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/lit/ - Literature

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7361506 No.7361506 [Reply] [Original]

How many pages do you read per day?

>> No.7361522

I'm in school so between 60-80 at minimum

>> No.7361528

I read like 10 today, most non-school reading I've done in months

>> No.7361531

what does it matter. Pages in what?

Because i can read pages in a larger text book pretty fast compared to the tiny ass print on this copy of Don Quixote

>> No.7361537
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150-200 followed by writing a ~10 page essay on what I've just read.

>> No.7361540

It depends, for school i maybe read like 30-60 pages a day, if I read at all, i am a pretty lousy student honestly.. i am not dumb, but too lazy and disinterested in everything to actually care.

>> No.7361543

25 normally, 50-250 if the print is large or the reading is interesting.

>> No.7361546

I think you mean uninterested friend :^)

>> No.7361576 [DELETED] 

I did a little over two hundred today. Usually it isn't as much but I focus more on time spent in trying to pass at least one hour a day reading. It also depends on the text, I have spent an hour crawling through fifteen pages. If I had to guess my average maybe thirty to forty pages in the hour.

On a few rare days I have read whole books through and my largest was Goblet of Fire as a preteen but that is very easy reading still I was very proud of myself. As an adult I doubt I have done anything larger than around four hundred.

>> No.7361602


I stopped reading. I read most of the classics and nothing else interests me. I am mostly here to reminisce. I am really picky when it comes to literature and it seems to get worse every year.

>> No.7361605

Probably about 100-150 for school and 100-150 for not school stuff.

>> No.7361644

Never enough.

>> No.7361651

in school ~12 credit hours, all classes have labs, but I can still manage about 60-90 pages a day. I've been reading a bunch of Carl Sagan books recently

>> No.7361656

>I stopped reading

/lit/ in 2015 everybody!

>> No.7361659


>> No.7361660

I was so excited when I got the Harry potter books I used to read almost all of them in a day

>> No.7361674

Here are some authors I really enjoyed. If there is anymore like this then I'm all eyes. Other than that I have basically read all the historical meme /lit/ like Moby Dick and Ulysses. But anyway, here are the authors I really enjoyed

Franz Kafka - Everything except Amerika (which I did read to completion)
Borges - everything
Cervantes-Don Quixote
Calvino- almost everything (read it all though)
GGM-One Hundred Years of Solitude
Flann O'Brien- The Third Policeman and At Swim Two Birds
Camus-The Stranger

As far as I know there is nothing else I feel compelled to read

>> No.7361680

A lot more since I've taken up the insomniac lifestyle after kicking dope.
Day 3.5
>Makin' it
>tfw reading IJ on WDs
>Poor Tony in the bathroom stall
>Ennet House
>Poor Tony gettin clean.
>We're making it Krause
>Thousands of sentences about tennis racquets
>Please give me a warm paragraph David, please

>> No.7361683
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>> No.7361687

My nigger

>> No.7361701

Okay, why should I read him? What is his relation to these authors? I will say Camus is pretty tenuously appended to that list and what i really like is meditation on the very metaphysical. I hardly like to read about human experience

>> No.7361705

He's the only author alive I consider respectable. Typically I only read classics. Very well written, introspective and explores fundamental problems with society and existence.

>meditation on the very metaphysical
Do you like Sartre? He's hard to get into but worth the effort.

>> No.7361706
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Of actual books and no school stuff, 30-40, sometimes 50-60 if i'm at the tail end of the book

>> No.7361710


you are barely scratching the surface of literature

>> No.7361711

Yeah there's more books in existence than you can comprehend but fuck it man you go ahead and feel "uncompelled"

>> No.7361720

I read Nausea but it felt a bit too aimless and repetitive. Knut Hamsun's Hunger felt the same

>> No.7361722
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>nothing else I feel compelled to read
Start with the Greeks.

Read good western philosophers like Schopenhauer, Hegel, Heidegger, Wittgenstein.

You didn't list any Greek/Roman lit or philosophers, so I refuse to believe you're actually as well read as you present.

>> No.7361724

5, which is 5 times more than the average person. Im becoming an avid reader

>> No.7361726
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>most of the classics
>If there is anymore like this
>all the historical meme /lit/
>like Moby Dick and Ulysses

Don't pop a blood vessel trying so hard

>> No.7361727

It seems you have read even less than I have because you have no reading comprehension

>> No.7361728

I didn't enjoy Nausea until 150 pages in. By the end I loved it.

>> No.7361730

Bare absolute minimum of 50, regardless of type or page size. I accept that it's arbitrary, but I'll feel like I fucked up if I don't do 50 a day the same way o feel like I fucked up when I skip workouts.

>> No.7361741

Did I claim to be well read? Stop projecting so hard. No, I am actually incredibly lazy. I am not going to read any of those turgid self-referential philosophical papers as my goal isn't to prove something to whatever onlookers I imagine there are. I only read fiction and the fiction I did read was because it was either extremely hyped or I could glean that it would be personally appealing based on a brief description.

