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/lit/ - Literature

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737428 No.737428 [Reply] [Original]

Who are you, dear/lit/-browser?

Three hobbies:
You are "special" because:
Mac or PC:

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:
Movie(s) of choice:
Drug(s) of choice:

Please add on to the list as you see fit.

>> No.737440
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>> No.737462

Age: 18
Location: Detroit
Occupation: Studying
Three hobbies: Books, weed, Movies
You are "special" because: I'm really from sweden.
Mac or PC: MAC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Lolita, The Dice Man, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
Movie(s) of choice: Rashomon, Into the Wild, Le feu Follet
Drug(s) of choice: Weed, sugar, coffee

Please add on to the list as you see fit.
Nah, too lazy roght now.

>> No.737465

Who are you, dear/lit/-browser?

Location: Florida

Occupation: College student, leech

Three hobbies: What are these "hobbies" of which you speak?

You are "special" because: I'm not

Mac or PC: Mac

Book(s) of choice: His Dark Materials, House of Leaves, Book of the New Sun, A Song of Ice and Fire, Mysteries of Udolpho

Movie(s) of choice: Blade Runner, Blue Velvet, Dune

Drug(s) of choice: Alcohol, Tobacco and Caffeine are not drugs

>> No.737473

>Three hobbies:
Reading (hurr), walking, drawing
>You are "special" because:
Eh, I'm not so special. I'm just who I am, I do things most other people do. I can see a lot of beauty and a lot of ugliness in things. Sometimes at the same time. But I don't know if this is special.
>Mac or PC:
PC. I don't have a lot against Macs, I just currently and always have had a PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

>Book(s) of choice:
Crime & Punishment, Of Mice & Men, Naked Lunch
>Movie(s) of choice:
300, Apocalypse Now, Iron Man
>Drug(s) of choice:
Alcohol and weed

>> No.737479

Age: 22
Sex: F
Location: In the kitchen
Three hobbies: Cooking, Drawing, Reading
You are "special" because: I'm a woman on the internet
Mac or PC: Mac

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Peter Pan, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Movie(s) of choice: Rocky Horror Picture Show, Blazing Saddles, Dune
Drug(s) of choice: Caffeine

>> No.737499

Age: 26
Sex: M
Location: London
Occupation: Publishing
Three hobbies: Books aside, gaming, foreign cinema and photography.
You are "special" because: I managed to be a big nerd without coming across as one in public.
Mac or PC: Linux PC

Book(s) of choice: Fathers & Sons, LOTR, The Unconsoled
Movie(s) of choice: Police Story, Christmas in August, The Life of O'Haru
Drug(s) of choice: Caffeine, Single Malt Whiskey

>> No.737502

Melbourne or Monash?

>> No.737504

Three hobbies:Reading writing,Procrastination
You are "special" because:?????????
Mac or PC:PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:Crime and Punishment, Notes from Underground, The Metamorphoses, The Stranger
Movie(s) of choice:The Antichrist, Blue Velvet, Barry Lyndon
Drug(s) of choice:Coffee, Alcohol

>> No.737513


Cos they're the only 2 uni's in our fair city. Goodness me.
(Ok, yeah they're the only 2 "good" uni's)

I shall not tell you which I go to because I don't know why. Call me paranoid :)

>> No.737517

you go to Vic Uni

>> No.737519

Location: Oklahoma
Occupation: Steward at restaurant
Three hobbies: Reading, writing, bein' classy.
You are "special" because: Eh?
Mac or PC: PC by default

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Catcher in the Rye, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Grendel.
Movie(s) of choice: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Donnie Darko, Lost In Translation.
Drug(s) of choice: Caffeine, I suppose.

>> No.737520

Haha, okay. I'm doing Arts at Melbourne, was wondering if you had an opinion on the IDF subjects they introduced recently.

>> No.737523

Carl: [sighs] Well, it was a real nice secret organization we had once

>> No.737526

What are IDF subjects?
That's not the whole breadth subjects + weird electives thing is it? I never did quite get that.

And no, not Vic Uni. Just in order to dispel that rumour, I'm at Deakin.

>> No.737528

Age: 18.

Sex: F.

Location: Denmark.

Occupation: Studying.

Three hobbies: Riding, reading, drawing.

You are "special" because: I can sit on my hair.

Mac or PC: PC.

Book(s) of choice: Candide, Wise Children, Vanity Fair.

Movie(s) of choice: Rocky Horror Picture Show, Being John Malkovich, Adaptation.

Drug(s) of choice: Weed and psychedelics.

>> No.737529

It's the interdisciplinary crap they make all Arts kids do (not the breadth subjects, other interdisciplinary crap.) It's what means we only get to choose two real subjects a semester in first year.

>> No.737530

Age: 22
Sex: M
Location: New Zealand
Occupation: Lawyer
Three hobbies: Singer (opera/musicals), WoW, Warhammer
You are "special" because: My singing voice is ridiculously low.
Mac or PC: PC. It runs everything I want it to.

Book(s) of choice: Crimes Against Humanity, 1984, The Long Walk
Movie(s) of choice: Anything with Anthony Hopkins or Morgan Freeman
Drug(s) of choice: Rum

>> No.737531

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Location: Sheffield
Occupation: English Student
Three hobbies: Writing, Guitar, Reading
You are "special" because: I'm a Britfag
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: Heart of Darkness, The Man in the High Castle, The Remains of the Day
Movie(s) of choice: The Big Lebowski, Planet Terror, Evil Dead
Drug(s) of choice: Tea

>> No.737533

Age: 28
Sex: Male
Location: Denmark
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies:
You are "special" because: I'm a genius!
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: Lolita, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Movie(s) of choice: Shaun of the Dead
Drug(s) of choice: None

>> No.737536

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Location: Slovenia
Occupation: film student
Three hobbies: music, film, photography
You are "special" because: I'm not special
Books of choice: the three stigmata of palmer eldritch, le testament francais, a clockwork orange
Movies of choice: The seventh seal, 2001, metropolis
Drugs of choice: alcohol, nicotine and the occasional psilocybin mushroom trip

>> No.737537

Fucking hell, I hate stooping to the slavering dog routine, but I can't not do it when it's my fetish.

> You are "special" because: I can sit on my hair.
pant pant

>> No.737551

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Location: Midlands, England
Occupation: Temping in offices until I start university
Three hobbies: Books, drinking, movies
You are "special" because: I'm not
Mac or PC: PC, but I don't really care

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Gravity's Rainbow, Lolita, Blood Meridian
Movie(s) of choice: 8 1/2, Pierrot le Fou, A Serious Man
Drug(s) of choice: Caffeine (tea), nicotine (light), other non-opiates (very rare)

>> No.737552
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Age: 22
Sex: F
Location: Colorado
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Cooking, Reading, Computer Science
You are "special" because: Pretentious much?
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Sorrow of the Young Werther, Farewell to Arms, The Idiot
Movie(s) of choice: The Seventh Seal, Aguirre:Wrath of God, Amores Perros
Drug(s) of choice: Caffeine and Ciggs

>> No.737558

Sex: Male.
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Pianist, writing, reading
You are "special" because: I think far beyond my lifetime.
Mac or PC: PC.

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: A Clockwork Orange, 1984, T.A.R.O.T
Movie(s) of choice: A Human Centipede, 1408, A Clockwork Orange
Drug(s) of choice: None

>> No.737564

Three hobbies:synthesizer,reading,writing
You are "special" because:schizophrenia
Mac or PC:pc

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:Story of the Eye
Movie(s) of choice:Sans Soleil
Drug(s) of choice:Heroin

>> No.737565


1408 felt like a watered down Lynch movie to me...

>> No.737567

You guys all realize this is just demographics sniffing by an ad company, right?

