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7369928 No.7369928 [Reply] [Original]

is there a book in which the protagonist gets no love from anyone?
i'm about to lose the love of my life to some douchebag who's better than me in every fucking way.

>> No.7369936

You're looking for Candide

>> No.7369937

my autobiography

>wah wah I am a nice guy why won't girls suck my dick :(((

op grow up

>> No.7369939

Either sort your fucking life out, or fuck off to /r9k/.

Jesus christ, fuck. I guarantee the primary reason you got keked was because you're such a whining fucking infant who blames all their problems on everyone else.

>> No.7369942

The Book of Job

>> No.7369950

chill out, he said it was the love of his life

>> No.7369956

I don't see your point.

>> No.7369974


Book of Disquiet might row your boat.

Or just read The Sorrows of Young Werther and pick up an insignificant alcohol habit, wallow in your contrived self-pity for a little while, and rise right as rain.

>> No.7369976


Oblomov, my diary or >>7369942

>> No.7370272

> I guarantee the primary reason you got keked was because you're such a whining fucking infant who blames all their problems on everyone else.

I once lost a girl because I was just like that. If you're in a relationship or something never do the whining, except if you're a woman, then that's okay. Otherwise, be a man. Honestly, the last thing a girl wants is a "depressed, my life sux, I want to die" kind of guy.

Also, Book of Disquiet is a good choice. Try not to be Pessoa's narrator and you'll do mostly fine IRL. Good luck, OP. I really mean it.

>> No.7370315

>love of my life
the love of my ..so far

Also, Stoner.

>> No.7370332

Well, why are you getting cukced?

>> No.7370339
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because i'm a pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.7370359

Nah he gets love it's just real late in the game and kinda sad.

>> No.7370365

still one of the most honest and authentic depictions of a love affair I've read

>> No.7370382

Queer by Burroughs is about unrequited love from a homo perspective, but there are palpable, sad feels from beginning to end

>> No.7370408

Let's not spoil it for the kid.

>> No.7370410
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>emotionally depending on women
you deserve it and it'll happen again.

>> No.7370413
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Damn, pic related... she's cute.

Anyway, why would you want to read about it? To get a stronger depression? Do like the rest of us, and cry while you eat chocolate and listen Janis Ian.

Just avoid yourself unnecesary suffering, mate. What could you do if she don't like you anymore? Stay classy and wish her good luck while you broke this relationship. The world is full of girls, and each one of them can be special.

>> No.7370425
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Also, this might help you. Pic related.

>> No.7370480

>everyone is either this A type or B type
ayy lmao, I bet ya take PUA's seriously. Thing about overly self aware ( as if being awareness isn't a sign of intelligence; most chimps aren't aware that they're looking at themselves when facing a mirror ) and sensitive guys is that they are pretty much fucked right from the start if they have resort to reading this overly simplified trite so that they could convince themselves that they're going to act this and that way - the NEXT time surely this half assed advice will help me make it.

See this for the most legit advice so far >>7370410

>> No.7370495

Coming here, and then seeing you guys pass out relationship advice really gets my panties in a twist for some reason. Jesus, it's like I'm on some normalfag forum.

Also, the fact that you're giving out advice on "wimmin" as if there's just one type of them in existence sort of grinds my gears as well.

>> No.7370517

It isn't about her, him or anyone else but you.

The hard fact that you can't get what you want, although you could, shows that you are a coward and will die inside for just another time because you just couldn't bring yourself to do what you want. You're absolutely the same as those guys who complain about procrastination, they want to write, yet they don't because waaah waaah the can't quit shitposting on 4chan and bring themselves to do what they want. Of course, instead of writing, of getting the most simple solution, they look for some bullshit shortcuts that will magically make the next great writers out of them. How is that guy better than you, tell me? It is quite apparent to me already, as he has done what he wants and has gotten what he wants, thus he is superior, but I'd like to hear what you have to say.

>> No.7370563


every person is always emotionally dependant on others, whether you like that or not.

infants that are nurtured die within a very short time period if they do not get any human contact.

even a grow man will go insane if he does not have any contact for a few weeks, maybe even a few days.

I know you like to think of yourself as strong and independent, because your masculinity depends on it. you just are not.


this is some of the dumbest shit I've read in my entire life.

are you a chris angels fan? thanks for the laugh I guess


are you fighting? if not, why are you not fighting? it seems to me that making threads on 4chan is not the appropriate reaction, if what you say really is true and she is the love of your life, what are you doing here?

you realize you will hate yourself even more for never trying, right? it'll never leave you, just do your best and hope it won't haunt you until you die.

no advice from 4chan will ever help you, all it'll do is give you comfort, which will cause you to stay as you are.

