391665

Weed actually helped me become fit. Healthier food became tastier and working out/exercise was more enjoyable (especially with music or an audiobook/podcast [especially Hardcore History or The Twilight Zone Radio Drama]).

>> No.7391692

>I need drugs to enjoy the fullness of the world around me because I'm incapable of doing so on my own

shaking my head to be honest, family

>> No.7391711

>Looking at the world with different lens colors has no value

You've clearly never tried drugs. I'm guessing that you're bitter about not having the social connections to get them and rationalized a long time ago that they aren't worth it anyway.

>> No.7391740

No it doesn't. Take a shower, get a haircut, get a job and stop being a stupid hippie.

>> No.7391748

>I have no drugs in my system
>I took a shower earlier today
>I got a haircut Saturday
>see above regarding 'stupid hippie' ad hominem

>> No.7392228


>> No.7392238

Only on opiates

>> No.7392284

this desu

just finished V and i think i read 3/4 of the book stoned

>> No.7393345

To the Wonder and other late Mallick are sublime under the inf.