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7364377 No.7364377 [Reply] [Original]

what is /lit/'s opinion on Dune?

>> No.7364413

I read it about two years ago.

Enjoyed it. Listened to the Halo soundtracks while I read to reinforce the sci-fi feeling.

As much as I enjoyed it, though, I didn't really feel an urge to read any of the sequels.

The movie wasn't awful, but with all the cuts and such, I can understand why Lynch had his name pulled.

>> No.7364425

Something like 40 minutes of the film was cut right?

>> No.7364434

More than two hours actually

>> No.7364440

That's incredible. Was no thought put in to just release it in two parts? Might have to do some reading on that.

>> No.7364443


Try the Scifi miniseries. The original and Children of dune are on youtube. The soundtrack is baller.

>> No.7364450

The original cut made by Lynch was over 5 hours long, its an interesting story. At least we got Blue Velvet after that

Also check out the documentary "jodorowski's dune"

>> No.7364478

Decent. Would have loved if Jodorowsky finished the film

>> No.7364610


Lynch's first cut was about 4 hours long. He agreed to cut it further, and was happy enough with the theatrical, 2 hour 17 minute version to have his name credited

nearly an hour of excised footage was then cut in for a 2 part, 3 hour TV version - it was this version that Lynch disowned, asking to remove his credit. This version is released on DVD/ Blu Ray as the "Extended Edition"

>> No.7364647

Messy and dense but with a really great mood, far out ideas and mythos, and every sequel gets crazier and ballsier. God Emperor of Dune was probably the high point for me. Fun trippy stuff with some brains behind it.

>> No.7364700
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Have any of you guys bought this edition of the book?

If so, is it of good quality, and would you recommend buying it?

Right now, I've only got a paperback one that's mostly black with a strip of what I assume is sand going down the middle of the cover.

>> No.7364910
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the insides of both books are the same. stop being such a fucking hipster and just READ IT.

>> No.7364914

Well, technically, the insides of the book can look different. There may be different fonts and different font sizes.

But really, what I care about is the what the book looks like on my bookshelf. And I've already read it once before.

>> No.7364923

how not to review things, the post

>> No.7365159

It would never have been as good as it looks, there's is no way it would ever be budgeted.
>12 hours long
>Celebrity cast
>A separate soundtrack and art team for each planet
>Odd additions such Duke Leto getting castrated by a bull, and an extended scene set in Lady Jessica's vagina.
It wouldn't have been a blockbuster, so no one would have funded it. If it had been made it would be hacked apart worse than lynch's film

>> No.7365182

They look fancy, but actually fall apart real fast.

>> No.7365308


>> No.7365341

I like it a lot. It's not fantastic, but I like it.

I always appreciate people who put time into intricate, silly, bizarre settings, even if their literary impact isn't necessarily gigantic.

>> No.7365346

It's better as it is, really - a dream, lost but not unrealized. Parts of it showed up in L'Incal and the recent documentaries preserve what was made for future generations, should they want to seek it out.

>> No.7365354
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Dune is an incredible book. They story was exciting to read, and Herbert is very imaginative. I read the entire saga.

The trilogy is fantastic, and I recommend it for lovers of the first book. The fourth book is the dividing line. If you enjoyed the trilogy and want more, then read God Emperor. If you enjoyed God Emperor, read the last two (underrated gems of the saga).

>> No.7365418

I wish he'd publish his big book of storyboards

>> No.7366327

I loved one, thought two was a bit meh-ish, enjoyed mostly the second part of three, loved four again, really digged five and six as well. I consider two and the first part of three to be the low of the series. I've read the first two prequel trilogies, which are decent fan fiction.