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/lit/ - Literature

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7355259 No.7355259 [Reply] [Original]

What is a great book to read if you are a francophile /lit/?

>> No.7355267

infinite jest

>> No.7355281


Make sure to read it in French. A lot of the subtle nuances of language are lost in the translation. Although I have to give the translation props for using Maman over mother or mama.

>> No.7355283

red and the black

>> No.7355468
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...Y al tercer año resucitó (...And On the Third Year He Rose Again)

>> No.7355592

Maybe a book about French history
As for literature, there are quite a lot books actually

Wort recommendation ever

>> No.7355749
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Better than "there are a lot of books" you fucking mong

>> No.7355781

War and Peace

>> No.7355995
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Someone post the French equivalent of this.

>> No.7356096

Just learn French and read La Fontaine

>> No.7356124

Very very grossly :
*Montaigne - Les Essais
*Rabelais - Pantagruel, Gargantua
Ronsard - Les Odes, Les Amours
Du Bellay - Les Regrets, Les Antiquités de Rome, L'Olive
Malherbe - Poetry
*Agrippa d’Aubigné - Les Tragiques
Rotrou - Le Véritable Saint Genest, Antigone
Corneille - Le Cid, Cinna, Horace, La Mort de Pompée, L'Illusion Comique, Médée
Racine - Britannicus, Athalie, Andromaque, Bérénice, Mithridate, Bajazet, Phèdre, Iphigénie
La Fontaine - Les Fables
Quinault - Armide
Madame de La Fayette - La Princesse de Clèves
La Rochefoucauld - Les Maximes

You can start with this for the XVIth and XVIIth Century

Those marked with a * might be a bit difficult and long (depends on your level in French though)

>> No.7356130

Wow I literally forgot Boileau (L'Art poétique, Les Satires, Les Épîtres), what a ridiculous mistake