>> No.7370577

>every person is always emotionally dependant on others, whether you like that or not.
not really, is this what you tell yourself to justify your dependence on people?

People are fickle pieces of trash and should not be depended, much less women, if you want anything done in this life you can only do it yourself.

I honestly don't know why people feel this much pain over bullshit like this.
> it'll never leave you, just do your best and hope it won't haunt you until you die.
really? that's a tad bit dramatic m8, why is this guy going to worry for the rest of life for regretting to flaccidly chase after some second-rate whore?

>> No.7370578

>even a grow man will go insane if he does not have any contact for a few weeks, maybe even a few days.
Speak for yourself.

>> No.7370733


>Speak for yourself.

solitary confinement has been shown to make people go coo-coo in the span of days. do you have any evidence of people living completely alone for weeks that did not at least suffer heavy psychological damage? [there is none]


>not really, is this what you tell yourself to justify your dependence on people?

why don't you try arguing with a few of the points I raised instead of saying "no, you!"

>People are fickle pieces of trash and should not be depended

I never argued otherwise, this is not a question of "should", but a question of "do" or "do not"

>really? that's a tad bit dramatic m8, why is this guy going to worry for the rest of life for regretting to flaccidly chase after some second-rate whore?

because this "second-rate whore" apparently is the love of his life.

if this statement really was true, we would regret it for years.

if it is not true, which is likely, then he'll forget about it in the matter of a few months and get sad over it occasionally.

still, never trying is the single worst thing one can do in that situation.

>> No.7370739

I'm not him but I have personally lived in the woods and other places away from all human contact for extended periods of time. I will admit you get really weird, but I would not say "psychologically damaged".

>> No.7370741

>solitary confinement has been shown to make people go coo-coo in the span of days. do you have any evidence of people living completely alone for weeks that did not at least suffer heavy psychological damage? [there is none]

buddhist monks do that all the time, meditating for months in remote caves

>> No.7370744

Buddhist monks are completely insane though.

>> No.7370745


I also remember there was some new article about a man living in the woods for months, yet he always came back to steal books from other humans, i.e. indirectly searching for human contact.

I'm very curious now - how did you sustain yourself? where did you get food and fresh water from? where did you get new books from? where did you poop or piss? what did you do all day? how did your friends and family react? how are you living now?

>> No.7370756


>buddhist monks do that all the time, meditating for months in remote caves

meditation allows you to do things "normal" people would never be able to. I concur though, that is indeed evidence of a human being living completely alone for more than weeks.

if you are being realistic though, you will have to admit that if we are talking about a majority of people here - that means people that did not have advanced training in being solitary or already have social anxiety or other similiar psychological conditions - are completely dependant on others and crave human contact after just a few days of being alone.

>> No.7370789

What the fuck are you even on about, there have been thousands of examples regarding various hermits and what not. I'm pretty sure you're fucking retarded at this point given that you can't cope with the thought that there indeed might be human beings who do just fine on their own over extended time periods.

>> No.7370790

Shit like this happens all the time, you get over it and find someone else to fuck, no big deal.

It is, however, extremely demoralizing to realize that the girl you loved more than all the others, the girl whose your attraction for her just grows more and more as the days pass by, the girl you're certain is "it", prefers the company of another guy over yours, and that you can't do nothing about it.

>> No.7370807


>What the fuck are you even on about, there have been thousands of examples regarding various hermits and what not.

I never disputed that. what I said is that being a hermit, as you call it, will inflict damage on your psyche.

>> No.7370811
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>and that you can't do nothing about it.
so why worry?
If you can't do anything, where is this worry and anger getting you?

why not just embrace the pain, this is a world of constant pain and struggle, pleasure is merely the absence of pain temporarily, pleasure is never meant to last and hoping for it only brings on more pain.

>> No.7370828

Like what? What is normal psyche?

You know, seeing how you mention most people couldn't handle being all alone and probably view it as weird, I'd like to remind you that the very same masses think that reading is boring and totally not the thing to do unless you're a fag or a just pretending to be reading. What I'm saying is that masses are no measure of normalcy or reference to how it should be; they only represent mediocrity. Mediocre people just don't go all hermit just for that; there ought to be either emotional needs or convictions that aren't mediocre for the reason that they are extremities.

>> No.7370869


>Like what? What is normal psyche?

I completely know where you are going for and I'm just going to say that I agree fully: the border between "sanity" and "insane" has always been drawn arbitrarily. On the other hand, a lot of psychological disorders can now be reconstructed via brain scans and pointed out objectively, on a neuronal level. That is where I draw the line. A person that does not like company, someone considered to be weird, all of those do not apply.

