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File: 46 KB, 480x640, hoola beck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7351786 No.7351786[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7351798

Well... Beck...

>> No.7351799


>> No.7351808

At least he wasn't pushing out a book today

>> No.7351809

France should have listened.

>> No.7351826

We don't even know if the attackers were Muslim. If they were, then it's probably due to France not blending in islamic values. It's posts like this that make me wish /pol/ was blocked from /lit/

>> No.7351836

Yeah bro, I'm sure bank robbers aimed for killing 100 civilians

>> No.7351845
File: 146 KB, 477x368, board.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think they were situationalists?

>> No.7351858
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You should program and host your own Internet bulletin board. That way you'd be able to block anyone you so desire. No one is forcing you to be here.

>> No.7351860

will soumission become required reading now ?
seems the most relevant novel since what - 1984 ?

>> No.7351862


>> No.7351905


You're talking as if it was too late. A state of emergency was declared. We're closing the borders and removing terros as of now.

>> No.7351932

the worst part is I work with a lot of muslims, so now i'll have to work extra hard to hide my contempt as they saunter over to the "Multi-Faith Prayer Room" aka "Give Us A Mini-Mosque Or We Sue You Room" for their toke of medieval foolery. it's going to be a real strain to be my polite sjw self and spew lefty marxist-lite crap with a smile...fuck.

>> No.7351933


>> No.7351960

seriously boys, if these attacks are really linked to IS, doesn't that mean that France is at war now?
how could they tolerate 140+ citizens being killed by a foreign entity and not respond with military force
don't see how this is an internal security matter anymore

>> No.7351971

Westerners are really obstinate and stupid when it comes to foreign policy, aren't they?

>> No.7351976


The state of war has indeed been declared tonight. The borders are closed, parisians are being instructed not to leave their homes, the governement has full powers.

>> No.7351983

Yes. That's why we let our countries be destroyed by uncontrolled immigration. Mainstream western political parties and the people who vote for them are absolutely fucking retarded. Europe is a lost cause. This is the beginning of the history of our decline.

>> No.7351984

that's state of emergency, not war

>> No.7351987

France has been actively bombing ISIS for months now bro

>> No.7351992

There wouldn't be this immigration problem if your governments didn't fund militant groups and dictators to play proxy wars.

>> No.7351999

I know, but that's far off from a full on declaration of war
the french military is fairly large, they could mobilize a lot more than some airstrikes

>> No.7352005

Yes, this will obviously resolve the issue!

>> No.7352011

the issue is that 140 french citizens are dead, which cannot be resolved

>> No.7352016

>if your governments didn't fund militant groups and dictators
We don't choose that. Nobody does. The government is shit and that's why we must reduce its influence (ie. Vote in every direction that makes it smaller).

>> No.7352020

there wouldn't have been a problem with the nazis holocausting all the jews if only your governments hadn't imposed such harsh treaty terms on germany after ww1! it's all the victims fault! rape wouldn't be a problem if women would just wear a burka!

>> No.7352024

>140 french citizens are dead
I'm sure interfering even more in the Middle East will solve everything and not create more terrorists and refugees fleeing from said terrorists.

>> No.7352025

Houllebecq is always right.

>> No.7352028

>fund terrorists
>open borders
>terrorists enter and kill people
>now start war and exacerbate situation?

>> No.7352031

There are only proxy wars, which France has been involved in for years, which is where the justification for these kinds of attacks come from to begin with.
>feeding a self-destructive cycle
>good long-term decisions
You can only choose one.

>> No.7352034

And how did that work out for the US?

>> No.7352040

if you think that military operations can't be part of a solution to a military conflict then you are simply operating on a bias more severe than the one that you think you are avoiding

>> No.7352042

The president seems to think so:

>"We will lead the fight, we will be ruthless" said François Hollande after seeing the Bataclan massacre. -BFMTV

>> No.7352049

"The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time, in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it: We are At War now -- with somebody -- and we will stay At War with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives.

It will be a Religious War, a sort of Christian Jihad, fueled by religious hatred and led by merciless fanatics on both sides. It will be guerilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy."
-Hunter S. "ayy lmao" Thompson

>> No.7352054

HST spot on. If there is a real end to France it is exactly this >>7352042

>> No.7352057

You are very delusional. Read some studies on terrorism, the effects of drone strikes, or the impact this so-called "War on Terror" has had on Western governments and economies.

There should be a military component to resolve this situation. It shouldn't be the primary component however which is how it's been since 2001.

