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File: 90 KB, 480x320, kant-critique-disclaimer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7345659 No.7345659 [Reply] [Original]

Finally someone put that bigot Immanuel "skinhead" Kant in his place.

>> No.7345669

i enjoyed this post

>> No.7345683

Please, tell me it's fake

>> No.7345684
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 1430093837930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trigger warnings on books

>> No.7345700

>warning to children
What children are reading this?

>> No.7345701
File: 70 KB, 450x532, 1429502800436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the new parental advisory sticker like on CDs.

I honestly wish you had to put a sticker on the front.

Remember when you were a kid and you got a CD for your birthday or something, and at school on the playground at recess you would pop open your walkman and put your new edgy CD with parental advisory on it in and everyone knew you were cool.

Now everyone knows who the guy who flirts with dangerous ideology is.

Now when I hold up the cover of my book in a coffee shop people will gasp when they walk by and see I dare to read whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.7345703

How many children do you know that are reading Kant?

>> No.7345704

>Parents might wish to discuss with their children

proof that kant is literally for children

>> No.7345706



>> No.7345709

Honestly there is nobody with a more pure and innocent ethical system than Kant's. I don't even see how the trigger warning is relevant

>> No.7345712

Einstein purportedly read Kant as a child.

>> No.7345715


Fuck we are totally doomed.


>> No.7345717
File: 33 KB, 800x500, gh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder who could be behind this...

>> No.7345722


And how is that warning also not a fabrication of this time?

Will they add a second warning underneath in the future warning against that warning?

Is the west really that fucked?

>> No.7345740
File: 111 KB, 400x400, 55943679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, when was this book racist?

>> No.7345745
File: 64 KB, 426x551, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warning: you're a sniveling shit born in the 90's and you're not special. Try not to swallow your tongue with rage because this book doesn't come with jala-maple-rancha-peño dipping sauce. Deal with it, fatty. You know what? Nevermind. Just put this shit back and go read Harry Potter for the 15th time, faggot

>> No.7345758

the categorical imperative doesn't account for white male privilege. Kant shouldn't even be taught in schools imo. we need more sistahs and peoples of color and sexual fluidity taught in our philosophy classes

>> No.7345765

Oh so lots of children then.

>> No.7345772

what's a CD?

>> No.7345796
File: 16 KB, 220x267, 220px-Ellis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generation Snowflake strikes again, and I am like a voice crying out in the wilderness. (My college-educated male model boyfriend loves Kant btw.)

>> No.7345804

Everyone in this thread is like a crotchety old Spectator columnist. Most of you probably haven't even read Kant beyond maybe an extract for an undergrad essay where you got second class honours.

>> No.7345808

>i'm illiterate, bottom-feeding scum, so everyone else is too

>> No.7345812

I understand what you say but I would suggest, if you want to adopt a pedagogical approach, to think about it this way : What should be taught in schools about Kant is that the the categorical imperative doesn't account for white male privilege. Godspeed!

>> No.7345847

even if Kant was a flaming racist and it was called the Categorical Nigger Imperative, if schools claim to nurture critical thinking skills, shouldn't they allow students to figure out on their own why Kant hates niggers? I am curious now, too, whether contemporary editions of Catcher in the Rye also include trigger warnings, since in it, he rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.7345880

>Although Kant clearly expresses unacceptable racist views, such views were characteristic of his times, and unlike many Europeans of his time, his racist beliefs did not lead him to conclude that racial differences justify the unjust treatment of members of other races. He was a sharp critic of what he took to be unjust European colonial practices, criticizing, for example, what he took to be the unjust treatment of native Americans by European colonists, and thought that all human beings, regardless of their race, were deserving of respect. He was particularly critical of Europeans appropriating the land of other peoples in the name of spreading civilization, and this criticism was based on his belief that it is contradictory for an individual to will the perfection of another individual, or another group of individuals, as their end. Other individuals, and Kant thought other societies, have a duty to perfect themselves, and this perfection also involves the development of what Kant calls the civil condition; Kant is insistent, however, that such perfection cannot be imposed from outside. Thus, although we can, and should, condemn Kant for his racist beliefs, we should recognize that he was ahead of his time in criticizing unjust European practices and actions, which were often perpetrated under the banner of ‘spreading civilization’.

