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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 234 KB, 900x900, 3x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7376451 No.7376451 [Reply] [Original]

Never seen one of these on /lit/ but lets try it out. Choose pics representing your 9 favorite books and then make a chart using this:

Next rate others and make assumptions about their personalites or hobbies. You can also ask or make recommendations.

>> No.7376456


>> No.7376464


>> No.7376473

>the Magus
I was reading an introductory literary theory book a few years ago the authors randomly shoehorned a jab at this book into it. It was the only thing I had ever seen them insult, so I googled it and the plot seemed quite interesting. Any idea why they wouldn't like it?

>> No.7376486

Are you sure it wasn't the film adaptation? I knew it underwent some pretty sharp critisism.

>> No.7376588


Cool list that's completely undermined by the presence of Shithouse Five.

>> No.7376601

If you drag out the "artist as magician/manipulator" concept from the tempest to 650 pages that's basically the magus in a nutshell. It suffers from first novel syndrome I think, Fowles even revised the text a few times after publication so there are a few different versions of it.

>> No.7376634

/lit/ is already bad enough..

>> No.7376732
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I wanted to include Moby-Dick and Sor Juana's poetry, but I didn't know what else to leave out.

>> No.7376737

Catholic detected

>> No.7376743


Not at all. I believe in the Judeochristian God but am not a Catholic, although I do enjoy a lot of Catholic authors.

>> No.7376751

> I believe in the Judeochristian God

oh my god, my eyes, rolling

>> No.7376760
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>> No.7376761


>> No.7376776
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>> No.7376786

well played

>> No.7376866
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Haven't seen one of these threads in a while.
Here's the mosaic from the beginning of this year, going to make a new one when 2016. starts (it's this tradition I have, it started in 2013)

>Master and Margarita
My nigga

2/2 How's Chesterton?

>> No.7376891
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>> No.7376907

How's Amerika? I remember reading "The Stoker" which is supposed to be chapter 1 of Amerika, right? I really loved that short story, it's probably my favorite short story of Kafka. That fucking atmosphere man.

>> No.7376931

What's good with that Tyson book?

>> No.7376936

I would assume you have a ponytail and possibly a Watchmen tattoo

>> No.7376944
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>How's Chesterton?

He's a great prosist and an even better thinker. You should read some of his essays and see if you like him. I totally recommend it to you.

I decided to take out Rulfo and Lermontov and include Melville and Sor Juana.

>> No.7376957

>tfw I want to become christian but what's stopping me is seeing how numerous other religions exist and I might be in the wrong
I can't do it senpai, I believe that there exists a creator, but the jump to that creator being exactly the christian god is too big.
>Moby Dick
That's an excellent replacement, it's one of my favorite books since I've read it this year, going to put it in my next 3x3.

>> No.7376969

>making a 3x3

Confirmed for board tourist.

Go home.

>> No.7376970

Read more Christian literature for starters.

>> No.7376975

Already did, doesn't help mang

But 3x3 threads are great
If you look past circlejerking you can find new things to read and discuss your favorites with other people

>> No.7376989


>But 3x3 threads are great

Just type out lists and stop being such a dorky fucking /mu/ teenager about it. 3x3s are shit.

>> No.7376995

Can I seriously ask you how old you are? Fellow latino here, and while I loved Sabato as a teenager/young adult, now that I'm 29 I can't stand him. I tried re-reading Sobre Heroes y Tumbas and Abbadon, and really, it all seems so trite and falsely 'existentialist'. Almost the same way teenagers love Catcher in the Rye, but then adults find better things to focus on.

>> No.7377015

You can't seriously be this mad with people having fun. Whatever it is that makes you angry, I'm sure it's not this thread.

>> No.7377044


Go lurk /tv/ for a bit and see what happens when you give in to plebs completely. That board is done now.

And I agree that talking books is fun. I do it almost every day. But 3x3s are laughable teenage bullshit and deserve to be shat on.

>> No.7377055
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I am a material girl, living in a material world ~

>> No.7377089

I'm 21. Abaddon is my favorite novel, and Sabato one of my top 3 writers. I don't think that there is such a thing as an "age" to enjoy certain books, after which they become trite. I would say that you were the one who changed, your worldview and taste.