>> No.7352063

in another year when we get a republican president again instead of an affirmative action wall street muppet, america will join you

>> No.7352066

you're not delusional, you just have a very surface level understanding of these issues which you take to be comprehensive
yes, the american led war on terror has not been very successful to put it modestly, that does not mean that military action as a whole has been discredited.
you need to understand that every situation is completely unique, and that the flaws of american led efforts do not carry over, that is simply a cognitive error.
imo a primary short coming of the WOT 2001-now has been a half-assedness and the fatigue and corruption of american institutions, something which an all out effort by the french does not need to suffer from

>> No.7352067

what other component should there be? letting in any muslim who shows up at the border and showering them with welfare? france already tried that, it didn't work

>> No.7352077
File: 58 KB, 500x667, mitt romney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that time /pol/ seriously thought Mitt Romney was going to become president, ya Romney had a better chance then any of the republican clowns running this time

>> No.7352083


>> No.7352084

This, but any Democrat except maybe (MAYBE) Sanders would still go in full war mode.

>> No.7352094

Sarkozy says "the terrorists have declared war on France"
ayy lmao

>> No.7352095

/pol/io makes such incredible fantasies.

>> No.7352097

fuck every fucking leftist

>> No.7352100

Sanders is pretty disappointingly hawkish, and I say that as a Sanders fan

>> No.7352103
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When will you listen? Look how stupid you all look in that thread, calling me a troll. Here is part of one of my letters to my congressman from 8/31/13:

>The Iraq War is often used as an example of the perils of foreign intervention. Rather, it should be used as an example of the danger in delaying intervention. Although it is important to consider the unintended of consequences of acting, it is equally important to consider the unintended consequences of not acting. Our reluctance to intervene in Syria has allowed Islamist groups to grow within the opposition, impairing our ability to help shape the outcome of the civil war while creating a refuge for Al-Qaeda, ISIL, and similar terrorist organizations to stage future attacks on the United States and other democratic nations.

I am always right. And you refused to rise up and make me the absolute ruler of /lit/? It is an injustice. Shame on each and every one of you. This is your conscience speaking.

>> No.7352105

>what other component
This shows how stupid you people really are.

How about stop funding fucking terrorists? How about stop supporting dictatorships in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc.?

Start having a less internationalist foreign policy if you don't want these consequences?

>> No.7352107

cringed hard

>> No.7352111

French President Hollande : "We are going to lead a war which will be pitiless. Because when terrorists are capable of comitting such atrocities, they must be certain that they are facing a determined France, a united France, a France that is together, and does not let itself be moved, even if today we express infinite sorrow."

>> No.7352114
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Both of you are gay and in a couple of years you will realize I was right all along.

>> No.7352121
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You're awesome.

>> No.7352123


>> No.7352124

Namefags. Probably meant to take her name off in the second comment.

>> No.7352126

Chickens coming home to roost tbhlads

>> No.7352127

Samefagging and forgot to take the trip off. embarrassing.

>> No.7352130
File: 70 KB, 377x395, Fidelity and Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a bit about terrorism and counter-insurgency, allow me to input my humble opinion.

The way I see it is this:
>Be absolutely ripped sledgehammer-wielding UFC fighter (USA)
>You are placed inside the octagon with 50 rats
>40 rats are civilian rats, innocent.
>10 rats are vicious killers that deserve worse than the hammer
>They all look the same
"DING DING DING, kill the bad rats GO"

America (or any other first world military superpower) is simply too powerful. We aren't designed to fight rats, we're designed to kill other huge body-building beasts in the gym.

WWII forced America to become the hardest hitters on the block and we did. We adapted to beat Germany. The problems is exactly what all of you are saying. There are no front lines anymore. This is Vietnam 2.0. The strongman gets beat by smoke, mirrors, and shivs because he hasn't adapted to smoke & mirrors & shivs.

If we want to kill the rats we have to think like rats. We have to look like rats. We have to be like rats.

If there are any government officials out there (I'm looking at you CIA) and there isn't already a program in place for the long haul search and destroy we will lose




Of course we could also kill the ideology but that's a lot of thinking and much harder as well as a lot less fun history to write and guns blazing and international sensationalism.

May God show mercy on you all.

>> No.7352131
File: 776 KB, 360x270, 1428565233045.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.

Fuck you.

Fuck you.

>> No.7352134

You wrote a long-ass post saying absolutely nothing at all. At least I got a kek out of thinking that the person on the other side of this comment thought it was worth anything.

