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/lit/ - Literature

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7386673 No.7386673 [Reply] [Original]

So I've taken the habits of reading books on the subway for the last months or so and displaying them very high in front of my face so that everybody can see the cover clearly and engage conversation about it, also I read one book a week so this should maximize the odds that I meet people with common taste, and yet still no literary gf. What is likely to be my mistake there ? Also do note that the subway I take only travels through p patrician districts.

>> No.7386690
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>> No.7386692

>What am I doing wrong ?
The space before the question mark. Also you're ugly.

>> No.7386697
File: 13 KB, 214x174, OhMyGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm being super autistic all the time
>what am I doing wrong?

>> No.7386701

>The space before the question mark

That's the correct way of writing where I am (not in burgerland t b h)

>Also you're ugly

b-but muh looks don't matters grills prefer brainz

I only read paper books

>> No.7386704

lmao fucking pathetic
also this >>7386692

>> No.7386710

plenty of people read in cmmute

>> No.7386729

Number one, you have to be attractive for this gambit to work.

Number two, a girl isn't going to approach you just because you're reading a book, even if you are attractive. The gambit is that you get her attention with how "oh so literary" you are and you catch her making eyes at you or something. You still have to do the talking.

Number three, you're fucking autistic.

>> No.7386748

the autistic part isn't reading, it's the "displaying them very high in front of my face so that everybody can see the cover clearly and engage conversation about it"

>> No.7386752

Read books for the sake of reading the books, not to impress anyone.
Stop being so autistic.

>> No.7386758

Nobody gives a flying fuck what you're reading.

If you ever do land a girlfriend, it won't be based on the bullshit you're reading. It will be based off your looks, income, activities, personality, etc.

>> No.7386771


Even if you're attractive and I see you doing that, I would just giggle so hard. However, don't worry, OP, there will be another autistic girl for you.

>> No.7386775

>replying to bait

>> No.7386776

>b-but muh looks don't matters grills prefer brainz

Okay, you're baiting. Well done, you fooled me.

>> No.7386777

That is clearly a joke though. Merely exaggeration. Autism inspection is coming up soon anon, get your shit together.

>> No.7386786


>> No.7386791

is it a joke? reading in the subway for any other reason than wanting to read is autistic. regardless of how conspicuous he is about his autism.

>> No.7386808

I do read because I like books, getting a nice, qt pie gf would definitely be a nice bonus though.

>> No.7386812

too bad you're autistic then

>> No.7386823

Where the cute autistic girls at?

>> No.7386825

everywhere but they're fat so you can't see them

>> No.7386844

If you haven't been captured "reading" on hotdudesreading instagram, then it's safe to say you're hideous.

>> No.7386914

Isn't that only popular in the US though ? I don't think there's such superficial things in my country (europoor t b h)

>> No.7386972

are you from France?

>> No.7387138

How did you guess ?

>> No.7387154

because of the space before the question mark

>> No.7387156

I thought lots of countries that aren't English speaking did that

>> No.7387162

meant to >>7387138

>> No.7387182

oh well i don't know i just talk with french people and they write like that and also use ''^^'' a lot

>> No.7387196


the classic double hats
it's weird of how these should be universal but even if they aren't part of a real language they'll still be more in use in certain countries

>> No.7387299

You do realize that by switching books you diminish your chances? Always read the same book so you have one constant (the fucking book) and one unknown variable (tfwnogf).

>> No.7387394

Try going up to someone and saying hello. Don't stare at their lips, or at your shoes. Remember to blink, avoid an erection if possible, and don't forget to swing your arms as you walk.

As to why you haven't had much success in the past, consider this: it may have something to do with the fact that you've been holding a book in front of your face, which is the body language equivalent of hanging a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door.

>> No.7387398

The hard truth

>> No.7387403

Try talking to yourself out loud as you read. Sneer things like "you would think that" or "figures".

>> No.7387407

This. Their panties will be dripping.

>> No.7387416
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>realizing I just said, "nooohmygod, don't do that, you fucking idiot." out loud on the train.

>> No.7387697

Wait, are you serious?

>> No.7388010

If you meet anyone who goes "Hey, that person is focused intently on something. I'm going to wade through this crowded space to make it about me now."
You've met someone even worse than you.

>> No.7388013

This doesn't make any sense. If only fresh, non-repeated people ever see him then in any case they're only ever seeing him with one book. If there are any repeats then he's maximizing his chances by constantly switching books.

Why would one book ever be better?

>> No.7388110

To all the 'stop being autistic' replies: autism isn't a choice it's a condition.

>> No.7389546


You deserve to be alone, lonely and miserable.
You are pathetic.

>> No.7389555

do you prefer brainz?

>> No.7389706


>> No.7389720

Parisien ? tu fais quoi dans la vie champion ?

>> No.7389726
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>They're fat so you can't see them

>> No.7389728

>reread the same book everyday, in order to get a gf.
Then he'd really look autistic.

>> No.7389732

This works, I've done it before.

>> No.7389788

>Number two, a girl isn't going to approach you just because you're reading a book, even if you are attractive. The gambit is that you get her attention with how "oh so literary" you are and you catch her making eyes at you or something. You still have to do the talking.


The only women who've ever actually made a move on me were older (30+) and frankly a little bit mental.

>> No.7389835

Jesus christ.

>> No.7389874

Fill the void with books, much easier. Also stop being autistic.

>> No.7390850

je lis des bouquins pardi gros

>> No.7390930

i've only ever once been approached while reading, but by a fat girl who just nervously shuffled away after asking what i was reading

>> No.7392354

Stop being so intent on "literary" everything you spook fuck.
Be happy in understanding normal people are wonderful and full of just as complex lives as the "literary"(when do you see somebody write about a literary person other than in satire?). Also literariness is something you specifically should avoid, because most people trying to give off that impression are vapid and are not much better than the normal, all-consuming, image pursuing person you see every day (deep down they're on the same level).
Read more for the sake of understanding and you won't have this horrible neurosis.

>> No.7394216
File: 117 KB, 599x900, ignatious j reilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to this, OP. Everyone will be impressed the massive intellect of such a man! You'll be crawling in real women who prefer gentlemen instead of boys!

>> No.7394274

try writing in public. im an unattractive permavirign but once i was sitting in the park writing a novel i was working on at the time and a surprisingly cute girl sat next to me and asked what i was writing, and we talked for a while. i think she even was sending hints that she wanted to fuck but i was too much of a beta to capitalize on it.

>> No.7394303

I think because it's so thin males in other countries wouldn't want to use it. Also looks inherently... self-deprecating, like an evasive apology

>> No.7394308

She was just having a laugh.