>> No.737572

human centipede was so dirtnasty can't wait for the sequel. ''you ARE the middle piece'' lol

>> No.737575

>You are "special" because: I think far beyond my lifetime

Like what? Apocalypse and zombies.... your in our culture just like anybody else (we can't comprehend beyond our understanding, future is one of those things), not special.

>> No.737576


Naughty, but that's cool man, because you're in /lit/ :)

>> No.737587

Age: 22
Sex: Male
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Reading, music, urban exploration
You are "special" because: I'm good at everything I do.
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Anything by Roger Zelazny
Movie(s) of choice: Robin Hood: Prinve of Thieves was the best Robin Hood
Drug(s) of choice: Alcohol

>> No.737588

urban exploration... eh?

>> No.737589


>> No.737593

The technical term for trespassing for amusement.

>> No.737596

lol. Ok, that's good. :)

>> No.737601

Tell me about it. The Director's Cut ending was far better than the feel-good cinema release, though.

I meant it as in I am not obsessed with the present and nothing else, like everybody (literally everybody) else I know.

Thank god no underage b& shit here.
The sequel: The Human Centipede (Full Sequence), will have 12 people in the centipede.

>> No.737616

12x4=48 so i guess it will have to be a trilogy.

>> No.737621


That's what they;re planning. It was a fantastic movie - I was rigid when I watched the trailer, let alone the movie.

>> No.737624

you should see a film called ''taxidermia'' it works along the same lines, but it's not as extreme i guess, but probably a lot more thought provoking.

>> No.737643
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Sex: Male
Location: Italy
Occupation: Studying *cough* art. Yeah, it's balls.
Three hobbies: Vidya, fapping, reading.
You are "special" because: Lived most of my life in Romania. Not sure if 'special'. Also lost 50 kgs in 8 months, lulz.
Mac or PC: PC. Only because I'm poor, though.

Book(s) of choice: The Picture of Dorian Grey, The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment.
Movie(s) of choice: LOTR, Fargo, Pulp Fiction.
Drug(s) of choice: MMOs.
Game(s) of choice: World of Warcraft, Gothic Series, Thief Series.
Music of choice: Tool, Marilyn Manson.

Pic related, it's your dad.

>> No.737658

Location:New Jersey
Occupation:Student/part time shithole job.
Three hobbies: guitar, literature, vidya gaems
You are "special" because: I'm not.
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:A song of Ice and fire, Slaughter house-five,For whom the bell tolls, Kafka on the Shore
Movie(s) of choice: Wings of desire, City of God, Life aquatic with steve zissou
Drug(s) of choice: Occasionally drink or smoke weed at parties...

>> No.737976

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Location: Sweden
Occupation: Student (also, poet)
Three hobbies: Literature, music, games
You are "special" because: I always get to be the clown and the all-knowing wiseguy.
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: Doktor Glas, The Lord of the Rings, The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Movie(s) of choice: The Village, V for Vendetta,

>> No.737990

Age: 17
Sex: Male
Location: Norway
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Politics, Writing, Reading
You are "special" because: I`m on /lit/
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: War and Peace, The great gatsby, Wittgensteins Neffe
Movie(s) of choice: Pulp Fiction
Drug(s) of choice: Alcohol

>> No.738003

Age: 28
Sex: m
Location: usa/va
Occupation: sales
Three hobbies: guitar vidya books
You are "special" because: i have the best opinions
Mac or PC: pc

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: don quixote
Movie(s) of choice: castle in the sky
Drug(s) of choice: weed

>> No.738012

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Location: Toronto
Occupation: unemployed
Three hobbies: music, film, collecting art
You are "special" because:
Books of choice: Deleuze, Foucault, Derrida, Cixous, Kristeva, Irigaray, Butler
Movies of choice: Kurt Kren/Actionists, Mike Kelly, Michael Snow, Fulci, Argento, D'Amato, Mario/Lamberto Bava, Umberto Lenzi, etc
Drugs of choice: klonopin, beer

>> No.738014

Age: 12
Sex: F
Location: Cali
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Chatrooms, 4chan, sleepovers
You are "special" because: The man across my street says so
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Lolita, Geronimo Stilton
Movie(s) of choice: Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, wall-e
Drug(s) of choice: capri-sun

>> No.738017

Age: 16
Sex: M
Location: Southern USA
Occupation: None, plan on getting one this summer
Three hobbies: Reading, Video games, programming (in order of most often to least often)
You are "special" because: I am underage I suppose.
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Lolita, Picture of Dorian Gray, Crime and Punishment
Movie(s) of choice: ...Pass?
Drug(s) of choice: Weed.

>> No.738020

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Location: Georgia
Occupation: College student, currently taking a break for Summer
Three hobbies: Videogames, Reading, Movies
You are "special" because: I refuse to get a normal job, I'm better than that--I think.
Mac or PC: Mac

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: 1984, Sphere, A Clockwork Orange
Movie(s) of choice: 1984, Sphere, A Clockwork Orange lol
Drug(s) of choice: None

>> No.738022

Age: 31
Sex: Female
Location: Netherlands
Occupation: musician
Three hobbies: reading, singing, knitting (I know, right)
You are "special" because: I realise there is nothing special about me. I dunno.
Mac or PC: pc
Book(s) of choice: This sweet disease (Patricia Highsmith)
Movie(s) of choice: Black cat, white cat
Drug(s) of choice: pot

>> No.738030
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>Age: 12
>Sex: F

>> No.738035

Age: 22.
Sex: F.
Location: Pennsylvania.
Occupation: Part time student, part time animal shelter employee.
Three hobbies: Reading, writing, vidya.
You are "special" because: I give a shit about my fellow man.
Mac or PC: PC.

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever.
Movie(s) of choice: Gladiator, The 13th Warrior.
Drug(s) of choice: Weed, I guess.

>> No.738037

notice the Cali....

>> No.738042
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Age: 18
Sex: Male
Location: Pic related
Occupation: Tech support
Three hobbies: Computer programming, building scale modelo, books
You are "special" because: :3
Mac or PC: Debian GNU/Linux all day erry day.

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: The Illuminatus!, Godel Escher Bach
Movie(s) of choice: Rashomon
Drug(s) of choice: LSD

>> No.738045

Age: 18
Sex: M
Location: New York
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Art, music, writing
You are "special" because: we all are
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Catch-22
Movie(s) of choice: Pulp Fiction
Drug(s) of choice: Ecstasy

>> No.738058

Age: 18
Sex: male
Location: Wisconsin/Michigan
Occupation: Cashier at a shitty fast food place
Three hobbies: Writing, vidya, movies
You are "special" because: I'm a leech, I'm not special
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Ray Bradbury/Kurt Vonnegut
Movie(s) of choice: Die Hard, Fight Club, Kick Ass, Tommy Boy
Drug(s) of choice: I'm boring, I don't drink or do drugs

>> No.738062

Age: 36
Sex: M
Location: Upstate NY
Occupation: Computer programmer (web apps for healthcare)
Three hobbies: playing jazz bass & reading, that's all.
You are "special" because: My thumbs are double-jointed.
Mac or PC: PC
Book(s) of choice: Grendel, Pale Fire, Book of the New Sun
Movie(s) of choice: Wild Strawberries, 2001, Ikiru
Drug(s) of choice: Caffeine all the time, occasional beer.

>> No.738067

Occupation:retail management
Three hobbies:internets, shoes, poker
You are "special" because: my gf lays my clothes out for me lol
Mac or PC:PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:man in the high castle, art of war, peoples history of the united states
Movie(s) of choice:sleepers, falling down, bloodsport
Drug(s) of choice:red bull, gin, cigs

>> No.738093

Age: 18
Sex: Male
Location: Liverpool
Occupation: Lit student
Three hobbies: Writing, walking, vidja
You are "special" because: I damn well want to be. It's more fun to pretend I'm a genius.
Mac or PC: PC.
Book(s) of choice: Moby-Dick, Notes from Underground, House of Leaves.
Movie(s) of choice: Inglourious Basterds, Patlabor 2, Alien
Drug(s) of choice: Alochol, more specifically vodka.