>> No.7352135
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Time to flounce

>> No.7352140
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Fuck you too.

>> No.7352142
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>to shoot down a European is to kill two birds with one stone, to destroy an oppressor and the man he oppresses at the same time

>> No.7352146

haha, fucking americans and their movie opinions

>> No.7352147


Edie Sedgewick was always better.

>> No.7352148

sartre was a hack and he did wrong by fanon

>> No.7352149

Why are you being so obnoxious? Your thoughts aren't nearly as off-putting as your attitude

Anyways, 1 in 4 British Muslims believe the 7/7 bombings were justified according to CBS News. Islam is inherently incompatible with Western values, and the sooner everybody realizes that and stops playing pity the terrorist the sooner these mass killings will stop

>> No.7352151

cringed hard

Is this supposed a cringe thread? If so, I'll start posting excerpts from Rand's shitty books.

>> No.7352159

cringed hard

>> No.7352166

Maybe these mass killings are more likely to stop and the immigration problem won't occur if the West doesn't fund insurgent groups, support dictatorships, and cripple economies in the Middle East? :|

>> No.7352172

I hope everybody has read this:

>> No.7352175

b-but muh freedom

>> No.7352178

That's all bullshit. The West has done those things yes but they are not the cause of our Islamist troubles today.
The only thing the West has done to directly cause this has been to ally with Saudia Arabia and turn a blind eye as they spread radical Wahabism around the globe.

>> No.7352186

The events of today change nothing: Houellebecq still is a edgy racist manchild with retrograde views that have no place in 2015.

>> No.7352189

Is this what they actually teach kids in school?

>> No.7352190

I don't understand.
You are a deluded fool mired in your ideology to think that.

You don't think the West has supported terrorists in Syria? Hasn't the West supported the military in Egypt, the dictators in Bahrain and Saudi, imposed sanctions on so many places in the Middle East which crippled the economy and led people in a state of disarray to join these groups?

"All bullshit". Pfft.

Shitty article that sidelines the impact foreign policy has had on the Middle East.

I don't understand why Western governments are so afraid of taking responsibility for their actions. Oh wait, I do. Because the "solution" to this is to exacerbate the problems.

>> No.7352191

you're right we need to stop bombing Muslims in the Middle East and start bombing them in Europe

>> No.7352192

Sounds about right.
In before THE CURRENT YEAR shitposting

>> No.7352193


Basically this. In fact, this Qutb-influenced version of Islam is basically the opposite of Western ideology (read "Milestones" ... or don't, it's shit but it influenced all these loons). Radical Islam is scared shitless of the progress of Modern Society as we know it - they are actively fighting the progress the Western World has been striving for.

>> No.7352194

People within the Saudi government and in powerful businesses have supported these groups, especially in Iraq, to serve in a proxy war against Iran. And they have done so with Western military support and monetary aid.

The regime itself is against Da'ish because it threatens its stability.

>> No.7352198

Go ahead, you so-called "champions of human rights". And then cry after there's a backlash but don't admit your culpability.

>> No.7352200

You are the dumbass

>But the Saudi government has condemned what happened on September 11....

>Yes, Prince Nayif condemned bin Laden, and other princes... Prince Turki condemned bin Laden. They did not condemn that message. They condemned bin Laden. ... Bin Laden learned this in Saudi Arabia. He didn't learn it in the moon. That message that Bin Laden received, it still is taught in Saudi Arabia. And if bin Laden dies, and this policy or curriculum stays, we will have other bin Ladens. ...

>> No.7352215

Sorry but the U.S.'s hypocrisy isn't the cause of Muslims blowing up everything around them, that's their one-thousand year old ideology that was built upon legitimizing war and rape

It's easy to blame big bad America for all the problems in the world, but when the central text of Islam endorses the same barbarism we saw in Paris tonight, it becomes apparent that Islam has some very big problems that you are willfully ignoring. Is there a single Islamic country that isn't characterized by social oppression and violence?

I don't support the "War on Terror" but I think you must pretty naive to pretend that Islam has nothing to do with Islamic terrorists

>> No.7352221

>I'm a fool who doesn't study Islamic theology spouting nonsense he's heard from political pundits.
>I don't think what the West has done in the Middle East has any affect on the people in the region.
How do people like you exist?

