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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 331x499, sartre vs camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7365879 No.7365879 [Reply] [Original]

Let's do this again, /lit/.
Who is the only true god of existentialism?

>> No.7365887

What is Camel's philosophy even?

>> No.7365889


>> No.7365897

Camus wasn't an existentialist. Existentialism is basically a synonym for Satreanism, and it's a shit tier philosophy for adolescents. Read Heidegger's Letter on Humanism.

>> No.7365926

Camus.He is not a commie apologist hack.
The fact that he changed his opinion on the commies based on the reveals of their crimes says a lot about his honesty of character and intellect. Vice versa for Sartre.

>> No.7365948

Heidegger shits on any philosophy that isn't Hedeggerian. It just so happened that it was existentialism that asked him for advice.

Existentialism at least, in that letter, expresses things more correctly (using the definition he gives in QCT) but no metaphysics will ever arrive at truth.

In addition, if we take Nietzsche as an Existentialist, Heidegger was hugely influenced by Nietzsche, (though he still accueses N of being too metaphysical) and most of H's ideas are just N's put into a more logical progression.

>> No.7365959


how do i get into camus and is satre worth getting into? if so how also?

>> No.7365968

There's a handy graph that I don't have. But anyways.

If you're after the philosophy go The Myth into The Stranger. If you're after the literature, reverse that.

After that just wait for the image.

>> No.7365969

Read The Stranger. It's short & clearly written.

>> No.7365971

Read their novel's first, I guess.

Or Camus' The Myth of Sisyphus.

Camus is just a lot of rehashed and misunderstood Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, but they contemporize a lot of the ideas.

Camus is a great writer and often his arguments are convincing because they are well written, instead of being good arguments.

I've honestly only read Sartre's plays/novels which are interesting, but not earth-shattering, I'm leaving Being and Nothingness until after I finish Being and Time.

Worth it depends all on who you are. If you are a career academic, you probably have better things to do. If you like interesting ideas presented in interesting ways for thought provocation, or if you're just starting out, they're pretty great.

>> No.7365972

To acknowledge the absurd, but not to accept it.
To rebel against the absurd and fight the fight that can't be won.
And try enjoy yourself while doing it.

>> No.7365975


>Soren Kierkegaard

>> No.7365976

actually it's [spoiler/]fuck bitches, get money[/spoiler]

>> No.7365984

Existentialism is a title that can be draped over pretty much anyone in the early 20th century, at least in the continental tradition. But you are right that Sartre was the first to self-identify that way. If we use Sartre as a reference point, then anyone who talks about similar things or influenced or was influenced by Sartre often gets the title. With that definition, Camus certainly applies despite rejecting the title. Also, under this definition, we can put both Nietzsche and Kierkegaard under it too, both of whom had far more profound ideas than Sartre ever did.

>> No.7365989

Indeed, it is a very ample and vague idea, it would be a waste of time to argue over it.

>> No.7366000

That's dumb.

>> No.7366004

While I'm in another Sartre thread, I may as well ask: What was the significance of the pedophilia at the end of Nausea? I get that the autodidact was having pot shots taken at him, but I thought is immature and inconsistent thoughts were enough to make this point. Why did he have to be a pedophile? and why did Roquentin semi-defend him?

>> No.7366006

What would you rather do in response to the absurd?

>> No.7366101


thanks bros

just found this, is it what you mentioned and is this list the best?

also sorry for asking again but how do i get into
Kierkegaard and Nietzsche?

>> No.7366106
File: 58 KB, 802x960, 12242221_1647191808874776_625455815_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7366237

yes, its pretty good

>> No.7366710
File: 2 KB, 125x82, BloomFacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not realizing the values to be gained by Absurdism

>> No.7366715

Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard or Nietzsche

>> No.7367206

Camus was a homie and smart enough to reject the ridiculous idea of free will that was already settled by based Schopenhauer. He had some pleasant life wisdoms to tell.

Sartre was a disgusting frog and represented the worst kind of continental make-believe. His philosophy is utterly illogical nonsense, and the worst part is, he actually thought that by phrasing it like "but see, it's a BAAAD THING" people wouldn't notice this, which means he was not only a desperate idiot but also intelectually dishonest. He is honestly the worst "philosopher" I can think of, I hate him even more than the STEMautist islanders.

>> No.7367220

>the ridiculous idea of free will

ffs not this again