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7386926 No.7386926 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw 10 page essay on the conception of god in Islam due tomorrow and haven't even started yet

>> No.7386931

Looks like you are fucked OP.

>> No.7386939

Please dump some good material on this, I have a bunch of Avicenna, Averroes, Ibn-Arabi etc. already

Does not have to be primary texts.

>> No.7386941

>mandatory weekly didn't start my homework untill the day before it's due thread.

Get off 4chan and start writing, we aren't going to do it for you.

>> No.7386950

I was actually hoping for some more material.

I don't expect anyone to write for me.

>> No.7386953


>> No.7386957

We aren't here to do your research for you - better get your arse to the library and start cramming OP.

>> No.7386965

Care to give me some pointers as to good stuff to look out for?

>> No.7386974

Find an academic ghost writer

>> No.7386981

The Quran might help

>> No.7386989

first, to begin with the conception of god into the islamic period, you need to remind the beginning of islam.
after that, its expansion, the first and second dynasties and their belief and viexs of islam.
and to finish, talk about some philosopher from theislamic golden age.
hope that's helping. :)

>> No.7387000

To think I had completely skipped over that and the Hadiths! Thanks for giving me this valuable tip.
That was largely the approach I was considering, but I'm having difficulty finding much material on pre-Mohammedan arabic history and religion to be honest.

>> No.7387013

Any journal articles or books by Bernard Lewis that you might be able to find via your institution or us here might be of some good use given both the depth and sheer breadth of his work and writings on Islam across time.

>> No.7387014

Rene Guenon

>> No.7387028

a french traditionalist.
might be a good idea.

>> No.7387065

Any specific writings I should look out for?

I have some cursory familiarity with Guenon, but really none with Lewis besides having his name come up a couple of times.

>> No.7387171

Try to ask more time?

You probably don't have much time to skim over so many books. Did you tried google scholar for some articles?

>> No.7387186

I'm fairly sure I can manage it with the allotted time, I already have a lot of material I can cover.

Haven't looked over google scholar no, anything specific I should check for?

>> No.7387190

This is not a board for homework help

>> No.7387211

>the islamic golden age

love this meme :^)

>> No.7387236

>mfw I have to give an hour long physics talk on Friday

Eh, I still think I'll make it. Sucks to be you OP.

>> No.7387283

Claim that Muhammed misrepresented his illiteracy and point out that his trade contacts with the levant exposed him to jewish and christian concepts of god.

His version of god is just plagiarism of existing systems.

>> No.7388595

Hello, George.

>> No.7388718
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>tfw 500 character essay on the origins of Christianity due in 7 weeks and haven't even started yet

>> No.7388813
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>grading late submission 15 page essays that need to be graded with full commentary by noon
>haven't slept in a day and a half
>can't even figure out what this fucking person is saying

>> No.7388817

If you have access to a badass library or luck or maybe if they're on libgen, check out Irfan Shahid

Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, Volume 2, Part 2, 2010
Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, Volume 2, Part 1, 2002
Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, Volume 1, 1995
Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fifth Century, 1989
Byzantium and the Semitic Orient Before the Rise of Islam (Collected Studies Series: No.Cs270), 1988
Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, 1984
Rome and the Arabs: A Prolegomenon to the Study of Byzantium and the Arabs, 1984

Lots of good stuff on pre-Islamic Arabia

If you only have until tomorrow you're fucked though

>> No.7388905
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1 page so far

I'm probably fucked but I still think I can pass

>> No.7388907

Ohh my goodness the motherload. As someone else who is doing research on Islam in the Middle Ages this is a goldmine. What is your background family?

>> No.7388909

Just ask for an extension you faggot.

Or ask for lenience in late penalties so you can get a few extra days or something.

>> No.7388912
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It's actually a home exam to be honest

>> No.7388924

Just try your best. Turn off your internet and just write for your survival.

>> No.7388925

I'd also suggest the works of Patricia Crone. Very based. RIP

>> No.7388929

You're a madman, anon. Even at my worst/best I could only pump out 5 or so pages in a night.

I almost hope you make it.

>> No.7388936
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I did just write a whole page in like 10 minutes, so it should be doable. But working up to that point took me like 10 hours of reading, shitposting, buying cigarettes, drinking coffee and jerking off to be honest.

Failing at life, one step at a time.