>> No.738098

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Location: Germany
Occupation: Branleur
Three hobbies: Literature, music, branle
You are "special" because: I'm a Loner with a Boner
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: The Brothers Karamazow, quo vadis, siddhartha
Movie(s) of choice: Harsh Times, Mad Max 2, Hellraiser 2
Drug(s) of choice: caffeine, Alcohol

>> No.738107

dude, it's branler, not branle.

>> No.738113
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thanks dude

>> No.738125

Age: 25-ish
Sex: male
Location: Iceland
Occupation: film student
Three hobbies: painting, reading, long walks
You are "special" because: I'm just recovering from a nearvous breakdown and have a fresh prespective of things. Also, I've got a mild case of tourette's.
Mac or PC: pre-Imac Macintosh, otherwise PC. I really hate the current "hipster" generation of Apple offerings. They've lost their charm.

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice (at random): Englar Alheimsins (Angels of the Universe in english), The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories, Ubik.
Movie(s) of choice (also random): There Will Be Blood, Jacob's Ladder, Jan Švankmajer's Faust
Drug(s) of choice: Chivas Regal, Cuban Cigars, Chocolate

>> No.738128

cancer. why do people feel the need to talk about themselves? go post photos of yourselves on /b/ and ask them what they think of you

>> No.738131

Age: 16
Location: Buckinghamshire, England
Occupation: Studying
Three hobbies: computer graphics, guitar, reading
You are "special" because: I have freakishly good self-contrl
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: Crime and Punishment, Infinite Jest, Catcher in the Rye
Movie(s) of choice: Hackers, Dr. Strangelove, The Matrix

>> No.738134

Why do people feel the need to talk about anything. Just play along or ignore us.

>> No.738140

Age: 25
Sex: M
Location: UK, Leeds
Occupation: Student/Office Temp

Can' be bothered with the rest
http://tinychat dot com/lit2

Three hobbies:
You are "special" because:
Mac or PC:

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:
Movie(s) of choice:
Drug(s) of choice:

>> No.738142

fapfap I mean, hello.

>> No.738169 [DELETED] 

Age: 24
Sex: F
Location: Newcastle
Occupation: Learner Support
Three hobbies: Writing, reading, playing the 'cello
You are special because: I can read stupidly fast
MAC or PC: PC for budget reasons. Also because am not part of the cult of apple.

Books of choice: The Princess Bride, Ender's Game, The House of Leaves
Movies of choice: Battle Royale, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Monster Man
Drugs of choice: I'm a girl on the internet - obv chocolate and snacks and cake. (The cake's a lie. because I ate it.)

>> No.738167

United States, Texas
Assistant Librarian
Reading, Video Games, Hanging w/ Girlfriend
I'm a native Texan

Animal Farm


No drugs

>> No.738200

Age: 19
Sex: M
Location: Montreal, Canada
Occupation: Uni Student (McGill)
Three hobbies: reading, soccer, procrastinating
You are "special" because: I've been within an inch of death - three times.
Mac or PC: Linux

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: L'Étranger, Stranger In A Strange Land, Dune
Movie(s) of choice: Lo Straniero (The Stranger), Forrest Gump, Memento
Drug(s) of choice: Caffeine

>> No.738233

Three hobbies:Chess, books, books
You are "special" because:I have more books than you.
Mac or PC:Marc

>> No.738239

Age: 22
Sex: M
Location: Brazil
Occupation: Archive Manager
Three hobbies: /mu/, /lit/ and fap
You are "special" because: im not
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: Slaughterhouse 5, Great Apes
Movie(s) of choice: Before Sunset, Magnolia, TWBB
Drug(s) of choice: weed

>> No.738248

I'm the only Irish person? Really?

>Three hobbies:
Reading, Putting collars on people and fucking them, Running
>You are "special" because:
I've been chased by a Tiger
>Mac or PC:

>> No.738258

Age: 21
Sex: F
Location: Brazil
Occupation: fake studying
Three hobbies: sleeping, reading and watching tv
You are "special" because: because i am not. at all. seriously
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: ask the dust, atonement
Movie(s) of choice: breakfast at tiffany's, jules and jim
Drug(s) of choice: chocolate

>> No.738264

sup viktor

there are more irish, i seen dem around

>> No.738275
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>> No.738280

Age: 18
Sex: F
Location: Michigan
Occupation: Student, lol
Three hobbies: Reading, music makin', nerdy stuff
You are "special" because: I am.
Mac or PC: I have both.

Book(s) of choice: Count of Monte Cristo, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 1984
Movie(s) of choice: Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Drug(s) of choice: Coffee

>> No.738281

>everybody posts
>nobody comments

>> No.738287

Age: 21
Sex: M
Location: Puerto Rico
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Writing, Watching flicks, Searching for new music
You are "special" because: There is a distinct narrative voice in my prose.
Mac or PC: Either one is fine. Would rather have a Mac for the OS but also like the games on PC.

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: The Armies of the Night, The Crossing, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Movie(s) of choice: Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Funny Games, Raging Bull
Drug(s) of choice: Marijuana, Tobacco, Shrooms

>> No.738288

Age: 26
Sex: Male
Location: Atlanta, GA
Occupation: Sales Associate/ Student
Three hobbies: Playing Guitar, Listening to music, reading
You are "special" because: N/A
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: The Fall, The Brother's Karamazov, The Trial
Movie(s) of choice: Jacob's Ladder, 12 Monkeys, 28 Days Later
Drug(s) of choice: Opiates (Oxycontin, Morphine) Weed

>> No.738289

need more posts then I'll comment

>> No.738292

Age: 28
Sex: M
Location: Colorado
Occupation: Website design
Three hobbies: Reading (herp derp), hiking, gambling
You are "special" because: My mom says I'm the handsomest boy in school.
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Foucault's Pendulum, Gravity's Rainbow, Possessive's Subject
Movie(s) of choice: Apocalypse Nao
Drug(s) of choice: Heroin

>> No.738294
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These United States
High School Junior ( In August I'll be a Senior.)
Reading, My Girlfriend, Everything.
I am a true sentient being.
PC, that isn't even an option.
If you are a real reader, you have no favorites.
I have 7 favorite movies.

>> No.738296

Add pics as well /lit/ so we can judge you.
Come on, I know some of you love posting pics of yourselves.

>> No.738297

I'd comment, but after reading your description, you seem quite boring.

Instead of greentexting, why don't YOU comment? Better than sitting there waiting for someone to say WOAH DUDE, YOU SOUND AWESOME

>> No.738301

Kindred spirits i love you all.except >>738067
Not cool, that shit don't make you special.

>> No.738307

Location:New Zealand
Three hobbies:books, music, fap
You are "special" because: I have a 3 inch dick
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: de sade and stuff
Movie(s) of choice: watch only porn
Drug(s) of choice: caffeine, tabbaco and alcohol

>> No.738313
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>I'm a flaming faggot.

>> No.738315

Toronto, Canada.
Print Design.
>Three hobbies:
Reading, gaming, dicking around in Ps and Il.
>You are "special" because:
I'm not sure I like the emphasis on "special."
>Mac or PC:
PC. Looks like I'm not "special" after all.

>Book(s) of choice:
A Song of Ice and Fire, The Culture series, LotR.
>Movie(s) of choice:
LotR, District 9, The Matrix.
>Drug(s) of choice:
I don't bother with those. Trance music is all I need.

>> No.738320

Three hobbies:Reading, Jazz, Reading
You are "special" because:I'm a genius
Mac or PC:PC

Book(s) of choice:Slaughterhouse-Five, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Hardy Boys
Movie(s) of choice:The Darjeeling Limited, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Anchorman
Drug(s) of choice:None.

