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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.98 MB, 1952x4329, IMG_5391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7367078 No.7367078 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7367091
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>> No.7367135

>The Comedies
>The Tragedies
>no sonnets

>> No.7367137
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7367142

>no Histories either

>> No.7367147


>> No.7367153

I haven't read anything by Henry James. Would you recommend The Turn of the Screw?

The Tragedies and such are on my list, just acquiring the funds.

>> No.7367469
File: 375 KB, 1121x1635, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First post on lit.. Just got a new shelf so it's still a little messy, haven't had time to organize. Please be kind.

>> No.7367490
File: 190 KB, 510x346, Min femte reaktionsbild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though, why would you save books that you have already read and that you don't need to use for references?

>> No.7367491


What's that poster to the left of your bookshelf?

Also, settlers of catan is sick, good choice mang.

>> No.7367497

Can't say I expected to see Supernintendo Chalmers when I clicked to enlarge the image.

>> No.7367501

Why do you think an anon doesn't need them for reference? Especially people who are planning to be literature professors.

>> No.7367512

Bookshelf pics should be posted horizontally, I just want to read the books names desu.

>> No.7367515

Why wouldn't you have a nice edition? It's aesthetically pleasant and more comfortable to read. I often buy both a sort of luxurious hardcover edition and a low-quality hardcover/poche when I can.

>> No.7367522

The same reason everyone does

for their children to enjoy as they grow and learn

>> No.7367571
File: 1.11 MB, 1530x3052, Bookshelf_apartment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You jelly? I just moved to a new apartment. This is a fraction of my collection, most o it's still at my parents house.

>> No.7367576

“Jelly” over a poor collection made of DVD? Yeah, you know how to live the literary lifestyle, you madman.

>> No.7367580

Mostly Blu-ray.

>> No.7367584

that isnt a bookshelf desu

>> No.7367586

>no books

>> No.7367587

I'm a pleb, my bad.

>> No.7367591

There are books.

>> No.7367596


no books

you are on the wrong board

>> No.7367598

if i put dvds on my bookshelf it doesnt make it a dvd shelf its a bookshelf with 3 dvds on it.

>> No.7367599

36 books in fact

>> No.7367613
File: 1.65 MB, 3000x2778, Manga_Collection_08-23-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's a shot from my bookshelf at my parents house before I moved.

>> No.7367615
File: 958 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20151118_205716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at my dank new bookends

>> No.7367619


>all those books with perfectly intact spines


>> No.7367626

not sure where you're getting these numbers from??

>> No.7367632

Leatherbound can't have their spine cracked.

>mangas and dvds

>> No.7367633
File: 87 KB, 187x312, -_-(png).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manga aren't books
Am I right?

>> No.7367637
File: 3.95 MB, 1840x2412, muh books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7367647

>all those western comics
>no manga
real baka desu senpai

>> No.7367648

what's a manga

>> No.7367656

What is your edition of Paradise Lost called?

>> No.7367660

no one caressssssssss

>> No.7367661

I bet you think it's animes too.

>> No.7367670
File: 2.38 MB, 345x263, 1371583881902.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google says an animes is a cartoon for children, but i thought you had to be 18 to post here?

>> No.7367683

Can I get the titles and authors for the books on the bottom shelf with the figurines?

I can make out that the first one is Film Analysis.

>> No.7367718
File: 232 KB, 1024x798, booksfuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah

>> No.7367758

Pictures makes it look more meth lab than lit library.

>> No.7367789
File: 14 KB, 240x320, 1387445970909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't take care of his books

>> No.7367830

Is there a name for these disgusting clusters of shit piled in a room? I love looking at them but they only seem to sporadically pop up in random 4chan threads. Is there a collection anywhere?

>> No.7367841

>Is there a name for these disgusting clusters of shit piled in a room?


>> No.7367867

I mean pictures of 'mess'

>> No.7367873

It's the Easton Press printing, with illustrations by William Blake.

>> No.7367902

I believe the proper term is "these disgusting clusters of shit"

>> No.7367931

>not stealing books

>> No.7367960

>Desu, desu. It's so kawaii.
Seriously though, you're the actual definition of a weaboo.

>> No.7367962
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>> No.7367978

This was honestly the first time I got the feels regarding never having children, nice job.

>> No.7367982

Big Trouble In Little China

>> No.7368007
File: 2.63 MB, 4160x2336, IMG_20151119_152902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to double stack because poor.

