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/lit/ - Literature

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7360246 No.7360246 [Reply] [Original]

>hear that /mu/ is trully patrician and eliticist board about music
>expect it to be Adornomusicphilosophy the board
>actually see what is going on there
>fucking pop, memerap and amateur reviewers

>> No.7360254

/mu/ used to be elitist. Now it's the reign of the rabble.

>> No.7360256

it's pretty godawful. Most people just care about images and knowing the bare essentials required to shame people who haven't heard them more than finding out about music

>> No.7360258

/class/ when Hiro?

>> No.7360259


maybe 4 years ago lmao

>> No.7360265

>Adornomusicphilosophy the board
t b h that would probably be the worst board on earth

>> No.7360280

like /lit/, mu is pure shitposting, not a place to go if you want to discover stuff or learn anything. But /lit/ shitposting tends to be of higher quality tbqhwu. /mu/ really sucks right now, at any given moment there's at least one racebaiting thread with hundreds of replies.

>> No.7360282

It is way better than /mu/ desu, also, it's the only board on 4chan I care about, discussions sporadically and the art praised by lit is mostly good in fact (no commercial music is good and it's pretty much everything that mu speaks about, Radiohead is a fucking misunderstatement, you can't say it about Ulysses, even tho it is a meme)

>> No.7360284


I would go.

>> No.7360289
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>no commercial music is good


>> No.7360293

He's correct. Popularity among plebians indicates a work of low quality.

>> No.7360295
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That anon it right its not T B H
Commercial music is worse than commercial literature, which is as we know kill yourself tier.

kanye west is the Game of Thrones of music. I'm not even joking.

/mu/ is full of centrist keks as well.

>> No.7360297
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>mfw Can had a #1 hit
>mfw Can is now low quality
>mfw Hendrix is now low quality
>mfw the Zombies are now low quality

>> No.7360300

Indication isn't confirmation.

>> No.7360304

As long as works of lower quality remain considered as such, they can be considered 'of quality,' within other works of lower quality.

Kanye, for example, is a great artist, but nowhere close actual art.

>> No.7360305

When things start to go so bad for /lit/ I remember reading this board one year ago and it was full o serious discussion and shit, nowadays is half meme half shitpost.

I've never been a really active user, but my impression is that things went downhill on the last 8-6 months.

The sad thing is that we will never have that serious board again. That place is lost forever.

>> No.7360308

Hendrix is really overrated DESU, he has some good stuff but its few and far between.
Same goes for zombies who are probably listened to more often in movie soundtracks then in album form.

That being said, i think most would agree "popular music" refers to trends in music and not single song anomalies.

>> No.7360309

Yet when people were trying to do something about it, the whole of /lit/ was basically running around screaming 'elitism'. Banning all genre fiction and similar garbage would have been the only solution. The people who post such threads are the ones shitposting.

>> No.7360315

Even among his low quality peers kanye is shit beats for flaky retards T B H

>> No.7360319

if you think Band of Gyspys is anything but GOAT you whack

and even within popular music there's always interesting ideas being kicked around. A lot of rap that's getting popular these days like Chance and Kendrick are quality

>> No.7360321

/his/ bullshit chased away half the people who actually read DESU senpai.

>> No.7360328

That's what i'm talking about - knows nothing about music, speaks about meaningless terms, probably doesn't even know what dodecaphony or aleatoricism is and still takes part in discussions about music. That's why /mu/ is so cancerous

>> No.7360329

I remember that I didn't like to post much because I felt dumb near the others posts.

Oh well, but this is the ways things work, something good happens, people enjoy, more people realize that is a thing, quality decline, since quality decline more people feel inclined to create shit content, thing is die. Literally every good board or forum in a nutshell.

