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/lit/ - Literature

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7361746 No.7361746 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit

I have been browsing awhile and read some of your recommended books
-moby dick(amazing)
-lolita(very good)
-a clockwork orange(shit)
-the picture of dorian gray(good)
-treasure island(very good)
-the invisable man(good)
-ulysses(absolute utter shit)

However these are all just stories.
Im ready for something deeper.

I want something that goes deep into art and the philosophy behind it. What is art? How can it have such an effect on me? etc
also im not interested in the history of art, more the emotional effect it has on me and why.

What does /lit recomend?

>> No.7361753

I want something that goes deep into art and the philosophy behind it. What is art? How can it have such an effect on me? etc
also im not interested in the history of art, more the emotional effect it has on me and why.

What does /lit recomend?

>> No.7361760

>oh cool this guy seems to have decent ta-
>ulysses(absolute utter shit)
nevermind then :)

>> No.7361762

I want something that goes deep into the pussy and the uterus behind it. What is the pussy? How can it have such an effect on me? etc
also im not interested in the history of the pussy, more the emotional effect it has on me and why.

>> No.7361764

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.7361772



>> No.7361777
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>ulysses(absolute utter shit)
>Falling for this meme book

>> No.7361778


the audacity of sluts, a /lit masterpiece

You should read

>> No.7361779
File: 442 KB, 600x450, 1398194247760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy trips of truth.

>> No.7361794

Try some Aesthetics textbooks.

>> No.7361850

This is why I almost never browse 4chan anymore. Jesus Christ.

>> No.7361855

>I want something that goes deep into art and the philosophy behind it. What is art? How can it have such an effect on me? etc
also im not interested in the history of art, more the emotional effect it has on me and why.

Aristotle - Poetics

>> No.7361860
File: 25 KB, 791x355, le troll face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7361892

The syntopicon in The Great Books of the Western World has books based on subject. Art has it's own list with several books referenced. Your library, probably, has this book collection.

>> No.7361919
File: 171 KB, 1500x1348, 1440474450400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-ulysses(absolute utter shit)
This is why I never ask /lit/ for general book recommendations. OP, give Joyce an another chance in a few years.

>> No.7361920


Is it bad i'm having a hard time getting into portrait of a young man as an artist? It's not bad by any means just all jumbled up and all over the place.

>> No.7361950

Simulacra and Simulation

>tfw I'm posturing and haven't actually read it

>> No.7361971

I'm getting too old for this shit.

>> No.7361980

Finnegans Wake is shit. Nice troll pic though made me lol/10

>> No.7362001


I want something that goes higher than the top of my class in the Navy Seals. What is Al-Quaeda? How can what you said have such an effect on me, you little bitch? etc also I'm not interested in the history of gorilla warfare, more the emotional effect it has on me and why, you little shit.

What does /lit recommend, kiddo?

>> No.7362041

the recognitions

>> No.7362046

i think thats the point though , seems more of a real person recalling the situations rather than being a third person observer clearly seeing everything happen when it does and why

have you read dubliners yet?

>> No.7362097

Shit bait. No one is dumb enough to think that Ulysses isn't as deep as it gets.

>> No.7362098

The language of Portrait reflects the age of the narrator. So when Dedalus is a child the language of the novel is childlike. Wait until he's in college, then your head will be spinning trying to keep up with his discussions of Aquinas.

>> No.7362103

>I want something that goes deep into art and the philosophy behind it. What is art? How can it have such an effect on me? etc


Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art by Ann Sheppard

also read Ode to a Grecian Urn by Keats

>> No.7362920

>gives a purley superficial opinion on incredibly well-regarded art
>Fails to see their nuanced meanings and philosophical preoccupations
>diminishes them by calling them "just stories"

You're a special kind of moron.

>> No.7362957

>>7361746 2edgy4me

>> No.7362961

>-ulysses(absolute utter shit)

Shit troll.