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File: 69 KB, 640x631, my-struggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7377866 No.7377866 [Reply] [Original]

this is probably the best book thats been written in the last 30 years.

>> No.7377868

Lolno. Not even in the top ten.

>> No.7377870

This book is excellent but 20 years is a little much. Maybe the best book of this century thus far, but there are much better texts that were published between 1985 and 2000
p.s. I met this man and he's a real piece of shit

>> No.7377876

It's not the best book of this century either.

>> No.7377883

>Not even in the top one million.

>> No.7377889

>p.s. I met this man and he's a real piece of shit
Elaborate, pls.

>> No.7377891

>better than Mason and Dixon
>better than remains of the day

>> No.7377893

Get your list up. This gonna be interesting...

What happened since you think he is a piece of shit? Tell us the story senpai! He seems quite nice from the interviews i've seen and from his writing.

You probably haven't even read it.

What other books comes even close to hitting all the feels and motions of our daily life and dealing the with the existential side of things without being overly philosophical and try hard? He just nails it

What books can you recommend to someone who loved My Struggle? Modern preferably

>> No.7377896

>p.s. I met this man and he's a real piece of shit
Tell us more.

>> No.7377901

>p.s. I met this man and he's a real piece of shit
you are obligated to describe this encounter. I can tell by reading/watching him that he probably has a big asshole streak.

and who cares if it is the best in the last X years, it is really good. the man can write, and he has a unique way of thinking.

>> No.7377942

2666, Against the Day, Gravity's Rainbow, Mason & Dixon, Cow Country, The Pale King, Infinite Jest, J R, A Frolic of His Own, Cloud Atlas, Europe Central: novels better than Min Kampf.

>> No.7377957

>Gravity's Rainbow, Mason & Dixon, Infinite Jest, Cloud Atlas
meh tier to be honest..

And its Min Kamp

>> No.7377964

Eh, maybe. Not going to learn fucking Norwegian to read it though.

>> No.7377978

Jesus christ. Try less, faggot.

>> No.7377986

>meh tier
Lol no
>Min Kamp

>> No.7377993


>Cow Country

I want to believe.

>> No.7378006

Why do i have the feeling that you haven't read half of those books and neither have you read Knausgaard and you are just hating on Knausgaard and naming these books to appear like you know shit and to feel superior to this pleb that reads this popular author Knausgaard?

>> No.7378012


Go to bed Karl

>> No.7378014


>> No.7378019

Because you haven't read those authors and to hide your insecurities about someone having read all of them you're attacking the veracity of someone's claim.

>> No.7378043

I have not claimed that i did read all those authors and i am not insecure about that at all. You are deflecting the question though so the suspicion is probably true.

But how are those books better then Min Kamp?

>> No.7378312
File: 33 KB, 397x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is better tbqh senpai

>> No.7378352

not that guy, but i met the poster you were replying to and he was a real piece of shit

>> No.7378360

this is like a good meme list

>> No.7378376
File: 59 KB, 636x476, 1446262843479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clifford Lee Sergeant plz go

>> No.7378464

he's an autistic scandi which certainly puts him in the breathable section of the zeitgeist undersea grotto while us lewsers asphyxiate outside :(

>> No.7378808


I saw Karl Ove Knausgård at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.7378809

Congrats! You can copy-paste and edit a name in. :)

>> No.7379030

Im finishing the 6th book now. Absolutely loving the series so far. Are there any other modern works like this?

>> No.7379042


You're both huge, insufferable faggots.


I haven't read Min Kamp. And I sure as shit haven't read enough of what has come out in the last thirty years to make any claim as to what is the best of it.

Why do you like it so much OP? I've got my reading list set for the rest of the year at least, but I'll need something new eventually.

>> No.7379047

Brief History of Seven Killings is one of my new favorite all time novels.

>> No.7379052


Congrats! You can point out obvious copypasta :)

>> No.7379059

>Cow Country

ebin maymay :^)

>> No.7379140

this is still one of the best copypastas of all time

>> No.7379647

Excuse me guys but my books are better than Min kampf. Taipei is a masterpiece

>> No.7379752

I've heard the guy can write very well, even exceptionally. but it's mostly boring everyday 'banal' things like family arguments and nice scenic descriptions. there might be a good sentimental paragraph here and there but it's mostly just fluff.

>> No.7379763


So basically life?

>> No.7379975

>Why do you like it so much OP?
He writes well, its so easy to read, it just flows smoothly. And its very relate-able and human. He write abouts his experiences, his first girlfriend, his first kiss and you can relate a lot to it. The moods and the emotions, the thoughts in his heads. Its very human, like you know all that. And it might be just boring everyday life shit but its somehow captivating and interesting and even meaningful. Even just small things like when he writes about how it feels like to go out in the cold after you been to the pool in the winter. Sent me right back in time and i remember having contemplated that exact same feel. Thats awesome. The way he analyzes other people, him self, social situations, he has great psychological insight. He is also a bit awkward and self conscious and have a hard time socializing and it leads to funny situations and a lot of relate-able stuffs. At times the book is fucking hilarious and i am laughing out loud. Some passages can get boring. And then there is that existential theme that is there, which is often connected to the scenery and nature and the world around him. The way he describes the world as open and closed, i felt exactly those things but its beautiful to see those things articulated and knowing that others shared those same feels. I think he articulates a lot of the things that people feel or experience but have not articulated or thought them selfs so when they see it written and mirrored by someone else they instantly feel a connection. (But maybe this is what good literature does and its not just Knausgård that does it, its just that this particular author hit me like other authors hit other people? )

He also talks about the situation in Sweden.