>> No.7360336

next time you can just say "twelve tone" instead of stroking your mental cock buddy

>> No.7360340

It's still better than almost every other board.
Quality has decreased since /his/, I honestly wish death on people who post >>>/his/ when someone creates an interesting thread

>> No.7360343

I know there's quite a few of us /classical/ posters in exile here.
Hello friend, glad you could join us from reddit. Tell me, do you know how to read notation in any appreciable form? Play an instrument to any satisfactory level? Have you ever worked your way through countless species counterpoint and choral writing exercises?

If the answer to any of these is "No", then you are a plebeian and do not have the right to make any assertions about music whatsoever.

>> No.7360346

this is why /classical/ is a shithole.

>> No.7360347

This post literally got made throughout the last year and a half that I've been here.

>> No.7360348

Dodecaphony and twelve tone music are not the same moron.

>> No.7360352

>using reddit to discredit me liking an album that literally helped spawn a genre

i don't need to appeal or appease you O powerful magistrate, for I am well aware my compositions will are and forever will be superior to yours

>> No.7360355

>chance and kendrik

Yep, you just proved my point.

>> No.7360359

dodeca = twelve
phony = tone/sound

shut up and go read the I Ching

>> No.7360364
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>> No.7360368

>the guy who thinks kendrik is good

>> No.7360369

>used to try to shame /mu/
>quit because I'd always get banned
>/mu/ has only gotten worse
He's right. Neither is popular music, which most commercial music falls under.
They are. Go refine yourself.
An irrelevant genre.

>> No.7360370

Stop encouraging Hiro's decimation of 4chan?

>> No.7360376

OP here
thank you, that's what I meant

>> No.7360379

Yes I do know what the greek root words mean.

However, dodecaphony, in post-tonal music theory refers to specifically the tone row techniques practiced by the second Viennese school (this is in turn distinct from serialism), while twelve-tone music is a generalized term used to describe any post-tonal music that is freely chromatic (such as the early compositions of Schönberg) or freely tonal (such as some of the music of Bartok)

>> No.7360382

Name a more patrician literature place on the internet that isn't dead.

>> No.7360386

Do you have any musical education whatsoever? If not, you assertion is objectively false as you don't even understand what makes a composition good or not.

>> No.7360387

>i decide what is irrelevant
lel. Funk is back in pretty strong force lately

>Can is bad
please stop the memes seriously I get that you have to contradict literally everything to feel superior and listen to that french dude who recorded himself puking as if it has true depth, but step up please

>> No.7360392

yes thank you I have been taught theory

and as anyone who knows shit about creation, you disregard it immediately after you get it

>> No.7360397

>lel. Funk is back in pretty strong force lately
Popularity has nothing to do with relevance.
>please stop the memes seriously I get that you have to contradict literally everything to feel superior and listen to that french dude who recorded himself puking as if it has true depth, but step up please
>i cant argue so ill use a bunch of fallacies

>> No.7360404

well you're the one claiming Can is bad and yet providing no proof to substantiate this claim buddy

>a genre which contributed heavily to the Black culture throughout the 70s, set incredibly political trends in black music, unheard of prior
>irrelevant ever

>> No.7360407
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>Neither is popular music
wrong. western 'art' music ceased being remotely socially or artistically relevant 50 years ago or so. dodecaphony and aleatoricism, were for the most part, only objects of intellectual masturbation for the educated bourgeoisie. If there's still any possibility to create truly subversive art it lies in popular music.

>> No.7360418

>a genre which contributed heavily to the Black culture throughout the 70s, set incredibly political trends in black music, unheard of prior
Modern music and culture is irrelevant.

CAN is objectively bad because they are popular music.
False. Stop making fallacies.

>> No.7360419
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>> No.7360422

oh man you're just that far gone

Do you exclusively listen to Stockhausen

>> No.7360424

What music do you consider good?

>> No.7360426

yes because as we all know every good musician is educated in music because you can't make good compositions otherwise

>> No.7360430

More fallacies.

Stockhausen is modern you idiot.
Erudite music, rather than musical pulp
This is true, though.