>> No.7388937

Not much, I just dabbled in near eastern studies (or whatever they're calling it now) in undergrad. I used Shahid a bunch for a paper on how the East Romans manipulated the Arab tribes along the Persian/Arabian frontier and Red Sea, after their decline as actually garrisoned and patrolled military limes, by manipulating ecclesiastical/confessional allegiances to bring different tribes into their sphere of influence, prevent raids and invasions, and secure trade routes and stuff. Basically just getting the Ghassanids to be your bros and the Red Sea niggas to stop fucking your shit up through cultural politics, overawing them with demonstrations of pious miracles/ascetics and ecclesiastical grandeur, getting them to genuinely care about theological splits so they'll hate the Persian Nestorians with you, but also having to manage this really meticulously.

I think the Byzantines did the same in the West, with the conversion of the Franks, but I never had time to follow up on it.

Beware though, they're big fucking tomes and can be dense. A lot of that essay was just learning to understand the narrative history of the region, which is very shakily reconstructed a lot of the time.

Oh shit then go use Encyclopaedia of Islam through Brill (your uni should have online version) or Encyclopaedia Iranica, plus Wikis and scrambling for sources online. If it's an in-class essay without citations you just need a synthetic overview that shows you have the broad foundations down pat. Sometimes you can get really lucky and find weird little Geocities sites with mini-essays by amateur enthusiasts, or undergrad essays outright uploaded for you.

Also go post on /his/, as dumb as that sounds, either a new thread or try to find an Islam thread, and try to find someone who can give you a rough and ready narrative.

>> No.7388943

Thanks for this recommendation. Maybe I'll try to get back into this period through her stuff, since I at least have some connection to it through that half-remembered essay.

>> No.7388953

Hist is basically pol 2.0 from what I hear so I can see why OP would rather have our help. We know enough as it is in terms of studies and knowledge basis.

Any more scholars you want to just list while you are at it? Crone seems worthwhile as well.

>> No.7388991

Yeah but sometimes you get some weird fucking guy who browses the board out of spite or something. There's some Marxist on there who shows up in every thread with actually good reading lists and crash courses on understanding the evolution of Marxian thought, and he's just in there bizarrely nestled between WHJY IS AFRICA BAD? and WHO IS UR FAV HISTORICAL RAPIST?

Same with /lit/ really. One random PhD student will wander in and be really helpful out of the blue.

I would dig up some more sources but I don't even think I'm best equipped to do it, also I'm grading papers and longing for death. I think the survey textbook I used for early Islam was Hugh Kennedy's Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates (600-1050) but I personally found it dry and slow going.

>> No.7389001

>dream of wanting to teach history
>get an undergrad in it with aspirations of going for my masters and phd
>end up just settling for a well-paying government job where I just crunch numbers all day

I look at this thread and I see people who are far more attached to my favorite subject than I am and I realize how stupid I was being. You guys can just prattle off reference books like it's nothing, meanwhile I struggle to remember what I learned back in college three years later.

I'm such a failure.

>> No.7389011

What book of the old testament should I do an exegeses on (5~ pages)?

>> No.7389015

Would you be interested in starting some sort of discussion group or reading list forum? I feel like you'd be the best person to direct it once you got time to family.

>> No.7389016

Not OP but I have to analyze a short story (15 pages)
i have a bunch of different findings but they're not really unified
for a thesis should I try to force a way to make all my points cohere, or should i just make a loose thesis that outlines what i really am going to say without bullshitting
not an engl major btw, thansk


>> No.7389021
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I really regret having skipped all those lectures on Islam because they were early in the morning and not as dank as the Biblical and theology lectures right now to be honest.

>> No.7389029
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>took anthropology for an easy credit
>stopped going after first quiz in early october
>missed midterm
>exam coming up
>all that good money going to waste
>in debt from student loans
>all because I can't wake up for 11am class
just fucking kill me

>> No.7389032

>Hugh Kennedy seems to have a dissertation relating to a subset of Islam in the Middle Ages that I'm writing my term paper over
>Wish I would have had this information in time to get my hands on it considering my term paper is due soon

>> No.7389036

Don't be so hard on yourself. Everything like this looks 100,000x puffed up from the outside, especially when you have imposter syndrome. I'm the guy who wrote the essay and linked the references, and I don't even remember basic chronology and shit. I'd look like a complete asshole next to some random first year who was actually taking the class.

University faggots love to do this shit. That's why they cram the titles of their essays and theses with jargon and theoretical buzzwords. They want to put on airs of being like a med student or scientist, someone who has to know everything in his field comprehensively, when in reality they have just mastered some tiny tiny little sliver and the correct words to say about it.

Seriously, if you feel inadequate compared to some student or especially grad student pontificating and rattling off sources, you're being duped. 99% are pompous retards. I've been in rooms with 4th year PhD students who were going off like they were luminary geniuses, while saying the Iliad and Odyssey were Roman. And if you benignly say "er, you mean Greek," they will scramble to act like it was a slip or cover it with this little bluff instead of just admitting they were talkin' shit. Everyone just wants to seem like the casually omniscient professor archetype ASAP.

