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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 800x600, pinecone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7374523 No.7374523 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.7374537


>> No.7374633

yeah this novelty has long since worn off

>> No.7374657


>> No.7374717


still pretty funny

>> No.7374839

More Finn Dawson pls

>> No.7374864

This thread unintentionally left blank

>> No.7374944

rip Ahmed abir Al- Jabullah

>> No.7375008

Morgan you are a horrible writer.

>> No.7375032

This makes me wish there were a /lit/ chatroom.

>> No.7375183
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>> No.7375187

Tulips on your grave bitch, don't you ever forget

>> No.7375209

Once upon a time…

There was a cow

“Moo,” said the cow

Moo said the farmer as he plunged his erect throbbing penis into the cow; it had been so long since Mrs. Cow felt the sweet embrace of a man but the actions and movements came flowing back; fucking is like riding a bike, she thought, you never forget how to ride. Sweat dripped down the farmer’s face and onto the cow’s bosom, he wasn’t used to this level of exercise though in his younger days he could spend countless hours thrusting away. A mix of sadness and excitement swept over him as he recalled those years; why he could go through three or four cows before even breaking a sweat. The townsfolk use to call him “Cow Fucker”, though he could never figure out why.

The thrill experienced from the blurred line of consent was something his obese wife dressed in a cow costume could never provide him. They had long been divorced now, and even more than coming home to a warm bed, the Farmer missed the farm and herd of livestock that his whore wife took from him. For a period of time he was almost certain he’d have to revert to sucking dick for cheeseburgers, again, though it never came to that.

>> No.7375232

Section IV: Incest as an Evolutionary Trait
my sister is 14 years old and she already has developed body
I walked into my sister’s room as I heard sobbing coming from there. I opened the door and found my sister Annabelle, lying in her bed with a pillow on her face, which I guessed was to shield her cries from the ears of our family. I immediately locked the door as I entered her room. I nervously tip-toed my way to her bedside. I sat down and she sprang up, showing her distress. Mascara was runnin

>> No.7375321
File: 2.24 MB, 4003x2668, 1446877975080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lusty Khajit Dockworker
Jillian always knew something wasn’t right with her. She enjoyed watching bestiality porn more than anything, spending whole days glued to the screen, one hand inside her vagine the other fisting her “tight” asshole. Her favorite source of these filmed acts was a certain website called BLACKED.RU.But one day, a pop-up window came up - inside, a cat. Jill felt a tremor inside her cavernous genitalia as she clicked the kitty. There was a blank screen, except for the word: “Khajit has wares, if you have coin?”. She looked at her breadwallet and send the poor pussy her last bitcoin (BTC). The website purred in joy, revealing naked pics of a dockworker (13).
His overalls had been torn in all the right places and Jillians hole flooded immediately. The next day she was found dead, never trust a khajit plz.

>> No.7375392
File: 69 KB, 832x770, 99999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join the party!

>> No.7375449

Fucking swift

>> No.7375580

fuck off stallion we havent even finished hypersphere yet you thirsty cunt

>> No.7376248

How do I get my chapters back? Somebody deleted them overnight

>> No.7376257


>> No.7376315

The doc is saved in history, but anonymous chinchilla keeps deleting the whole page so we can't restore it.

>> No.7376319

iguana I mean

>> No.7376321

10:58 am backup seems about right

>> No.7376443

tolooka 100%

>> No.7376476

this is great, really

>> No.7376485

Everything's gone.

>> No.7376500

I've deleted the doc about 3 times already

>> No.7376505

I was really having fun.

>> No.7376507

>crashing browsers

>> No.7376514

I hope you all learned something about Islam

>> No.7376523

>2000+ pages of kek photos
oh /lit/

>> No.7376524

4159 of shitposting. what an achievement

>> No.7376546

someone saved it? kek

>> No.7376613

This shit is gay af

>> No.7376617


Pretty sad desu senpai. I expected more out of /lit/ but some cunt has dedicated literally hours to just prevent everyone else from doing anything. I came back periodically to see if they left but they're the most dedicated shit poster i've ever seen.

>> No.7376621

please save the tolooka story, that was fun

>> No.7376720

That's some dedicated shit posting

>> No.7376791

shitposter is gone, pls someone paste the book, tolookas inculded pls

>> No.7376910


>> No.7376929

pls paste the book, I miss the old tolookas

>> No.7377062

Here, you morons. Learn to use the internet, the document is back.

>> No.7377192

Anonymous Armadillo, praise you.

