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7367000 No.7367000 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, im looking for people who shares the same passion as me for write stories, this time i want help to write a short story with the existentialist style of the stranger (Albert camus), however i want to make the protagonist despicable and still manage to sympathy of the readers to feel sympathy for her. Intro: The main story revolves around "that woman" ,a hikikomori, She is feared by all her neighbors as the witch of the last house, she was once very beautiful and attended to the be a beauty queen, however one day her husband for unknown reasons attempted to kill her, she survived but her face was disfigured along with her psyche, now she uses a barbie mask to hide her disfigured face and her only purpose in her life is to kill him, so what do you think she will do next?

>> No.7367079

get the masses on her side through propaganda that sound strangely like leftist political views

>> No.7367090

She needs to determine a method and form a plan. Does she hope to get away with it or is she driven by wreck less hatred and rage?

>> No.7367099

hopefully kill the author of such a hack story

>> No.7367110

hm nice idea op I'm gna steal it ;)

>> No.7367320
File: 845 KB, 907x1024, 1441948164350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a human look so perfect... the face just.. hnng..

nice trips btw

>> No.7367426

She have a cold mind and is very calculator, also i guess that should be fine if she have some kind of partner

>> No.7367721
File: 60 KB, 300x168, TrumpO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when my grill is a qt3.14 calculator

>> No.7367894

I feel like she will have problems to kill her husband, because she is a hikikomore. Maybe she will get better ( from being a hikikomore) trying to kill him and realise that everybody is just like her husband and go on a rampage, but at the end she sees that she must die ( she became a monster by jugding like a god.... sorry for my eng and for my bad story >.<

>> No.7367901

she uses her witch powers to steal faces

>> No.7367910
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>She have a cold mind and is very calculator

>> No.7367953

king of the witch realm is former husband who tried to avert this terrorist activity

rest of story is king of the witch realm's existential crisis of creating the very thing he tried to extinguish

king sends witch assassins to clean up this mess

hikkokimore realizes that one of her hikki animay shows, about a witch who wants to steal other people's faces but is hunted down by a group of pre-pubescent cutey witch hunters with scanty clothing and big guns, was actually about her

she commits suicide upon realizing that her life is inane and cliched enough to be serialized on japanese television

>> No.7367955

>She have a cold mind and is very calculator
I love you, I got a good chuckle from this.

>> No.7367958

it's because she's underage.

>> No.7367976


>> No.7368678

How is Calculator grill? Is she ok?!?

>> No.7368768


>> No.7368914

Borta bra men henna bäst

>> No.7368943

plz lern engls

>> No.7369186

This is hillarious. I am worried about calculator grill still.

>> No.7369206

Her husband leaves her and then goes to some other country, she tries to track him down by contacting his colleagues but within that she discovers something more dark and mysterious, her husband has been cheating on her, he have been unfaithful to her and when she discovers his affairs she goes on a killing spree and murders his girlfriends but then, FBI takes a look into this case and sends their best detectives to find the killer, so thus ensures a hunt for a killer and that killer's hunt for her husband, who will find who first? Who will die? Who will live? Well that is upto you.

>> No.7369533
File: 9 KB, 250x250, Bloom Giggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want more details on calculator grill. What are her functions? What model is she?

>> No.7369541

Read Use of Weapons for ideas on how to make a despicable person sympathetic.

>> No.7369553

>she witch
>she bad
>she no like anyone body
>her face look like shit
>a teenage grl comes to her house
>she sells cookie
>she very shy and has acne
>witch say "ur face fucked up"
>"like urs isn't lol" the grl replies
>they becom friends
>come to conclusion that they like that bcuz men
>want stop male opression and take over country
>watch out obama
>hillary gon b presidenté

>> No.7369556

>very calculator
Hard bodied and good at mathematics?
Sounds like my kind of girl xd

>> No.7369573

still a better love story than twilight
This too, is also a better love story than twilight.

>> No.7369800

You can't write existentially and expect the main character to inspire a moral response.

>> No.7370694

Tell that to calculator girl you lil shit

>> No.7371800
File: 68 KB, 256x256, 1345281920826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is the most beautiful face I've ever seen

>> No.7372009

It's because the laws are not lined up with biology. 18 is sub optimal. Before the modern degeneracy, we'd all be marrying young and staying together for life. We're pushing against our own nature and it will be the downfall eventually.

>> No.7372806

The average age of marriage in northwestern Europe has been in the early to mid twenties range since like the 1500's. They didn't marry 14 year olds and they produced some of the greatest civilizations ever.


>> No.7372834

>and still manage to sympathy of the readers to feel sympathy for her
Don't bother. Just make the writing and story engaging enough.

>> No.7372915

I think fucking kids is a little more degenerate than not.

>> No.7372923

No no, we used to fuck kids through our entire history, that's tradition. Tradition is good. Now progress, that shit is degenerate and scary.

>> No.7372969

Praise Evola