>> No.7368010
File: 2.63 MB, 4160x2336, IMG_20151119_153559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have a gift/shit/grown out of/throw away pile.. little embarrassed to show that

>> No.7368020

is this an archaeologist-type character's room in a movie set

>> No.7368046

Is upside down because that's how german spines are, all their books and DVDs point that way.
Turn of the screw is excellent. I would highly recommend. I love the genre.

>> No.7368055
File: 1.40 MB, 2988x5312, Zoy0wCa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dont bully.

>> No.7368060

miring those comics

>> No.7368062

No kawaii there. It's all patrician. This isn't /a/.

>> No.7368070
File: 2 KB, 125x82, BloomFacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tyra Banks
>Stopped reading Titles and Authors for my own sanity

>> No.7368071


>> No.7368086

I was going to admire your painting of laundry to the left until I realised it was a mirror's reflection.

>> No.7368120

Where do you get those nice-looking books on the second and third shelves, like the Shakespeare?

>> No.7368158

My life is the movie desu
There's so little time left; dusting is a waste of life minutes

>> No.7368192

>Roberto Bolaño
my nigga

>> No.7368195

Everything on the second shelf I bought from used bookstores in college towns. The books on the third shelf (excluding Lolita and Catch 22) were all ordered off of Amazon.

>> No.7368208

I really enjoyed Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter. Nice Lupin stuff, too.

>> No.7368227
File: 605 KB, 1200x1600, power corruption & vines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top left:
fun reads

top right:
recent fun reads

middle left:
"serious" philosophy

middle right
fun philosophy

>> No.7368236

>/fa/scist tries to post on /lit/
Your fit is shit

>> No.7368250

we want to see the bookshelf not your fucking hand on your cock

>> No.7368287

>hey guys look at my clothes
>haha u mirin am i right?

>> No.7368301

you are proabably reely ugly

>> No.7368302

What order is that in?
>All that Cormac over the place

>> No.7368304
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of these are stolen from sam hyde i use the liberry

>> No.7368314

your taste is butts.

I see not one book I'd bother reading there.

Nice figures though, I like the Jon Snow.

>> No.7368318


>your taste is butts.
>Nice figures though, I like the Jon Snow.

>> No.7368414

Neckbeardnest, its a subreddit too i thinm

>> No.7368467

This looks like the bookshelf of somebody who really, really cares what others think of him, and buys (maybe even reads) books as a fashion statement.

Also it seems that you cant decide for yourself what book you want, so you take /lit/s circlejerk advice.
Overall you seem a very boring person.

t. pulp fiction books stacked in a shoebox owner

>> No.7368486
File: 45 KB, 400x400, depressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have most of these books but in pleb tier paperback. I'm so jealous of these beautiful bindings... You are living the patrician dream OP.

>> No.7368491

Why are there so many chemicals on the shelves. What the fuck?!

>> No.7368667

My thoughts exactly

>> No.7368674

I want to hate fuck your shelves.

I want to run up to them, flail around and feel them fall on me.

>> No.7368711

aw, i used to steal library books, just ripped out the chip in the bathroom

>> No.7368721

This picture made me vomit.

>> No.7368724

Manga aren't books.

>> No.7368727

This is still shit.

>> No.7368729

Terrible. Why are you here.

>> No.7368738
File: 45 KB, 608x229, vinylmation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those fucking pop figurines
the only thing worse are those figurines mashed onto a mickey mouse silhouette. They are stupid fucking gimmicks and I'll fight somebody. Buy figurines but why the fuck wouldn't you buy figurines that look like the characters? They're fucking chibis! Who the fuck wants a chibi khal drogo or some shit?

I legitimately think people who buy vinylmations are retarded with zero concept of aesthetics and pop figurines are barely better.

>> No.7368784
File: 1.87 MB, 400x398, 1443639093930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7368811

>Nice Lupin stuff, too.
Thanks, I have a lot more at my parents houses. More DVDs, all the manga, and some figures. Lupin's great.

>> No.7368825

You read LeBlanc then?

>> No.7368979

>Please dont bully.
Life has probably bullied you enough

>> No.7368982


>> No.7369008

I haven't really figured out how to order them myself, so I've been sorting them vaguely by a mix of publisher/author.
Any suggestions?

I'm sorry to have given you that impression. I'll say that I do try to buy books that look nice, but overall focus on the quality of the editions in question.
If it's a beautiful binding, but a shit translation, or if any alterations have been made to the text, I won't take it.

