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File: 387 KB, 700x934, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7352784 No.7352784 [Reply] [Original]

It looks like it has everything in it. Could it be...to much fun?

>> No.7352787


I haven't read Infinite Jest, but didn't the movie in the book last long enough for the watchers to die of starvation? As opposed to just watching it multiple times.

>> No.7352789

thanks for the chuckle op

moving on

>> No.7352790

There's something really sad and banal about that.

>> No.7352793

you illiterate star wars watching baby.

>> No.7352804

>dfw the phantom menace wasn't all the hype

>> No.7352811

the idea that the filmmakers will have learned from the failure of the phantom menace makes me terrified that this film will in fact be all the hype and that it will, as op suggests, usher in a new wave of hyper-blockbusters that the masses, myself included, will be incapable of not watching and rewatching again and again without end without rest and without limit

>> No.7352822

Just don't watch it. Worse that could happen is some qt3.14 tells you that you've got to come over and watch it with them

>> No.7352841

the new avatars will though
dat frame rate

>> No.7352845

At some point Marathe, I think, explains that the victims craved more of the movie so hard that the only yhing they could do was pressing replay while still being fully catatonic, no?

>> No.7352856

redpill me on seeing this new starwars movie

the last movie a saw in a theatre was le nolan space adventure

I barely watch movies anymore

>> No.7352874

Go to /tv/ if your sanity is resilient, they'll redpill you two ways to Sunday

>> No.7352891

The Wardine chapter suddenly makes sense...

>> No.7352931

do you guys think he hanged himself with the bandana on?

>> No.7352940 [DELETED] 

Don't tell me you believe the report. The bandana obviously hanged first.

>> No.7352942
File: 121 KB, 746x970, 1446410035745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell me you believe the report. The bandana obviously hanged first.

>> No.7352984

yeah but its really fucking long too

>> No.7352993

Nope, they became so enthralled by the movie that they would do nothing but rewinf and replay it, over and over

>> No.7352998

the wardine chapter always made sense

>> No.7353000

who was karen

>> No.7353009

>the victims craved the movie so hard
>all they could do was press replay

Have yet to read DFW but how can this possibly be a masterpiece?

>> No.7353026

Ever hear of hysterical realism you fucking pleb

>> No.7353057

his wife
who else would this be

>> No.7353081

>No discernible talent is present.
holy shiy my fucking sides

>> No.7353101

Having a name means it is no longer a poor example of storytelling?

>> No.7353126


Mein sides

>> No.7354548

No retard, having a name you can google shows that its a technique with a desired effect not just the author being dumb or bad

>> No.7354562

got me

>> No.7355034

care to explain it?

>> No.7355095

Wardine is a girl younger than 16 and is dating a boy named Reginald. Her mother is dating a man named Roy Tony, who molests and attempts to sleep with Wardine, standing by the mattress she shares with several siblings and whispering his perverted thoughts to her. Wardine's mother knows about the molestation, and responds by blaming Wardine and beating her mercilessly with a hanger on the back, buttocks and upper thighs. Wardine shows the resulting scars to Reginald, who first says he will kill Roy Tony and then says he will go tell Roy Tony to back off. The narrator says that she thinks Roy Tony will kill Reginald, because he killed a man over she and Reginald's mother and things will get worse no matter what he does. The narrator then reveals she is pregnant.

It's pretty straightforward, unless you're asking how it pertains to the rest of the novel.

>> No.7355130

thats what i was asking about (how it pertains to the rest of the story)

>> No.7355265

I think it's supposed to set the tone for the seedy parts of Boston and the novel, but I'm in the process or reading IJ again after four years and will be keeping an eye out for a murder to attribute to Roy Tony or a baby from the projects.

>> No.7355275

are you telling me he never writes like that again in the rest of the novel?

that makes me feel better, because now i know he probably spent a week working that part out

>> No.7355277

I'm pretty sure he doesn't do that again, yeah.

>> No.7355332

Oh my god, is Dan Harmon dead? Did he hang himself?

>> No.7355415


>> No.7355462

Means Shitskin.