Sabato is one of the bravest and most honest writers I know of/have read. He is perhaps the least pretentious too. As for Catcher, it is a great novel and you do not need to relate to Holden on a personal level in order to find aesthetic pleasure in his narration.

>> No.7377100

It is a diffficult decision indeed, but it is one that you should take alone. Just remember that faith in God does not need any other proof than itself. Perhaps you should read Kierkegaard, Lewis, and good ol' Chesterton.

>> No.7377161

>Just remember that faith in God does not need any other proof than itself.
What does that even mean? Couldn't you argue for anything that way?

>> No.7378547

>be female
>read eight books in entire lifetime
sounds about right

>> No.7378585
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>> No.7378615

What? It's usually women that read more books than men.

>> No.7378701
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sure desu

>> No.7378717


These are all from the U.S. which I'm not from. From my experience it's much more common for women to be reading regularly. Men are more likely to play video games. Though I would say that from my experience men have broader taste in media. Film, TV, animation, comic books, video games and books. With women it's usually just books, tv and animation.

>> No.7378718
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Good lad

>> No.7378732

First source is based on 1000 people in a non-representative poll

Second link doesn't claim that women read more, just that men read more non-fiction and women more fiction

The third one cites a survey that i can't find in the internet.

Women read more bestseller-fiction and mainstream-literature, if that is what you mean.

>> No.7378766
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im glad to hear any inspirations or ideas on what i could read next.


>> No.7378770

There are a tons of statistics and I don't see why anyone would lie on such a fairly unsignificant subject. The only ones who might care would be publishers for profit-reasons but they would care about the truth. Try typing in the opposite in google "men read more than women". It'll still find links to polls saying that women are the ones that read more.

Besides, what does your experience tell you? I find it hard to believe that if you went to high school and university you haven't met more women that are into literature. The men are usually more into fantasy, sci-fi books if anything, but still read less of those.

>> No.7378774

Nice sources you got, equally as convincing as the 3 links you posted.

No, my experience is the contrary, studying literary sciences we have a 60% male and 40% female ratio, and the males generally are more into it.

>> No.7378776

Very nice. Have you read Might is Right by Ragnar?

>> No.7378778
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What am I supposed to do? Rate everyone?

>> No.7378792

What country are you from?

>> No.7378795


>> No.7378813

Oh, well I expected the states but never mind. Here in Poland it's more common for women to go into humanities and medicine, while men go more into buisiness, engineering and hard sciences. I'm in engineering but I was in a humanities class in high school, there were like eight guys in the class in general, only me and two others read books regularly and those other two were rather just into sci-fi and fantasy. It's the girls that were more into literature. I knew people from different other schools in the city and it was rather the common tendency.

I find it hard to find the articles you speak of. Also, this isn't medical research. The biggest poll I found so far was with 2000 people, usually with this kind of social research you won't get much bigger. Unless it's politcally-oriented.

>> No.7378814

That's the usual jig. You rate according to how many you like/how many you've read.

>> No.7378822

I havent but I´ll take a look at it for sure, thanks.

>> No.7378833
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the only book i didnt have trouble with thinking of was don quixote. that one was easy

>> No.7378836


>> No.7378840
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Probably as shitty as you can get.
I'm a complete newfriend here, first looked at this board 2 days ago, sorry.
Also sorry if Macbeth doesn't count.

>> No.7378842
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>> No.7378850

Macbeth definitely counts.

if you ever wonder when you're exit level it's when you realise fahrenheit 451 is complete trash. That's me now, i've just realised it.

>> No.7378857

How's F451 complete trash? I mean I wouldn't call it "the best book ever" nor put it in my 3x3, but not a bad book at all. And I'm not saying it's good because "muh social commentary" but rather due to the main character going through some interesting introspection.

>> No.7378867

The introspective part was forced and out of place, nothing was leading to it.
Prose was not cringeworthy but it wasn't good by any means.
Social commentary was minimal really, compared to novels that actually do social commentary.

>> No.7378875

How was it forced? like when he gets home after work the whole scene is a standard tired husband coming from work who hide a secret from his wife scene, but played imo in an interesting way.