Regarding my taste, I do have a smattering of /lit/ core, and am making my way through it in a timely fashion. I want to read as many "classics" as I can, then move out to more obscure books.
Even now, there are a couple of items there that I rarely see discussed.

Thank you, anon. Glad you like it.

>> No.7369024

Patrician collection anon, i think this is about as much of a library you could expect from anyone that's not a scholar. Just three questions: have you read all of it? How old are you and WHERE did you find those beautifull covers.

>> No.7369032

>paying $$ for criterions

>> No.7369037

Comfy t b h

>> No.7369040
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>> No.7369045
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>> No.7369055

I'm 18, have read a little more than half (I acquired them much quicker than I could possibly read them), and either ordered them from Amazon, or found them in used bookstores.
I'm a Canadakek, and can say from my travels that southern Ontario college towns has some phenomenal bookstores. Specifically London (Attic Books), and Kingston (Berry & Peterson Booksellers).

>> No.7369060

>c*u*c*k has been filtered
Good to know.

>> No.7369101


>> No.7369102

These filters are really annoying to be honest with you family. I thought under new leadership 4chan would just chill.

>> No.7369104
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a single shelf earlier, but I see whole cases here, so here's my two main...

>> No.7369105

That's hot.

>> No.7369110
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure why it rotated the photo, but here's #2.

>> No.7369113

Ha! I have Gonzo too.

>> No.7369114


>> No.7369116

are those fat thighs?

>> No.7369132
File: 207 KB, 500x663, pewp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how anyone can live this way and be at all comfortable with it.

You sicken me t b h f a m

>> No.7369144

I have not. Is the original Lupin good?

>> No.7369161

Well, to be honest, I only read the german translation, Der Schatz der Könige von Frankreich, which surprised me, because it didn't follow Arsene Lupin, but rather a young reporter hunting him down. I did like it, but he's very different from Lupin the 3rd.

It's also funny because I legitimately forgot that they weren't supposed to be gay for each other. I remember furrowing my brow and flipping to the back of the book to re-read the synopsis mid paragraph because Lupin pinning Beautrelet against a shed aggressively was so fucking homoerotic.

But this was a couple years ago, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

>> No.7369176

Sorry, he's a gymnast. Weird.

>> No.7369178
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>bookcase thread
How about study room thread?

>> No.7369182
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>> No.7369183

I think I just came

>> No.7369184

Bourgeois trash

>> No.7369189
File: 26 KB, 382x322, 1409093934350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you are a woman in her mid to late thirties. How correct am I?

>> No.7369192

How's Know Your Beholder?

>> No.7369195

>mindless shrieking
That's pretty cool I guess.

>> No.7369197

I'd bet all my savings you've read less than 30% of that collection.

>> No.7369200
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, 20151119_164208539_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not pictures is a stack of books on my desk by Tacitus, Jane Jacobs, Jack Kerouac. Weird mixture. Current reading.

>> No.7369211

I have that same edition of Tale of Genji.
>that hat

>> No.7369222
File: 20 KB, 582x387, oxfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+PhD in Modern Russian History University of London

>> No.7369249 [DELETED] 


Hi F. J. Piotrow

>> No.7369281


That edition of Genji is good. I have a bunch of pleb-tier shit on my shelf there still as you can see, gradually supplanting it with better reads over time so my shelves do not look empty.

>> No.7369289

lolwut. quite incorrect.

>> No.7369330
File: 141 KB, 781x864, 1427453915172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've enjoyed it as far as I've read it (1/3). The concept of an agoraphobic shacked up in his house already interests me, but when you add in the community element of the other tenants and their interactions it makes for an interesting character study.

This is the first novel I've read of Rapp's (having only read his plays before), and I have to say that I'm enjoying his prose style.
It appears at first to be very pedestrian, and while it never crosses the threshold of being especially complicated, it does pick up in vocabulary and style. I think he has found a very compelling balance.

In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, can anyone recommend books with similar themes?
Quality chronicles and stories of shut-ins and neets?

>> No.7369352

That is a very tryhard shelf. Far too organized and the books all look unread.