>> No.7352223


That's a funny way of spelling 'Reddit: The Candidate'

>> No.7352225

You're not getting it. Saudi wahhabist proselytizing was a factor in developed modern radical Islamism. It was not the only factor and it did not happen because the US turned a blind eye. The US created the organizational body that would've otherwise just been a bunch of wahhabists and salafists arguing about which understands Islam less. Afghans weren't exposed to this Saudi thought until well into the soviet-afghan war anyway, and this ignores that Islamists from and inspired by the Afghan-Soviet war threw off Wahhbism, one of al-Qaida's main points being the overthrow of the House of Saud because it is wahhabist.

>> No.7352227

Read >>7352194

>> No.7352228

>he thinks I care about human rights
I mean maybe if they were humans

>> No.7352231

OK. Go to bed quickly so you can catch your Saturday morning cartoons.

>> No.7352238

Jesus Christ.
Read >>7352178
>The only thing the West has done to directly cause this has been to ally with Saudia Arabia and turn a blind eye as they spread radical Wahabism around the globe.
>The only thing the West has done to directly cause this
>The only thing the West has done
>The only thing
>The only thing
>The only thing

Is it getting through to you now?

>> No.7352241

I'm not him. I know it's not "the only thing" but it IS one of the things.

>> No.7352249


>muh religion of peace you can't understand their faith

You're basically a peace of shit if you can't see how totalitarian they are just by looking to middle east.

>> No.7352253

When did I ever say it's a religion of peace or you can't understand their faith?

Understand it but try reading their source texts instead of incendiary opinions spouted by people for political gain next time.

>looking to middle east
Oh you mean where the West supported dictatorships and insurgent groups and imposed sanctions to establish political hegemony and maintain a steady supply of wanted resources? :^)

>> No.7352256

>it's about official theology not how the masses act xD

>> No.7352257

I learned all I needed to know about Islamic theology in my world history class at a reputable university. I understand the historical structures that led to the creation of Islam better than you do, and I am not obtuse enough to pretend that an ideology which endorses oppression and war has nothing to do with its followers oppressing and warring

I understand that the West has had an impact on the Middle East, but I also understand that Muslims were killing and justifying their violence through the name of Islam since the ideology's inception. The ideology was spread by the sword, not love. People like me exist because we note that the central prophet of Islamic theology is a violent pedophile imperialist rapist, and we note that many of his followers are violent pedophile imperialist rapists. The connection is not a difficult one.

Nota Bene: the teachings of Islam are not based in reality. Like all Abrahamic religions, Islam is nothing more than a social structure created to organize and ensure the survival of primitive desert tribes a thousand years ago. It is trash of another era, and it's high time it was thrown out as the whole world is starting to stink of Muslim scum.

>> No.7352263

>I know it's not "the only thing" but it IS one of the things.
No one said it wasn't.

>> No.7352264

>Oh you mean where the West supported dictatorships and insurgent groups and imposed sanctions to establish political hegemony and maintain a steady supply of wanted resources? :^)
No nothing is the wests' fault, dindu nuffin!!!!!

>> No.7352271

So when you people conflate the two, I'm not supposed to demarcate them from one another?
>reputable university
Prager is reputable.
>better than I do
I highly doubt it.
>endorses oppression and war
Reductionist, inflammatory and plain wrong.
>West has had an impact on the ME
Yes it has and this has spearheaded this violent trend.
>Muslims were killing and justifying violence through Islam since inception
Sure. Your point?
>Ideology was spread by the sword
Reductionist and incendiary. Sometimes spread through the sword, sometimes through merchantry, etc.
>central prophet is violent pedophile imperialist rapist
OK, kid.
>many of his followers are violent pedophile imperialist rapists
OK, I'm cringing even harder now.

I don't like linking to normiebook, but read this about rape at least:


>> No.7352272

>Islam is nothing more than a social structure created to organize and ensure the survival of primitive desert tribes a thousand years ago.
>The religion that literally destroyed primitive desert tribe Arab culture and built advanced urban based and powered empires wanted to ensure the survival of primitive desert Arab culture
If you actually attended university you need to ask for your money back.

>> No.7352274

>So when you people conflate the two, I'm not supposed to demarcate them from one another?
When it comes down to it Islam is what Muslims practice.

>> No.7352276

>it's the West's fault that we kill gay people and blow up Western cities
No dumbass, that was the violent Arab who wrote this
"Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled."[Surah 9:29]

Uh, Islam is the chief representative of primitive desert tribe Arab culture. It's hardly been destroyed, just look at the news

>> No.7352277

The responsibility of the West is irrelevant. Those attacks are committed by local Muslims, not jihadists from the middle-East. The priority must be to prevent new Muslims from settling within our borders and to dispose in way or another of the current Muslim minority while it's still small enough to eradicate.

