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7353502 No.7353502 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we help each other try to find the titles of books we remember from when we were kids.

I remember in elementary school (so between 1995 and 1999), we did book report presentations and one kid described a book as being about some kind of website, where if you go on it you'll get killed or something, and I think there were people you could talk to on it who had animal nicknames. I think the website in the book was something like "evil dot com."
Has anyone read this stupid shit and know what the title or author is?

>> No.7353590

Curse you. I swear I saw a series like that in my local library (never read it though) but I can't remember the name...

>> No.7354270

Does anyone remember the one where there was this society of small elf-things that lived in the woods and had the ability to morph into a plethora of animals in order to avoid detection from predators? I remember the protagonist was a young kid-elf in a "school" learning how to do it but sucked shit and couldn't even pull off a mouse right. I think by the end he turned into a weird mix of like six different animals and didn't get any better than that.

One thing I remember was that their ancestors were merged with trees or something, and eating the bark would enhance their transformative power but was considered a sin I think. Or maybe it just tasted good, who knows. I remember elder-trees and chewing on bark.

>> No.7354292
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>> No.7354361

Did someone have a toenail shaped like a key?

>> No.7354608

That sounds so fucking familiar.

>> No.7354618

I remember reading a book about a couple of siblings with a computer programmer father who slaved away at something in their basement. When they go investigate, they materialize in the computer program that simulates an ancient world of small men. I also remember it was somehow biblical. I dunno.

>> No.7354619

I remember reading a book in a series about a bunch of professors who can jump into fictional places. There was wizardry and dragons and stuff.

>> No.7354631

Yeah, I wish I knew what it was from.
Read it in 4th or 5th grade, I think.

Had an evil chicken, I think.

>> No.7354693

It all sounded like something I definitely read around that age until you got to the chicken.