>knickknacks on a bookshelf

>"graphic novels"
>framed movie poster
>no academic books
pleb as fuck desu


>plastic dolls

finally something bearable

>implying you've even read those
>ignoring the unread paperbacks

never change dude.

get rid of the tacky "idk what to by my cousin" christmas presents and knickknacks and you've got yourself a damn good area. too cluttered is the main problem

shelf makes you look like you read only to self develop


>> No.7369362
File: 74 KB, 250x234, 1334123870368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the books in the "bearable" shelf are in the OP and several others

>> No.7369363

The best. Fucking hot.

pretty good, perfect amount of clutter

>> No.7369365

>more is better

>> No.7369366

Thank you brother.

>> No.7369371
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>implying that's what I meant

>> No.7369378
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>> No.7369386
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It's... so beautiful!

>> No.7369389

She has a decent book selection and stylistically it's very feminine. It's tasteful. Better than the other shelves which generally have no aesthetic appeal at all.

>> No.7369408

He just really likes A Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.7369413

OP that is.

>> No.7369420
File: 12 KB, 409x393, 14345673806630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having peeling floral wallpaper and poultry bookends make for a better bookshelf

>> No.7369426

Yup, now rustle your jimmies on over someplace else

>> No.7369445


OP here, >>7367632 isn't me.
As I've stated, I've read a little over half of the books in my collection (having purchased most of them in bulk), and try to take as good care of them as possible.
Don't ask me how, but even my Penguin spines are somehow sparsely creased, if at all.

>> No.7369451
File: 31 KB, 704x536, 1387798600538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I have yet to read Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.7369455

Where can I find books with those fucking amazing patrician bindings you have?

>> No.7369465


Obviously you can order most of them online if you can't find a good used bookstore, but Easton Press can be ridiculously expensive.

>> No.7369479

>Easton Press
Thank you! Definitely going to be getting some of these.

>> No.7369489


Oh anon, the things you'll learn.

>> No.7369511
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>> No.7369516

Even if she has a penis, nobody bought those bookends who doesn't identify as female.

>> No.7369546


>> No.7369582
File: 26 KB, 720x575, 1445998186931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading translations

>> No.7369601

>>7368055 yyoure disgusting

>> No.7369619
File: 360 KB, 821x720, 1443647065465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7369635

weeb as fuck but excellent taste.

i think we'd be friends

>> No.7369664

im hoping all those oils and alcohol are for woodworking.

>over the edge of the world
do you like ships? do you have other books about exploring/navigation/sailing?

i can't make out what else you have but we should talk more.

>> No.7369672

What is this, fucking limitless? Eat an entire ass.

>> No.7369684
File: 140 KB, 600x400, 1447518526042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't speak at least 3 (and the antique variations of at least one) of the following languages (besides your mother tongue), /lit/ isn't for you:


>> No.7369693

>not even oyasumi punpun
Kill oneself senpai desu baka

>> No.7369711
File: 71 KB, 761x750, 1446148009976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Listening to Bach in 8bit

>> No.7369719

>implying I don't
I guess if I'm not an elitist piece of shit, I probably shouldn't be here, but I am because a) I hate you and b) I hate myself even more.

>> No.7369730


All indo-euro and half of them are derivative of an already mentioned language. Could you please take up the trip Pleb!!arealpleb to let us know your shortcomings beforehand.

>> No.7369747

Ohh shove off already!

>> No.7369910

>mfw i speak German, French, English, Dutch and have read in old (yet not antique) dutch and in Afrikaans.

What did i win?

>> No.7369957
File: 179 KB, 729x1086, ping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste but there's a considerable lack of Matsumoto.

>> No.7369980

Haven't read any of his manga yet, but I dug Ping Pong: The Animation.

>> No.7369986

It's overrated to be honest family.

>> No.7369989

my jealousy nederbroeder (or belgian)

>> No.7369994

The manga is basically the same. I'd say start with Number Five. His best imho.

>> No.7370003

Will do. I was planning on reading Takemitsuzamurai soon too

>> No.7370019

It's literally right there.

>> No.7370206

This is literally Lara's mansion in Tomb Raider 2. Secret door is right behind your cupboard in the second picture.

>> No.7370276

You're right. I recognise this too!

>> No.7370330

If you guys move out of where you live right now, would you take your books with you?
Only the rare/expensive ones?

I'm a dumbass and started buying books like always while living in an apartment, even though I know I'm going to move out (far away) in about 2 to 4 years, maybe across the sea even, so carrying them all with me is gonna be complicated or expensive.

>> No.7370344

Of course I'm taking them. I don't live in my parent's right now, I'm in an apartment. My next move is into a house I'm buying.