>> No.7360435

Be more specific

>> No.7360436
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I grew out of music in 2011 when I stopped being a teenager

>> No.7360437

dodging all questions and providing no proof for any statements is quite worse than a fallacy

I mean if you had any meat to what you said then you could work around a fallacy

>> No.7360444

I provided what you asked for, you illiterate cunt.

>> No.7360446

Programmatic music was the greatest cancer to ever strike western art.
I have a degree in composition and several credits in acoustics and electrical engineering, you having learned the basics of music, without apparently even interacting with the western tradition to any significant degree means you are objectively less educated in matters of music than I am.

>> No.7360447

come on lad, name a few artists you consider good, calling other people's taste shit is piss easy, even a child can do so.

>> No.7360450

>going straight for the insults

only you never once said why Can was bad beyond "popular music and popular music is bad" despite the fact that much of the band were classically trained musicians operating within a rock context

>> No.7360454

you can have all the degrees and technical knowledge you want

this does not mean you will compose good things

>> No.7360459

who else /musical anhedonia/ here?

desu senpai if you don't have musical anhedonia you can't be a true patrician, that metal racket is just a meme distraction from literature

>> No.7360460

For what purpose? Stop being fallacious.
>le classically trained xDDDD
I hope you realize that an education means nothing unless properly applied.
>but duuuuuude muh hip hop is goood!!!

>> No.7360464

>my friend have you pointlessly smashed your head against a brickwall studying an academic form of music which is entirely a product if Western bourgeois society while blinkering yourself to the incredible diversity in sound which exists in the world? If not you are a plebeian

>> No.7360465

I certainly don't disagree with you on that, but what it does mean is that I have significantly better faculties than you for providing a knowledge-based evaluation of a piece of music.

>> No.7360467

Look at the child, insecure about sharing his own taste in music, what a little queer

>> No.7360473

Another fallacy. Why have you invaded from /mu/?

>> No.7360482

hip-hop has far more relevancy than anything art music has done since Cage

But, as a songwriter, I can approach a piece from the idea of "good songwriting" which while theory can be involved, tends to extend beyond it and into just how it actually works in the context of other things; i.e. a coda to end a song or ending on some staccato, carrying vocals or a certain strain out after everything else has finished, etc

To my knowledge theory doesn't deal as much with that

>> No.7360484

The only good music is Western Art Music, deal with it, plebs.

>> No.7360485

I haven't been on /mu/ in 2 years.
How come you're such a coward that you can't give me two or three names of great artists?
You're either a troll or an extremely insecure and above all a huge pretentious asshole

>> No.7360486

probably both honestly

same kinda person who shits on Joyce for the giggles and because they can't just have fun reading it for the form

>> No.7360487

What you are talking about is literally fundamental classical formalism, a subject usually covered in any high school performing arts program.

>> No.7360490

i don't think I've ever seen a board decline in quality more than /mu/. Circa 2011 /mu/ was a legitimately great place to discover and discuss music, but over the years it has degraded into an even worse /vg/

>> No.7360494

>hip-hop has far more relevancy than anything art music has done since Cage
I've already told you that modern music is irrelevant.
>But, as a songwriter,
Error. Songs are irrelevant.
Fallacy. Try again.

>> No.7360498

but why is modern music irrelevant

because you keep saying the same things with no actual thought or reasons

>> No.7360503

>any board on 4chan
>good taste
>implying that anybody ever can have good taste
Nice meme.

>> No.7360508

Yeah it's me who can't argue, sure.
Have fun arguing with everyone about nothing and achieving nothing in the process, I'm sure you don't have anything better to do with your time.

>> No.7360512

Because modern culture is devoid of any beauty.
Confirmed /mu/ subhuman.