>> No.7377193

that was my story originally but I gave it to him to finish

>> No.7377200

I need to get really drunk so I'll be less inhibited and I can truly grace you guys with my genius

>> No.7377230

Is Joseph Stallion a pen name?

>> No.7377339

Rate the quality of my Angela Merkel story, I didn't do the Nirvana bit.

>> No.7377356

i wrote that whole story you just provided the bare premise of angel merkel sitting in a room desu

>> No.7377358

happy to have contributed

>> No.7377359

>deleted it again

>> No.7377361

itt: reddit

>> No.7377391

Oh, beautiful.

>> No.7377397

some genuinely hilarious writing is buried in there when its not being deleted at random

>> No.7377400

yeah some sperge is just deleting it all. whatever. I guess when you're an unfunny little faggot its what you have to do to get attention

>> No.7377409

...and this is why we can't have nice things. As I previously suggested, this should be hosted on github instead

>> No.7377412

its all good i have a pretty nice chunk of it saved, this should be a regular occurrence if it isn't already

>> No.7377422
File: 88 KB, 500x457, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for the deletathon. I'll start contributing full deletes in an hour or so.

>> No.7377611

I like the story about the kid with 60 years to live, well done

>> No.7377664

How do I improve my poetry?

The Grand Finale

Astute reader, I should end my address
For your time is suited somewhere else
Alas! I cannot help but contrive
Further ways to waste your time
It is a cycle without end
No hope lies beyond the bend

It’s poetry today
Tomorrow it will be preached openly
The only commonality
The one and singular quality
That is, of course
Dearest Reader,

And that I’m afraid will not change. Not on sunny days, not in cloudy haze. So farewell good reader, and do not stay.

>> No.7377680

take advice from someone who can actually do poetry. look around, i'm sure someone posted better poetry in the google docs than you, after all this is /lit/

>> No.7377726

please stop replacing the the's in my story with our's

>> No.7377763


zey r hampereeng your geenyuss

>> No.7377767

New Tundra book soon : > )

>> No.7377768

yeah listen you ugly boring little cunt. this is why no one likes you. because you do shit like this

>> No.7377773

Don't mind me, just making the book look nice.

>> No.7377783

yeah whatever you ugly little faggot. We're just gonna revert your changes when you're gone.

>> No.7377815


>> No.7377819

hey im john and u fucking nerds are making me rich. i cant believe 1000 of u idiots actually bought a physical copy of my book i made $4000 off of 2 hours of work lmao

>> No.7377824

I just copied my story, fixed what got changed, and am keeping it in a world file for when it calms down.

>> No.7377909

the world is an endless shitpost

>> No.7378161


>> No.7378220
File: 58 KB, 636x781, X0hvVVp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeps crashign an reloading. I wanna keep writing about rare pepes

>> No.7378230

paste your story somehwere else in the document you double nigger

>> No.7378236

nah, everything that was written in the past like two hours is just gonna get reverted. its just retarded shitposts

>> No.7378273

Ok I quit.

>deleting everything

>> No.7378303

Can someone delete for me while I'm away?

>> No.7378402

it would be great if whoever is deleting everything would just stop already been lurking on there for a while now and i can't do anything

>> No.7378427

This will go the same as the Kolsti book and Tundra 3: after loads of shit has been added, everyone will lose interest and it'll be abandoned.

>> No.7378433

if I write do I need to be at the end or can I fuck up in the middle?

>> No.7378440

looks like its a free for all where nobody gets anything for free or at all

>> No.7378439

>want to write
>some idiots are busy deleting everything

that's great senpai

>> No.7378455

jesus fuck i have to come back tomorrow to actually write and ill be in a shitty mood then

fuck you fags

>> No.7378457

I like how the people on /lit/ think they are smart and then they show you who they really are on this.

>> No.7378463

it's like the document is being raided

>> No.7378467
File: 1.95 MB, 1000x1484, reee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who did this?

>> No.7378483

Yeah, it's like with that Katie thing. In the normal confines of /lit/ threads they'll go on about philosophy and whatnot, but then if you let them off the leash they turn into feces-throwing monkeys.

>> No.7378491
File: 16 KB, 450x336, pikachu-cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378494

What is the title of the book?.
I want to make the cover.

>> No.7378538

"A" Wolf Called Boy

>> No.7378556
File: 94 KB, 387x576, 25728P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically this.

>> No.7378595

well we're now at 10 pages, went from 3 in just under 10 minutes.
there's also a russian writing memoirs so that might actually get good.

