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7345504 No.7345504 [Reply] [Original]

Why is humor so difficult to write?

>> No.7345505

because you're not funny.

>> No.7345508


No one is actually funny, just very persistent (trying joke after joke) or very lucky (getting lucky with a string of few jokes)

>> No.7345510

funny how?

>> No.7345514

speak for yourself, you sad, sad, unfunny man

>> No.7345522

hahahaha nice one anon

>> No.7345527

Like a clown?

>> No.7345529

You've just never met a funny person. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.7345534


Be funny right now.

>> No.7345535

J-just funny you k-know.

>> No.7345540

Do I amuse you? Am I here to fucking amuse you? How the fuck am I funny?!

>> No.7345545

Get the fuck out of here Anon...

>> No.7345569

A lawyer was just waking up from anesthesia after surgery, and his wife was sitting by his side. His eyes fluttered open and he said, "You're beautiful!" and then he fell asleep again. His wife had never heard him say that so she stayed by his side.

A couple of minutes later, his eyes fluttered open and he said, "You're cute!" Well, the wife was dissapointed because instead of "beautiful," it was "cute." She asked, "What happened to 'beautiful'?" His reply was "The drugs are wearing off!"

>> No.7345627

telling this one to my dad, he'll love it

>> No.7345644

You fucking prick, you! I almost had him too! I worry about you sometimes, Anon! Ya might fold under questioning!

>> No.7345711

Jesus that was terrible

>> No.7345721

do you get it?

>> No.7345754
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, hahahaha.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people think humor is all about being weird and random. Humor is essentially a betrayal of expectations. It is essential to have proper timing for the punchline. A single extra word can ruin a joke. Just droning on about weird shit isn't funny. You know that guy who does that. He doesn't understand the anatomy of a good joke. And there's also that guy who drags out the joke after the punchline. Fuck that guy.

>> No.7345787

Also it largely depends on your audience. I think your average 4chan fag would die laughing if you made a Bane-related joke. But your average joe would just look at you funny.

>> No.7345795

why is the bane thing funny?

lots of people have asked, but what's the real reason? i don't even find it funny anymore, but i remember when i did. i find bane-like things funny, obviously.

how could bane-like humor be transposed to the literary form?

>> No.7345799

Baneposting is an "in joke". It's something only a particular audience can understand.

>> No.7345817

Just because you failed doesn't that other people can't succeed

>> No.7345828


But his entire post is about how people succeed in humor?

>> No.7345836

>No one is actually funny

>> No.7345841

Because of the laughing part.

>> No.7345985

Not true.

>> No.7346001

Please explain

>> No.7346004

you had to be there

>> No.7346007

Certified funny man here. Youre wrong.

>> No.7346011

Because nerds lack the ability to self-analyze enough to produce really punching self-deprecating satire.

>> No.7346015

So how old is your son?

>> No.7346016

Humour comes from a simultaneously light-hearted and dark response to life; it's not some science you can learn, it's just recognizing ridiculous internal reactions.

>> No.7346021
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>> No.7346024

Jesus fuck, its just an inside joke -a meme if you will- that lampoons a ridiculous scene in an overrated and disappointing movie

>> No.7346029

Bane is funny, like so many memes, because it is not funny, but silly, and is more silly everytime someone finds it funny (for being silly) and more funny every time someone thinks it's silly. It's a viscous cycle. The joke is basically that it's been taken way to far and has drag on to an absurd degree. At the start I'm sure it was different for /tv/ but that's the state of it now.

>> No.7346032

If it bends, it's funny. If it breaks, it's not funny.

>> No.7346036
File: 993 KB, 250x250, himZD0M.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm known for being the funny guy. I'm actually thinking of writing a book on how the process works because it's so interesting.