>> No.7360513

The anon is a musical bigot. There is actually no pouy engaging in this argument

>> No.7360515

this tbqh famember, /anhedonia/ is true patrician-esse

>> No.7360521


>> No.7360523


>> No.7360534

and the memes have truly hit peak

i'm gonna return to Ash Ra Tempel now pleb

>> No.7360541

Are you really so deluded as to think that theory doesn't include discussions on form and structure? You need to understand that western musical theory exists to describe and understand music, not the other way around

>> No.7360545

>I cant argue so ill call everything a meme

>> No.7360551

You do realize that you have given no reason behind any thought you've stated in this whole thread. You just make these claims as if they're objective truths and proceed to not illuminate the posters of /lit/ as to what you mean

>> No.7360580

>chance and kendrick
Please leave
I'm not an "art music only" guy but you are why /mu/ sucks.

For modern "popular" music try Fennesz, Fire! Orchestra, Sunn O))), Boris, Autechre, Vladislav Delay, Oneohtrix Point Never, Ben Zimmerman, Alva Noto, the list goes on...

>> No.7360618

>itt: /mu/ invasion and subsequent violent circlejerk

>> No.7360625


>> No.7360628


get taste man goddamn

>> No.7360636

>maybe if I lie online I'll look good

>> No.7360638

Typical /mu/ no effort post

>> No.7360639

That anon was right, they are objective truths, see >>7360484
>I'm not an "art music only" guy

>> No.7360642

>Programmatic music was the greatest cancer to ever strike western art.

And "socially engaged art," --- the Voltaire, Hugo and Zola crowd of mediocre pedants of cant.

>> No.7360650

And yet I likely have studied art music more than you.

>> No.7360662

Haven't seen you in a while lad, still dating teenage girls?

>> No.7360670

>doesn't understand what 'bigot' means
protip: it has nothing to do with race

>> No.7360691

I don't think you know what 'satire' means.

>> No.7360692

Probably not

>> No.7360696

Nice blog. Where's the subscribe button? :D

>> No.7360698
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>> No.7360740

This argument is going places, tell me about your studies in counterpoint, what books have you read?

>> No.7360789

Popular music is incapable of being truly subversive. At best it can masquerade as such in order to further advance the status quo.

>> No.7360809

Works by Bach, Rosen, Tovey, etc.
You can stop replying now.

>> No.7360823


>>hear that /mu/ is trully patrician

They call themselves patricians but they barely read. Why would you ever think this?

>> No.7360838
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>so autistic that you don't even like music

I just feel bad for you to be honest.

>> No.7360841

>there are people on /lit/ RIGHT NOW who think they are patrician, yet unironically appreciated Infinite Jest

Never change, plebs. Patricians are born, not made.

>> No.7360844

Can is quall as fuck though. Occasionally something good will break the mold, but hand a pleb a copy of Tago Mago and he'll scratch his head and dismiss it as retarded babbling

>> No.7360850

It isn't autism. People listen to music because they like the sounds.

I bet you're one of those Frenchies who eats food because he likes the taste instead of absorbing the glucose for strength.

>> No.7360873

And how are "works by Bach, Rosen, Tovey, etc." valid sources on the study of counterpoint?

>> No.7360891

avant-garde music accomplishes the same function. everything is spectacle, all cultural products regardless of their intent or their originality are eventually commodified and coopted by the system.

>> No.7360922

/mu/ had a massive influx of Redditors that are "hypebeasts" and think Kanye's the greatest thing in music history.

>> No.7360931

It's been bad since Lady Gaga kickstarted the whole poptimism trend.

>> No.7360962

what's wrong with liking popular music?

isn't the goal of popular music to make catchy stuff (pretty stuff)?

>> No.7360967

you're free to listen to what you want but it doesn't make you free from criticism for doing so

>> No.7360975

what's the point of art if not a mental masturbation?

>> No.7360985

>I actually use the term memerap and yet I have standards

>> No.7360990


everyone that I have ever met in real life that has admitted to going to /mu/ has been the biggest faggot in the universe.

All they do is listen to garbage shit and make "beats" out of other stolen music.

