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/lit/ - Literature

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7369214 No.7369214 [Reply] [Original]

>"Anon...do you understand a single word in the book you've been reading?"

My dad just asked my this question. What should I tell him?

>> No.7369217

understanding is such a bourgeois concept

>> No.7369218

They all make sense individually, it's when you put them together that things get real

>> No.7369228

This. And blow cigarette smoke out yr nostrils.

>> No.7369252

Point to a word. Ask him to read it aloud. Ask him what he thinks.

>> No.7369257

Fuck you dad why are you always belittling me and my hobbies. You don't understand what it's like being a repressed intellectual living in late capitalist America. Ugh.

>> No.7369268

What book?

>> No.7369272

Say, "ugh" and then post on your tumblr about how he's reproducing oppression in your household.

>> No.7369273
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>"I don't understand it, but I feel it."

>> No.7369274

>cmon pops. stop being a shitter

>> No.7369284

The Stranger.

>> No.7369291

Why do you ask?

>> No.7369293


Well do you get it?

>> No.7369302

Man's search for meaning of life is irrational and absurd is what I've been getting so far.

>> No.7369306
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>> No.7369307


Then why ask us if you had an answer?

>> No.7369308

No I don't, for it is no possible to understand just a single word. A word outside is context is meaningless, for we cannot infer logically its meaning outside its language-game. >>7369214
Understanding cannot be reached merely by grasping the conceptual meaning of a single word, rather it is given by the work as a whole, seeing it as a picture, seeing what is shows. A word outside is context is meaningless, for we cannot infer logically its meaning outside its language-game.
I do not understand a word, but I understand the book as a whole.

>> No.7369311

Respond in tongues

>> No.7369317

would you agree then with the conclusion that language is a living medium that evolves and regresses alongside human consciousness?

>> No.7369321

Go away Ludwig

>> No.7369346


>> No.7369353

"The Hungry Caterpillar really isn't that complex dad, come on. Thematically rich, maybe, but not difficult to understand in the slightest. Now fuck off back to your Haynes manuals and trite autobiographies."

>> No.7369359

Point out that it's his fault for not sending you to a school that taught French.

>> No.7369377

this to be honest family