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/lit/ - Literature

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7347652 No.7347652 [Reply] [Original]

recently bought these books, which should i start with and why?

me: crying at night at the thought of death and nothingness, finds life worthless (le edgy :^))

The World as Will and Representation I
Fear and Trembling
The Myth of Sisyphus
Beyond Good and Evil
No Exit And Three Other Plays
The Old Man and the Sea
The First and Last Freedom
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Essays and Aphorisms
Freedom from the Known
The Stranger
The Sickness Unto Death
Existentialism Is a Humanism
Being and Nothingness

>> No.7348683
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I'm fond of The Sickness Unto Death. It's as good a start as any. Some years ago it lifted me out of a dark place.

>> No.7348704

Save Neitzche and Schopenhauer till you're more versed in philosophy; the Stranger would be a good start--accessible but great

>> No.7348713

God talked to me once, but I don't know if I should trust Him. I was really sick and went unconscious and went into "nothingness" and asked if He was going to kill me and he said "No, but I'm going to open this door." and right then my dad opened the door and woke me up. Spooookey. Death is a trap, but it's the goal of all life and ultimately it's for the best, you wouldn't want to live forever. I'm probably going to kill myself. I dunno maybe just read Proust and try to embrace the mystery and melancholy passing of life, it's all there is.