>> No.738337

Age: 22
Sex: F
Location: Texas
Occupation: Collections agent
Three hobbies: Writing, cooking, being a mechanic
You are "special" because: I'm not all that special, really.
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: The Power and the Glory, Sartoris, Reaper Man
Movie(s) of choice: Hellbent, W, Date Night
Drug(s) of choice: Alcohol

>> No.738342

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Location: Belgium
Occupation: Liberal Arts student
Three hobbies: 4chan, music, reading
You are "special" because: Ask someone else
Mac or PC: Mac

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: House of Leaves, The Trial, Dark Room of Damocles
Movie(s) of choice: Being John Malkovich, Taxidermia, Love and Death on Long Island
Drug(s) of choice: Shrooms, Acid, Salvia

>> No.738363

Age: 15
Sex: M
Location: Pennsylvania
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Reading 20th Century Poems, Writing Poems, /x/.
You are "special" because: I write. Really well.
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: Interview with a Vampire, Just After Sunset, Hiroshima.
Movie(s) of choice: Fight Club, V for Vendetta, Step Brothers.
Drug(s) of choice: You crazy?

>> No.738367

> thinks this thread was created by some geneticist wanted to breed the "readers". So people will females on /lit/ and see interest therefore will pursue a breeding program.

>> No.738375

Age: 19
Sex: Macho
Location: Portugal
Occupation: Estudante
Three hobbies: Jiu jitsu, clubbing, chillin' with friends
You are "special" because: That's for me to know and for you to find out
Mac or PC: who cares?

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Tudo o que é Mau Faz Bem, O Sétimo Selo e The Game
Movie(s) of choice: Casablanca
Drug(s) of choice: Drugs are too expensive

>> No.738379

>>Being John Malkovich
That movie was weird as fuck, dude.

>> No.738380

Age: 21
Sex: F
Location: Ontario
Occupation: Maid
Three hobbies: Reading, Writing, 4chan
You are "special" because: I'm not.
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Dune, Ringworld (dem prequels), Asimov's Mag.
Movie(s) of choice: District 9, Shaun of the Dead, Naked Lunch
Drug(s) of choice: Coffee! It's not as strong as methamphetamine, but it lets you keep your teeth.

>> No.738383

Age: 19
Sex: Female
Location: Central Massachusetts
Occupation: Student/"Sandwich Artist" lol Subway
Three hobbies: 4chan, writing, hanging out
You are "special" because: I can whistle really well
Mac or PC: PC because I can't afford otherwise. Also, my school requires a piece of shit Dell.

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Anything "Coming of Age". John Green, etc.
Movie(s) of choice: Mostly comedies. But I'll try anything once
Drug(s) of choice: None. Nothing against them, just not for me.

>> No.738384

Location:Gulf Coast
Three hobbies:Reading, guns, yard work
You are "special" because:I have an appreciation for the old world
Mac or PC:pc

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; For Whom the Bell Tolls, Kite Runner
Movie(s) of choice: Alien, The Life Aquatic, [REC]
Drug(s) of choice: cigars I suppose.

>> No.738387

Suddenly femanons. Why hallo thar<3

>> No.738391

If you think that one's weird, try Taxidermia.

>> No.738392

gulf of Mexico?
How's that oil?

>> No.738395

Age: 23
Sex: M
Location: Colorado
Occupation: nope
Three hobbies: reading, drugs,internet
You are "special" because: I haven't worked in four years
Mac or PC: PC (linux :( )

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: desolation angels, naked lunch, exile and the kingdom
Movie(s) of choice: high plains drifter, yojimbo, fistful of dollar bills
Drug(s) of choice: heroin cocaine marijuana

>> No.738398

/lit/ femanons <3
are the best

>> No.738403

Sex: Yes Please
Location: Alabama
Three hobbies:Reading, Writing, Jacking off
You are "special" because: N/A
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:Gore Vidal, Norman Mailer, Rape of the Ape .
Movie(s) of choice: Last Picture Show, Boogie Nights
Drug(s) of choice: Coca-Cola

>> No.738405

Well, your mum rang about going out tonight, then Liz rang about the two of you eating out tonight, and then your mum rang back to see if I wanted to eat her out tonight.

>> No.738407
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>> No.738408

Hasn't quite reached our beaches yet, but with the coming tropical storm they are expecting it to make landfall here then. It has greatly affected tourism, though.

>> No.738409

I agree. I'd like to get some MSN's just to be safe.

Add meh? We can discuss books and stuff.


>> No.738410

Age: 19
Sex: M
Location: Belgium
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: making music (bass, guitar and synths), reading and partying
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Brothers Karamazov, VALIS, de kleine Johannes
Movie(s) of choice: Taxi Driver, Gattaca, Blade Runner
Drug(s) of choice: Opiates, Pot, Amphetamines

>> No.738415


Beta male behaviour right here.

Bro, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.738417


"You're the one who's gone from being a chartered accountant to Charlton Heston!"

"I'm not a chartered accountant!"

"Well you look like one!"

"I'm a lecturer!"

"You're a twat!"

>> No.738425


You spelled intellect wrong, Einstein.

>> No.738429

Please can we just calm...the FUCK...DOWN!

>> No.738430



>> No.738434

>Shaun of the Dead quotes
>Hot Fuzz is clearly the superior film

>> No.738437



>> No.738438


It's good, but lacking when compared to Shaun.

>> No.738443

Hey Shaun, look who it is!

>> No.738444

I preferred Hot Fuzz just for the last half hour, which may have been the best last half hour of any film ever.

>> No.738448


Bro, if you stream it in 2h, I'll watch it.

>> No.738453

Brit films superior?

>> No.738455

Age: 24
Sex: Male
Location: Wyoming
Occupation: N/A
Three hobbies: Reading, graphic design, music
You are "special" because: I know I'm not
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Catch-22, The Rum Diary, We the Living
Movie(s) of choice: Children of Men, Matrix Trilogy, Snatch
Drug(s) of choice: Alcohol, Ambien, opiods

>> No.738460

New Zealand
>Three hobbies:
reading, movies and TV shows, music
>You are "special" because:
"special" meaning retard?
>Mac or PC:
PC, don't know how to work a mac ha
>Book(s) of choice:
The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Master and Margarita
>Movie(s) of choice:
Any Tarantino
>Drug(s) of choice:
Coffee, pot sometimes

>> No.738472

Age: 18
Sex: Male
Location: Australia
Occupation: Getting money from the govt.
Three hobbies: Video games, movies/shows, books
You are "special" because:
Mac or PC: PC

I'm just visiting from /v/. Thought I'd do this anyway.

>> No.738474 [DELETED] 
File: 822 KB, 1554x1772, 127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex: F
Location: south jersey/philadelphia
Occupation: leech/student/tea enthusiast
Three hobbies: ww2/history, baking/knitting, reading
You are "special" because: I can sleep up to 22 hours straight
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:
Life is Elsewhere by Kundera
Nine Stories by Salinger
The Mind of Adolf Hitler by Langer

Movie(s) of choice:
Lolita (1997)
Der Untergang
anything Hayao Miyazaki

Drug(s) of choice:
tea (caffeine)
(very) occasional recreational drug use

>> No.738482

Reported. Get the fuck off this site.

>> No.738479 [DELETED] 

Oboe, books, internet
The Bell Jar, Sherlock Holmes, Candide
Fight Club, Hard Candy
Mary Jane, Xophenex.

>> No.738485
File: 822 KB, 1554x1772, 127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex: F
Location: south jersey/philadelphia
Occupation: full-time student/tea enthusiast
Three hobbies: ww2/history, baking/knitting, reading
You are "special" because: I can sleep up to 22 hours straight
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:
Life is Elsewhere by Kundera
Nine Stories by Salinger
The Mind of Adolf Hitler by Langer

Movie(s) of choice:
Lolita (1997)
Der Untergang
anything Hayao Miyazaki

Drug(s) of choice:
tea (caffeine)

I like cats, I don't like crowds

>> No.738493


I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.738494

Age: 21
Sex: M
Location: Eastern England
Occupation: Student.
Three hobbies: Travelling, reading, languages.
You are "special" because: I seem to coast through things pretty easily.
Mac or PC: Both/neither.

