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7382098 No.7382098 [Reply] [Original]

What does this fat fuck mean by ideology and why is it bad? Aren't his ideas also ideology?

>> No.7382107

We've been through this. Only what others think is ideology. What he thinks is critique.

>> No.7382109

well of course he really means bourgeois ideology
he's not talking about people in north korea who have an ideology all their own
he's talking about how in capitalist society there are all kinds of assumptions that are taken for granted and they shape and define who you are and what you want and that it is therefore very hard to not simply conform to that system because of how deeply it runs. yes, of course, the same applies to people in north korea, but he's not criticizing THAT.
it's important because some people think that as long as you don't live in north korea you are free and aren't affected by society like that.

>> No.7382111

>Only what others think is ideology. What he thinks is critique.
this sounds kinda solipsistic

>> No.7382411

Exactly. His main concern is the dominant ideology. Nobody gives a fuck about North Korea, except starving north Koreans.

>> No.7382759

Not sure how Zizek defines it, but John Thompson defines ideology as something like 'meaning in the service of power'. Which makes things context-specific. So Zizek's ideas might be ideological if he's pushing them on a room full of impressionable students, insofar as it reinforces his authority, but non-ideological when he comes out swinging against global capitalism in a wacky newspaper column.

Other definitions do indeed define pretty much every kind of meaning-making as ideology, but as Thompson points out, this isn't really helpful for exactly that reason.

>> No.7382828

It's all the things you take for granted. The "unknown knowns". Read Sublime Ideology to understand more.
If you haven't read Zizek, why are you talking about his ideas? It just makes you seem like an idiot.

>> No.7382874

Try reading a fucking book
Like, I don't know, the one where he explains ideology, The Sublime Object of Ideology