>> No.7378878

Try Yourcenar's Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.7378889
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I forgot a few right now, but these are ones which I usually mention when asked.

>> No.7378890

It is still one of the best-known dystopias, along with 1984, Brave New World and, to a lesser extent, We.

>> No.7378945
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Seems interesting, how´d you describe it?
is it built around historical facts or more imaginative?

>> No.7379115

Not him, but it's based on historical facts - Yourcenar has undoubtedly taken some creative liberties regarding his thoughts and feelings, but the novel follows the life of Hadrian, and is as far as I know, historically correct.
It's well worth reading, and is probably the only book written by a woman that all of /lit/ likes.

>> No.7379142
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thanks for the info
here, have something comfy

>> No.7379152

You're welcome senpai. The plant is too big for that room, it's looming over the sofa in a intimidating way.
Nice framed painting though, very soothing.

>> No.7379156

What about Woolf tho

>> No.7379189
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>> No.7379231

not the anon you were talking to, but I just started reading this and it's fucking great. Makes me wish my french was better so I could read the original. Her flow of ideas/feelings is so natural...

>> No.7379241

How come everyone that has shit taste invariably has Borges in their lists?

>> No.7379269

Perhaps you are the one with shit taste.

>> No.7379288

Borges is great IDK what the fuck are you on about

>> No.7379301

Borges is overrated academic trash
Pleb as fuck.

>> No.7379328

If you had reading comprehension you would know what the fuck he was on about.

>> No.7379358


Confirmed for having never read or understood Borges.

>> No.7379444

If this is the best you can give us in your analysis of the novel, you're not even past entry-level reading capabilities.

>> No.7379452


Thank you for your enlightening post.

>> No.7379530

In a sense, but what's bad about that? The whole point of Borges' work is that he mixes high culture and pop culture.

>> No.7379565

Literally doesn't understand Borges
You impressionable plebs are hilarious

>> No.7379566

I'm looking for something to broaden my tastes a bit, anyone got some recommendations for me?

>> No.7379578

Count of monte cristo
Master and margarita
Moby dick
Crime and punishment
The adventures of huckleberry Finn
A Confederacy of dunces
The time machine

>> No.7379587
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>> No.7379594

Don't look at the ranking, just wanted to give you an overview of the NYRB catalogue.

>> No.7379595

everything is solid but 50 cm/s isn't that swell

>> No.7379604


Dude thing, pal.

>> No.7379641

Tell me how I'm wrong,

>> No.7379669

What's the top right anime movie?

>> No.7379702

>The Wire
You sir are a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.7379717

Fuck off pleb, if it's academic then it's guaranteed to be great.

>> No.7379725

Keep sucking that cock of your old, bitter professors, you inauthentic faggot

>> No.7379744

Keep being jealous of people smarter than you, faggot pseud.

>> No.7379745

> :^)

>> No.7379779

I can intuit your professors' semen pouring out of your mouth

>> No.7379781


>> No.7379786


>> No.7379791
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Site sucks a bit. My omitted titles are

Tropic of Cancer
To the lighthouse
Portrait of the Artist
Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge

>> No.7379796
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Don't judge me.

>> No.7379861
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This is an old one I made, I'd take off Ham on Rye and replace it with something else but I don't know what.

>> No.7379875
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>> No.7379884
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>The Cantos of Ezra Pound
>White Buildings by Hart Crane
>Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
>Duineser Elegien von Rainer Rilke
>Shakespeare's sonnets
>Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene
>Flowering Plant Families of the World
>Norton Anthology of Poetry
>Cassell's New German Dictionary

pretty generic /lit/ taste

you live in a third world country? there's no excuse for enjoying chesterton

pretty generic of a /lit/izen but not necessarily bad

lel fuck you and your taste

devil's dictionary is cute as a novelty but I can't imagine the type of person who'd list it as a favorite. and then I see the rest of your favorite books and understand. Kierkegaard and Freud? lol

everyone's just listing the same handful of authors that get repeatedly spammed here day in and day out. which wouldn't be an indication of much if they weren't such a small portion of even the canon itself let alone good books

try some books instead of memes

>children's book
gods be with you

do people typically find you boring?

are you an obnoxious person?

i infer that you're autistic

i don't like Goethe's prose; better suited as a writer of verse than fictional prose. his botanical writing is fun though

too late

>> No.7379901

the 3x3 of someone who read the sticky

if I had to guess I'd say you're pretentious and generally insufferable in person whenever you do speak up, which isn't often

>> No.7379905
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Source on all you stuff? I only recognize Shakespeare.