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Unbearable lightness of being, To the lighthouse, heart of darkness.
Movie(s) of choice: There will be blood, Life of Brian, Capote.
Drug(s) of choice: Marijuana, Tobacco, Absinthe.

>> No.738496
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>thread full of underage b&

>> No.738497


Just smile, nod and run like hell.

>> No.738498

>22 hours straight. Me too, but that's due to the CFS.

>> No.738508

BP :(


>> No.738512

who cares? this is /lit/.

>> No.738518

Age: 20
Sex: M
Location: Los Angeles
Occupation:College Student
Three hobbies: Cycling, Guitar playing, Reading
You are "special" because: I've stood on every continent.
Mac or PC: Mac

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: On the Road, Into the Wild, Steppenwolf
Movie(s) of choice: Shawshank Redemption, The Big Lebowski, The Godfather
Drug(s) of choice: Coffee, Weed, Bourbon

>> No.738519

mine's due to my tendancy to escape reality
i'm a coward, it's okay.

>> No.738521

This is 4chan.
Global Rule #2
18+ for the entire site.

>> No.738530

Age 21:
Sex: M
Location: Belgium
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Eating, drinking, thinking.
You are "special" because: I once browsed /g/ 32 hours without pausing. I can touch my nose with my tongue.
Mac or PC: But a mac is a personal computer. That said, PC running Debian.

Book(s) of choice: 1984, the doors of perception, don quixote
Movie(s) of choice: the fountain, the neverending story, godfather trilogy
Drug(s) of choice: alcohol when being social, weed when on my own

>> No.738541

Student in Ghent?

>> No.738549


>> No.738559


The question was who cares.

Why would we care about the rules?

>> No.738560

there are rules? woah..

>> No.738561
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>> No.738565 [DELETED] 

Age: 16
Sex: Male
Location: Maryland (USA)
Occupation: Ich bin Student.
Three Hobbies: I play the cello, I play the piano, and I sing
I am "special" because: I am a ridiculous mathematician.
Mac or PC: Don't care, have a MacBook, would be fine with a regular laptop, though. PC is my desktop.
Book(s) of Choice: Nineteen Eighty-four, Fahrenheit 451, and Cajas de cartón
Movie(s) of Choice: The Orphanage (I have a thing for foreign languages), The Prestige, A Beautiful Mind
Drug(s) of Choice: Caffeine, Alcohol (I love stoners, but I don't smoke weed)

Sorry for underageb&.

>> No.738570

Why didn't you just lie..

>> No.738586

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Location: Virginia
Occupation: nope
Three hobbies: suckin' pussies, fuckin' pussies, fingerin' pussies
You are "special" because: giant dong
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: The Brothers Karamazov; I, Claudius; Catch-22
Movie(s) of choice: Blade Runner; Tropic Thunder
Drug(s) of choice: Alcohol

>> No.738588 [DELETED] 

I lie enough to my friends and family.
Isn't it increasingly rude to lie to complete strangers?

>> No.738589

Bro, just delete the post.

>> No.738596

how can u believe ing iant dong if its only a prick (a chode?)

>> No.738630 [DELETED] 

Location:Essex, England
Occupation: Shelf stacker at a supermarket whilst waiting to get into Uni/ become a super awesome popular writer
Three hobbies: writing, reading, Drumming
You are "special" because: I'm the only english student I know who isn't a stuck up right wing ayn rand fanboy or naive che guevarra-loving shemagh wearing dong
Mac or PC: PC for money reasons, I don't really pick one over the other for any reasons
(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: On the road, Blood meridian, Dharma bums
Movie(s) of choice:The wackness, serenity, Harsh times
Drug(s) of choice: the dank, but only very occasionally, I ain't got the means nor the desperation to go out of my way to talk to some paranoid crackhead dealer who wants to shank me

>> No.738639

Location:Essex, England
Occupation: Shelf stacker at a supermarket whilst waiting to get into Uni/ become a super awesome popular writer
Three hobbies: writing, reading, Drumming
You are "special" because: I'm the only english student I know who isn't a stuck up right wing ayn rand fanboy or naive che guevarra-loving shemagh wearing dong
Mac or PC: PC for money reasons, I don't really pick one over the other for any reasons
(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: On the road, Blood meridian, Dharma bums
Movie(s) of choice:The wackness, serenity, Harsh times
Drug(s) of choice: the dank, but only very occasionally, I ain't got the means nor the desperation to go out of my way to talk to some paranoid crackhead dealer who wants to shank me

>> No.738647

>> decent and/or good taste in literature
>> shitty taste in film

Hipster it up guise.

>> No.738649

>144 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

apparently /lit/ likes talking about themselves more than books

>> No.738664

Age: 18

Sex: F

Location: New Jersey

Occupation: Pharmacy Peon

Three hobbies: Writing (Poetry and Prose), Vidyagames, Working Out

You are "special" because: I had twelve fingers when I was born. No worries, it has since been reduced to ten.

Mac or PC: Mac, but I have no problem with PCs. I run Ubuntu on my desktop.

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: East of Eden, Friday (hurr hurr), Hamlet

Movie(s) of choice: Pan's Labyrinth, Clue, The Abominable Doctor Phibes

Drug(s) of choice: Caffeine!

>> No.738691


ohai, I heard you were me.

>> No.738713

Location:New Jersey
Three hobbies:Bass playing, reading, biking
You are "special" because:I'm not special
Mac or PC:PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:Blood Meridian, Crime and Punishment, The Great Gatsby
Movie(s) of choice:No Country for Old Men, Pan's Labyrinth Star Fucking Wars
Drug(s) of choice: booze

>> No.738742


What'd you expect?
Everyone's favourite topic is themselves.

>> No.738754

maybe if they're a narcissist

>> No.738760

indeed, this is anonymous. i had started a similiar thread with a slightly different poll and it got 300 replies each trying to top the former with depth of personality and with refinement of the taste. soon they started calling each other silly names like "hipster", "chav" or even "middle class whore" (used by a Dutch junkie pauper brought up in an orphanage).

Noone even tried to explain or question the choice of their favourites. posh lust. to us books are nothing but fashionable badges, just like the abs of /fit/ or the pants of /fa/.

>> No.738766

What's with the Jersey?

Age: 23
Sex: F (FtM)
Location: Fucking Jersey
Occupation: Bookstore clerk
Three hobbies: WoW, Paper, Travel
You are "special" because: I have "double jointed" arms
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Phantom of the Opera, Kokoro, Mere Christianity
Movie(s) of choice: Laputa, Lion King
Drug(s) of choice: WoW

>> No.738771

Age: 19
Sex: M
Location: Scotland
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Reading, drinking, finding stupid shit on the internet
You are "special" because: I don't really know. I'm kind of smart, I think.
Mac or PC: PC. Don't have aything against Macs though.

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: The Brothers Karamazov, Germinal, Brave New World
Movie(s) of choice: Woyzeck and Taxi Driver
Drug(s) of choice: Alcohol, and occasionally cigarettes

>> No.738775

>You are "special" because
don't you just love how humble they are?

>> No.738800

Age: 15
Sex: M
Location: USA
Occupation: UBERMENSCH
Three hobbies: MONEY, BITCHES, POWER
You are "special" because: I AM SUPERIOR TO THE LEECHES
Mac or PC: LINUX

(min. 1 max. 3)

Movie(s) of choice: NONE
Drug(s) of choice: COFFEE

>> No.738846


What server/faction are you on?

