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7376043 No.7376043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In terms of psychoanalysis, what do attractive, prime, fertile 16-21 year old females mean when they say something (usually a social encounter) was awkward?

>> No.7376053

Go read Lacan. He'll make up some bullshit story you can content yourself with.

>> No.7376056

They mean an uppity beta male transgressed against social norms by approaching females of a higher sexual caste.

>> No.7376058

Go back to India, you holy Cow.

>> No.7376060

An awkward encounter is the exact same encounter as a sexy encounter, the only difference being the guy involved.

>> No.7376064

>prime, fertile 16-21 year old females
As opposed to a non-prime/fertile 16-21 female? I would think they would act the same regardless of whether they're barren or not

>> No.7376065

Their egos are underdeveloped. One of the main purposes of the ego is to filter information. Growing up in an age defined by so-called easy access to abundant information, the neuronal connections have randomized. Add to this a lack of coherent cultural scaffolding due to processes of globalization, and the poor thing encounters a social situation that scrambles her brain. Her inability to discern proper behavior in an unfamiliar context is precisely what is denoted by "awkward." Her ego is not equipped to filter all the information of the situation or encounter.

>> No.7376066
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They were approached by a subhuman specimen that isn't even fit to lick their boots.

They like to pussyfoot around that by calling it 'awkward' but everyone knows what they mean.

The solution is not to approach, interact or give attention to vapid hoes in any way,shape or form even if they are trying to be 'friendly' or 'nice' because they're just trying to extract resources from you if you're not attractive or rich.

>> No.7376073

Sexual castes are a decidedly Western thing.

>> No.7376074
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>> No.7376077

Not everything can be psychoanalyzed, you pretentious fuck.

>> No.7376080
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Put your hat back on and go sit in the corner where you belong. Stop vomiting gibberish. What are you? Jewish?

>> No.7376094


You're not too bright are you? It was a parody.

>> No.7376109

dude literally go read /theredpill

>> No.7376129

>Mediocre satire
>You must be stupid for not recognizing it.

>> No.7376146

I like girls with big ol tittays!

>> No.7376155

OP it means you failed, again, to interest the grill with your sense of "humor". You might never lose your v-card.

>> No.7376161

They want to tell you that you are a gigantic sperglord with no social skills or sense of personal space.

>> No.7376178
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>tfw every girl you ever liked as a teenager turned out to be a massive whore

>> No.7376182

It describes not the situation but the effect of the situation on themselves. When they say a thing is awkward, they refer to that sensation within themselves that is aroused when they are unable to react in the manner they have grown accustomed to. When they encounter those situations they justify their inadequacy in response to the other person by deeming them awkward; were it not for the negative connotation that the term has come to hold, the fault of the woman would be evident, but now they hide behind it.

>> No.7376184

And by whore I mean chicks who refuse to fuck me!

>> No.7376199

>Add to this a lack of coherent cultural scaffolding due to processes of globalization

Lost it

>> No.7376204


This is stupid. I know plenty of slutty girls who I could fuck, but would not even touch with a borrowed dick due to the risk of diseases etc, plus it would be stupid for other reasons (like muh degeneracy).

>> No.7376210

You keep telling that to yourself champ.

>> No.7376221

are you gay?

>> No.7376222


No, but girls are promiscous as fuck here in Sweden.

>> No.7376226

there's your problem m8
Don't come to Canada, Britain or America, they're even worse

>> No.7376229

you really have to stop caring about that shit
god even aids doesnt kill you anymore

>> No.7376235

hell yeah

>> No.7376284

Any number of things. Go talk to real people and don't get advice on women from the most pretentious and least female forum on the least female corner of the internet.

>> No.7376290


if this is how you talk then everything you say is "awkward"

>> No.7376294

>stop caring lol!!
>you just have to swallow 10 tablets everyday for the rest of your life so you don't die just by going outside and catching a cold!!

Kill yourself, degenerate swine.

>> No.7376296

Psychoanalysis is nonsense.
>inb4 hur dur i'm horribly unprepared to argue against that but I will anyway
No noteable psychologist has taken much from freud in several decades. Read one single piece of nonfiction literature written by a psychologist or shut up.

That being said, in my experience young women really wish they could be confident about what they're doing and thinking in any given moment. This is an unrealistic expectation, and often they blame it on you for not leading them through social encounters.

>> No.7376308

>Psychoanalysis is nonsense
>proceeds to psychoanalyze

>> No.7376309

my point was that aids, which only faggots and poor heroin addicts get, is now reduced to a manageable problem
everything else is nothing
its bullshit that you learn about in middle school so youll know to go to the doctor so not everyone gets syphilis
i am happily married
enjoy your neurosis

>> No.7376310

No, what I did was make a general statement about young women based on my experience. "Psychoanalysis" is a very specific set of assumptions about the structure of the human psyche as coined first by sigmund freud.

I seriously hope all you uneducated little shits kill yourselves.

>> No.7376318

>happily married

She's definitely c_ucking a beta like you

>> No.7376323

Careful, your paranoia is showing

>> No.7376333

you aren't attractive enough to deserve her forgiveness

>> No.7376335

She's not interested in you,OP. Move on.