>> No.7352278

If Islam was spread by the sword then why is it that even though most of India was under Muslim rule for hundreds of years the majority of people under that Muslim rule continued to practice religions that weren't Islam, including polytheistic Hinduism?

>> No.7352283

There is no central "Islam" and it's foolish to think so. There are several sects, jurisprudential schools of thought, and movements within that religion.

>Islam is what Muslims practice
Eh, not every school believes in communal ijima. :^)

>> No.7352287


They would still be the same violent and religious terrorists with USA or not and history proves that, anyway I wont talk to you anymore since all you doing is justifying terrorism.

>> No.7352289

Now that's bullshit. The Muslim rule of India was incredibly bloody, even by the standards of the past, and tens of thousands of temples were destroyed or turned in mosques.

>> No.7352293
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Stop pushing your agenda during this tragedy right wingers!!! Only we get to point fingers now! We're the moral high ground!

>> No.7352295

I'm justifying terrorism? When Western governments fund insurgent groups that cause these terrorists to arise?

What happened in Afghanistan before the Soviets and the US interfered?

What was going to happen in Iran until you imposed the Shah once more upon the populace?

Why are the countries shaped the way they are? Why are these totalitarian, brutal monarchs from these particular tribes?

You want to plug your ears because you don't want to think your governments played a role in this shitshow.

Fuck any of you who wants to support jingoist politicians and then cries for the deaths of people whose blood is on your hands. You're fucking hypocrites.

And don't forget that the majority of the victims by the hands Da'ish, an-Nusra, al-Qa'ida, and whatever shitty groups your governments communicate with are innocent people living in the ME.

>> No.7352298

There are general tendencies though. And literally nothing will be lost if all muslims are wiped of the face of the earth.

>> No.7352303
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>> No.7352304

deluded marxist

>> No.7352306

>nothing will be lost if all muslims are wiped of the face of the earth
Nothing would be lost if most people on the planet were killed today to be quite frank with you.

I don't know why the people with the so-called moral high-ground want to murder innocents.

>general tendencies
What are?

>> No.7352314

I'm not a Marxist and if that's all you have to say, then go back to playing Undertale or Fallout 4.

>> No.7352315

This is a good post, I approve of it

Pretending like any of our countries had no role in this is deluded

>> No.7352317

>I'm a fool who doesn't study Islamic theology
>y-you just dont understand it, i-its a peaceful religion I swear

>> No.7352319

But when the forbidden months are past, then FIGHT AND SLAY THE PAGANS WHEREVER YE FIND THEM, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

Did George Bush write this? No? Then stop talking

>> No.7352320

Your pseudo-moralistic and conspirationist views are irrelevant. They don't propose any solution. They just glance at the past.

>> No.7352321


>> No.7352323
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I just had a good wank. what goes on ?

>> No.7352324

They're not wrong, but the fight isn't against the right's "language" but its militarism and imperialism. Liberal reformists pls go.

>> No.7352325


Yes let's behead every western how dare they giving them money.

>> No.7352326

Fuck off. I never said it's peaceful. I said not to be an incendiary fool. Read my other posts.

It's violent and belligerent when it has to be and peaceful and apolitical when it has to be, in general. Of course different strains have different interpretations of when harb and jihad al-asghar can be employed, if it can employed nowadays, and who can call for it.

>> No.7352329

>when the forbidden months are past
You know this is in reference to a very specific battle right?

>> No.7352330

What the fuck are these strawmen? Is this the best cognitive-deficient jingoists can come up with?

>> No.7352332

the new right isn't imperialistic
they are definitely wrong

>> No.7352336
File: 233 KB, 525x477, 404ol4k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit are people in this thread defending the murder of random people just walking around or going to a show?

>> No.7352337

I agree, but with muslims you're certain to be right.

The general tendencies are following the precepts of Islam.

>> No.7352338

You have deficient critical skills, just like a Marxist. Did you even read that article? It is about the end goal of Isis and its core ideology, it is not about the issues that might drawn supporters in. There is so much noise with Western foreign policy that only a ideological hack could say it is the primary cause terrorism.

>> No.7352339
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normies BTFO

>> No.7352341

Is that the 2015 Battle of Paris? Or the 2001 Battle of New York? Or the 2007 Battle of London?

Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your disposal so that you can strike terror into the enemies of Allah and of the believers and others beside them who may be unknown to you, though Allah knows them. And remember whatever you spend for the cause of Allah shall be repaid to you. You shall not be wronged.