> I'd like to remind you that the very same masses think that reading is boring and totally not the thing to do unless you're a fag or a just pretending to be reading.

that depends entirely where you live. I have never ever come across that sentiment, not even among people that would be considered "jocks" by American standards.

>What I'm saying is that masses are no measure of normalcy or reference to how it should be

I fully agree with this.

>Mediocre people just don't go all hermit just for that; there ought to be either emotional needs or convictions that aren't mediocre for the reason that they are extremities.

none of this is the base for my argument, what i am saying is that a prisoner that is left in a cell without any human contact can literally develop paranoia or shizophrenia in a very short time period, which takes year and years to heal. that for me is clearly a sign of "psychological damage", especially if this behavior was not observable previously. this shows, at least to some extent, that humans, once again, literally need other humans in order to keep their sanity.

the toddler experiment that I mentioned in >>7370563 also points towards it.

>> No.7370921

If she doesn't like you, she's retarded and thus not worth pursuing. If you don't think this, you're not worth pursuing.

>> No.7370944

I was talking about people who choose such and such choices out of their own choice, not because they have been put into a such position forcefully.

Using babies as examples is not very relevant considering that we are speaking of grown people. There are lots of psychological mechanisms at play with toddlers that simply don't apply to other stages of human development.

Solitary is a small cell with little to no access to anything to do. Give a man in solitary just enough to cater to his needs save the social ones and he will still, I believe, make out of it without going all schizo. Relevant to the discussion should be inherent tendencies for schizophrenia. Most of the people go schizo even if they are fully social. Sometimes it is a matter inherited genetics. Insanity, well, that can develop in just about anyone for any reasons sufficient and what not, but even that, I think, has something to do with your genetics. Tbh m8, people with dispositions towards mental illness already have a higher chance to be antisocial.

>> No.7370954


>I was talking about people who choose such and such choices out of their own choice, not because they have been put into a such position forcefully.

you are right in making that distinction, I concur prison experiments don't really count if tibetan monks don't count.

>Using babies as examples is not very relevant considering that we are speaking of grown people. There are lots of psychological mechanisms at play with toddlers that simply don't apply to other stages of human development.


>Solitary is a small cell with little to no access to anything to do. Give a man in solitary just enough to cater to his needs save the social ones and he will still, I believe, make out of it without going all schizo.

I must admit I have no empirical data on people voluntarily living isolated, but then again it is incredibly hard to achieve full isolation.

>Relevant to the discussion should be inherent tendencies for schizophrenia.
>Tbh m8, people with dispositions towards mental illness already have a higher chance to be antisocial.
>Sometimes it is a matter inherited genetics. Insanity, well, that can develop in just about anyone for any reasons sufficient and what not, but even that, I think, has something to do with your genetics.

agreed. though the idea that isolation can be one of those "triggers" to me is a sign that human contact is something we inherently seek out and depend on, but maybe that's grasping at straws.

>Most of the people go schizo even if they are fully social.

that is true, but not relevant to the discussion.

>> No.7370955

Stop acting like a pathetic piece of shit, I'm not telling you to stop being one, I am one too, but when I'm out in public I put on a false bravado and become assertive.
Not gonna lie look into business and sales culture if you want to do this.
Too bad I can only do this with regular interaction, when it comes to.romance I overthink and regress to my natural state...;_;

>> No.7370958

sad and banal

>> No.7370960

There's a difference between being dependent on one person or a specific group of people (your peers) and merely seeking interaction.

>> No.7370970


>There's a difference between being dependent on one person or a specific group of people (your peers) and merely seeking interaction.

true, but I was not trying to say that we're all dependent on one specific person, rather that we're all dependent on social interaction, which obviously implies we're all dependent on other people. maybe I did not formulate it too well.

those people of course don't have to be girlfriends, wives, fathers or mothers.

>> No.7370974

We're not dependent on it just because we seek it out and enjoy it.

>> No.7370987


that's why I brought sanity into play, to show that there is a dependency. I'll go to be now so I'll let this argument rest, but thanks for being civil and actually responding in proper manner.

>> No.7370994
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>there is much more than just one book, comrade

>> No.7371000

>Also, the fact that you're giving out advice on "wimmin" as if there's just one type of them in existence sort of grinds my gears as well.
Nothing of the sort occurred in the first post you replied to.

>> No.7371025

Since this is a shitpost thread and >>7370495 already started the >btw im a grill fest,
>the last thing a girl wants is a "depressed, my life sux, I want to die" kind of guy
A lot of girls don't mind this. Especially ones into lit, you'd be surprised with how many actually enjoy being the stable, supportive part.