>> No.7378601
File: 537 KB, 900x655, inferno_22792622219_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the cover.

>> No.7378608

“Хyйня” - Aнoним

>> No.7378685

How do we know when the book is finished?

>> No.7378699

I hope the guy who owns the google doc takes the version from right now and goes to the trouble to edit it together with the one from like five hours ago instead of just reverting it all.

>> No.7378710

This. There's also a version from yesterday before 9am that needs to get part added in. About 8 pages were deleted.

>> No.7378781
File: 376 KB, 1427x942, Screenshot 2015-11-22 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378793

That's not very funny

>> No.7378797

Yes it is compared to the other shit on there.

>> No.7378802

Then this is even worse than I thought

>> No.7378803

Most of it is incoherent gibberish.
Few gems here and there not many though.

>> No.7378817

deleted again, thanks fucking faggot

>> No.7378821

Can't handle the heat then get off my dick

>> No.7378825

>tfw I typed out Plato, Socrates, and Shrek erotica
>tfw deleted
It was shit, but I had fun.

>> No.7378834

save your sjit, faggot


>> No.7378886

i have a copy from last night when it was named "a sack of rice" and one from before that when it was "a wolf called boy" ill post em

>> No.7378904

a wolf called boy is the one

>> No.7378914

do it, fag!

>> No.7378944

Let's write a book, faggots!!

>> No.7378948

shitposter is gonne, but the book is also gone

>> No.7378949

Enjoy toloocas, write some shit and shut up

>> No.7378954

I wish /lit/ had the habilty of writing the adventures of Jamal in a coherent way

>> No.7378967

maybe a system where one person has a small time limit to write something each. And not able to delete other peoples stuff.

>> No.7378972


>> No.7378974

people would still be able write what they want
how is that reddit you fag.

>> No.7378980

Deleting and reworking what someone else has written is part of the art

>> No.7378999

I agree with the reworking part.
But If people write like 30 pages of stuff and then someone deletes it all.

>> No.7379028

not at all, it could be a good thing on The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, but I think it will good to use another method so we can create something more or less coherent.
I'm not saying anarchy is bad, it's just another proyect that should be focused in a different way in order to create something new

>> No.7379109

I don't understand how this will ever be a book when someone deletes everything all the time.

How did you pull it of with legacy last time?

>> No.7379118

good question

>> No.7379133

I was a watchful admin backed up by people who were passionate about a project

>> No.7379139

It started when somebody tried to be the arbiter of quality and deleted 3 pages of text because it was, in their words, shit. After that, people felt free to delete and did so until it became an ebin meme.

>> No.7379188

-Hey, Jamal, would you like to see a tolooca?

>> No.7379233

pls OP come back

>> No.7379236
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i'm sorry for the alien

>> No.7379274

I blame the faggot with his Jamal story spamming for this travesty.

>> No.7379354

Somewhere, Ryan Gosling is thinking about us, silently.

>> No.7379491

not at all, faggot, Jamal and Toloocas story is tfro the old book, nothing to do with these faggots who delete said book and ruin it for everyone

>> No.7379602

pls OP come back and restore this shit, we need to finish this book next week!

>> No.7379617

So, how fucked is this project?

>> No.7379639

someone restore yesterday's book will solve this, and maybe this anon had a humble great idea

>> No.7379652

People should just write stuff on their own and paste it in desu senpai.

>> No.7379661


>> No.7379757

Yeah, we really need to lock this thing. We haven't got any real work done since the first night, last night, and some good stuff got posted (and lost) this morning.

>> No.7379764

That's human nature at it's heart anon.

/lit/ understands the dualistic joy of disucssing high philosophy and making an innocent women scared for her life with internet memes.

>> No.7379804

this, pls OP we need a dictator here

>> No.7379814

same here, we need to wait now

>> No.7379819

This exercise shows how many retarded sub-humans browse /lit/

>> No.7379824

Just keep writing on your own guys.

>> No.7379825

The issue we are facing here is that one of the best parts is other people editing what each of them wrote, that part goes missing if everyone just individually types up and saves their story.

On the other hand, at least right now, there are way too many harmful edits (e.g. the letters are now gigantic, the letter "m" is replaced with "meme" etc)

We need some from of moderation, or several smaller google docs that can be closely moderated or whatever

>> No.7379918

Yeah. The editing (when it works) makes things a lot better. But in this doc's current state we can't allow it to be freely edited

>> No.7379926

Maybe you could collect all the stories and put hem in a google doc, press that button that makes it all edits become "suggestions" and let it be edited that way somehow?