>> No.7361000

You understand you are the baseline definition of a hipster, right? So it has to be obscure for you to not throw a shitfit about it?

>> No.7361020
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>thinks that not popular music = obscure music
Anon, stop posting

>> No.7361029

That's literally how it is, though. If it's not popular, it's obscure to some degree.

Are you actually, unironically retarded?

>> No.7361034
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>I know literally nothing about even the basics of musicology
Stop it, this is just embarrassing.

>> No.7361035

Popular music does not mean "music that has popularity". It means "music produced by the people". Thus, anything that is not classical music is popular music. Yup. Your favourite hipster bands qualify as popular music. GY!BE is popular music.

>> No.7361036

What is it with Americans having to label everyone and everything?

I don't care if something's obscure or not, I listen to it if I find it good. Mainstream music isn't inherently bad, but the fact of the matter is that a large portion of it is. Everyone knows who Bach is but it doesn't besmirch his talent and legacy.

>> No.7361048

whats wrong with pop or rap?

>> No.7361065

>I know "literally" nothing about basic fucking English

Retarded frogposter.

Coupled with a retarded tripshit. Are classical composers not people?

>> No.7361075
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As in music by and for lay people you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.7361133

is making a catchy melody popular music and that makes you a pleb musician even if noone knows you?

because making a catchy melody is easy as fuck.

does this mean is plebian or bad?

are rhymes in poetry pleb shit?

>> No.7361161

>I listen to classical music, so I'm not "lay people"

That's really cute anon.

>> No.7361183

Is Holst's Planets suite considered program music?

>> No.7361189
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Indie music from the 90s and 2000s isn't the best music has to offer, though.

>> No.7361267

Spending years studying the composition and performance of classical music and acquiring a degree in classical composition means I'm not lay people, yes.
I would argue no, as there is no real programming beyond the titles. Though I'm sure some would argue that it is.

>> No.7361301

it means you spent years acquiring a pretty empty degree to learn about bourgeois art created for them to masturbate to

>> No.7361302

is composing catchy simple music to be enjoyed a mark of a pleb?

>> No.7361305

>music theory doesn't exist for anything other than boring ass old shit

Listen, I unironically enjoyed reading the John Galt part of Atlas shrugged and even I found classical music boring as shit.

>> No.7361315

>Are classical composers not people?
They are "people", but not part of "the people".

The difference is, mostly, that anyone with a bit of skill can pick up a guitar, learn how to use it, and start making great popular music.

A composer has to study for years.

>> No.7361316

Don't worry, its probably because you lack the intelligence to properly appreciate it. Its ultimately a good thing, because once you do you'll usually find that nearly every single other form of music is insubstantial.

Other than rhythmically complex math rock, and virtuosic jazz, i think its pretty inarguable that classical music is the highest form of music thats existed.

If you don't like it then that's fine, but know that its objectively the deepest, most complicated and most expressive type of music.

>studied/performed music up to university
>wrote a paper on harmonic analysis of Mahler's 9th.

>> No.7361325
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>wrote a paper on harmonic analysis of Mahler's 9th.
>Mahler's 9th.

>> No.7361326
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>deepest, most complicated

>> No.7361331

Please leave, plebeian.

>> No.7361334

not him, but what's your opinion on videogame music?

>> No.7361336

nah, man, that's like 90% of /lit/

>some people on /lit/ think start with the greeks is just a meme

>> No.7361338

your entire comment reeks of elitism.

bro, I'm not musician but I draw and paint.

I can understand how XIX century french academicism is the most technical and deep painting style ever existed.

but I don't go boasting how anime shit or cartoons are just meaningless drawings.

you need to take an appreciation of popular art forms.