>> No.7352342

I proposed a solution several times.



What is this supposed to show? That you don't understand the tafsir of verses? That Islam recognizes that war's important in some instances? OK. Thanks for telling me.

Doesn't eradicate my point.

>> No.7352346

Full delusion desu

>> No.7352348

>It's violent and belligerent when it has to be and peaceful and apolitical when it has to be
If you cant see how that is a gigantic problem for a religion, and the crux of the problem with modern day islam and specifically salafism, then theres no point discussing.

Western intervention isnt the main reason why hundreds of people died in Paris today.
A religious book that is very open to violent interpretation in justification of political violence is the problem.

You probably could see that if you would pay attention to the middle east itself.
Muslims are the biggest victims of islam. Maybe one day they can figure it out and stop finding shitty excuses to their violent counterparts

Anyway, I'm going to bed.

>> No.7352349

Get a refund.

>> No.7352351

The West dindu nuffin!

>> No.7352354

thats what a simplist opressor/opressed worldview turns you into.
Its disgusting

>> No.7352355

The point is that your backwards religion has been endorsing war and imperialism for centuries and has only itself to blame for its current poverty.

If you're incapable of refuting me then just don't post please

>> No.7352356

Do you guys think this will be enough to actually get a NATO force going into Syria/Iraq and curb stomping ISIS? We could oust Assad while we're there. Baathist dictators having nothing to do with the islamist terrorists who attacked us didn't stop us last time, I don't see why it would this go around.

>> No.7352362


Go off to your crusader roleplay threads on /pol/. WE WUZ KNIGHTS AND SHIT!

>> No.7352364

well yeah, in a way, this shit of primarily blaming the west for salafism is basically victim blaming.

>inb4 western intervention is bad mkay
Western intervention is and was shit. I dont deny that. In fact, I'll be the first to defend that position.
But to say that if there was no western interventionism, salafism wouldnt be a thing is absolutely ridiculous and quite disgusting desu

>> No.7352365

Everyone relax, Josh Homme was not touring with the Eagles and they're all safe anyway

>> No.7352366

>If you're incapable of refuting me



>> No.7352368

the middle east has been a cesspit of tribal conflict for thousands of years you mong. the only time it wasn't was when muhammed tore his way across arabia conquering everyone in his path and killing off those tribes that weren't willing to eat the jizya tax in exchange for their religious and tribal autonomy.

even if you think I'm talking about my ass what the fuck does the west have to do with sectarian strife in middle east that's been around since muhammed's time? how did europe muck shit up and create the shia/sunni divide?

muslims dindu nuffin!

tl;dr: fuck off back to tumblr faggot

>> No.7352370

have any of you actually read the book?

>> No.7352372

no arguments
just shitposting now. good job, you sure convinced me and everyone itt

>> No.7352373

>salafism wouldnt be a thing
I never made that point.

And actually, there's good reason to believe it wouldn't because the Saudi royal family which espoused this belief would not be backed by the British during the 1916 Arab revolts against the Ottoman Empire so Sharif Husayn b. Ali would take control and likely stamp out that ideology.

>> No.7352374


>> No.7352376

is this some pol meme?
also why are you posting?

>> No.7352377 [DELETED] 


This really doesn't matter most muslin hasn't read it all either.

>> No.7352379

What are your points? Puerile nonsense? You keep avoiding the posts above with idiotic "bantz" and strawmen.

>> No.7352380

Do you understand anything about the legacy of the cold war?

If you think these people were forced into terrorism because of anything France did LOL you fucking kekold.

France took these people in and helped them when it owed them nothing.

You can argue terrorist activities against America are just retaliation but what you are arguing is so fucking retarded.

Go offer your own head on a platter if you know they deserve retribution. You fucking faggot.

>> No.7352382

I did.
It was an ok book.
I cant stop laughing and cringing at the same time with any sexual scene Houellebeck writes though

>> No.7352385


Not a solution for Europe, which, being a European, is the only thing i care about. The Muslims are already in Europe. Even if the "bastards" fall and the economies of the Middle-East rise there will still be a sizable and growing Muslim minority in Europe. How do you propose we dispose of it? Is there a humane way to make it disappear?

>> No.7352386

>it's the West's fault that we stone women
>it's the West's fault that we make girls wear bags on their heads
>it's the West's fault that we cut off each others hands
>it's West's fault that we are terrorists
No, it's your fault. Take some responsibility for once in your life.

The British didn't write:
And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing...but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"

>> No.7352387

France lifted the EU arms embargo on Syria. It provided weapons to rebels.