Life for most people is mostly just fluff, thats part of his struggle. He manges to connect that fluff to something though. And even if he writes about his morning coffee and eggs its still grabbing, you are still there.

>> No.7381340

I met him and he was perfectly nice

>> No.7381780
File: 129 KB, 800x769, Chateau_Wood_Ypres_1917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What other books comes even close to hitting all the feels and motions of our daily life and dealing the with the existential side of things without being overly philosophical and try hard? He just nails it

This is the answer right here. Read one of his books, reflect back on it, and try to think of what exactly 'happened' in the book, and you'll realize it's not much, but he's just very good at giving voice to those human emotions we all feel and yet have trouble voicing. It doesn't seem like very many noteworthy things have happened in his life (I'm in my late 20s and I've had many more interesting life experiences than Knausgaard describes—at age 40+—in his books, and yet the manner in which he does it makes it have a certain gravity and importance; viz. even the small, stupid things have meaning to you if you're the one experiencing them. This makes the book easy to relate to.)

That said, he doesn't seem like he'd be that interesting of a person to hang out with, and he comes across as fairly socially awkward.

>> No.7381797

Book 2 is the first book in a while that, after finishing it, I felt like I needed to go out and buy the next book; not because it was good (it was), but because I missed that sort of one-sided conversation with the author. (I haven't bought book 3 yet; been trying to read some other stuff before going back to Knausgaard."

>> No.7381863

Are there any English translations?

>> No.7381990

The first 3 have been translated. Others are on the way i guess

>> No.7382061
File: 66 KB, 540x408, 1437806436244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is so odd to work in a book store now and see the books that my customers go after be talked about here.

It isnt surprising but it is weird. If /lit/ didnt talk about the classics I would swear they had the exact same tastes in books as my old white female customers.

>> No.7383108

> last 30 years

Are you scared of people reading Knausgard?

>> No.7383143

This is me >>7377870
and this >>7378808 is not me but that guy's story is better than mine

I saw him onstage in Toronto at a literary convention. It was an interview between him and some Canadian literary figure of some kind. It warms my heart when authors are humble. This guy was not like that at all. He's a good enough author, but he compared himself to Proust very unapologetically, and listen, this guy is not half as good as Proust.

That in itself I have no big problem with, but then I ran into him at this marketplace thing the next day. I said hi to him and told him i'd heard him speak the night before, and he seemed appropriately cold; no big deal. As I was about to leave him alone, I mentioned that I especially liked his book because I loved Proust, and he immediately looked very annoyed and said "then go talk to Proust", then strode the fuck out of there.

>> No.7384089

What bookstore do you work at? I used to work at a Barnes & Noble and most of the purchases were YA, self-help books, celebrity biographies, and gift stuff/toys.

>> No.7384103

Y-yes. I have been hired by CIA to make sure no one will ever read Knausgard.

>> No.7384106

damn, is this real?

>> No.7384200

I'm reading "Dancing in the Dark" right now and it absolutely hit home with me. He is uncomplicated, straight and brutally honest.

There's this one section where he's like: "Tbh, there were only three things I wanted at the age of 18. I wanted to be drunk, loved and I wanted sex. Wait, no, that's not entirely true. I just wanted to have sex, but I was willing to fake love in order to have it.

-> Sexual frustration and guilt. It's exactly what I felt at that age.

>> No.7384439


Probably he's getting annoyed that everyone keeps calling him the Norwegian Proust and he's had to accept the comparison in public but he's frustrated that people are reading him simply because he's been put on par with Proust and not because his stuff is good. Or maybe he was having a bad day, apparently he gets harassed constantly in Sweden and Norway.

Also, I would like to believe he is an asshole. I'd like him even more.

>> No.7384445

He's not even good, so he shouldnt have been compared to Proust in the first place

>> No.7384453

Maybe he should have been more original so he wouldn't constantly be Prousted.

>> No.7384483

>this guy is not half as good as Proust
not meme-ing: what do you mean by this? i.e., what are your criteria?

K's prose is not as beautiful as Proust's (judging from translation on both counts, mind you), but he does have an awesome way w/ words, at any rate. if he had Proust's flamboyancy, it'd just seem contrived today—like if somebody "wrote like" Pessoa, nobody would take them seriously, if they wrote w/ the same level of poeticism. I think My Struggle is as awesome as he could have written it, and these days it is as good as prose comes.

>> No.7384496

I'm sorry it's hard to take literary analisys seriously when the person doing it uses "awesome" twice in the same message

>> No.7384517

>"literary analisys"
>not "conversation on an image board"
I save fancier words for fancier settings, and until I know what >>7383143 means exactly and conversation develops, I think it is OK to keep it vague. thank you though.

>> No.7384536

Absolutely embarrassing.

>> No.7384553

I just hope proust left you more than his flamboyance because that would be a very sad waste of 3350 pages

>> No.7384596


>muh realism

Nobody fucking cares

>> No.7384727

First four. I think one>three>two>four