>> No.7379941

the key is to play off other peoples creativity, not to fuck with their work. small edits for better word choice or just adding in a zany idea is fine but when some guys just deleting chunks of text or fucking with the fonts it just kills it

>> No.7379956

just turn off 'delete'

>> No.7379961

We have to find the doc owner/OP
This is completely true. The editing is what makes it special. But we've already lost dozens of pages of material due to these deletes.

>> No.7379971

I wrote some sort of continuation of the Jamal/Toloocas story but got deleted by some asshole, thank you guys, you are, undoubtedly, the most intelectual board on the internet.

>> No.7380594

if you know of any specific stories your missing i probably have it if its from last night. just give me something to go off of and ill copy paste it to you. im a shitty editor so i wouldnt know what to do with alot of it but im sure it could all ve added to in another group session and worked into something (in)coherent

>> No.7380834

pls paste the book from yesterday, just paste it

>> No.7380841

the true history of russia

>> No.7380850

first page, list of characters, preface, first chapters and tolookas.
I don't remember more because the rest was messy as fuck

>> No.7380893

what about that shit about merkel?

>> No.7380895

How's this thing going? How are the other books? I've never really taken part in one of these projects but the Hypersphere book looks pretty incredible at times.

>mass deletions

Ah. Maybe I should have joined sooner when presumably there wasn't as much shit tier raiding going on yet.

>> No.7380923
File: 31 KB, 405x470, LOL WEED LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please OP, just paste the fucking book from yesrterday, let's do it, faggots!

>> No.7380934

No. Pull out the good stuff, and preserve the new stuff we have already written

>> No.7380956

A Wolf Named Boy pls, where the fuck are you, OP?

>> No.7380975

just posted toloocas, saved today in the meme alien war

>> No.7380983

thank god the shitposters are gone

>> No.7381014

Which one? I wrote one.

>> No.7381036

It was my story and I added it back.

>> No.7381050

the deleters got bored :)

>> No.7381058

anyone got the russia story?

>> No.7381063


>> No.7381072

A Case Study of Homosexuality in the Siberian Wilderness.

>> No.7381093

somebody archive

>> No.7381101

Im working on half life 3 , having a hell of a time with this so far. someone keep us posted when it comes time to edit/finalize or whatever

>> No.7381108

Are you pink duck?

>> No.7381116

And, deleted again.

>> No.7381121

Saved Stories:

-A Day in the Life of the Chancellor
-The Grand Finale
-East West
-A Lesson in Time
-The Baitless Bait
-The problem with tooloopas (not my story, but revising it)

>> No.7381122

some dumb nigger keeps coming in every 5-8 hrs and goes on a deleting spree....nobody can do anything while this neetplanet is occupying his computer chair, destined to delete /lit/ off the publishing line..

>> No.7381127

shit, erased again, pls paste your texts again

>> No.7381140

pls, we need a new google doc to stop this faggot

>> No.7381143

There is more than one t b h

>> No.7381156

incredibly depressing, ii really hope none of them are regular users of /lit/

>> No.7381157

toloopa story is back! :^)

>> No.7381192

im too invested in this, it can only end in tears.

>> No.7381215
File: 17 KB, 380x274, j-jonah-jameson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

154 pages, not bad, we need to finish this shit and publish it this weekend!

>> No.7381217


not until my stories are in

>> No.7381222

yeah i dont want my half life 3 story to be in fucking ebonics lol other than that we are cool

>> No.7381224

I can't even load the document, did somebody paste so much stuff it broke?

>> No.7381265

I have a copy, waiting for a moderated doc to dump it

>> No.7381273
File: 23 KB, 245x296, 22249_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, I have more than 170 pages of pure gold waiting for a new fucking google doc!

>> No.7381277
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>> No.7381279
File: 37 KB, 360x247, rare jameson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your rarest jamesons to make up for the pain of your hard work being desecrated

>> No.7381281

I just rewrote the tooloca story with proper formatting and better sentences.

>> No.7381282
File: 50 KB, 634x512, THOSE DUBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7381295
File: 83 KB, 556x540, J_f49360_2092934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait for the dump, I have it all saved, don't worry.


>> No.7381297

dumped, save a copy while you can!

>> No.7381311

We're starting from the physical shitposting draft

>> No.7381314

My browser died again, thanks guys.