Everyday humor is usually the spontaneous wit that leads to someone shooting off a joke or having something snappy to say - this is wisecracking. This usually starts in school, where there's hundreds of opportunities to be a wise ass every day. >>7345508 isn't entirely wrong that it's a trial and error thing, but they are wrong in assuming it stays that way. You have to hone your timing skills for years to get the aspect of spontaneity down. But I actually think wisecracking is very closely related to how Plato describes poets in Ion. Things have to happen at such a rapid pace that it really is the most spontaneous thing in the world. You have to be inspired towards a joke. I'd open it up to you guys whether you think this can be trained or not.

Then there's old humor, which is fart jokes and body humor, funny voices and stuff. This stuff comes off more as a skit than anything else, and when two funny people are together it's the most likely type of humor you'll see. It's actually pretty interesting how funny people interact with each other. It's not exactly acting, but good funny friends can reach a level of straightman and foil that feels entirely natural. There's a lot less at risk in this than in wisecracking, but to get to this level you have to be a pretty good wisecracker in the first place.

Then there's stuff like stand up comedy which really unfunny people try to emulate, not understanding how much of stand up comedy depends on context and orientation. That's how you get shit like OP's post or the worst reddit jokes, those little awful plays they write and shit. People that don't think in terms of wisecracking every day look at stand up and think that that is how humor works, that the stand up is spontaneous when it's totally the opposite. Stand up comics earn their right to do stand up because they go through the terrible process of writing down wisecracks and retooling them, rather than just blurting them out. This is why truly funny people never laugh out loud at televised stand up. They can see through the veneer of the show, see the wisecracks for what they are, and deconstruct the whole stage. Going to stand up shows in real life, however, is a totally different experience because it removes separation from the wisecracks. It's not cut horribly, the comedian is actually pacing around and being casual, etc.

But stand up is really just a combination of wisecracking and storytelling, which MUST be trained.

>> No.7346039

>tfw your sense of humor will always be weird and autistic

I was laughing my ass off when I read this passage in If On a Winter's Night by Calvino

"The plan to trap me envisaged that between the Honda motorcycles of my escort and the armoured car in which I rode, three Yamaha motorcycles would interpose themselves, ridden by three false policemen, who would suddenly slam on their brakes before the curve. According to my counterplan, there would instead be three Suzuki motorcycles which would block my Mercedes five hundred meters before, in a fake kidnapping. When I saw myself blocked by three Kawasaki motorcycles at an intersection before the other two, I realized that my counter-plan had been frustrated by a counter-counterplan whose author I did not know."

Nobody I read it to even found it slightly funny though

>> No.7346051

Yeah, I don't see what is funny about it

>> No.7346057

Most Jews are nerds though

>> No.7346062
File: 111 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mo1wgexABH1rwjpnyo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where writing humor comes in. You have to set the entire context for these events, whether they are wisecracks or drawn out humorous story sequences. Old humor works best in writing because its principles of humor are self-contained: the fart is funny, the asshole is funny, etc. So Aristophanes, Chaucer, Rabelais, and Don Quixote are timeless in that respect.

But how do you begin to craft the scene for a wisecrack? The fact that you remove yourself from the spontaneity of an actual wisecrack and have to set the scene beforehand dooms a lot of people from the start.

Really, most funny writers settle for the televised stand up comedy route. They take wisecracks and refine them and tool them for a scene. They craft long humorous stories containing absurdities and reversals of expectation. This is just as hard to do as actual stand up, but is never as funny, because there's still that separation from the audience.

The best funny writers try to incorporate wisecracks with all their spontaneity. I think Gaddis and Pynchon are excellent examples of this. Gaddis for example uses a ton of parapraxis, which is just an ingenious way of getting wisecracks out in the open. His predominantly dialogue style also benefits wisecracking really, really well because of how free it is. Pynchon almost builds his scenes around the jokes themselves.

So I guess humor is hard to write because it's very spontaneous in relation to its context. The best writer will try to capture this, not by anticipating the jokes, but by anticipating the jokes and building the context around the jokes.

>> No.7346072

Therefore, 4chan is Jews.

>> No.7346073


>> No.7346076

I laughed.

>> No.7346095


Anyone else struggle not to write humour?