>> No.7361341

starting with the Greeks is just a decent idea though because it introduces a lot of ideas and concepts people would and do constantly jack

but i don't find any problem with starting literally anywhere else in literature

There's stranger out there, but I can't hear you over the sound of these polyrhythms

>> No.7361344

>Because you lack the intelligence to properly appreciate it
Listen here neckbeard, Music is literally the easiest art to appreciate, if someone doesn't like a certain type of music it's because they don't fucking like how it sounds. Enjoying music requires literally zero intelligence

Some of the smartest Engineers and Scientists I know spend their days listening to new-wave shit, and some of the dumbest people I know enjoy pretty complex songs.

Shave the ungodly stubble growing on your neck and realize that music taste is entirely objective as it requires almost no mental capacity to enjoy.


>Actually studying a type of music only cared about by Neck beards and old ladies
>Actually studying music at all
stop wasting your parents money and get something that will actually benefit you and society

>> No.7361345

I disagree. I think that the lurkers on /mu/ have way better taste than the ones who start threads. The stuff I've seen in comments are great. Komeda - Astigmatic, for example.

>> No.7361346

>new wave
>not great

Jocko Homo detected

>> No.7361347

Hey, so the OP said Adorno, and I got an exam about him coming, could someone lend me a hand?

>> No.7361355

>I can understand how XIX century french academicism is the most technical and deep painting style ever existed.
It's not, and it's considered as some of the lowest form of painting to have ever existed. You just proved yourself wrong and uneducated.

>but I don't go boasting how anime shit or cartoons are just meaningless drawings.
It is.

I am an elitist, perhaps, but you are below a pleb.

>> No.7361358


>> No.7361359

Adorno viewed music, media, basically any pop culture shit as capital which could and would be used to manipulate the masses

>> No.7361362

>music taste is entirely objective as it requires almost no mental capacity to enjoy

I don't think you're far off, but you can't deny all music. Some of it really does take specialized knowledge to enjoy. Pretty much only in the obscure parts jazz and classical though.

>> No.7361369

>didn't even look through threads for the good shit
Let's face it, most of really is shit, but there really are gems floating around if you look. Granted, they're covered in sticky glops of diarrhea.

>> No.7361371

>lowest form of painting
tell that to the Art renewal center.

hell, even bogereau is /ic/ God or some shit.

who would you tell me is the better style of painting?

I already know the biggest deals, such as caravaggio, paul de vanheer and rembrand and durer.

But I like stuff from monet.

>It is.
but why?

I don't see any argument as to why anime isn't good beyond muh realism or muh technique.

why is pop bad?
unless you consider complexity and equals it to good I don't see how pop is bad.

It's fur elise bad because is simple?

>> No.7361381
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>So many fucking plebs in this thread

Classical's dead

listen to some real music you fucking fags


>> No.7361383

fair enough

I'm a bit wrong on that, it is true that some obscure parts can require a bit of IQ to enjoy

but a lot of parts of music that people act smug about enjoying can be literally enjoyed just as much by a down syndrome patient, pretty much invalidating the argument.

>> No.7361387

>not Incapacitants

>> No.7361389

Yeah, but he did he think critique existed in denial of real conditions, like he thought art was?

>> No.7361393


If one avaids the DG and p4k shitposting and sticks to the generals there's normally good stuff to be found and people who are reasonably knowledgeable about their chosen genres.

>> No.7361395

even cows can enjoy classical.

>> No.7361396

Traditional/folk music is not popular music.

Your overall point is correct, however.

>> No.7361420

You all don't realize how bad the k-pop threads fucked /mu/ up. It introduced an entirely new group of posters into the board that didn't have a single clue what music was beyond whatever was played on the radio/MTV/mentioned elsewhere on 4chan. Not that /mu/ was of such high quality beforehand, but from my perspective, there were certainly threads of worthwhile discussion, you could almost always find a cool artist to listen to based off your recommendations and the relatively smaller community afforded an environment for discussion of higher caliber.