More in the past, it colonized Syria.

>France took these people in and helped them when it owed them nothing
Yeah. So?

The root of these problems go farther than just stopping mass immigration. This is one step.

Next is to look at the problems that have caused these insurgent groups to arise, which have been linked to proxy wars and foreign intervention.

>> No.7352392

Maybe if you barbarian shits were capable of running a country without oppressing and genociding your own people and invading your neighbors, the West wouldn't have to babysit you so much

>> No.7352393

I think he does that on purpose

>> No.7352397

>Not a solution for Europe
Then why does Europe have an influence over arms going in and out of Syria? Why does it support dictatorships with aid and political support? Why does it impose sanctions? Are you guys ignorant or trolling me?

>How do we dispose of them?
First is to stop shitting on their homelands
Strawmen: the post. Fuck off.

>> No.7352398

Most likely these people lived in France and were under no duress.

Hopefully France wakes up and closes its boarders.
I don't think France is under any moral obligation anymore. It's a failed project. Better to put those people under the wests heel where they belong.

>> No.7352399

I really don't give a shit about who's fault it is
the solution is the same either way

>> No.7352400


>> No.7352401

yeah, its obvious he does.
I still cant avoid the cringe though

>> No.7352405

You can't just cite logical fallacies and hope the argument ends, you have to demonstrate how my post is a straw man (which it isn't). Since you don't know what a staw man fallacy is (or a fallacy fallacy for that matter), you will not be able to refute my post, and I have won the debate

>> No.7352409

>First is to stop shitting on their homelands

Ok, I agree. But then what?
When these people attack the west again because of past transgressions and the fact that the ideology is still present, what is the west supposed to do?

>> No.7352412

>under the wests heel
Exacerbating the situation again? Why are you so emotionally-driven?

You don't need to take in refugees. They come in because you opened your borders and their homeland is shitty because Western-supported insurgents are fighting a Russian and Iranian-supported dictator. If someone's offering a safehaven with opportunities, they're going to take it. Close your borders but stop instigating fucking conflicts.

>"Muh white man's burden", said the weeaboo as he rapaciously stroked his member to Fluttershy's ass.

>> No.7352422

Do you have any proof this will happen?

If it stops funding groups and pulls the plug on dictatorships like Saudi Arabia that provides the infrastructure for these groups, I'd say nearly all if not all of them would dissipate in no time.

The rest of the world should hold governments within the Middle East accountable through various means.

Why should I defend an attack against a position I don't hold? It has nothing to do with what I said. Fuck off.

>> No.7352428

There is no reason to leave people to there own devices when you take them into your country and they betray you.
Not only should France close the boarders they should go into Syria and take care of the problem.

The real issue is that no country will go in with the force necessary because the west is PC about the issue.

You accuse me of being emotional, but you are just treating groups like reactive bodies with no properties.
Why leave isis alone? They are not even Syrian in origin they just walked into the country and convinced people to join them. Its a bunch of opportunists.

It also makes me laugh when people explain these things away with legacy of colonialism/racism/cold war when so many countries with worse situation have turned themselves around.

Of course there is a partial material reason for the situation, its necessarily so because somehow the universe arrived here. But its not a comprehensive or driving answer.

>> No.7352431

You're all gay.

>> No.7352433

Who's Fluttershy? I don't really know what your fantasies about me masturbating have to do with Muslims being incapable of governing themselves

>> No.7352438

There should be a military component like I said before. It shouldn't be the primary component though.

The issue is that the West wants to take out Da'ish through funding other insurgents and untrustworthy militias instead of through supporting existing infrastructures because the armies within place do not suit the West's goals for political hegemony in the region.

>> No.7352439

You don't know the region's history or the current political situation so I don't know why I should give you a serious response.

>> No.7352441

>there own devices

What are you doing on a literature board?

>> No.7352444

I think you're just incapable of forming a intelligent response tbqh

Have a nice night Mohammad. Try not to blow anybody up and stay out of Europe, you're not wanted

>> No.7352449

You're just an idiot.

I think you're an idiot because you said Arabs are incapable of ruling over themselves even though they have controlled empires for centuries and the current situation is so influenced by foreign intervention.

Now go masturbate to Fluttershy or Rei or whatever while singing the glories of the white race.

>> No.7352474


>even though they have controlled empires for centuries

oh sure, when the europeans have an empire for half a century anything bad ever is their fault for the rest of history, but when arabs have "empires for centuries" it's not evil at all, in fact it's an indicator of how wonderful islam is!

