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File: 123 KB, 650x650, Fahrenheit 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
737172 No.737172 [Reply] [Original]


Streaming "Fahrenheit 451"

Normally I would NEVER post on /lit/. However im pretty sure noone else knows this movie exists. Even if I did I dont think they could appreciate it but figured you guys might enjoy it, though im not sure if /lit/ watches movies.

>> No.737177

this movie is about Fireman.
only these fireman find books and burn them.
its a very deep movie and many consider it to be very astetically pleasing. its rumored that the ikea catalog was inspired by this movie.

>> No.737178

this is kind of like Scorsese meets Ayn Rand, I figured you guys might like it.

>> No.737181

i will wait and start it in 5 minutes you have that long to join then its to late.

keep in mind this movie is called 451 for a reason
that is the temperature that paper burns.

this is a bradbury masterpiece for all your hipster artfags.

>> No.737182
File: 287 KB, 600x450, Fahrenheit 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.737183

da book was much better derp

>> No.737186


>> No.737188

I remember watching this a year ago. Possibly the campest film I've ever seen.

>> No.737189
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>> No.737195

im ok with this
to be honest this kind of genius is what movies used to be like before the downfall of western society brought the movie genre to its knees

>> No.737196

>4 viewers

>> No.737199
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>> No.737201

i didnt expect 1

>> No.737203

This quality is blowing me away. It looks so real I could put my hand into my PC. OP has FPS over 60 and its making me freak out. Audio is 9/10 i cant really test the 7.1 but sounds great on my 5.1 setup.

>> No.737205

I was LOST until i let this into my heart, it changed how i see the world and how i live my life.

>> No.737208
File: 150 KB, 718x425, 1270449654732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they dont know that movies play on the internets run by only the most sophisticated and hip pirates known to man.

>> No.737209


That would be the Italian Job, but Fahrenheit 451 comes pretty close (Julie Christie keeps it grounded).

>> No.737216
File: 48 KB, 300x420, Fahrenheit 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stream got me laid!!!

If you want to attract women then watch this movie for all the secrets on how to find the love of a good woman!

>> No.737219

This stream has revolutionized how I see the world.
Doors that were closed to me are flung open. After watching this stream I now realize that anything I want can happen if I just believe in myself.

>> No.737227

At last my life time of work is complete!
in this stream I have at last discovered the meaning of life!

>> No.737228

ZOMG its like Ive been sucked into a vortex of EPIC WIN and I wormholed out into the galaxy of triforce

>> No.737231

oh montag
you make me higher then a 4 alarm fire

>> No.737233
File: 7 KB, 251x202, 1272471700669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books being burned

>> No.737235

also I forgot where we are dining tonight.

>> No.737239

My life was meaningless and empty after my wife left me, then I found this stream.

Now I can look my children in the eyes again, and watch the sunset.

>> No.737241

when i woke up in the morning i was ashamed of myself for having a wet dream. I thought I was no longer a man for having wet the bed like an infant.

Then I tuned into this stream and I became 100% MAN! nothing can stop me I have the testosterone of a raging bull.

>> No.737242

Im freaking out man. I been waiting on this for the last 2 years. its like the OP read my mind and knew exactly what all of my hopes and dreams were!

>> No.737244

There is so much WIN here I mean ive been taking in this WINRAR from the start. I just went to the bathroom and when I looked in the toilet, I noticed I shat nothing but triforce, from all the EPIC WIN!!!!

>> No.737245
File: 58 KB, 416x402, 1272876680845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.737248
File: 439 KB, 660x660, Facerip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Web Page is not available.
>My face when I realize what I'm missing out on.

>> No.737250

i was going to go to bed but now that this is on im staying up until question marks!!!!

>> No.737253

:( it should be available
try this livestream (dot) com/beararmy

thats the direct link

>> No.737257

I know it exists asshat, I have the soundtrack too, bitch.

>> No.737298

is this mvoie real?
they just burned BOOKS!

>> No.737300

>aesthetically pleasing

It's all tinfoil and fluorescent lights and shitty actors with bad accents. Fuck that.

>> No.737301

i heard of this from my friends at school but i never saw.
finally im going to be able to live up to m rep as the JOSHINATOR!!!!

>> No.737305

you dare mock the german language!
Show respect to your aryan forefathers noobtrash

jerkoff social reject trying to talk down to others when you are the filfth of society in the gutter of life.

>> No.737308

pffft this movie is old like my dads age
who would watch this crap

>> No.737311
File: 24 KB, 400x370, 1269490674948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.737316

its as if the skies opened up and delivered me this triforce on this day let it be known througout the land that this is EPIC!

>> No.737323

this makes my day
I was sad and lonely from a life wasted until I found renewal of my human spirit in this stream. without this stream my life would have continues its tragic 9-5 existence, at last I have found the salvation so many have spent their life seeking and yet never find.