>> No.7389040

>mfw 750 word essay on feminist epistemology due tonight!

>> No.7389046
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>mfw I have to translate 20 pages of ancient greek within the next 13 hours

>> No.7389055

I suppose you're right. It just feels like my life has stalled so much since I graduated with my undergrad, though. I want so badly to teach history, and I love it so much, but I just can't force myself to put in the work.

I won't read periodicals, I won't send essays off, I've let my Phi Alpha Theta membership laps, and I've gone and gotten a middle-class job. I keep telling myself I'm getting too old to start a masters/doctorate (I'm 29) and each year that gets closer to becoming the truth.

I just feel so unfulfilled and impotent. I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

If there is any help I can give the OP from my college days its that google books really will save your ass. You have a mountain of impressive-sounding references from actual published books that are searchable for just the argument you need.

>> No.7389073
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>7 hours remain



>> No.7389076

>750 words

Pick one m8

>> No.7389080

>They want to put on airs of being like a med student or scientist, someone who has to know everything in his field comprehensively

you have no idea what you're talking about if you think -anyone- knows everything in their field comprehensively, especially scientists. thermodynamics people are miles apart from a cosmologist who is miles apart from quantum mechanics and that's just within one field. even the overlap for the kinds of math you need to understand for each of the former subjects is not that big.

the truth is that you study enough you'll end up only grasping a very tiny slice of whatever it is you're studying.

>> No.7389081


you can do it :)

>> No.7389094
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>> No.7389113

Plagiarize al-Ghazali's Qawa'id al-Aqa'id in its entirety.

>> No.7389124

There are actually a bunch of Western academics in Islamic Studies who get away with plagiarizing or at least taking major ideas from untranslated works.

>> No.7389157

I'd be down for anything but I'm totally not in Oriental studies (waaaay off) and I think you're probably overestimating or misreading some expertise on my part.

I mean, I'd be down to read interesting books with /lit/fags but I'm just some dude. Probably not gonna add any respectability and de-plebification to it.

A /lit/ history reading group would be fun though.

Yeah true, and I wanted to qualify that the STEM thing is really just a Humanities perception of it, but the post was already 483254923 words so fuck it

>> No.7389166

Double spaced, that's nothing, brah. take you an hour, three tops.

>> No.7389176
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I was in pretty much this exact position last Sunday. All's you need's some good SELF HELP advice.

What you're doing is not impossible. Every retard in your class is doing it. It's actually incredibly easy if you clear all else out of your mind for a few hours. So do that. Start with anything not requiring a computer, start by doing your readings or whatever and do it in the other room to lull you into the work mode. Then just don't go on 4chan. And don't masturbate.

Don't give in to your own self indulgent whining or panicking. 6/7 hours is a long fucking time. A minute used well is a long time.

You're in a shit position so you might as well make the best of it.

>> No.7389577
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Well, through the power of plagiarism and wiki snippets I managed to shit out a rambling, poorly sourced 10 page turd completely devoid of any insight or coherent discussion of the subject at all.

Now it's time for bed.

>> No.7389597
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>mfw NatNoWriMo is almost over and I've only written 7,000 words

>> No.7390339

Oh well I must be mixing the posters up because I swore we have a Middle Eastern Studies person in here but yeah I'd love to develop this into a reading group thread on of these days.

>> No.7390346

Oh dear OP.

>> No.7390517

Thank you for this post, as someone else considering an academic career but labouring under imposter syndrome I found it encouraging. I mean, I think I knew it already, I just needed to hear it from someone else.

My concerns are really social more than anything else. I feel like I might be intellectually cut out for academia, but I really have doubts about being socially cut out for it. I've never met any post-doc or academic staff who didn't seem to have an effortless presenting style and extensive networks throughout their field.

>> No.7390537


>> No.7391010


>> No.7391116

I can't wait to hear from OP and get some idea of what his essay ended up looking like.

>> No.7391136


Not lit.

>> No.7391162
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Lol look at another little butthurt goy who can't stand the fact we are being nice and helping someone out using our knowledge instead of leaving him/her out to rot in the wastelands of pol and hist.

>> No.7391265


>> No.7391308

It's a fucking meme

If he wanted help he would have said what are some books based on [insert topic here] and not use that stupid meme.

When they use this meme it's shitposting.

>> No.7391337

Oh well worst comes to worst and we just listed off a bunch of interesting source books and historians working on Islamic history. I'd consider that a pretty good outcome regardless of whether OP just started the thread as a shitpost or not.