>> No.7352479

I never said that.

What is wrong with your reading comprehension?

Nowhere in any of my posts have I said that Islam is good or the best thing ever or a religion of peace and yet you all accuse me of saying so just because I don't support your narrative.

>> No.7352485

>the current situation is so influenced by foreign intervention.
Didn't really the West was forcing Muslims to gas their own people, thought they were kind of against that :^)

>> No.7352489

When? When the West gave chemical weapons to Saddam to kill Iranians during the Iran-Iraq War and then he used that against the Kurds during his Anfal campaign? Did you forget Halabja so soon?

>> No.7352494

And that's forcing him how, again? Seems like just another Arab acting like a Arab to me

>> No.7352498

Are you that much of an idiot?

>Let's support this dictator with money, weapons, and political support for blatant political opportunism even though his values are in stark contrast to the ones we publicly espouse and he's committed war crimes in the past
>He uses these advantages to commit war crimes and genocidal acts
>Oh, we had no hand in it! We dindu nuffin!

Fuck off.

>> No.7352508

well the Saudi's have plenty of money, so why don't they bribe one of the dictators in western europe to commit genocide?

>> No.7352511

That's an Arab who made the willful personal choice to kill other Arabs. America didn't force him to kill anybody, the UK didn't force him to kill anybody, France didn't force him to kill anybody, Germany didn't force him to kill anybody, he made the personal choice to kill somebody.

Now you can pretend that Arabs are just little children who are too stupid to know what they're doing, and I sympathize with this narrative, I really do, but it's just not true! Muslims happen to like killing each other very very much and when they choose to kill one another it is their choice, not the man who sold the weapon. He was simply profiting off their murderous impulses, to blame him for the existence of their murderous impulses is a little bit far-fetched

You need to learn some personal responsibility I think. Blaming an invisible other for all your problems is very easy, but it's also lazy and not very intelligent. Take a look in the mirror, and maybe then you can start cleaning up your shithole. But I think you prefer to lay back and accuse others of your own failures, and you will not look in the mirror. Sad to say, but the Middle East will probably be a shithole until somebody finally steps in and nukes it out of its misery

>> No.7352512

You have no understanding of geopolitical relationships do you? Where does that money come from? What dictatorships in Western Europe? What influence does Saudi have on anyone?

>> No.7352514

are you that much of an idiot? the west has had a tradition of democracy since the greeks, which is to say since the very beginning, while orientals have always fallen in line behind violent dictators with no regard for human life or dignity. oh right, once in the 1950s Persia was democratic for 2 weeks, clearly the other 5000 years of dictatorship is all the west's fault

>> No.7352515

How many times did you tip your fedora during this post?

>> No.7352516

What the fuck?

This has to be a troll.

>> No.7352517

>where does the money come from? what dictatorships in western europe?

that's the point you fucktarded mong

>> No.7352518

What you're saying supports what I'm saying.

>> No.7352524

damn fedora tipping athiests! they'll never see the beauty of our interfaith christian-islamic coalition of peace!

>> No.7352530

if what you're saying is that arabs are corrupt scumbags with no history of democracy or human rights then sure

>> No.7352535

The Arabs in power yes.

Who put them in power? Foreign governments.

>> No.7352540

>Who put them in power? Foreign governments.

those sneaky elders of zion up to their old tricks again! everything bad in the arab world is cuz of da jooz!

>> No.7352548

Are you that woefully ignorant of history? Who supported the Saudi family over Sharif Husayn b. Ali during the Arab Revolts? Who supports the rich gulf shuyukh like the Hammad b. Isa al-Khalifa in Bahrain who would have been overthrown by the revolution? Who supports the military dictatorships in Egypt? Who formed the country lines? Who supported the sons of Sharif Husayn b. Ali in Iraq and Jordan? Who formed Israel? Who colonized the Levant and North Africa?

I don't believe Jews rule the world.

>> No.7352550


>> No.7352553

I didn't know /pol/ was this crazy, but whatever you say weirdo.

>> No.7352557

so how come da britz didn't do this to china? it's like they were only able to break apart countries and put in pathetic corrupt leaders in places that were infested with a certain degenerate ideology....

>> No.7352560

Look at South and Central America. :^)

>> No.7352562

catholicism is quite degenerate

>> No.7352563

Anyone want to share submission epub?

>> No.7352564

What the fuck is wrong with you? :|

>> No.7352574

I'd be interested in this too. I could only find a French epub online.