>> No.7381316

I don't think so, we have more than hundred pages of pure gold, faggot

>> No.7381322
File: 26 KB, 375x470, HemingwayShotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7381324

yeah i really dont care how many times i have to repost , most of the stuff from today was really good

>> No.7381331

write it underneath

>> No.7381346

seriously , we cant start giving up on this now

>> No.7381371

I have saved it all again, don't worry

>> No.7381377
File: 21 KB, 320x320, 1754961-jjonah_jameson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7381380

its ironic because the people arbitrarily deleting things and being general asshats could have pretty much write whatever random stupid inflammatory bullshit they want to and insert it into the text, and noone would mind but noooo thats not good enough they have to ruin everyones fun, its the behavior of a small child.

>> No.7381384

dis book's gonn' be good!


Heinreich von "Big Shnitzell" Helzenheim Pt Pt II
Jessie, "nouveau fagotte"
Jamal, The Boy (A wolf) (gay?) (gay.)
Anne, Da playa
Paco, Da captive
Tomothy Dartworth Pt Pt II (Wolf - HIV Aidz patient wit a positizzle outlook) (not tha Boy referenced up in tha title) (Boy’s bff)
Sloprock McCock Pt Pt II (Yo crazy-ass Stepfather)
Sarah DeLongue (Monkey - Energetic narcoleptic)
Victoria Littlehorn (Lvl 37 Dwarf Pygmy Midget Rhino)
Finn Dwarfson (Chronic Scandinavianad disorder)
Da Dolphin (Beaver)
Da Beaver (Dolphin)
Da Tolooca (Parapenaeus Saltator)
Slavoj Zizek (Communist)
Finn Dawson whoz ass couldn’t logout his Gizoogle Account
Da Gay Agenda
Feminist Hierarchy of tha Outa Realms (A space squid)
Чингиcхaн (Divine Crusader)
George RR Martin
4chun teh top billin hacker eva look up nony-mouse
"Ham n’ Cheez"
Greg (that muthafucka)
Frank Hendricks
Vinderheimen, of tha Great Doggy Den Nindross
Da Secret Cockmongla of Holland
Fingers McFuck
Men pimps pimps pimps manly playa pimps pimps times two n' ahalf squared
Da Biatch (Dogg Save Her)
Da suckaz of skanky formatting

>> No.7381386
File: 9 KB, 126x171, im ok with this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dubs btw

>> No.7381400
File: 28 KB, 694x328, jjj-j-jonah-jameson-for-marvel-s-spider-man-reboot-who-else-do-you-want-to-see-jpeg-268845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than 250 pages already, nice work boys!

>> No.7381405
File: 699 KB, 857x796, 1439046929292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw its a completely garbled mess and i have no fucking idea how its going to turn out or if my story will even make the final edit

>> No.7381420

It will make it, faggot, don't be sad, re-edit!

>> No.7381430
File: 215 KB, 760x719, Jjj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know something? your right!

>> No.7381435
File: 107 KB, 377x286, whatjjshave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7381459
File: 26 KB, 430x170, 3767145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7381470

thats not bad at all but could you do one like that but with a "le bandana" pic instead?

>> No.7381478

Best title

A boy called wolf - A definitive manifesto for a radical fourth wave of feminism

>> No.7381484


>put this on Amazon
>disable the "take a look inside" option
>feminist cash incoming $$$$

>> No.7381518
File: 521 KB, 489x352, 1447621936618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7381531

A Boy named Wolf, it looks like a great title for a feminist radical manifesto ᵗᵇʰ ᶠᵃᵐ

>> No.7381535

You realise this is never going to be published right?

>> No.7381537

Call it
Inexplicable Trauma -A definitive manifesto
for a radical fourth wave of feminism

>> No.7381540

no puns, faggot, the title must be credible, A Boy called Wolf fits perfectly, are you retarded?