I'm not moving far away though. Maybe 40 miles away, at max. I have a little over a thousand books.

I'm sure other people have experienced this, anon. Ask on a place like LibraryThing; I remember seeing a post about which shipping crates were preferable for shipping books overseas.

>> No.7370345

Across the sea, no.
Across the city, yes.

>> No.7370352

Here's the topic I think I was thinking of:


>> No.7370415

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.7370622


is the penguin translation of 'poetics' good?

>> No.7370642

nice codex

>> No.7370760
File: 39 KB, 640x480, [Takara] Treasure Island 06 v2.mkv_snapshot_15.33_[2014.10.06_15.51.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7370949


You're Australian, aren't you?

>> No.7370975

All that 19th century, the first editions all over you lubricated with dust

>> No.7370998

Yes, restoration materials
Book room is also workshop/doghouse
35-40% Nautically oriented

>> No.7371123

This is my greatest fear

>> No.7371171

I have a lot of books but no bookshelf.
Any recommended shelves/places to get one?
Preferably something not too wide

>> No.7371212

paper cut me, baby

>> No.7371214

>this garbage room again

Please stop posting before you've redecorated.

>> No.7371220
File: 2.27 MB, 3448x2040, plebus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made mine (the whiter ones) in sketch-up. The rest are built in

>> No.7371229

Awesome. What are some of your favorites?

>> No.7371234
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>> No.7371315

What are the titles on some of those collections?

>> No.7372314

Bumping for this

>> No.7372480

TV paraphernalia on a bookshelf....

>> No.7372569

Oh well, that's all modern history now

>> No.7372583

Can definitely be improved to become 10/10, but as it is it's still fucking amazing.

>> No.7372655
File: 152 KB, 450x253, Picture-851-450x253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Andas-te nas Belas-Artes

>> No.7372895

Complete works of Defoe
Smollet's works
Kipling's works
Poe's works
Cervante's works
Dicken's works
Conrad's works

>> No.7372926

Belgian ofcourse, how would i have ever learned French if i was Dutch. I have never, ever, in my entire life heard a Dutchman speak French without a terrible accent. But hi there, Benelux-bro

>> No.7372983

John B.?
Either way,
>Codex Seraphinianus
muh dick

>> No.7373043
File: 139 KB, 933x938, codexseraphinianus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw Nobody irl knows Codex.

And no John B. here.

>> No.7373060
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>> No.7373064
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>> No.7373074
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>> No.7373077
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Very nice.

>> No.7373088
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>mfw graduating in two weeks
>no prospects of a job

>> No.7373148

Liking the Folio Society, anon. Are you planning to get more?

>> No.7373174

I like it, it feels like good quality in your hand and the illustrations are nice. I got it for 80% off at my local bookstore. If I can get more for that price range I will, but at normal cost I likely couldn't justify it.

>> No.7373215

Definitely. I only look at used FS volumes now, especially since they just raised all their prices anyway. $20-30 used seems decent for better editions. <$20 is an excellent steal for that one.

>> No.7373295


They are so reddit tier though.

>> No.7373302

What makes them reddit tier? B&N Classics are the reddit tier ones, imo, though I can't say I even go to reddit. The largest online community for Folio Society collectors is on LibraryThing, which is predominately middle aged and older book collectors. The people who visit the member room certainly don't seem like reddit people.

>> No.7373310

The bookstore bought a bunch but none of them sold. Then they gradually lowered the price. Once they got below $30 they sold fast. I regret not getting the Lord Byron as well.
Where do you find used? Bookstore or online?

>> No.7373324

Ebay, I don't really ever see any in my local bookshops. They mostly have Easton Press, which I don't like as much (I like colors).

>> No.7373341

>look up thier website
>£30-50 a book

The question is quantity or quality? I can buy 7 normal (penguin, vintage etc.) books for a single Folio one.

Do I want to be literate or pretentious?

>> No.7373350

>Do I want to be literate or pretentious?
Why not just get the books online then, retard, no need to waste your money on either.

>> No.7373372

Spending 5£ a week on a book to read is not much, I can easily afford it.
But change that to £50 and it's a whole different story.

>> No.7373375

You can always do both, you know. And get them online too. If you don't have a well-paying job, don't waste it on FS. But if you have extra money and want pretty shelves, it's a good way to spend.