>> No.738878

>Three hobbies:
Reading, Studying science and philosophy, The Internetz
>You are "special" because:
I'm a nihilist from Texas
>Mac or PC:
>Book(s) of choice:
Lolita, The Ego and His Own, The Trail,
>Movie(s) of choice:
Throne of Blood, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Apocalypse Now
>Drug(s) of choice:
Caffeine, some times Alcohol and Cannabinoids

>> No.738889

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Occupation: Omar Little
Three hobbies: Readin', Lovin', Bathin'
You are "special" because: Autism
Mac or PC: Clay Tablets

Book(s) of choice: Gravity's Rainbow
Movie(s) of choice: There Will Be Blood
Drug(s) of choice: Paracetamol

>> No.738897

age: 23
sex: m
location: New Hampshire
occupation: Construction Worker
3 hobbies: Video James, Hipster-ism, going to nerd conventions
I am special because: I can turn both of my feet completely around so they face behind me
Mac or PC: PC
Books of choice: Lolita, A Scanner Darkly, The Areas Of My Expertise
Movies of choice: Citizen Kane, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, anything MST3K-able
Drugs of choice: I drink a lot because it makes me feel like Charles Bukowski

>> No.738923

Age: 19
Sex: M
Location: England
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Art, Philosophy, Comic books
You are "special" because: I am opinionated and have the knowledge to be.
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Keep The Asipidistra Flying - George Orwell
Movie(s) of choice: The Darjeeling Limited
Drug(s) of choice: Alcohol, Ketamine

>> No.738939

Age: 24
Sex: Male
Location: North Carolina
Occupation: Full Time Student Of Psychology
Three Hobbies: Playing Guitar, Writing, RTS games
I am "special" because: ADHD impedes my normal functioning.
Mac or PC: PC, but not by choice.
Books of choice: Anything by Sherman Alexie or David Sedaris.
Movies of choice: Where The Wild Things Are, The Dark Night, Breakfast At Tiffany's.
Drugs of Choice: Alcohol.

>> No.738943

New Hampshire-anon here, after reading through the whole thread I am legit surprised to see only one other new englander in this thread.

>> No.738944
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Age: 28
Sex: Male
Location: UK
Occupation: Self-employed

Three hobbies: READING, fucking, nothing else

You are "special" because: I'm smarter than YOU

Mac or PC: Mac, PC and Linux (Ubuntu)

Book(s) of choice: Atlas Shrugged, Fear of Freedom, Predictably Irrational.
Movie(s) of choice: Oldboy, Betty Blue, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Drug(s) of choice: Ah do CO-CAINE!

>> No.738962
File: 71 KB, 202x175, adrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 26
Sex: F
Location: Louisiana, USA
Occupation: English Teacher
Three hobbies: Painting, playing piano, writing
You are "special" because: Hard to describe. I think and perceive either on a very intimate level or a broad, thematic level. The immediate and nearby subjects that occupy most people's thoughts (romance, friends, sports, nationalism) seem absolutely unnecessary to me.

For a more understandable "special", I instantly accept death. I have to force myself to cry just so I don't look odd at funerals for close relatives and friends.
Mac or PC:

Book(s) of choice: Siddhartha, Paradise Lost, 1984 (really, I can't narrow them to just 3)
Movie(s) of choice: 8 1/2, V for Vendetta, the Gerard Depardieu Cyrano de Bergerac
Drug(s) of choice: 4chan and comics

>> No.738967

PC, but I don't give a crap either way. I hate the Apple trend though.

>> No.738980

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Location: Belfast
Occupation: Unemployed
Three hobbies: Music, Games, Books
You are "special" because: I'm not.
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Crime and Punishment, Song of Ice and Fire Series, Good Omens
Movie(s) of choice: No Country for Old Men, Snatch
Drug(s) of choice: None

>> No.738995

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Location: Peru
Occupation: Student, clerk
Three hobbies: Mythology, video games, running
You are "special" because: I'm not, although being a spic on the Internet USED to be weird/special.
Mac or PC: Mac, with VWindows 7

Books of choice: Briefing for A Descent Into Hell, Doris Lessing
Movies of choice: La Dolce Vita

>> No.738998

Have Horde and Ally on Wyrmrest Accord, but the server is terrible. Used to be Horde on Mal'ganis and will probably go back.

>> No.739039

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Location: You stopped reading after 'Male'

>> No.739058

these threads are just as bad as those "at age 10 i did this at age 13 i did this etc" threads.

that being said this is a bad thread and those of you who participated in it should feel bad.

>> No.739065


Stagolee you are the only true cancer on /lit. Nobody gives a fuck about anything you've ever said. Your posts literally detract from every thread.

tl;dr Your trip = Incoming faggotry.

>> No.739374

Age: 19
Sex: F
Location: IL
Occupation: Poor student
Three hobbies: Writing, being angsty/misanthropic, teh music
You are "special" because: I'm devoid of megalomaniacal impulses.
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: I'll change that to writers--Rimbaud, Artaud, Bataille, Camus, Baudelaire, Neruda, Plath, Kafka, Borges..the list is endless.
Movie(s) of choice: Eraserhead, 8 1/2, Fight Club, random horror movies
Drug(s) of choice: None.

>> No.739380

meh why even bother hitting on you? i want to fuck your taste in writers.

>> No.739386

What does that mean..you want to fuck my taste in writer? I'm confus.

>> No.739388


>> No.739400

He wants a menage a trois with Verlaine and Rimbaud, not with you.

>> No.739405

I never even mentioned Verlaine, so that's not possible

>> No.739483

You can't have an orgy with Rimbaud without Verlaine and Bataille can do the direction. That's the only thing fuckable in your list unless you have a fetish for blind people. Kafka wouldn't make a creepy lay and Camus would be somewhat bland.
That is one possible explanation.
Another is that chantards quite very desperate and would fuck anything that doesn't climb trees fast enough.
Also, you are Israeli. Is amos oz worth it? which one, if yes?

>> No.739486

I disagree. I think Camus wasn't bland at all, plus, he was hot. <3Camus.

>> No.739488


/lit/ - We fuck dead people instead of chicks with taste.

>> No.739509

Age: 18
Sex: Female
Location: Canadafag
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Violin, reading and napping.
You are "special" because: You tell me.
Mac or PC: Mac's for aesthetic purposes, PC for practicality.

Book(s) of choice: L'Étranger, Of Human Bondage, and Giovanni's Room.
Movie(s) of choice: Jurassic Park, Beauty and the Beast, and Se7en.
Drug(s) of choice: zilch. So far.

>> No.739510

bataille wouldn't direct, I'd call in Jean Genet to do that. Also, Rimbaud would be fucking Verlaine and sucking off Me in the back of a car driven by JG Ballard. Another car, with camus driving blindfolded smoking a cigarette, would be coming right for us with Neruda and borges going down on Plath at the same time while Kafka looks at bestiality porn and Baudelaire cries by himself because he has syphillis.

>> No.739519

picture a passionate existentialist
Yes. Or we are chicks with taste and get to fuck tasty people. :p

>> No.739530

Holy shit, that was epic. Also, Jean Genet was amazing. And to clarify, /lit/ isn't just a place where guys want to fuck dead writers, girls feel the same. I'd love a night with Bataille or Kafka..or any of the other writers I listed.

>> No.739561
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i'd fuck JT Leroy i'm not really gay, but genderqueer.

