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7374573 No.7374573 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get into Rilke. Where do I start? Give me a heads up on the best translations, please.

>> No.7374597

He's an overrated hack.

>> No.7374602

I haven't read him or read about him, but this ->(>>7374597).

>> No.7374613

Why not start learning Germain instead? It pays off a lot, y'know.

>> No.7374618

well, fuck.

any poets that aren't hacky?

>> No.7374621

That would be pointless since I would have to learn Arabic 5 years later.

>> No.7374623

Sappho. She was the last on that wasn't shit.

>> No.7374636

Stephen Mitchell is the best translator.

His version of The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge is the most beautifully-written novel I've ever read. It's astounding.

>> No.7374641

>most beautifully-written novel I've ever read. It's astounding.
you sound like a typical redditor/tumblrina that cuticlejerks this shit poet
>it's astounding
You should get punched in the face tbqh

>> No.7374642
File: 612 KB, 720x899, twinflower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy doesn't speak German, don't listen to him.

OP, a TON is lost in translation, especially with a poet as technically proficient as Rilke was. I'm currently reading through his poems in German, and they're probably some of my favorite poems.

The best translation I've found is Joseph Cadora, although I'm not sure which books he's translated. The one in particular I'm referring to his Rilke's New Poems collection. Cadora's translation of them is probably one of my favorite translationd period. Just remember with translated poetry, you're not reading Rilke, you're reading an interpretation of Rilke's poems.

Also, make sure if you get Cadora's translation of New Poems, READ THE INTRODUCTION AND TRANSLATOR'S NOTE. It's very informative.

Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orpheus are considered Rilke's best works.

>> No.7374645

thanks bro. this is what i was looking for.

>> No.7374647

Mitchell's fun to read, but he's a shit translator with almost everything he touches.

The fuck are you on about?

>> No.7374650

>le he doesn't speak the language meme
>proceeds to give translations
Keep praising a shite poet

>> No.7374653

Don't touch the Duino Elegies until you've read his earlier work, and read them multiple times.

>> No.7374662

>Mitchell's fun to read, but he's a shit translator with almost everything he touches.

I know that his translations are not very literal, but who cares. As Edward Fitzgerald said, I'd rather have a live sparrow than a dead eagle.

>> No.7375149

start with the torso


>> No.7375271

Why do people think Rilke is a hack?

Is it just because teenagers read Letters to a Young Poet?

>> No.7375688

And what about his French poems?

>> No.7375778

don't be a bitch. if you're interested in rilke then try him and see for yourself. I like him. plenty of others do too for good reason. no writer pleases everyone.

letters to a young poet is a good starting point, you pushover lil' bitch.

>> No.7376369

but i would be more of a pushover if i listen to you now

you wimpy lit cunt ill rek u m8

>> No.7376393


>> No.7376463

>say it to my face not online see what happens

I never advocated you listen to me. I'm saying you should listen to your bitch ass self, punk.