Only do what makes you happy. Don't just do it for appearances. That's how debt happens.

>> No.7373407

That's a decision you should make with book in hand, not online. Find a store with some in stock and compare the extra quality with how much you find it worth it.

>> No.7373408

>But change that to £50 and it's a whole different story.
Or, OR, don't buy £5 books, get the books Online, and save up your lunch money for whatever £50 book you want.
>Do I want to be literate or pretentious?
You're pretentious already you thick-skulled moron. You want a physical copy either way so you can show off.
>inb4 "b-b-b-but i like to read p-physical books!"
Go to the library then, you're already saying you're too poor to buy books, save your money for when you really need it instead.

>> No.7373426

>Go to the library then
Not him, but the charge for interlibrary loaning a book at my local library is more than it costs to buy the book outright (used). It's just not economical. Also it requires me to leave the house.

>> No.7373457

> you're already saying you're too poor to buy books
All I said is it's better value for your money to buy 7 cheaper books.
>You want a physical copy either way so you can show off.
Yes, I'm going to go outside, swinging the book around, shouting "HEY GUYS I BOUGHTT A 50 QUID BOOK" Otherwise no one will see it and I don't care about /lit/ cred.
>Go to the library then
>don't buy £5 books ,get the books Online
Are you really that parsimonious to not spend 5 quid on a book?

>> No.7373466

To be honest the FS Melville short fictions (at 80% off) was cheaper than buying both short story collections and Billy Bud.

>> No.7373490

I don't even know why the fuck I even bother checking /lit/ any more

>> No.7373520

"if you're that fucking dumb and retarded you fucking retard fuck off back to /b/ and kill yourself"
Seems more your style.

>> No.7375739


>> No.7375752

Damn you, I was hoping for a new one.

>> No.7375760
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>> No.7375773

what did you hope to accomplish by posting this here

>> No.7375803
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Here's the very top. I prefer ebooks because I don't have to pay for them and they don't take up space. Kindles pay for themselves within 4 months typically.

>> No.7375805

Bumping for this.
Good books about hermits?

>> No.7375826

my local library. all the good literature without the prices. i guess it lacks the image though, right hipsters?

>> No.7375836

>all the good literature without the prices. i guess it lacks the image though, right hipsters?
Best of both worlds here: >>7375803

>> No.7375849

Do you read anything aside from pop-history?

>> No.7375853

I don't think pop-history makes up more than one third of it. There's some sci-fi, politics, economics, and some self-help in there. My 19th century literature section isn't there either.

What would you personally prefer?

>> No.7375859

>Settlers of catan
my nigga

>> No.7375864

You are lucky to live in an area near a good library

>> No.7375875
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Please excuse a poor student coming through; when I can afford it I'll buy a castle with opulent rooms like yours, though.

>> No.7375881
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And here's the bookshelf (right over the door, so it was difficult to include it in the shot). Sorry for the shitty quality in both pictures, it's fucking hard to get panorama shots right.

>> No.7375891

Wow that is a skinny apartment

>> No.7375897


What's with all the gold anon?

>> No.7375899


Yeah, I know, but I don't really need much more for my studies, so I'm fine as it is for now.

>> No.7375905


I was going to ask 'which gold?' at first, but I guess you mean the frames. It's just leaf gold (to the portraits my mum and grandmum actually applied it manually, there's some trivia), and the candleholder is just some sort of brass.

>> No.7375910

I agree, mine is about the same area but more square.
I could get a bigger place but I actually prefer this size. Easy to clean and prevents me from accumulating too much shit. I don't like having people over so the size is a good excuse for that too.

>> No.7375916

I like it. Your whole overall style is kind of unreal. It looks almost staged and kind of... delicate. It's a nice picture.

>> No.7375917


Well, I do like having people over, but not too many, so it's still good. And more space for bookshelves would be nice, as I've got a lot of books stowed away in the attic right now.

>> No.7375918

Show me your paintings.

>> No.7375920


Thanks. I did clean away some of the trash (mostly books and random scribblings) lying around on the floor and table before taking the picture, so that might be why it looks staged. I do try to keep it generally tidy, though.

>> No.7375922

Can you post a closer pic of your lamp? I think I used to have the same kek.

>> No.7375925
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All right


>> No.7375928
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2/3 (same painter - Halvorsen - as the last one, btw. I really like him).