>> No.739584

Occupation:Student/cashier at a record store
Three hobbies:Reading, playing the guitar, listening to music
You are "special" because: I read (no one here does)
Mac or PC:PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:Sábato's Heroes y Tumbas and El Túnel, Camus' L'etranger
Movie(s) of choice:The Matrix
Drug(s) of choice:Acid

>> No.739618

Age:17 (one month untill 18)
Sex: Male
Location: Maine
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Books, vidya, sleep
You are "special" because: Mom said so.
Mac or PC: could use either

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: lord dunsany, hp love craft, kurt vonnegut
Movie(s) of choice: the district b-13 movies, bad horror b-movies
Drug(s) of choice:none

>> No.739637

Three hobbies:Set building, drugs, reading
You are "special" because:i was born that way

(min. 1 max. 3)

Rioter(s) of choice:Ravachol
Movie(s) of choice:Anti-christ by lars von trier
Drug(s) of choice:Anything that comes from popiverum somniferus

>> No.739659
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Sex: m
Location: orange county california
Occupation: valet
Three hobbies: cycling, vidya games, reading
You are "special" because: i'm not
Mac or PC: pc

Book(s) of choice: brothers karamazov, collected stories of chekhov, one hundred years of solitude
Movie(s) of choice: jacob's ladder, leon, rushmore
Drug(s) of choice: alcohol

>> No.739720

Age: 15
Sex: M
Location: Canada
Occupation: Bookstore
Three hobbies: Bass, Reading, Writing
You are "special" because: I'm not
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: House of Leaves, Brave New World, Les Miserables
Movie(s) of choice:The Fountain
Drug(s) of choice: None for me, not my thing.

>> No.739736

christ, bros, you ARE all special, stop being self-deprecating. it's not sexy.

>> No.739738

Location: Ireland
Three hobbies:singing, Writing, Film Making
You are "special" because:I was born this way
Mac or PC:PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:Fear And Loathing, Schott's Original Miscellany,
Movie(s) of choice:Fight Club, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Plan 9 From Outer Space
Drug(s) of choice:Alcohol, Marijuana

>> No.739742
File: 91 KB, 452x452, WolfParade_Expo86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 18
Sex: Male
Location: New Mexico
Occupation: Office Max
Three hobbies: Books, girlfriend, and writing.
You are "special" because: I take anti-depressants.
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Crime & Punishment, Catcher in the Rye, The Metamorphosis.

Movie(s) of choice: Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, The City of Angels

>> No.739745

Rushmore! FUCK YEAR!

>> No.739760

these are my o.r. scrubs

>> No.739766




>> No.739781
File: 20 KB, 435x363, 1247877612931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 18
Sex: Female
Location: Oklahoma
Occupation: Schooling for Oboe
Three hobbies: Oboe, books, internet
You are "special" because: I'm making 1000 paper cranes.
Mac or PC: PC
Books: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Stranger by Albert Camus
Movies: Fight Club, Hard Candy
Drugs: Marijuana, Xophenex.

>> No.739785

epic director is epic. didn't like bottle rocket though, a rare miss. but it was his first.

>> No.739820

Sex: f
Location: california
Occupation: retail/student
Three hobbies: languages, knitting, researching genocide
You are "special" because: it's almost impossible to guilt-trip me
Mac or PC: mac

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: unbearable lightness of being, the upanishads, sons & lovers
Movie(s) of choice: don't really care for movies, but any film by miyazaki i suppose.
Drug(s) of choice: running?

>> No.739847

Three hobbies:Gaming Reading Movies
You are "special" because: Perfectly Ordinary
Mac or PC:PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice:A Song of Fire and Ice
Movie(s) of choice: Gangs of New York
Drug(s) of choice: Weed and Booze

>> No.739863

A student in Mass? HOW UNIQUE.

Also is your name Dave B?

>> No.739876


Said I was ordinary!

>> No.739881

*spits out drink while trying to hold back laughter*

>> No.739893

occupation-i'm just a student
three hobbies-reading, writing, watching movies
why i'm special- i'm not, really.
mac or pc- pc
books of choice- lolita, the stranger, pornografia
movies of choice- oldboy, feed, kadosh
drugs of choice- coffee, booze, the occasional cigar

>> No.739899


where at in pa?

>> No.739907

lol ''it's my body and i want to be eaten!''

>> No.739914


what are you gonna do about it, pac man?

>> No.739921

Age: 21
Sex: F
Location: TN
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Vidya games, reading, DnD
You are "special" because: I had a pet woodroach when I was in kindergarten. I'm a girl. I wanted to be an entomologist back then, and could pronounce "entomologist." Maybe that makes me special?
Mac or PC: Mac with Windows 7 on it. Or at least it WILL have Windows 7 on it as soon as I get some shit onto my external hard drive so I have room for Windows 7 ^_^;

Book(s) of choice: I really honestly don't have a favorite book. I'm sorry, there are just too many to choose from!
Movie(s) of choice: How to Train Your Dragon
Drug(s) of choice: Caffeine; the ridiculous number of medications I've been prescribed to keep me sane, awake, and not sneezing my brains out; DnD; the Internet; alcohol

>> No.739971

Age: 18
Sex: M
Location: Australia
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Writing, Reading, Gym
You are "special" because: I'm Australian and have AMAZINGLY never been bitten by a spider/snake/other venomous creature.
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: The Dragon Reborn, Temeraire, Freedom's Landing
Movie(s) of choice: Jeux d'enfants, V for Vendetta
Drug(s) of choice: Paracetamol

>> No.739984

Sex: Male
Location: Ohio
Occupation: Fast food crew
Three hobbies: Acting, Reading, Writing
You are "special" because: Awesomest gay boy ever
Mac or PC: pc

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Equus, Picture of Dorian Grey, Memoirs of a Geisha
Movie(s) of choice: Eternal Sunshine, Kill Bill
Drug(s) of choice: Pot

>> No.739992


Age: 22
Sex: M
Location: Seattle
Occupation: Student/ Staff Reporter
Three hobbies: Reading, Writing, Porking
You are "special" because: I usually let others decide that
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow, Joseph Heller - Catch-22, David Simon - Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets
Movie(s) of choice: Goodfellas, A Tokyo Story, The Thing
Drug(s) of choice: Pot (+++), Beer

>> No.740057


You gonna get raped.

>> No.741105

>>Leach, student to be.
Three hobbies:
>>Is being a history buff a hobby?, Music, light gaming
You are "special" because:
>>I worked at a local guitar shop? maybe? idk.
Mac or PC:
>>PC (Macs are fine too)

(min. 1 max. 3)
>>only knowing three things a person likes enough for it to pop into their head at the tip of your hat is not a good reference to their tastes...
Book(s) of choice:
>>Old Man and the Sea, The Pearl, Animal Farm
Movie(s) of choice:
>>The Pagemaster, Fight Club, Back to the Future
Drug(s) of choice:

>> No.741108
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>> No.741110

such a fucked up/ horrific/ sick/ awesome movie.

>> No.741139

Unemployed (Student)
I don't have any hobbies.
I'm not special.
Essay / Non-Fiction / Critique
French / German New Wave
(Legal) Percocet

>> No.741156

Age: 20.
Sex: Female.
Location: New York City.
Occupation: Writer, General fuckaround.
Three hobbies: Smoking, Looking for Objects, It's not even fucking broken asshole.

You are "special" because: No one can make someone fall in love like I can.
Mac or PC: Well, I can't say, really. I like the big screen on the iMac, but my laptop is a Dell.

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: A Lover's Discourse, Interpretation of Dreams, Lolita, Cummings
Movie(s) of choice: Natural Born Killers, Layer Cake, Pulp Fiction, Running with Scissors.
Drug(s) of choice: Alcohol, cigarettes, ecstasy, LSD, coke, etc.

>> No.741157

Age: 18
Sex: F
Location: Seattle/WA/USA
Occupation: Student, freelance design/art on side
Three hobbies: Drawing, dancing to Lady GaGa in random locations, being a foodie
You are "special" because: I like to think I am.
Mac or PC: PC, want to get a Mac but am surrounded by vehement Mac-haters who may or may not throttle me for buying into the aesthetic, overpriced nonsense that is the Apple empire.

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: A Clockwork Orange, Sophie's World, Scandinavian crime fiction
Movie(s) of choice: Being John Malkovich, Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain, Fanny & Alexander
Drug(s) of choice: Nothing. I have a natural ability to get/act high, it's quite fun.

