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7349776 No.7349776 [Reply] [Original]

>when you have a trippy dream out of nowhere that somehow has a complete narrative and would make a great story.
It was like watching an original, full length movie. Thank you brain. Thank you subconscious. I owe you each a big one.

>> No.7349782

This happens to me all the time desu. Probably why I sleep so much.

>> No.7349785

I feel like I get one of these dreams every other month or so, where something that isn't just complete bullshit happens, that actually has a plot, and keeps me buzzed afterwards for a day or two.

>> No.7349795

> tfw dreqm your losing your virginity to a hot French woman and it feels 100 percent real and you wake up
>TFW dream about girl who was first love and girl who was only gf both rejecting you in the same dream
>TFW constantly dream about girls who I liked in the past but never had the balls to ask out being my gf and us having great relationships
>TFW had a dream that was 2 years long and charted an entire relationship I had with a Batista at a coffee ship I've never even talked to and never even felt attracted to including all our ups and downs and the heartbreaking end as she moved elsewhere and said she was through but it was worth it because of how good the good times with her were
>TFW dreamed everyday for a year that I was sucking my own dick and it was awesome then I would wake up and it wouldnt be real

Why does my subconscious hate me so much?

>> No.7349804

I get comedic ideas all the time from my dreams that I incorporate into my writing.

Once I had a dream where I had sex with a girl I knew who had a boyfriend. It was so realistic that when I woke up, I felt extremely scared and became anxious about the scenario but once I realized that it was just a dream, I was so relieved.

>> No.7349805
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I once had a dream that anon used proper spelling and grammar. I guess some dreams are never meant to be.

>> No.7349808

Please don't be mean I'm on my shitty 70 dollar phone

At least it didn't go on and on. Every relationship related dream lasts for weeks at the least. Every one also just reminds me how lonely and sexually frustrated I am.

>> No.7349823

>>TFW dreamed everyday for a year that I was sucking my own dick and it was awesome then I would wake up and it wouldnt be real
What the fuck, I have dreams that I suck my own dick too. Not even memeing right now, is this common? I have no desire to actually suck my own or any dick for that matter but I have sucked my own dick in at least four different dreams.

>> No.7349910

>tfw you have a dream where you meet a girl and she likes you and you both start to fall in love

It felt so real.. It felt better than anything I've experienced in my life. Is falling in love really that amazing? Is sex only secondary to that deep feeling in your heart that makes you believe she is literally your other half? I can stop thinking about this dream, and what I've been missing out on.

>> No.7349949

i have dreams about sucking my own dick pretty often. i think it's a normal thing

>> No.7349960

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.7349980

I can tell by your writing that you are female

>> No.7350001

>when someone is lying to your face about their dream and you can tell because it makes way too much narrative sense

>> No.7351100

This started happening to me after I started reading seriously.

>tfw some of my dreams even have ending credits

>> No.7351122

>compares a good dream to a cinematic movie

I feel bad for your dreamlife

>> No.7351139

I had a dream last night a girl tried to fingerbang me at work and nobody cared. Then I fondled the tits of I girl I work with that I'd fucked once. Could remake it into a story about a guy trying regain a lost sense of masculinity after being sexually traumatized? Also the fact that victims (sometimes) victimize others?

>> No.7351152

I just had a dream last night that I had $39 with me and I bought three books with them. I know one was Ulysses and another was Recognitions. I think the last one was House of Leaves but I can't remember.

>> No.7351158

>Writing using plot as the foundation
Wow, maximum pleb.

>> No.7351163

Now I'm curious, how about sucking other peoples' dicks? Is that, at least, a thing you do or want to do?

>> No.7351280


I had a four dream epic that I tried to novelize. It worked out to 80 pages. I got about 8 people to read it. 5 said "meh", two said "awesome", and one said "this is the worst thing ever written in the history of mankind, please never write again."

I wish I knew how to write solely to novelize those dreams effectively.