>> No.7375934
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>> No.7375935

You can buy a castle in yuropoor for super cheap. Because there's so fucking many of them and because they're a nightmare to live in and restore, which you're required to do because they're cultural landmarks.

>> No.7375938


I know, some of them are insanely cheap, especially here in Sweden. So that's pretty much my plan.

>> No.7375957

oh man, you don't want to tho. It'll be your job to maintain it any imagine living inside a giant rock during the winter.
Imagine like a commune in a castle, growing your own food and raising your own livestock, bundling up in a bunch of quilts in front of a giant fire place, talking about the stories you've been working on...
Oh my god, that actually sounds pretty fucking amazing.

>> No.7375963


My idea was to make enough dosh to be able to pay people to help with maintenance and stuff, and probably closing off most of it during the winter. But your commune idea is a good idea, I've thought of something along the lines as well - let people live there in exchange for helping out in general, especially artists, musicians, authors, and the like...

>> No.7375978

I work as an art dealer. It's okay if you buy it fully restored. The main reason is, people genuinely don't like to keep those stuff, they think it's out of fashion. You can easily find in France 19th century furniture for around 50 euros only. Of course, it's not top tier stuff but still.

>> No.7375983

nice leather-bounds, I'm jelly

the book collection is very boring though. And the uncracked spines on the paperbacks... come on, now.

>> No.7375985


Yes, my experience is also that furniture and a lot of nice art is ridiculously undervalued, but aren't castles in France pretty expensive? Or are they okayish? I've only checked in Scandinavia where they're cheap, but I've been told that they prices are pretty steep in France and central Europe...

>> No.7376026
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Not much of a shelf, but I'm a high school dropout, whatdya want?

>> No.7376027

these posts make me happy. Castle communes should totally be a thing.

>> No.7376033


>> No.7376057

>The Essential Chomsky

Seriously? Why not actually read his books whole? Why do you need an abridgement of his works?
t. Other high school drop out in this thread

>> No.7376067

It has excerpts of some books but it also has some essays. Mainly I got it because I am poor and it was big and only 6 dollars.

As you can it's right next to 3 of his full books though.

I shop at half-price books, I take what I can get.

>> No.7376068

nice book volume, but the room looks awful

over-rug'd (seriously, this is NOT how to use rugs), dark, tacky lighting, fireplace is just terrible, reeks of a mix of pretension and bad taste. looks like it would smell bad in there, too

It looks like the basement room where your family dumps their excess furniture

>> No.7376075

Actually you can't see cause it's a shit phone-camera picture, but I have Hegemony or Survival, Failed States, and Imperial Ambitions right next to it.

Why those 3 and not some others? Cause that's what I've been able to find at half-price books.

My whole "collection" is shaped by what the bookstore in my town actually has

>> No.7376079

>Don't ask me how, but even my Penguin spines are somehow sparsely creased, if at all.

I know exactly how.

You only read them once.

>> No.7376083


>reading books more than once

I mean, some rare ones are worth re-reading, but do you actually re-read Penguins?

>> No.7376084
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>> No.7376091

>You only read them once.
Holy fuck, no way. You mean... out of the 30,000 some odd days in my life, I won't have time to waste reading things over?

>> No.7376104

They're pretty cheap for what they are, you can get a real castle (not some mansion) with a small forest for around 600k to 2m euros. But they are hell to keep them: heating, restoration, humidity... On the long run, the costs to keep it up are much higher than the purchase itself.

>> No.7376106


Wow, that's cheap as hell. I would have thought ten times as much. But I guess it depends on what state they're in? And as you say, it will be more expensive in the long run. Still...

>> No.7376139

Yeah, check it out.

It's awesome if you want to set up a community or if you have a very big family. And if you have enough money to keep up with it.
It also depends on the history of the castle and where it is located. If it's in the middle of nowhere and it rains all the time, yeah, they are dirt cheap.

>> No.7376165


Wow, you're right, thanks for the link. Time to start working on that family or community soon, then, I guess.

>> No.7376169
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>> No.7376173
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>> No.7376176



kil urslef

>> No.7376177
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>> No.7376185
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These are recent pickups except Ulysses. I can also post my Criterions if anyone cares

>> No.7376187

What do you people gain from posting reddit shelves?

>> No.7376190


>> No.7376208
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left shelf - pre 20th c. I admit I am a bit of a collector but I'll get to them all eventually.

have one more shelf with art, photography, theory not pictured.

