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/lit/ - Literature

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7376555 No.7376555 [Reply] [Original]

How many books do you read at the same time?

>> No.7376561

1 fiction, 1 nonfiction. anything else I read in conjunction w/ this will be super lite reading that doesn't require much investment at all, like right now Live Off the Land in City and Country, which I look at when lazy.

>> No.7376562

At most 3.

>> No.7376563
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>> No.7376570

anywhere from 2 to 15. although if I really like a book, I'll make sure not to read any else until it's finished so as to give it my full attention.

>> No.7376573

1 reading
1 listening at night

>> No.7376580

>1 listening at night

>> No.7376583


>> No.7376587


>> No.7376592

Why would you listen to a book at night?

>> No.7376608

1 commute book (denser)
1 bed book (genre or pop history)
quiet weekend afternoons on the couch I usually go for whichever I'm closer to finishing

>> No.7376615

To catch up with my goodreads challenge, obviously. There's no way I'd normally meet the goal of 100 books a year, so I put on my headphones, play the audiobook and go to sleep, and by morning it's usually finished.

>> No.7376685

This is like being asleep while your gf is fucking another man and waking up thinking you got laid

>> No.7376738

The fuck? You can't remember what you heard while sleeping so what's the point?

>> No.7376741

*Tips hat*

>> No.7378536

I do the same but I leave the denser one for weekend reading.

>> No.7378563

>he doesn't sleepread

>> No.7378569
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3-5. Sometimes I flip back a page or so just to reacquaint myself with the context if I hadn't returned to that one previously.

>> No.7378573


Excellent trolling.

If you want to cheat, just read short stories and plays.