>> No.7381547
File: 17 KB, 160x225, j-jonah-jameson_pictureboxart_160w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7381556

somebody just make your own google doc and ban ban idiots

>> No.7381561

this please

>> No.7381564
File: 38 KB, 590x443, jk-simmons-jj-jameson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when we publish this wednesday

>> No.7381579

350 pages is good enough, any graphic designer out there? we need a cover

>> No.7381582

>350 pages is good enough
but its 350 pages of nonsense spam also it was all deleted

>> No.7381595

Post your email address and I'll add you to my doc, because there's no way I can ban users while also keeping it public for everyone (t-thanks g-google)

>> No.7381601

I just made a thread on /r/ asking for help

>> No.7381608

I saved most of it :^)
we publish wednesday

>> No.7381612

This has even less thought put into it than Miami

Just stop, it's embarrassing

>> No.7381621

shut up faggot, we have 150 pages of amazing quality, did you ever read about toloocas? or how Kublai was Owned by Marco?
I don't think so, so shut up

>> No.7381632

Yeah I've checked out the doc it's amazing

>> No.7381685
File: 2.04 MB, 994x1524, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7381742

cover for KEKS

>> No.7381758

Title of the book: "I am Deeply Saddened, By The Loss of My Foot-Pajamas"

Author: Anon Ymous

Get in here faggots, it's getting good.

>> No.7381772

now it looks like a actual book.

>> No.7381775

Yeah, looking pretty good. Title's been changed though.

It is now "Inferno"

>> No.7381783

Inferno is pretty good.
"Our Inferno" would be better though.

>> No.7381791

What are we supposed to do about people deleting EVERYTHING ugh

>> No.7381794

save it. We can always self publish many books.
The owner of the doc doesn't have the final say.

I can even make a site with all the stories.

>> No.7381803

the writings get deleted every day and people begin from scratch all the time

>> No.7381808

It's going pretty good so far. Except Anon Grizzly keeps changing all the text being written into the gangster speech thing and it's really annoying.

Python's doing a pretty good job writing footnotes. And I make (chapter) ideas for people to write about.

>> No.7381815

prepare for everything you write to get deleted in a couple of hours.

>> No.7381817

Everything just got deleted. fug.
was some of the best shit so far.

>> No.7381820

That was me! Writing about wanting to swallow Dicken's member.

You liked it?

>> No.7381821

Fucking Grizzly, the stupid cunt. I saved a copy of the file and can make another google doc if you guys want. I don't want people like Grizzly to fuck it up though.

People were writing some pretty good stuff.

>> No.7381825

How on earth is this possible? This has probably gone through like 19 versions already... each eventually getting deleted... each vying for continuity.

>> No.7381827

Is the fascist spammer the guy who keeps deleting?

>> No.7381830

Yeah, the user is Anon Grizzly. It's seriously getting annoying at this point.

Python, if you're here. I've got the file and can copy and paste the content to you if you want. I'm the guy who started writing the story with you.

>> No.7381832

It's ironic that a censor would complain about fascism.

>> No.7381834


That was fun bud, cheers. I don't really get how these ever even get written. Do you?

>> No.7381838

Yeah now the doc just turned into images of kek porn. Someone think of a better program than google docs to write this shit.

>> No.7381839

No idea. The guy who made the Hypersphere doc made it really strict with adding and deleting content. There's no other way they could have managed to get almost 400 pages other wise.

We should get someone to make a new doc and it be strict about adding and deleting content, that way we won't have people fucking over the project.

>> No.7381841

Is there any way I can read the pre-kekporn version?

>> No.7381843

Okay guys, I've made a new doc with a majority of the proper text still intact. Someone visit and tell me if you can edit anything or not.


>> No.7381845

cant edit but also cant write anything.
good start.

>> No.7381846

Hm. What setting do I put to let people write stuff in but not edit the doc?

>> No.7381851

There is a option for asking the owner for editing rights. But what is stopping someone form asking for rights then deleting everthing.

>> No.7381852

Hm, yeah I guess you're right.

I'm able to make edits but I need to approve them. I'm wondering whether others can add anything to the doc but I can't see any new text being added.

>> No.7381870

Yo badger aka J. Ash dumb motherfucker
I gots yo' ass right here
Now I know whoz ass yo ass is
Dumb vizzle game kid
I be goin ta track you down n' fuck up yo' game
I be goin ta teach you a lesson yo ass is never goin ta forget
I warned you once n' I make phat on mah promises
I be comin fo' you


>> No.7381873

Okay pham.

>> No.7381875


pretty lean Google account m8, ya strike me as boring

>> No.7381876

Holy fuck this comment section is full of fucking console peasants who want this game on their stupid consoles. Machinima are console fanboys who don't even know what they're saying half the time in this video. Far Cry in space? Are you fucking kidding me Adam?

>> No.7381880

You can look through my profile, congratulations.

>> No.7381881


why are ya on the lit board m8? are you lost?


>> No.7381885

Well I give up. My love for the Good Sip DAVID FOSTER WALLACE has been professed.