>who here remembers the tripfag The Tourist

>> No.7361461

>bad the k-pop threads
fucking this, they brought in the fucking rabble from boards like /a/ and /v/, and most recently /r9k/

>> No.7361463

what do you think of the current state of western art senpai

>> No.7361483

>The Tourist

I quit browsing /mu/ years ago but I still remember how awful he was

sage for off-topic

>> No.7361484

Tourist, idk if CLT is still there, some guy named bio-something, quentin threads on every board...
I can't remember tripcodes but it was def better before kpop. I was on before that, but the first thing I really remember is MBDTF getting a 10 and it's all people talked about for a month

>> No.7361496


Fuck i remember opening mu in another tab and just picking a post at random and looking up whatever they were talking about.

I would do this while gaming at the time, often times just tabbing over. and found some amazing stuff that way. sometimes only looking 10 seconds if that.

you could spend all day there now and see nothing even worth a listen.

>> No.7361501

Make those cows listen to Penderecki's Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima. Their udders will explode.

>> No.7361503

go listen to Dazzling Killmen - Face of Collapse

>> No.7361512

Specialized knowledge of music can make you appreciate a piece (or, god forbid, song) more, but it can not create an involuntary feeling of happiness that the music you enjoy will. Enjoying a piece of music is like laughter- try to laugh at something you don't immediately laugh at, but understand and appreciate. It is not enjoyable

>> No.7361516

CLT "died" over a year ago.

>> No.7361530
File: 1.93 MB, 1050x2270, 1415978932396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, I still have his guide to the western canon

>> No.7361542

/film/ fucking when

>> No.7361604


>> No.7361610

CLT, it's time to go back to being dead.

>> No.7361621

Sometimes you don't laugh until you get the joke. I think the same thing applies to music and enjoyment. It's not just one or the other.

Recently someone told me he hated jazz until he learned jazz theory. He said it just sounded like nonsense until he started noticing the changes.

That being said, I loved jazz without understanding it at first. Free jazz still has a place in my heart. Before I learned theory, I thought a lot of jazz ballads were boring as fuck. I only wanted the angry shit. Now I love Wayne Shorter's ballads. Take the song Deluge. It gives me immediate emotional reactions at the same time as strong satisfaction when I hear those tritones hit. Then again, maybe tritones are pleasing to a lot of people anyway. Idk.

>> No.7361759

Because you're a stupid high schooler who probably finds Shakespeare boring, too.
Garbage isn't complex.
>Fallacy, fallacy fallacy; fallacy Fallacy fallacy
>I don't understand music
Not music.
Music is for appreciation, not enjoyment.
Again, jazz is not music. Drop the pretense.

>> No.7361804

>tfw reading Adorno's Aesthetic Theory while listening to The Clown.

>> No.7361819

Most people who claim that a board went shit are likely those who have developed taste. When you don't know shit about music or literature, you are likely to be impressed by any opinion; when you know more, you can spot bullshit easier.

I would have left 4chan ages ago, but my lonliness keeps bringing me back.

>> No.7361877

Different anon but in The Magic Flute, Papageno's songs are short and catchy to be intentionally pleb. I think that, in the classical music world, that may be true.

>> No.7361881

How is jazz not music? Am I being taken on a ruse cruise?

>> No.7361910

i have no doubt some people from /mu/ are actually that retarded.

>> No.7361934

Literally lewronggeneration

>> No.7361935

I left when Hampus left, the only tripfag worth a damn

>> No.7361949

Adorno was right about Jazz.

>> No.7361964

I've read Adorno but I don't recall his beef with jazz.

>> No.7361974


Adorno was a privileged white male imperialist who didn't understand the beauty of black culture.

>> No.7361978

it's because it was made by niggers

>Music is for appreciation, not enjoyment.
>le prescriptive definition of music meme XDXD
pleb, you probably don't even listen to noise

>not witchy

>> No.7361984

No, just humpus.

>> No.7362009

Whites have been able to build themselves privilege because they are objectively superior. Anyone who is not 'privileged' needs to git gud.