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/lit/ - Literature

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7357609 No.7357609 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone here learned a language just for the purposes of reading?
i want to learn russian, but i dont know if the time investment is worth it, especially considering it will probably be hard to learn.

>> No.7357614

Yes. And I hate that fucking picture.

>> No.7357621

what language? how long did it take you? and what don't you like about the froggy?

>> No.7357627

Are you always the same person posting this exact same thread

>> No.7357632

Reasons to learn a language
>Speak with others
>Reading and write
>Both of the above

>> No.7357634

this is the first time i've started a thread on /lit/

>> No.7357660

Yeah, Latin, French, Greek, and German.

Speaking is overrated. 90% of the reason to learn a language is to read it, unless you are a boring fuck and your only job prospects are "something something bilingual something something."

French and German people are fucking insufferable. French people are just idiot Americans who happen to be speaking French or German. Most of the time their French sounds disgusting and gross, nothing like the posh stuff you learn in class. Imagine a man in an oversized hoodie who sounds like he's cradling a pair of balls in his mouth spouting horrible French baritone slang, filled with Americanisms and words partly cut off by his ebonics dialect. Congratulations, you just visited Paris. Germans are even worse because they're literally ALL autistic, tight-assed, and unpleasant.

Read Germans and Frenchmen. Don't actually meet them.

>> No.7357672

Yes, Japanese. I also wanted to be a literary translator.

>> No.7357691

so do you learn it the same way or what?

>> No.7357699

I'm doing the same with Arabic. Is this going to be your career or more of a "side-thing"?
Pretty much. There's more of a focus on learning particular vocab and jargon in that language and on reading more texts if reading/writing/translating is your primary purpose.

>> No.7357704

What's your learning process? how much time do you spend on language learning daily?

>> No.7357706

duolingo: good or bad?

>> No.7357710

Probably not a full time career, but I've been studying Japanese for about three years now. I started because there are so many biographies of writers that I wanted to read, but have never had any English publication.
I am most likely going to go into cultural writing.

>> No.7357714

One of my majors is Arabic so I have a language class every semester.

Outside of that, I read some texts in Arabic, do some translation work on the side as practice, and watch Arabic cartoons and the news. I also pick up some words/roots from my dictionary and Lexicon when I want to learn how to say a specific word.

Speaking in Arabic to myself or using it in my head solidifies it as well and is good practice.

>> No.7357974

While I'm sure there are plenty of excellent French books, I'm primarily learning French so that I can read French comics. Grand Vampire in particular, only a few issues were ever translated into English as a single, clearly unfinished volume.

I'm also interested in learning how to pronounce hiragana and katakana so I can at least read most of the language phonetically, maybe pick up some basic vocabulary, though kanji seems like a lot of effort for a language I won't get much practical use out of.

>> No.7358027

I am learning German to study German philosophy at the doctoral level. Learning a language is an absolutely invaluable experience but I don't think just learning it for the fun of reading in another language would be worth it. You will certainly lose motivation (I am fully motivated to learn because my career depends on it) and the sheer amount time I have devoted to learning would be enough to turn anyone less-than-dead-serious away. To be fluent at the C1 level is going to have taken 8 months or more of intensive classes in Germany. That's over $15k in costs as well. I'm not doing ANYTHING besides German. It's serious dude. None of this "fluent in 3 months" bullshit.

>> No.7358029


A parasite. Spend $20 and buy a fucking textbook.

>> No.7358053

i learned english just to shitpost here, if that counts.

>> No.7358194

there's a lot of homophones and hetronyms that make learning japanese without kanji knowledge pretty trivial. the only materials written without kanji are kid's books

>> No.7358198

what's your mother tongue? your shitposting is making good progress

>> No.7358865

You didn't go to the right place.

>> No.7358875


>> No.7358892

You mean Strayan

>> No.7358894

that's the rarest pepe
ty oni-san

>> No.7358912

But still you managed to post the most meme thread on /lit/ right now.

>> No.7358969
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yeah nah oi thats heaps sick ey

>> No.7358971

I'd really like to learn at least Koine Greek.

>> No.7358975

...yes mate