>> No.7346028

Kant has a proto-Hitler essay where he divides humans into four races and ranks them by intellect and character.

>> No.7346038

Who are you quoting?


>> No.7346042

He asked where in the book.

>> No.7346050

This essay is nothing proto-Hitler. Kant's views are closer to those of Herder and what would be those of Humboldt.

>> No.7346064

Kant wrote several essays on the matter. Here is a short one :

>> No.7346081

Is it in the book? Also what does hitler have to do with anything?
He didn't invent hatred of jews, nor eugenics, nor ethnic cleansing.

>> No.7346082

Yes, but the post asked where in the book, not whether Kant was racist or not.

>> No.7346118

I skimmed the pdf and it doesn't look racist at all. Kant just classifies people in 4 groups / variations and tries, with his knowledge of biology, to explain why they exist. And he says nothing about their intellect.

>> No.7346244

that's some next level hipsterism considering walkmans play cassettes and not cds

>> No.7346280

Sony also released a line of portable CD players with the Walkman name

>> No.7346591

careful there fuckface, wouldn't facts to distort the truth.

>> No.7346605

University students are children

>> No.7346619

I'm glad Western civilisation is done for when I see this.

>> No.7346929

Actually, it asks "when was this book racist".
>This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as if it were written today.

>> No.7346955

This is hilarious because >>7345704
It just goes to show how absurdly out of touch these people are. And how childishly idealistic.

>> No.7347037

you're right

idealism is completely childish

see I. TRANSCENDENTAL DOCTRINE OF ELEMENTS, PART II. TRANSCENDENTAL LOGIC, DIVISION I. TRANSCENDENTAL ANALYTIC, BOOK II. ANALYTIC OF PRINCIPLES, Chapter II. System of All Principles of Pure Understanding, Section III. Systematic Presentation of All the Synthetic Principles of Pure Understanding, 4. The Postulates of Empirical Thought As Such, Refutation of Idealism [A 226 / B 274 - A 235 / B 288]

>> No.7347040

Remember when Germans were based?

>> No.7347206


This is from a "publisher" in Kentucky that produces bootleg texts and sells them on Amazon.

I purchased a book by Tolstoy from them and it had the same disclaimer. It also did not indicate the translator and it was loaded with typos and typesetting errors.

>> No.7347257


>> No.7347299

Can anyone give an actual reason why racism is bad?

>> No.7347338

>dropping big names to frighten

I'm not even the troll you're responding to but this is ridiculous.

>> No.7347350

Perpetual Peace is anti-immigration, but it is not part of the 3 Critiques.

>> No.7347354


>> No.7347356

It hurts muh feelings :(

>> No.7347361

define bad

>> No.7347362

This could be said for all questions of morality desu senpai

>> No.7347386

antiracism/sexism is a modern disorder idk what people expect

>> No.7347398

Because it makes you see reality as it is. The powers that be can't have that. The newest bogeyman is sexism, which also makes you see reality how it is. Next up comes ageism, and by that time we own your children.

>> No.7347408

this worthless little pussy actually got scared by Kant's chapter headings. what a stupid piece of shit.

>> No.7347426

To be fair, most philosophers I like tend to drop in some pretty big anti-semitism into their great works. It's funny to me, but if you were a naive teenager hearing something like that from a great and respected mind, then you'd probably be influenced by it.

>inb4 but the jews ARE bad

>> No.7347431



>> No.7347460

Of course you are not "a naive teenager" and therefore it's "only funny" to you. Haha, those silly geniuses of the past, so passé. *I* am an enlightened comtemporary man and would never fall into the trap of anti-semitism.

>> No.7347464

When they say "children" they are actually referring to undergrads.

>> No.7347483

Are saying children Kant read?

>> No.7347486

There is no other way to define what is "bad" though.

>> No.7347488

No? How about "that which is better in the long run". For example, thinking that you might be some brilliant genius when in reality you are a retard might not be very pleasant to hear, although it will be better for you in the long-run than live a lie.

>> No.7347491

eGift Card# 6362640015693684
Pin: 0000

>> No.7347493

You can't define "better" without resorting to muh feelings in the first place. Saying that a harsh truth is better than living a lie is also muh feelings. Also how could you say "that which is better in the long run" instead of "that which is better on the short term" without muh feelings?

