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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 435x561, basedjew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7379802 No.7379802 [Reply] [Original]

Spinoza is probably the lowest-test philosopher:
1) No libido
2) Fat
3) Hair loss
4) Looks tired and depressed
5) Weak

His books also represent a sterile, logical structure. Of course, i agree with spinoza on determinism and such.

He looks a bit like Harold Bloom, also low testosterone. Are there any high-testosterone philosphers?
1) High libido
2) Not fat, may be builtfat
3) Hairy
4) Full of energy and will to dominate
5) Strong

Their books would be like dynamite, very life-affirming.

>> No.7379828

Plato, obv

>> No.7379836

not you to be quite honest with you family member

>> No.7379842

foucault pre aids

>> No.7379843

aristotle is the only good answer desu

>> No.7379860


Hair loss is high test, desu senpai.

>> No.7379863

High-testosterone guys can't think. They can attract women, sure, but they can't think. They belong in gyms and clubs, away from libraries and universities. To call Spinoza a low-testosterone thinker is to call him a clear thinker.

>> No.7379876

Marquis de Sade

>> No.7379879

Spinoza could prove that your mother never loved you in just eleven simple propositions.


>> No.7379890

what's this thread about again?

>> No.7379899
File: 153 KB, 640x360, dasein just kicked in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high test

uhh, why are you falling for the meme of destiny/astrology pretending to be science

literally kek tier

Heidegger Is high-test as fuck

>Life affirming philosophy
>about individual authenticity and not being an inauthentic weak they-self-being
>fucked qt jewess mistress student
>had submissive wife
>was a nazi
>had several mistresses
>never apologized for being a nazi even when he might have gone to trial
>dick was so good hanna excused his war crimes
>BTFO all of philosophy to this day

There is literally not a philosopher as high test since the ancient greeks DESU

>> No.7379923

>named for his broad shoulders
>used to be the best wrestler amongst the lads
>would go 'round Athens spreading mad banter
>fucked your mum

>> No.7379925

All right I'm totally sold. What is required reading before Heidegger?

>> No.7379928

Let's not kid ourselves; high test people usually aren't attracted to nerdy vocations. To be involved in the life of the mind you have to accept years of isolated study and contemplation. If you're high test, you'd need to have something wrong with you to want to do this (mental illness, poor environment, emotional trauma), because you'd need to ignore your "high libido" and the way you're "full of energy and will to dominate".

>> No.7379944

beta detected

>> No.7379945

Kant/Hegel I guess. Sartre is good even though he came after, just so you'll be used to the phenomenologist writing style.

>> No.7379958

that sounds retarded as fuck

>> No.7379959


Have you seen the guy? He's fit. Mixed martial arts, swimming, snowboarding, etc. His writing style is also the most aggressive type of philosophy ever written. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he's killed a man before.

>> No.7379963

No, just being realistic. High-testosterone guys don't have the patience to be intellectuals. Their desires push them around in life. Is it that hard for you understand? Think about it. I'm not trying to disparage the "alphas" you so admire. The life of a high-testosterone male is probably a more exciting one. But it's different. They're not best suited to certain lifestyles, like the lifestyle of a writer.

>> No.7379972


>> No.7379980
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, manlet wisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a confirmed kek

>> No.7379981

If you think the literary lifestyle is incompatible with the high-test life then you'se probably a bitch. Get off my board batty boy:

>> No.7379982

>who is Camus

>> No.7379989

go die again turkspore

>> No.7380011

This is what I mean. High-testosterone guys have a hard time communicating in a calm, dispassionate manner, as a great philosopher should, and they fail to see nuance so everything is put into simple categories. Since I'm not worshiping the "alphas" I'm therefore a "beta" who belongs on /r9k/. Nonsense! I suggest you get off my board.

Let's look at some modernist writers. There's high-test Hemingway, and then there's low-test Joyce and Proust. Two of these writers were much better than one.

>> No.7380043

what the fuck is this high test bullshit you guys are talking about and how is it relevant?
are there even serious studies about high testosrerone?

>> No.7380051

Proust >>>>>>>>>> the other two fuckwits

>> No.7380059


>they fail to see nuance so everything is put into simple categories.

Do you realize the MASSIVE irony of what you just wrote?

Testosterone boosts cognition. Suggested treatment for men with cognitive deficits and low T is testosterone replacement.

As for the Joyce, Proust and Hemingway, what was that thing you said about simple categories again?

>> No.7380060

You believe I intend to act how a 'great philosopher' should? You're a wetty lad. And Hemingway--high test?! Please don't talk such shite. Nay, I speak a' Caesar when I say high-test; I mean Plato; Mishima; Heidegger and Feynman. Joyce was nay a beta either; farts on a cock belong to a man with a will of rock.

