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/lit/ - Literature

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7346464 No.7346464 [Reply] [Original]

>We hauled forth our members and at it we went and the judge on his knees kneading the mass with his naked arms and the piss was splashin about and he was cryin out to us to piss, man, piss for your very souls for cant you see the redskins yonder, and laughin the while and working up the great mass in a foul black dough, a devil’s batter by the stink of it and him not a bloody dark pastryman himself.

So this is a meme book right?

>> No.7347522

the writing was god awful, I couldn't get past the first 15 pages because of the non-existent punctuation.

>> No.7347528

Best part of the book m80

>> No.7347536

meme book for sure but meme doesn't have to mean bad.

>> No.7347559

>using an out of context quote to say books is shit

>> No.7347632


That book would be a great long feature film.

The best parts of the books paired with great aesthetics minus McCarthy's insufferable writing style.