>> No.7347494

Also, this kind of "noone should get their feelings hurt" philosophy ends up making frail human beings(the reason it's so popular, our rulers doesn't want us to be strong) out of everyone. And when you're frail you are naturally miserable too, so how is that progress exactly?

>> No.7347496

Your post doesn't make sense. How about you rework it and see if you can make some sense and if so get back to me. Then we can engage. Right now your asking me to find some modicum of point in your post and respond to that.

>> No.7347505

He thought women and Jews couldn't be moral.

You're fucking right he deserves at least a disclaimer.

>> No.7347508

i always see shit like this said and in context it is reduced to an impolitic phrasing

>> No.7347513
File: 52 KB, 499x499, 1394705147700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disclaimer for truth maybe

>> No.7347526

To protect you from an opinion? Are you a child? Hell, even children didn't use to be so gay.

Besides it's more or less true. Women are far too petty to be any kind of great moral being. They care far too much about themselves to care about the wants and needs of others. Also, they are simply more emotional which makes it even harder to give other people the attention they would want.

Jews in contrast have bred in the worst qualities of humankind, and with their toxic "culture" which encourages this behavior too, nary few escape.

Everyone here have been bottle-fed on lies such as "we are all human" but when you start to read, when you start to travel, when you start to look upon the world around you with an inquisitive eye instead of through the lens of your handed-down ideology, you start building a more accurate image.

>> No.7347616

u r dum

>> No.7347663

Stellar response.

>> No.7347682

how does someone this retarded even find a literature board

>> No.7347690
File: 14 KB, 200x192, 1410654520001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this part of Kant's belief I dont' like so it's bad and he's wrong
>this part of Kant's belief I like so it's good and he's right

>> No.7347695

I actually don't see much of a problem with that. It is perhaps wishful thinking that impressionable young lads will be reading Kant - much less understanding him - but everything in that blurb is correct. It's not as if they're trying to take Kant down a peg, and after all they call it a classic work, but Kant, where he does go into what would nowadays be called sociopolitical, does not of course reflect the generally agreeable positions of today. Not everybody who points out the prejudices of the past are trying to destroy the humanities, you know.

>> No.7347701

He says the same thing Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and apparently Kant says(i haven't read him). Were they retarded too?

>> No.7347706

I wonder who is more prejudiced; people who think for themselves or people regurgitating the dogma of an era.

>> No.7347728

Can't you see that it is a prejudice to not be "prejudiced" too?

Reality doesn't lie on a fine spectrum where black people are either idiots or "mighty fine human beans", but sterotypes comes from somewhere and it's not until you are willing to engage with reality honestly and quizzically that you will be able to see it.

The inbred retard racist is the same as the liberal "all people are the same" moron. None of them holds the moral high-ground.

Then you have the smart person that evaluates everyone according to their merit but doesn't let ideology cloud his judgement where it quite simply doesn't fit. He at least /has/ an ideology though; he know he has one and he keeps building on it as he observes reality. However he never let's his ideology make him lose sight of reality /itself/.

>> No.7347788

He's a /pol/lack. If he has read any/all of those philosophers, he's retarded for taking their opinions (or anyone's) at face value. If you actually see any kind of nuance or reasoning of... anything in that post, you're a retard too.

>> No.7347800

I don't take anything at face value.

>> No.7347807

And i'm not a /pol/ack, whatever that is. Btw, thinking in that way, that is to say, thinking that you can dismiss someone because of the group they belong to(not unlike the stereotypical racist i might add), shows a lack of developed thinking.

>> No.7347809

>the categorical imperative doesn't account for white male privilege

Kek. You got me

>> No.7347821

Nice victim complex

>> No.7347838

Nice jewing.

>> No.7347843

And if you had any developed thought, you'd know that dismissing anyone who holds generalized/stereotyped/dogmatic opinions on race, economics or women is pretty standard. "The jooz" statements are a dead giveaway of a moron.

>> No.7347846

>they're all out to get me, and I have all the anecdotal evidence to prove it

>> No.7347849

>Please respect my ideas even though they're foolish, ignorant, and articulated badly! :(
>Tolerate me and my beliefs but not the beliefs of groups I hate! xD

>> No.7347856

This small disclaimer that is probably automatically impressed in all centuries-old books is political correctness gone mad I tell you

>> No.7347857

JIDF is busy today i see.