>> No.7376217

>once and future king
just started to read it—what comfy prose he writes.

interestingly, both this and "shadow of the torturer" (two most recent purchases) have endorsements from ursula k. leguin. i like her taste in fantasy...

>> No.7376238

how did you like that Thucydides, anon?

>> No.7376239

>I bought a special edition Once and Future King for 15 bucks
I fucking love it.

>> No.7376244


>> No.7376247


>> No.7376274

this is so ugly. why would anybody want to spend all this money to make a dimly lit room with uncomfortable furniture and shitty decorations like it was copied straight from a haunted mansion.

the sheer volume of books is impressive, ill give you that, assuming you actually read them. but id much rather read in a big open sun room on a comfortable sofa i can sprawl out on if the mood hits.

all in all 5/10.

>> No.7376320

That's pretty shitty desu. Libraries are usually really limited in their funding.

>> No.7376334
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>id much rather read in a big open sun room on a comfortable sofa i can sprawl out on if the mood hits.

This is my ideal too, a sunroom with bay windows and a comfy couch with many pillow fitted into the window. If only the sun wasn't so bad for skin and books and antiques.

I'm still in Ikea stage at this point though.

>> No.7376341

holy shit, I have like, 3/4ths of these.

>> No.7376350

Guessing it's the two bookcases that aren't Japanese literature, or you're a fellow Jlit person?

>> No.7376368


Love Jlit and just in general such well displayed collections similar to yours. Can I get a booklist for this and perhaps some higher res individual shelf shots?

>> No.7376373

I was bad, baaad.

>> No.7376376

No, sadly not. Maybe someday.

>> No.7376383
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Sure, I was wanting to hold off till my most recent book order got in, but these pics are from earlier this month.

Here's my LibraryThing, which is not completely up-to-date (I've still got a few of the double-stacked bottom shelves and boxes of books to do):


>> No.7376389


>> No.7376392
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>> No.7376396
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>> No.7376398
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>> No.7376400
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>> No.7376405
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>> No.7376407
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And the last one, my little non-fic corner.

>> No.7376410

Great to see such a lovely little lit collection.
Who are you and when are you writing your own great works Mr. Jlit?

>> No.7376412

>Holy Bible

Pick one.

>> No.7376413

I'm jelly as fuck

>> No.7376431
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No idea who I'll be soon, but for the moment I'm a remotely attending graduate student.

I don't do creative writing, but I hope to be a minor Leys or Dirda one day. I might have a monograph out in less than a decade; it's a dream to get into the Harvard East Asian Monographs series. You could look for me in future English translations of Yumeno Kyusaku too.

>> No.7376445

Yeah b-b-b-but ... c-c-can I be your f-f-f-friend senpai?

>> No.7376454
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Definitely if you think you want to be! It's not like I'm swamped with them, at all, but I'm also not good at friendship. You could leave an email address and I'll send you one.

>> No.7376466

You can go first b-b-b-baka! Or if you have a site via your university or someplace else to show any published works/ a CV I could just check that out.

>> No.7376475

Trading a CV over 4chan doesn't seem bueno; besides, I only have conferences atm. But my throwaway is ginsengbleach@gmail.com, if you still want to talk.

>> No.7376480

Lol you and others make lit out to be b tier level trolls and menaces.

>> No.7376503

>selectively forgetting /lit/'s continual Katie/booktuber obsessions

>> No.7376506

>Meme tier plebe chicks who look somewhat decent
That might explain it as opposed to someone in graduate studies with a CV

>> No.7376983

ALT + F4

>> No.7377007

>all of these people hating on the OP
Poor guy

>> No.7377029

Holy shit, I am a Cat is huge, I remember it as a small pocket book only.

>> No.7377046

Never hurts anyone to have a huge pussy.

>> No.7377063

You might have only had the first book of it. That's the all-volumes-in-one edition.

>> No.7377083
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>> No.7377091

Why the Instagram?

>> No.7377111

I never bought it, saw it in a second hand store but decided to go for the ebook (which I haven't read), so I never noticed it was in volumes.

>> No.7377119

What did you think of Moravagine?

>> No.7377347

I enjoyed it. Strange book. The Russian Revolution parts were my favorite, though the bit with the Indian tribe was fun too.

>> No.7377349

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.7377432

Where'd you get those shelves above your desk

>> No.7377944


>> No.7378051

>I won't have time to waste reading things over

>it is a waste of time to re-read the books I've read

>I claim to enjoy reading