>> No.7380068
File: 58 KB, 565x575, 3DarbRd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7380079
File: 87 KB, 359x500, heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Husserl's cartisean meditations is a good point to start understanding what kind of thing Heidegger is doing.

But its important to have understanding of kant/hegel/Nietzsche and the greeks as well.

Dont worry, he basically tells you what he is talking about while he goes though 'being and time'

Be warned he is a difficult read. really really difficult.

>> No.7380080

this thread is the best evidence for why 4chan was a terrible idea.

>> No.7380088


Protip: In real life you don't have to trade fitness for intelligence and patience. As if intelligence and patience are synonymous anyway.

>> No.7380089

ITT: /pol/, /fit/, and /r9k/


>> No.7380090

>farts on a cock belong to a man with a will of rock.

well said

Joyce does get beta at times unfortunately. makes Ulysses hard to read for me at some points, but he has several high test moments as well.

He was probably beta+ irl. beta-ish but not accepting betahood

>> No.7380093
File: 474 KB, 1619x1725, 1404773233087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off cunt muppet

>> No.7381040

francis parker yockey

>> No.7381315

Nobody with low test fucks farts.

>> No.7381320

>what baldlets tell themselves

>> No.7381326

"I am no man, I am dynamite"
- Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.7381330

>Testosterone levels decline as men age, as does cognitive function. Whether there is more than a temporal relationship between testosterone and cognitive function is unclear.

>> No.7381356

>high libido
Plato is omega

>> No.7381552

>Camus said anything worthwhile in his shit tier philosophy.

>> No.7382208
File: 21 KB, 274x409, 1385128205747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baiting so hard

>> No.7382217

You do know that hair loss is actually increased by high test, right OP?

>> No.7382234


There is no corelation between the two.
Hair loss is dependant on the conversion of testosterone by an enzyme. It's the amount of enzymes that changes the amount of baldness.

>> No.7382239


heidegger was literally schizophrenic

>> No.7382247


You do know that you can have all the enzymes of the world, and would still need to have the substrate to make them work, right?

Also, higher test = higher enzyme function, ultill a certain threshold ofc.

>> No.7382258

I wonder if he thought that up while crying during his daily bout of diarrhea from eating too much fruit.

>> No.7382280

Very subtle(not really) attempt at a philosophy thread on /lit/ OP, you sure fooled us

>> No.7382517

Marcus Aurelius, to be honest. Read his meditations.

>> No.7382528

Hiro please make /flit/ for threads like these

>> No.7382534

They already have

>> No.7382543

no, /flit/ is /fit/ + /lit/,
It is the board where we talk about how muscly authors were and "could you wrestle Chretien de Troyes into the ground?"
Next there's /falit/ where we compare philosopher's moustaches.
Then of course /toylit/ where we discuss toy instruction manuals and shit

>> No.7382557

You can make threads about toy instruction manuals on /toy/ or /lit/, it's finding people to participate in the threads is the problem.

>> No.7382570

it's a joke you big goofus
also /toylit/ sounds like toilet

>> No.7382613
File: 9 KB, 200x291, 69324_eliade-mircea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mircea Eliade. Right wing mystical christian assassin with the Iron Guard. Spends his 20's in the himalayas learning how to levitate/fucking tantric QT's. Pwns academia. Hated on big time after he dies. True man.

>> No.7382644

St. Augustine of Hippo
St. Boniface (stretching the idea of philosophy here)
St. Anselm of Canterbury
William of Ockham
Rene Descartes

--------REIGN OF THE KEKOLDS-------

Martin Heidegger
Theodor Adorno

>> No.7382647

protip: not "broad" in the sense you are thinking
agree about good old Aristotle, what about marcus aurelius?
>falling for the heidegger meme
based anon

>> No.7382672
File: 36 KB, 200x276, 200px-Anthony_Ludovici.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Concerned with physical aesthetics
>Obsessed with health
>Obsessed with Nietzschean morality
>Admired Nazi Germany

>> No.7382707

-Stone mason
-Spent all day at the gym being an intellectual bully
-all of his dialogues he probably has some scrawny sophist in a headlock

>> No.7382717
File: 33 KB, 277x383, Christ the Teacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus of Nazareth

>> No.7382738


Socrates was known for being ugly and built as fuck.

>> No.7382746


He looks like Mac from always sunny

>> No.7382772


One of the reasons for hair loss is high testosterone

>> No.7382776


What about the high test philosophers who did in fact do that

>> No.7382814

Jesus was a pretty boy.

>> No.7382823
File: 417 KB, 600x608, voguedegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source on that m8 ? sounds interesting

>> No.7382834

Hello matt-smith-fandom.tumblr

>> No.7382851


Yukio Mishima

Julius Evola

Jack London

All of the stoics