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/lit/ - Literature

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7349056 No.7349056 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your teacher does not understand basic things about your essay
>tfw your essay is slowly being redrafted into a pile of shit where the first half is defining terms that are just two normal words next to each other and could be understood with any dictionary and explaining parts of the novel that anyone who could take five minutes to google the plot would know
>tfw even after writing it as if it was for a retard they still circle things you explain or justify in the very next sentence and write 'how? explanation? evidence?'

>> No.7349143

I found it's more difficult to write something short what you believe in as time passes and you know even more perspectives. It's the bad part of education trying to goad students into writing papers based on vague assumptions which are only different by their ability to render as truisms and so escape being extensively explained.

>> No.7349155
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>have to write an essay
>don't even believe in your own thesis
>write about it anyway because it's the only idea you have
>get a good mark on it
>tfw guilt over being dishonest in your achievements

>> No.7349169
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>want to get to thesis research
>have so many things i want to follow up on right now, chomping at the bit
>have two or three major things like learning italian just to access these new sources that might change everything
>instead, read 47 articles completely outside your field, write 5 essays completely outside your field, and respond to the essays of people you don't like and don't know from completely outside your field, for several years

>> No.7349182

You're either full of yourself or you're putting too much work into, what sounds like, an ENG 101 essay.

So maybe critically look at your own work and see if you have any failings. If your teacher can't understand it chances are you're not explaining yourself clearly enough. I doubt your teacher is that dumb unless you're in high school. Most adults have basic reading comprehension and if this is for an English class I guarantee your teacher is more well read than you.

Or you're not full of yourself and in that case you should maybe stop trying to write something that's clearly above your class level. It sounds like a lower level class not a graduate class, there's no need to bust your ass or prove how smart you are. That takes work. Do less work unless you get pleasure out of writing essays.

Idk, I just took adderall and I'm stuck on /lit/. Someone send help.

>> No.7349882

it hurts when I laugh

>> No.7349896

That's not being dishonest, that's being inauthentic.

>> No.7350033

>my fucking face when I graduated college and realized I had more chances to learn once my free time wasn't monopolized by horseshit assignments
>my fucking face when I can learn about things I care about to exactly the extent that I care about them
>my fucking face when I realize that my education only got a chance to begin once my ~20 years of schooling ended
>my fucking face when people see how much I read and suggest I go to grad school, unaware that I am disgusted by the idea of ever again working on shit I don't care about just because an assignment says so

>> No.7350042


post your essay so /lit/ can judge

what could go wrong?

>> No.7350046

Speaking of inauthenticity, I kept on pretending to have different beliefs than I actually did for essays, just because I thought it fun to argue for something I didn't think was true. An intellectual challenge, I might have said,-- fucked me up tbqh

>> No.7350083

This is pretty much the only post that matters itt

also bad move bro