>> No.7351294
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>tfw Freud knew what he was doing.

>> No.7351310

>tfw you've remembered probably about 5 dreams in the past 6 months

>> No.7351331
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>mfw I'm done with this fucking board

>> No.7351341

>tfw going to bed as early as possible so I can dream as much as possible.
Sadly my recall has gone way down..

>> No.7351344

>have amazing dream, with a complete narrative and everything
>wake up in tears because of the beauty of it
>quickly grab a pen and paper and write it down
>read out what I've written
>the whole "story" is a jumbled incoherent mess that makes no sense whatsoever


>> No.7351351

Try keeping a dream journal next to your bed and write in it first thing you wake up. Helps you retain your dreams much better. Remember that we have maybe 3-4 different dreams every night.

>> No.7351354

Lucky you. In my dreams there's 2 possibilities: 1) I'm trying to masturbate but there's a party going on, my door won't lock, people keep interrupting, etc. Always. or 2) I'm raped- usually by a horrible monster. Just last night I was raped by a werewolf that laid eggs inside of me. What the fuck.

>> No.7351355

That's what I like most.

>> No.7351357


I'll read one of yours if you read one of mine.

>> No.7351395
File: 21 KB, 251x312, huh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people here shift into other people during the course of your dream?

Do you participate in your dream, or are you just the observer?

>> No.7351407

I'm almost never myself when I'm dreaming. I'm always playing some other character. I'd say that I'm a woman in like 25% of my dreams as well.

Those are always the best dreams

>> No.7351424

Do you mean how often dream-people shift into other people?

No presence in about a third. Reading before bed seems to increase the odds.

>> No.7351427


I'm almost always other people, sometimes a consistent character, usually participatory. My best dreams have all been in the character of an evil world-wandering Scythian priestess

>> No.7351436

Huh, that's pretty neat. I've asked a couple people about this and so far I'm the only that actually changes into other people, but you're the first to say that you're almost exclusively not yourself.

That's pretty cool. You're the second guy- does anyone know what this means? Do you have any suspicions as to why?

No- I'm me as myself and then I shift- without being aware of it, into another person, man or woman, acting as themselves in a situation.

>> No.7351448


Well the Scythian is me, just in a weird mythopoetic way. Otherwise I guess I just can't express my thoughts in terms of myself for a lot of things. For instance, I had a dream the other night about two bro's who won a new car, got drunk, and crashed it into the median during an argument. That probably reflects my thoughts about a group of people who I have no direct experience with.

>> No.7351463

Tend to not so much shift as become another character who's either already there (especially when they've been the focus for a while or are the one whose perspective is going to be of interest) or is called up somehow, usually carrying their environment and situation along. Transitions can be very easy to miss. Doesn't happen as often when I'm explicitly present and very rarely when personally active, but that only makes sense.

>> No.7351488

Well, I can't say much of other people, but those kind of observational commentaries are pretty normal, I assume. Do you have a hard time feeling emotionally affected by things when you're awake?

So you change perspective within a same scene? What do you mean by personally active?

>> No.7351494


It's more like I'm burnt out on emotion. I'm not hugely empathetic if that's what you mean.

>> No.7351533

Hmm. I'm not quite sure. My idea was that dream shifting and not doing that has to do with how much of a grasp a person has on their self identity- I was working a specific angle by asking you that, but unfortunately it's very late where I am and I've completely lost my train of thought.

>> No.7351537

>So you change perspective within a same scene?
Yes, I find that much more common.
By personally active I mean a self-presence that is defined by more than just (the memory of) having been there. So something like ongoing intent or self-aware thoughts as opposed to just musings.

This paper isn't exactly on what you're talking about - I don't recall it addressing the shifting - but you may find it interesting anyway.

>> No.7352943

I had a dream last night of falling in love with a girl who would make your bones fuse together if you made eye contact. That was pretty cool.