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7376883 No.7376883 [Reply] [Original]

How important it is to read the bible before getting into philosophy?

>> No.7376895


Completely pointless unless you've mastered symbolic logic

>> No.7376906

It's not really that important if your philosophical readings start with the Greeks. That's a different matter by the time you get to Augustine and the other medievals though. You could start with either, or you conclude your Greek and early Roman studies with the Bible.

>> No.7376909

OP here, this is my plan:
>read a book of general human history (very resumed ofc)
>read the holy bible
>get into philosophy and the history of the philosophical school i am reading more deeply

r8? tips?

>> No.7376915

humm cool, thanks mate...I know the start with the greeks meme but could you actually name 1~3 greek books to start?

>> No.7376918


>> No.7376927

Sounds fine but it's not a necessity, assuming you start with the greek philosophers.

>> No.7376934

A volume of Pre-Socratics (Kirk and Raven is my preference), if you'd like to see philosophical inquiry in it's earliest stage, but then the dialogues of Plato. His dialogues Meno, Protagoras, and Gorgias are all accessible and interesting.

>> No.7376939

Source for pic?

>> No.7376950

>Pre-socratics. Can be brief, make sure you know about the sophits at well as the most importent ones like Heraclitus.

>Plato. Get a copy of his complete works. Start with socrates' last days dialogues to get a hang of things. From there, you have countless ways to go, read about them and pick one.

Get a copy of his complete works. Read pretty much chronologically.

>> No.7376955

humm, just looked for "cruzadea" in google imgs

>> No.7376960

ceuzades, fuck i hate cellphones

>> No.7376963

thanks mates

>> No.7376991
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if you want to go hard with the first step, i heartily recommend pic related—peter watson is a very captivating stylist yet very objective historian. i've learned more about history in this book than in every other source i've read, all combined.

>> No.7377002

Christposter and philposter mixed into one, shitposter.

>> No.7377074


> hiroyuki ## Admin Admin Icon 11/03/15(Tue)21:31:14 No.7318344▶
Philosophical LITERATURE is allowed on /lit/.
Religious LITERATURE is allowed on /lit/.


>> No.7377077


>> No.7377118

0.0% percent necessary or important.

>> No.7377129

even with theological philosophers?

>> No.7377137

Not want to sound to cocky, but who needs them? Provided some basic arguments for the existence of God. Can't be proven opfc. Some empty ethics fluff. That's about it. You can read it for entertainment, though.

>> No.7377146

yes, not saying i do, but people who believe in god do not want/need any proof of it, because they have faith

>> No.7377162

It's called faith for a reason, faith.

>> No.7377475

>symbolic logic

This guy knows. Read R.A. Schwualler De Lubiczs

>> No.7377517

Read sophie's world and then you can start in philosophy.

>> No.7377531

Holy shit you can literally pick ant point in philosophy and then just go forward backward or sideways from it Jesus Christ. Half of the fun of philosophy is that you can study it non-linear as fuck. I'm so sick of these "hurrrI haven't read x will I get y" threads.

>> No.7377597

it's like they don't even understand what Descartes was saying about the stone hammer

>> No.7377640

>its like they don't even know what they haven't even started studying yet

>> No.7377645


>> No.7377667

babby, calm your tits, it's a valid question. here's an example

way back when socrates was bringing about the fall of athens by not being based enough to shut motherfuckers up instead of trolling, diogenes supposedly had some motherfucker wander up on his homeless and proud ass during a meteor storm to say
>'these are wandering stars'
to which of course diogenes had his based pun machine tongue ready to respond
>don't lie, my friend, it's not these that are wandering astray, but those over there
pointing out the other bitches who thought they weren't lost. i know you didn't think about posting without knowing how funny that shit is in greek and who jude, the patron saint of lost causes, nigga to jesus christ himself and brother of james the just, was quoting in his greek letter to the people on checking yourself before you wreck yourself when he said they were reserved forever the darkness as wandering stars in verbal form too.

>> No.7377728

King James bible is great as a book of poetry

>> No.7377820
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>you won't understand philosophy unless you read EVERY PAGE of Aristotle's dumb opinions
Unless you really like Aristotle/Plato/pre-Socratics (this rule applies to any philosopher), it's not very important to know every detail about their thought, so long as you have a reasonable understanding of their thought. IMO, you could probably just read 'The History of Western Philosophy' and a few key texts to get a good start.
t. someone who started with the Greeks (still a good idea imo, but not essential)

>> No.7377822
File: 1.07 MB, 3672x3024, Start with the Greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

this is a legitimate point, but my fucking sides desu

>> No.7377834
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thanks so much