>> No.7379911

Ignore my question, I'm retarded. Didn't look at your post at all, only your image.

>> No.7379950
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>> No.7379967

Stay jealous

>> No.7379968
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You should read more Irish lit (Merriman especially)

Did you read Sun and Steel digitally? I haven't been able to find a reasonably priced used copy

>all them Japanese deep cuts

>> No.7380003
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>> No.7380017


>> No.7380020

what the fuck are even half of these?

>> No.7380028
File: 258 KB, 920x920, mosaic6872c82a842bf28df53d261e9c80e27b81565e10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left Hand of Darkness

The War of the End of the World - Vargas Llosa


Any Krasznahorkai

Dylan Thomas

The Box Man - Abe

>> No.7380033

oh man I'm glad you like generic anime picture 20, that's my favorite. how do you like generic anime picture 12 by the way? I've been interested in it for a while but haven't taken the plunge.

>> No.7380055

Please show us your superior taste, faggot.

>> No.7380062
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recommend some maybe.

>> No.7380082

taste is a spook

>> No.7380084
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Never done one of these for /lit/.
I am mostly a fictionfag these days, so I've made a fiction only list.
Also, I had to exclude some entires, because I haven't read the english versions of the books (or they don't exist in english at all). These books are:
Mнoгopyкий бoг дaлaйнa (literal translation: Multiarmed god of Dalain), Loginov, 1995. This one was never translated in english afaik.
The Stranger, Max Frei. There is an english translation, but I've never read it, and from what I heard, it's not very good. And it's understandable, the book is very hard to translate in another language.
Beetle in the Anthill, Strugatsky brothers. Again, never read the english version. Honestly, any book by Strugatskis would do.

>> No.7380112


>you live in a third world country? there's no excuse for enjoying chesterton

What does that even mean? You sound quite pretentious too. I love Spenser, Shakespeare and Whitman, tho.

>> No.7380201
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I can almost feel the disdain of /lit/ coming down on me.

>> No.7380297

I don't understand how someone can read a good work of Western literature, and then actually enjoy otaku drivel.

>> No.7380330

Have you ever read any great manga like Berserk or 20th Century Boys? Then you'll know.

>> No.7380405
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>> No.7380417

Of course you don't because you haven're read or watched any.

>> No.7380431

I cried at end of Sirens of Titan desu senpai

>> No.7380504


>> No.7380555

what an obnoxious, pretentious little faggot

>> No.7380716

>>>7378833 (You)
>>children's book
>gods be with you
i dont see how an adult can derive satisfaction and knowledge from the non intellectual novels.

>> No.7380722

Sadness of Belladonna

>> No.7381228

Can you maybe write a little bit about why you like Kornel Esti, Hard Rain Falling and The Long Ships? Seems like we have really similar taste other than those books which I haven't read nor heard of

>> No.7381348
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>> No.7381362


I like you.
Do you have Skype anon?

>> No.7381364

>Avenue Q

>> No.7381378

Man if this shit catches on here...

I guess in the end I'm glad, because I finally understand just how pathetic you losers are.

>> No.7381392 [DELETED] 

3x3 threads hace been on /lit/ since forever. You hace just showed how new you are.

>> No.7381449

It's Belladonna.


20CB is absolute shit though.

>> No.7381487

well, fuck you then son

>> No.7381546

because borges is a meme author

>> No.7381598
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>> No.7381638
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i find it disturbing how hard i found it to come up with 9 books i really liked.

>> No.7381642

Why should I read more Irish lit? I've read Yeats, Joyce, Beckett, Wilde, and the handful of other big Irish names.

I don't know your taste but if you like memes as much as you do I'd say start with the Greeks. Read Hesiod's Theogony!