>> No.741212

>Mac or PC:
Come on, modern cumputers suck. Read bloody Ted Nelson, read The Humane Interface. All major operating systems are horribly flawed and there is now escape in view.

>> No.741230

A: 23

S: M

L: Cali,USA

O: Student/Gamestop Employee

3H: fap, books, games

YASB: Luck +10 (besides still being a virgin)


Books of choice: The Unbearable Lightness of Being, House of Leaves, and Atlas Shrugged

Movies of Choice: american beauty, lost in translation and bible black

drugs of choice: caffeine

>> No.741237

Age: 18
Sex: Not yet LOL Gender: Male
Location: Connecticut, USA
Occupation: Unemployed
Three hobbies: The Vidya, Guitars, Theatre
You are "special" because: Abstain. I am but dust in an uncaring wind.
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: Ender's Game, Red Dragon, Wuthering Heights
Drug(s) of choice: Marlboro 100's, Lemon Cush, Sam Adam's Cream Stout, Caffeine, Cherry-Vanilla Pepsi

>> No.741331

Age: 15 (underage b& I realise)
Sex: Male
Location: North East England
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Fencing, indoor rock climbing, ninjutsu
You are "special" because: I'm smart, but I'm not sure if that's just really smart compared to people around me or if I am actually very clever. I'll soon find out.
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: Catch-22, The Count of Monte Cristo, Crime and Punishment
Movie(s) of choice: The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Oldboy, The Life of Brian.
Drug(s) of choice: Caffeine

>> No.741361


>> No.741373
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>on /lit/

>> No.741653

where in CA?

>> No.741668

Sex: Female
Location: Earth
Occupation: Unemployed
Three hobbies: Swimming, reading, hunting
You are "special" because: I have a split personality (girly girl/ tomboy split)
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Hunger Games, Looking for Alaska, Brave New World
Movie(s) of choice: The Royal Tenenbaums, Blue Lagoon, Life of Brian
Drug(s) of choice: Pot and ice cream

>> No.741674

Age: 17
Sex: M
Location: Glasgow
Occupation: N/A
Three hobbies: Music, Literature, Film.
You are "special" because: I'm so very boring.
Mac or PC: PC.

(min.1 max.3)

Books(s) of choice: The Stranger, VALIS, Breakfast of Champions
Movie(s) of choice: Apocalypse Now, Dr. Strangelove, 2001: ASO
Drug(s) of choice: N/A

>> No.741676


Where are you on the Gulf Coast? I'm in the New Orleans area northshore.

>> No.741718

Age: 15.
Sex: Male.
Location: West of Ireland.
Occupation: Student. I'm about to sit my Junior Cert. exams in a week.
Three hobbies: Reading, drawing, and cycling; however, I hardly do any of these, now; I'm too lax.
You are "special" because: My lucidity exceeds that of my family and everyone in my school.
Mac or PC: PC.

Book(s) of choice: The Picture of Dorian Gray, any honest memoir dealing with mental illness, e.g. Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs or Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel; and The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath.
Movie(s) of choice: The Royal Tenenbaums and Quills. I want to watch more films during the summer holidays.
Drug(s) of choice: None.I've smoked, before, but don't to remain healthy and save money.
Singer(s) of choice: Sarah Slean, and a lot of other women who play pianos-- Regina Spektor being my current favourite.

>> No.742050


Hello, Irish people.

>> No.742191
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age: 20
sex: male
location: iowa
occupation: student
three hobbies: hiking, writing, music-making
you are "special" because: silly putty
Mac or PC: PC fer shure...

Book of Choice: The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac
Movie of Choice: Werkmeister Harmonik
Drugs: weed, booze, coffee

>> No.742216

Age: 16
Sex: male
Location: southern ohio
Occupation: umpire/farmhand
Three hobbies: guitar, birdwatching, soccer
You are "special" because: i am one of the earliest survivors of the heart defect "tetrology of fallot", which is something i share with shaun white
Mac or PC: pc

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: balzac and the little chinese seamstress, enders game, candide
Movie(s) of choice: point break, sex drive, the pagemaster
Drug(s) of choice: none

>> No.742235

Age: 23
Sex: M
Location: York, England
Occupation: Unemployed
Three hobbies: Archery, Reading (durr), Films
You are "special" because: I'm not
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: LOTR, War & Peace, Count of Monte Cristo
Movie(s) of choice: Dr Strangelove, Apocalypse Now, The Big Lebowski
Drug(s) of choice: Coffee

>> No.742239

presently unemployed (by choice; I'm living off my savings for a while)
Writing, reading, playing video games
I am special because.... I hear the music.

Books of choice: Nine Stories, Deathbird Stories, It
Movies of choice: Blue Velvet, Natural Born Killers, The Graduate
Drug of choice: LSD.

>> No.742312

Hannover, Germany
Reading, Lauern...I like to go to Cocktailbars with friends
Cause 3 of my 10 fingers are deformed
Walden by Thoreau
Labyrinth with David Bowie
...a little bit alcohol and much coffee

>> No.742324

Sex: M
Location: British Columbia
Occupation: Movie Theater Concession Guy/ Dairy Queen Burg Flipper
Three hobbies: Reading, Writing, Filmmaking
You are "special" because: I have size 17 feet.
Mac or PC: Mac but I use a PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Hunger by Hamsun, It by Stephen King, Ham On Rye by Bukowski
Movie(s) of choice: The Royal Tenenbaums, The Big Lebowski, Evil Dead 2
Drug(s) of choice: Marijuana, Alcohol

>> No.742329

Gulf Shores, AL

>> No.742340
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Location: Lancaster
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Reading, Video Games, Movies
You are "special" because: I finished 2666??
Mac or PC: PC

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: 2666, Blood Meridian, Song of Solomon
Movie(s) of choice: Holy Mountain, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Rocky Horror Picture Show
Drug(s) of choice: Only tried pot and I hated it..

>> No.742352
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Age: 17
Sex: F
Location: Belgium, just above Brussels (not floating fyi)
Occupation: I study arts
Three hobbies: ugh, I hate that word
You are "special" because: it's a birth defect. It's a sensitive subject
Mac or PC: mac

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Oscar Wilde's collected works, Women in love by D.H. Lawrence
Movie(s) of choice: couldn't say really

drugs of choice: mdma
cigarette brand: pall mall (red)
favourite painter(s): Egon Schiele, Aubrey Beardsly

>> No.742371

>it's a birth defect. It's a sensitive subject
Come on, I(>>742312) have one too, on the Internet you can open your self in anonymity.

>> No.742377

I was kidding. Sorry about your fingers though.

>> No.742395

Sex: F
Location: Paris
Occupation: Student
Three hobbies: Reading, Writing, Cinema (in this order)
You are "special" because: I have no friends.
Mac or PC: PC

Book(s) of choice: Memoirs of Hadrian, City (Alessandro Baricco), Nausea
Movie(s) of choice: Die Weisse Band, A clockword Orange, I'm not there
Drug(s) of choice: Pain

>> No.742397


>> No.742407

Sex: F
Location: Finland
Occupation: Studying
Three hobbies: Piano, guitar, vidya
You are "special" because: My feet are weird
Mac or PC: both

(min. 1 max. 3)

Book(s) of choice: Sofi Oksanen - Baby Jane, Evan Wright - Generation Kill, Anja Snellman - Lemmikkikaupan tytöt
Movie(s) of choice: Battle Trench Avenue, I love you Phillip Morris
Drug(s) of choice: Alcohol

>> No.742503

Its not really that bad, being different, even when it is in such an unimportant way gives you a better view on the society and I think my differentness made me the way I am, I like how I am right now so I basicly think it's a good thing to have a little bit deformationor at least in my case.

>> No.742800

/lit/ has to many Members .... fucking cumdumpster

>> No.742807


York huh? Me too.