I swear men can't pick their women to save their lives, you dicks keep choosing gfs who don't match you at all. But I guess that's what happens when you're a primitive savage who chooses partners based on how big the ass n titties are.

>> No.7371128

If we were dependent on it we would need it no matter what, which is not the case.

>> No.7371131

Women are even worse, they only care about how much money you make.
See I can make sweeping generalizations too.

>> No.7371135

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.7371141


oblomov gets plenty of love

>> No.7371146

did u miss the ending

>> No.7371284

hope to see you when she leaves you

>> No.7371293

Watch La Grande Beleza and A man Escaped back to back and then read Sentimental Education by Flaubert.

>> No.7371302

I carried a lot of food in, got my water from springs, I shit in the woods m8.
I was usually on the move never staying in one spot more than one night.
I scavenged some food like berries and mushrooms (make sure you know what you're doing before eating mushrooms).

All my family hates me, I now live in random people's houses writing, I've never had enough money to own a car.

>> No.7371310


Shoot both of them you pussy

>> No.7371316
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I bet you're just the life of the party.

>> No.7371456

Send me the links to your social media; I'll throw together a biography for you.

>> No.7371639


Yo Nietzsche I think you forgot you were some bloke on 4chan

>> No.7371648

i'm happily married, thanks
simply imparting a bit of wisdom to you faggots: if you don't think you are great, who will?

>> No.7371670

The Sun Also Rises.

>> No.7371694

I could go without contacting other human beings for a decade straight if I had the comfort and the sustainability desu.

>> No.7371723

so why are you on 4chan

>> No.7371740

Literature discussion, why else?

>> No.7371776

Fuck off normie

>> No.7371779

The answer is "Whatever" by Michel Houellebecq

>> No.7371830
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>coo-coo in the span of days
>did not at least suffer heavy psychological damage
You're full of shit. I live alone, I'm not working and sometimes I don't go out for weeks at a time if I have enough food. My social skills aren't great but no worse than before.

>> No.7371837

>so why worry?
Because you love her and still think you're a better choice. Women make terrible choices and you can't protest them without looking weaker.

>> No.7372118
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What is the literary equivalent of the expression being made by the faces in this picture? Or firstly, what is the expression being made? I want to say smug, but it's so much warmer.

I want to live that expression for the rest of my life.

>> No.7372134


and how often a day do you use 4chan? skype? other forums? irc? how often do you watch youtube videos? all of those simulate social interaction.

>> No.7372221

What the fuck are you talking about? Did you read the post you responded to?

I'm assuming you mistook me for the OP, so I'll explain it to you: I'm just a random annoyed passersby who got annoyed by the fact that people are seriously giving OP relationship advice, mixed with some bullshit "motivational" speeches.

It's not the discussion of relationships themselves that bother me, it's that some people take a sort of intellectual high-ground, and then proceed to hand out unsolicited advice to others, like you're doing. And you probably think that you're actually helping them in some way, making them realize the error of their ways.

>> No.7372222

The one where he kills himself because he couldn't get over the guilt of having fucked his sister?

>> No.7372226

You've changed the argument. Look at the very original post in the chain of replies.

>> No.7372239


>even a grow man will go insane if he does not have any contact for a few weeks, maybe even a few days.

Did you actually stop to think about this before you wrote it? Do you actually believe it?

>> No.7372241


>No one has ever hiked or lived in a cabin for more than a week without suffering psychological damage

Holy kek. Try to think before you post.

One of my annoyances with my native language is that it makes no distinction between loneliness and solitude. There is no word for solitude. Shit-tier expressive abilities tbqh.

>> No.7372352

We use those as distractions, not social interaction, fucking retard.
What language?

>> No.7372375

Notes from Underground

>> No.7372433

>Not now mom, I´m telling people about MGTOW!

>> No.7372482


Danish. Loneliness is ensomhed. Literal translation of the morphemes would be one-like-ness, one-some-ness, single-some-ness, or, a bit more freely, lonesomeness. Something along those lines. Yet it only signifies loneliness.

>> No.7372511

kill yourself

>> No.7372528

Does Swedish or Norwegian have something like solitude or is it the same as ours?

>> No.7372890

my diary desu

>> No.7373134

>M.G.T.O.W – Men Going Their Own Way – is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else.

wtf, why is there an actual website for this, and furthermore why are you using it in an ironic critical manner

>> No.7373138

he takes showers just like you anon

>> No.7373143

>hey if someone stabs you its already happened and you can't do anything about it so why scream in pain and clutch at the wound where's the worry and fear getting you embrace the pain

>> No.7373167

if you develope schizo if you alone for a period of time. HOW DO BUDDHIST MONK DO IT?

are they autist?

>> No.7373422
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>implying pain is not the absence of pleasure