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7370886 No.7370886 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a better illustration of hyperreality?

>> No.7370898

What are some literary examples of hyperreality? Wallboy described IJ as having h/r elements, but Walltoy was constantly full of shit.

>> No.7370899

Probably not
this whole thing is really what got me into the occult in general

>> No.7370953

that is beautiful. I only read Baudrillard in any depth a few months ago, and stuff like this gives me mental goosebumps now.

White Noise is the prime example. it would not have been written were it not for Simulacra and Simulation. also a lot of PKD you can hardly understand, really, w/out Baudrillard.

>> No.7370977

>150 died and I'm in a library laughing my fucking ass off
>Fuck you 4chan
>Fuck you

There's a textbook in these three lines

>> No.7371114

Recommend some PKD? I've read Three Stigmata (spooky!).

Flow My Tears, A Scanner Darkly, Do Androids?

>> No.7371118

This event literally made me believe in magic.

>> No.7371124


>> No.7371143

A Scanner Darkly (not as overtly relevant to hyperreality, but portrayal of protagonist's crisis is relevant as a picture of fractured identity some of us experience in the age of information overload and playing multiple parts), Man in the High Castle (authenticity vs. inauthenticity of antique firearms very relevant to Baudrillard's hyperreality), and definitely Ubik as well.

>> No.7371145

You sound like a retard.

>> No.7371157

>mon visage quand this idiot doesn't understand baudrillard
>mon visage quand this idiot is a first year Uni student
Kill yourself

>> No.7371177

This is what happens when the fags at CERN shitpost on 4chan during their coffee breaks while the LHC is running

>> No.7371184

No he doesn't. Get fucked.

>> No.7371198
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>I read Baudrillard

>> No.7371203

Its got nothing to do with 'spookiness' or the occult you nuftys, hyperreality is a (pomo) phenomenon where humans lose track of or no longer respond to 'the real' in amongst its signifiers. >>7370977 is a a nice, tragic example

>> No.7371206
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>hyperreality is a (pomo) phenomenon

>> No.7371219

Ok you fucking pedant it's a salient feature of postmodernism then

>> No.7371231
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>> No.7371352

Fucking idiot

>> No.7371389

Alright faggots, explain hyper reality to me.

>> No.7371399

Butthurt Focaultian detected.

>> No.7371416

bonjour reddit!!

>> No.7371435

Me telling you I'm fucking your mum.
Then you leave your basement and I actually am.