>> No.7381886

That was a fun read anon. Thanks for sharing with the world your profound love for DFW.

>> No.7381889

Black people ruin everything.

>> No.7381898

You're welcome guys. Thanks for listening.

>> No.7381920

>No idea. The guy who made the Hypersphere doc made it really strict with adding and deleting content. There's no other way they could have managed to get almost 400 pages other wise.

completely false. Hypersphere was cowritten normally, people just didnt delete each other's stuff for some reason. once it was nearly complete, everyone decided it was time to review and edit the first draft. one anon pasted the story into a new doc and put it in suggestion mode, and then everyone voted on what to keep or cut.

>> No.7381923

Well shit. That's really impressive.

I'm trying to find a way to make the doc for this to stay in suggestion mode so people can't just delete all the work someone's done. For some reason it allows people to make suggestions but allows others to make edits on their own.

>> No.7381970

Yeah i was thinking that.
You can go to the hypersphere docs and its completely editable.

>> No.7382221

"Sollte es denn möglich sein! Dieser alte Heilige hat in seinem Walde noch Nichts davon gehört, dass Gott todt ist!"

>> No.7382319
File: 444 KB, 709x1066, j__jonah_jameson_by_madmoro-d6rqtnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7382355

Or, if you guys want, we can continue the "I am Infernally Saddened, By The Loss of My Foot-Pajamas" novel.


>> No.7382358

"I am Infernally Saddened, By The Loss of My Foot-Pajamas" was added to "A Boy called Wolf", don't need to split our work, fucking faggot

>> No.7382361

I'm the one that added it, buddy.

>> No.7382364

get in here!

>> No.7382370

Can i just paste the stuff from previous interations before deletion?

>> No.7382371

it was already added, now it's duplicated, fucking fag

>> No.7382373


Why is all the text the same, makes it hard to find the work each anon has put in.

Don't need to be so rude man.

>> No.7382376

take care not to duplicate content, like this fag

>> No.7382382

There is so much shit there now my browser crashes.

>> No.7382397


>> No.7382447

216 pages are good imo, why don't we make a cover and finish this shit?

>> No.7382465

>take advice from someone who can actually do poetry
There isn't anyone who can actually DO poetry, that's why poetry threw away the rules in the 20's.

>> No.7382468

anybody know what specific dimensions the cover should have (if it matters)?

>> No.7382487

I don't think it matters, do it brave heroic designer of /lt/!

>> No.7382488

Should definitely be a rectangle

>> No.7382512
File: 51 KB, 234x400, jjj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7382545
File: 123 KB, 1084x1600, there is a spring and it is dry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, I thought the title was "there is a spring and it is dry" because it was the title of the doc, so made this

I'll change it up tho (unless ofcourse you think this is complete shit). Was unsure of the colour too.

I like minimalism, don't know if you do too.
I'll try some more stuff anyway

>> No.7382549

I publish stuff for fun but even I wouldn't touch this turd

>> No.7382550

or this>>7378601

>> No.7382553

It's great!
Be free to adapt your cover to the real title

>> No.7382556

are you kidding?

>> No.7382573
File: 199 KB, 1084x1600, a boy called wolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7382595
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x1434, aboycalledwolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7382599

don't forget about " A definitive manifesto for a radical fourth wave of feminism"

>> No.7382600

the title is now "Inferno".
this is the cover>>7378601

>> No.7382628

great cover, put the feminist shit and we are done

fuck off

>> No.7382629

no it is,'t, we wrote more than hundred pages for "A Boy called Wolf"

>> No.7382632

absolute shit.

>> No.7382666
File: 1.31 MB, 1024x1434, aboycalledwolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't really know where best to put

>> No.7382674

where is the feminist manifesto?

>> No.7382684

this as cover. add the feminiast thing

>> No.7382686

no please, it's terrible

>> No.7382689

Its the best one so far.
This simple shit is gay.

>> No.7382691

this is pasted 3 times and that's why it's 250 pages. Someone dedupe this shit. Also was the ebonics converted by a generator?

>> No.7382701

something happened to the doc.

>> No.7382706

don't worry, I have it all, I will edit it a little bit, make a content section, erase the duplicated shit and post in a google doc.
You fags go make a decent cover!

>> No.7382710

nigga it's impossible when people can't decide on the title. Wolf title was gay.

>> No.7382713

>guise why don't you use my title instead of the old one?

>> No.7382725 [DELETED] 

next dubs chooses final title.