>> No.7347865

I don't understand how anyone can see much of a problem with that. Probably the same people who think MPAA ratings are "Orwellian"

>> No.7347876

If anyone wants to see how far the rabbit hole goes, read up on jews.

How many countries have the jews been thrown out of again? Why do you think that is?

>> No.7347877


>> No.7347880

Who are the most racist people in the world(jews)? How can it be that a people that is simultaneously the most racist encourage anti-racism?

>> No.7347886

Which people's are unanimously warned about from all the greatest figures in history?

>> No.7347895

Which peoples have built-in superiority and racism in their holy books?

>> No.7347901


>> No.7347916

To a much lesser degree. Also hindus are not a strong force on the world-stage. Also, a lot of "hindus" are barely literate, while jews are know as "people of the word".

>> No.7347926


>> No.7347935

Actually hating someone on superficial details or gene based bunk is superstitious xenophobia. Even if being Jewish inclined you to act in a negative fashion, it's still illogical to assume ALL jews would do the same, and so unfair to treat each Jew on an individual basis as evil.


>> No.7347937

Chutzpah - Dershowitz

>> No.7347939

>i secretly want jews to fuck my face

>> No.7347946
File: 5 KB, 229x178, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even if being Jewish inclined you to act in a negative fashion, it's still illogical to assume ALL jews would do the same, and so unfair to treat each Jew on an individual basis as evil.

y-yes mom

>> No.7347954

Explain to me how taking a general influential factor, which doesn't determine who you are, and applying that universally to the entire subset isn't illogical and evidence of just basic racism.

It would be the same as placing ten children in a classroom by a malfunctioning radiator. Four out of ten of them would go bald after a year due to some kind of complication, but would you assume every child there is bald too? You could call it a shitty classroom, and I wouldn't really disagree with you, but you wouldn't start buying every fucking kid a wig.

>> No.7347983

>calling out ad hominem is victim complex
fuck off

>> No.7347985

I'm sure you say the same thing when a black person or a Jew complains about some racist thing they heard.

>> No.7347989

>but you wouldn't start buying every fucking kid a wig.
better safe than sorry

>> No.7347991

Nice strawman

>> No.7347998

There's no point arguing with you, you're clearly not interested in logic but either shitposting or just further entrenching your own emotional problems.

>> No.7348000

Do you know what a strawman is? It seems you just looked up fallacies on wikipedia and start spouting them in irrelevant places because it assures your self-security.

>> No.7348005

>A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.
Where did I say anything about blacks or Jews?
Fuck off, retard,

>> No.7348010

Pic related actually exists. It gets me every time.

>> No.7348013

You're fucking me.

I always thought the Onion idea of advertising that "cigarettes make you gay" would save millions of lives.

>> No.7348017

Wait, I'm an idiot.

Would be ingenious though.

>> No.7348021

Is that you in the pic? You look like a wuss.

>> No.7348036

You didn't get the joke.

In the chapter mentioned in >>7347037's post Kant actually tries to refute idealism (in the philosophical sense).

>smart people in the past were never wrong

>people I don't like are not human
>I know this, because I have travelled !

I guess it must be true that retardedness is an incurable genetic disease, after all.

To be fair that's how people have been doing since Ancient Greece.

> Nietzsche

No, Nietzsche actually said women could be made equal to men in everything except reproductive functions.

> Schopenhauer

I'd really like to see a paragraph were Schopenhauer says Jews are barely human.

Source ? In the essay linked itt Kant notes that blacks and all ethnic groups belong to the human species. And he had a rather adamant ethical stance about the way you should treat or consider humans.

Not to mention those guy lived more than a century ago. Aristotles believed the brain was but a cooling device, and that emotions were processed in the gut, yet he was very smart, nowadays anyone denying the brain has significant cognifive functions would be rightly called a retard or an ignorant. Lr2n context m8.

>> No.7348567

wow. a lot of nonsense here. Either people are really in love with their views or we have jidf or another organization on our hands(i lean towards this option). I'm just gonna bump this until i have time to respond(working now.)