Your taste is similar to that of the "third worlders" that I speak to, third world being a joke. Mostly Peru and Argentina et al.

Chesterton was an unrelated statement, I'm saying he's trash and there's no excuse for liking him.

Just very "I read the sticky." Not much to shit on you for, all anyone can say is keep reading.


u 2

Are you agreeing with me or, being sarcastic, or misunderstanding my statement?

the "we want the /lit/ crowd" starter pack. Are these actually your favorite things or did you just try to come up with something that would impress the average /lit/ stereotype?

>those books
>that filename
eugh disdain

>> No.7381660
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Monster is the superior Urasawa work.

>> No.7381740


I'm actually from México. I still cannot figure out what you mean by "third world taste" and how it is diferentes from any other sort of taste. Also, Chesterton is goat, there is no excuse for not liking him other than >muh atheism or the like.

>> No.7381978
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>> No.7382460

What can /lit/men tell me about the book in the botttom-mid of OP's chart?

>> No.7382500

>the "we want the /lit/ crowd" starter pack. Are these actually your favorite things or did you just try to come up with something that would impress the average /lit/ stereotype?
Those are my favorites.
Didn't cross my mind that could impress the average /lit/ stereotype considering that a few times I've been called a pleb for liking Schoolgirl, a book that most people seem to consider trash over here. Similar comments I've read about Werther, and I don't even saw threads about Kokoro or Soseki general.

>> No.7382503
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>> No.7382626

this is true

>> No.7382638
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>> No.7382698

good to know that i'm not the only one who thought that Tombs of Atuan was the most worthy book in the Earthsea series. I'm glad that I kept reading because the first book was aimlessly boring. I mean, Tombs kind of was too, but at least in an emotionally resonant way.

>> No.7382880
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I don't read nearly as much as I would like to. I am addicted to reading 4chan and blogs, and sometimes I play vidya too much.

>> No.7382894
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>I need to read more

>> No.7382913

Soseki used to be more popular; he's in the sticky wiki. He's one that people here do read but don't talk about.
Personally I am a Cat is one of the comfiest books I've read.
I don't like Werther but lit seems to for the most part.


>> No.7383070

Have you got some visual novels to recommend for someone that loved Forest by Liar-soft? I checked out Sekien no Inganock but was a bit dissapointed despite liking the setting and visuals.

>> No.7383201

I like all 6 but Tombs is the best one I think

>> No.7383416
File: 110 KB, 500x495, tumblr_n9susvIdoc1rtynt1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im interested in existentialism, knowledge about and ways to acquire power, art(music and duh, literature), aesthetics and dolphins.
spice it up with a little bit of misanthropy et voilà im satisfied

>> No.7383604
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>> No.7383625


Fuck yea fellow Richler fan! Are you from Canada?

Ada, or Ardor

>> No.7383736

Umineko perhaps? Especially with the meta.

>> No.7384043

Heard of that one, was a bit afraid of the length. Someone told me it's over 100 hours long.

I'm the OP guy so anything that comes to mind based on my titles would be good.

>> No.7384781

>Tombs of Atuan
I like you anon. I've read the first 4 books and that's my favorite so far.

>> No.7384798

Well, it is pretty long, it's about 2 million words or so. It's a postmodern interpretation of the famous And Then There Were None by Agatha mixed in with some empericism themes of truth, the knowledge of evidence, detective fiction and love. Well worth the read.

Though I would recommend you read Higurashi before starting Umineko. It's shorter, only about 800k-1 million words or so.

>> No.7384949
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I'm not even gonna deny that I have pretty bad taste.

>> No.7386204
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>trying too hard
>the /lit/izen

>> No.7386212

>having taste beyond memebooks
>"trying too hard"

>> No.7386287
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>> No.7387409
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>> No.7387418

I'm reading The Magus right now and it's really the book that's making me more interested in /lit/.

>> No.7387440
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>having taste beyond memebooks
>Pound, Whitman, Crane, Shakespeare


>> No.7387559


>no Pluto

>> No.7387736

Icelandic-Canadian (born) living in Canada.

I am a little biased in my tastes.

But you are honest, unlike the majority of the posters here.

>> No.7388297
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