>> No.7361752

I am not trying hard at all. I am hardly trying :^)

>> No.7361754
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>> No.7361757 [DELETED] 

0-30 atm
When I'm in reading season it's 30-80

>> No.7361758

Why are you directing me to the philosophy board when I have just said, in no uncertain terms that I have not read any philosophical treatises? ;^)

>> No.7361767

To be fair the guy has some good taste for a pleb

>> No.7361773
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You're on about the same level.

>> No.7361784

Of course, because unlike me, you've read "The Ego And Its Own" "World As Will And Representation" and "Fear And Trembling" and "The Prince" and "Leviathan" and most of the other major works of philosophy I am sure. Oh, wait you are actually holding me to an ideal you yourself have failed to live up to. Thats called hypocrisy my friend. Now me? I bathe in the stuff, its second nature but I can say its not for everybody, my dear pal.

>> No.7361786

at least 300

>tfw neet master race

>> No.7361789
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I have. Stay mad pleb.

>> No.7361800
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>major works of philosophy
>The Prince

>> No.7361802

You have no way to prove it however and I'll just continue to call bullshit. Bummer for you

>> No.7361805

He misunderstood you. He thought you were being rude to philosophy lovers. Really, you're just not interested and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.7361815
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>no way to prove
I can't even prove that you exist and you can't prove I exist either. Enjoy your imaginary victory.

>> No.7361817


Average 50.



>> No.7361824

That's cute. Its almost like you have a very rudimentary understanding of philosophy.

>> No.7361826


Hey, me too! Not dope though, pharmaceutical opioids.

We'll make it bro. I'm on day 9, and feeling fine. Getting 6 hours of sleep most nights already.

>> No.7362179

>used to read 300+
>now barely read 30+ if I'm lucky
kill me

>> No.7362256

Hello we are the same person

>> No.7362264

Eco - Foucault's Pendulum, On Ugliness, On Beauty
Joyce - the wake is optional extra credit, the rest of his oeuvre is mandatory

>> No.7362326

Depends on the book.

>> No.7362336

A fraction between 0 and 1, lifetime

>> No.7362367

I read ~500/week for school, add 100-250 to that when I'm working on a paper (it's all history though)

I try to read an additional 30-50 pages/day for personal enjoyment (of lit)

Best of luck bros, addiction's a bitch. You'll make it.

>> No.7363806

15 or something, i've been slowly getting back into reading after a couple of years doing absolutely nothing

>> No.7363825

>>7361537 im thinking about doing that (writing an essay on what I read). Does it really help you understand the book better? Don't you feel burdened?

>> No.7363852

100-300 a day depending on how dense the writing is.

>> No.7363870

I read the first chapter of Genesis today.

>> No.7363880

So like 1-2 pages?

>> No.7363884

Yes, about a page. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter tomorrow.

>> No.7363888

It's nice reading a chapter of the bible before before bed

>> No.7363924


man it's like you've only read 20 books ever

>> No.7363928

this is some incredible trolling

>> No.7363937

Are you me? I agree wholeheartedly. It's both comfy and helps you doze off into a deep and easy sleep.

>> No.7363952

Maybe 10, maybe 100. I work full time, am married, and also write and practice piano.

It depends on how dense the text is.

>> No.7363990

20-200 on a week day, bets are fuckin off on the weekends because I'm a wild man. could be none, could be a damn billion

>> No.7364083
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>> No.7364162

>>7363990 sir you are a life goal

>> No.7364181


I don't do it but i imagine it makes you pay more attention and actually think about what you're reading so you can put it on paper.

>> No.7364217

I try 100 but I doze of when it's been a long day

>> No.7364247
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Nice list kind sir! You seem very well read.

Pick up Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, my friend.

>> No.7364256

I have bursts of feeling like reading and then I burn through a lot of shit all at once and eventually go back to not reading at all and just playing videogames to stave off suicide.

And uh, the more I read, the harder it gets to stave off.

>> No.7364261

>Maybe it will go away if I put this reddit sticker on it

>> No.7364281

Those are all great books but I think you should read (at least) Harold Bloom's "The Western Canon" and go from there.

Hell, go with /lit/'s list of 100 books, or the modern library's list. There's endless literature.

>> No.7364288

Took me 2 hours to read 50 pages today. :( I need to increase my reading speed, so I've started keeping track so that I can actually tackle the mountain of titles in my TBR pile.

>> No.7364291

200 pages of 4chan posts

>> No.7364335
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Precisely, my good chum.

>> No.7364336

fucking kek

>> No.7364432

What if you've read 5 twenty page sections about different topics?

>> No.7365935

Around 200 for days where I'm at college. When I don't have reason to go on a bus though, it's usually about 50.

>> No.7366133

This is sort of related to my problem, i have so tay at school whenever i am going to read, because I don't have to wait for the bus since there is one every 10th minute or so, and my busride is like 5 minute long so i don't have that downtime where i got nothing else to do

>> No.7366335

ffucking one million bitch

>> No.7366406

between 0 and 200? average of say 30p a day

>> No.7366427

i read words m8

>> No.7366819

100 on average. 500 is muh one-time record. Read "John dies at the end" in a sitting and put a dent in the sequel.

>> No.7367344

20-ish, I guess

>> No.7367996

I try to hit 100 plus whatever to end a chapter

>> No.7368037
