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/lit/ - Literature

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7371151 No.7371151 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else paranoid about their literary legacy? Specifically all the shit your biographer(s) might dig up, crap that you didn't give 2 seconds of thought to but will be over-analyzed and abused in the future?

I don't post anything anywhere under my real name unless it's worth publishing and has undergone multiple revisions. When I comment pseudonymously I frequently change my nom de plume to make sure nobody can go back and correlate a specific pseudonym to myself. Notes and drafts are meticulously destroyed.

The worst thing about it is that I know with near certainty that nobody will write my biography, but I can't resist fussing over the record I leave behind...

>> No.7371156
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just to have a legacy of any kind would be a good thing for me

>> No.7371279

I will write your biography. Just send me all the details of your life. Or give me your address so I can observe you from afar for a couple of days, or weeks...

>> No.7371294

are there any unknown pen names with any degree of fame? im guessing pynchon will be outed once he goes. it would be ideal to achieve shakespeare like anonymity. one or many of me?!