>> No.7382754

Nice book guys

>> No.7382793

No it's not you fucktard. We can add the feminist subtitle, but none of that frog shit. This isn't /r9k/.

>> No.7382807

i like the frog shit but this is second best. >>7381685

>> No.7382854

What is this jihad meme and when are we going to get a cover for it?

>> No.7382864


>> No.7382893
File: 769 KB, 614x910, boycalledwolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7382920

add the feminists please

>> No.7382926
File: 677 KB, 614x910, 1448301220893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7382927

Content section is ready.
Best short story book ever tbqh

Content Section:
-A Lesson in Time
-The Problem with Toloocas
-The Problem with Toloocas (ebonics edition)
-The Baitless Bait
-The End Has No End
-Life continues
-Vorwort: Section 19.39 (Adolf’s Soliloquy)
-1.8 The ni- I mean "African American", fountain
-Pure Land Buddhist Mantra (no homo…?)
-Best Cockband
-The true History of Russia AKA Slavs are not people
-1.2 There are no subsections
-1.2.1 This is a sub-subsection so it does not violate 1.2
-The Weimarites Rebel
-A high-context idea for learned children. Or: HIEST!
- A Very Strange Morning for Juju-Magumbo.
-Anal Beads: A tale of Romance and Honest Families
-London, 2015...
-I consume
-The little plastic soldier
-Why Aphex Twin’s music should be in "Skyrim with Guns" 4.
-October Rust
-We are bees, we hate you
-Horny as fugg: a story of a young rhino in heat
-Eggs Benedictum
--A Day in the Life of the Chancellor
-b0ss m8: A Common Day in Australia.
-How is this book?
-Das rite!
->Greentex Fag
-b0ss IV - A E S T H E T I C
-b0ss V.V - no subtext
-b0ss V - A boy and the orthodox priest
-Confession of love, to Charles Dickens. My hero.
-b0ss Six - How I plagiarized literally everything
-In the beginning the Universe was created.This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move
-Bane or Ardor
-Diane it seems
-And now, for a preview of /lit/’s next great book
-Adam Lanza, a tale of brave power
-Bowling for DUDE WEED LMAO
-Larry bee god
-Jheri curl
-What came first, ranch, or cool ranch?
-Chapter 2.Глaвa Bтopaя.
-ayy lmao
-Chapter 3 - POEMS
-David Foster Wallace Jr. FAN FIC
-Book II: Memoirs of a Turkish Homosexual at the end of the Great Ottoman Empire of Suleiman, peace be upon his name.
-Chase Shake recipe (BONUS)
-Chapter 四
-What about comic sans?

>> No.7382930


>> No.7382934

>No Honor is in JIhad chapter
gay as fuck

>> No.7382935

give me some time, I must smoke a weed 420 lmao right now

>> No.7382936

Diversity is part 2 of chancellor

>> No.7382970
File: 775 KB, 614x910, boycalledwolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7382980

I like it!
Everybody, do you like this one?
Keep'em or dropp'em?

>> No.7382989
File: 105 KB, 510x680, 7878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pattern is stolen and the font arrangement is fucking horrible from a book cover stand point.

>> No.7383021

did not know the book you posted, I just knew the painting by frank stella. Apperently I wasn't the only one who thought it would make for a nice cover

>> No.7383024

looks good to me

>> No.7383128

just a quick note for whoever is responsible for getting all this mess edited together and finalized, im pretty sure some guy was just auto editing a bunch of the stories into Ebonics (specifically noticed it with the chancellor) and its just absolute garbage. please dont use these versions of the stories k thanks

>> No.7383311

I cleaned all the garbage and we have 119 pages, they are brilliant btw fham, but we need more dank material.
the new doc is here:

>> No.7383328

No one elected you to do shit, faggot, the original google docs is fine

>> No.7383466

a lot of texts were rescued from the ebonic plague

fuck off, it's fucking shit

>> No.7383479

It's better than the reddit shit you put out in your gay docs
Fuck off

>> No.7383495


thanks fham, I just made a new thread



>> No.7384181

/lit/ was witty up until 2 months ago, what the hell happened? Such an influx of shitposting ebonics

>> No.7384345

This latest edit you guys have, the boy called wolf or whatever, it's complete shit.

Please do not associate this /pol/ tier garbage with this board.

There are 1000 meme references for every literary reference, and it's all bad, and it's a nightmare to read, and it's pointless. Shame on all of you.

>> No.7384904

I added a little something at the end...
please don't call me edgy

critique pls, it was in the moment