>> No.7346103

Because you aren't funny. Three things are required to be a funny person: a) know what is funny b) no what other people find funny c) understand that all that is funny is founded in absurdity (even Nietzsche recognized this).

>> No.7346107

I like to think of myself as an honorary self-hating Jew. Kind of like Bobby Fischer

>> No.7346128

Everything I do is a joke. Get it?

>> No.7346145


You obviously don't struggle with the issue I was pointing out.

>> No.7346174

You're not being funny. Get it?

>> No.7346241

Except when you make a joke of dragging the joke out. Humour is weird.

>> No.7346319

> truly funny people never laugh out loud at televised stand up
I think you know this isn't true. I'm funny when I'm comfortable and with friends, and I love stand up. I know people 10 times funnier than me who think Dane Cook is hilarious.

That being said, you know what your'e talking about. All humor is based on irony, which is the contextual subversion of expectations; if you can catch people off guard, you can be funny

>> No.7347102

/k/fags are fagfags

>> No.7347136
File: 183 KB, 754x571, b8546a7414352016058bcf78b038b658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What culture are we talking about here when you say Humor?

No humor is universal.

>> No.7347189


It's interesting how only 2-5% of jokes are funny.

>> No.7347303

The fact you saved that image probably means you're not very funny

>> No.7347305

No that's just meta

>> No.7347308
File: 104 KB, 732x306, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7347414

>Pynchon almost builds his scenes around the jokes themselves.
For De Mille, young fur-henchmen can't be rowing.

>> No.7347432
File: 676 KB, 693x720, 1446847868801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think your average 4chan fag would die laughing if you made a Bane-related joke

>> No.7347434

because whats funny to some is offensive to others

laughter is a nervous response sublimating a fear of the unknown or someshit like that.

>> No.7347457

>haha reich sounds like right

Americans are retarded

>> No.7347462

it just dawned on me that OP's green text would fit perfectly into a Family Guy cut-away

>no wordplay or twist, no expectations from the viewer
>the subject of the cut-away is somehow edgy
>the edgy part is repeated several times just in case you weren't paying attention the first time
>the end

While it airs, somewhere in North Dakota a single gun enthusiast laughs - a long forgotten burrito is shaken loose from between two flaps of fat and falls on the floor, having regained freedom

>> No.7347466

funny and cute

>> No.7347468

Expected punchline, most would have figured it out before the end of the joke

>> No.7347472

You touched on some good things. Also, you mentioned the set up. That's why Moliere, Wodehouse and Hammet all work for me. The characters are really dumb and it's always fun to see characters have flaws and suffer repercussions from them. It's difficult to do this properly but the joke, often, comes from the unexpected situation plus the unexpected stupidity of the character.

>> No.7347487


>not by anticipating the jokes, but by anticipating the jokes

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7347519


>> No.7347542

Sometimes it's something as simple as the fact that everybody poops.

>> No.7347549


Except, you know, that one freak of a baby Eddie and his wife had last year that was born without an asshole and survived for only a few days before it filled up with shit and died.

Quite sad, really.

>> No.7347550

You're full of shit

>> No.7347555


Not as much as that kid though!


>> No.7347558


(Ed. note: this is something I did not say while reading this)

>> No.7347561

Yeah your story really scared me shitless

>> No.7347564

ITT: retards trying hard and failing at humor

>> No.7347568

You're probably hilarious without trying at all

>> No.7347571

I know :^)

>> No.7347639
File: 276 KB, 559x420, Screenshot_2015_11_08_at_4.09.17_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sad how unfunny this thread is

>> No.7349115

“Mr. Incandenza, this is the Enfield Raw Sewage Commission, and quite frankly we’ve had enough shit out of you,”

>> No.7349123


im funny though and cant write humor

>> No.7349158
File: 23 KB, 292x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you elaborate the difference between "spontaneous" humor and "weird and random XD" humor?

Nonetheless, good work anon. Best explanation of humor I've ever read, if you eventually did write that book I would no doubt read it.

>> No.7349161

Humor is hard to write because the vast majority of humor relies heavily on timing. With words it's almost impossible to set the pace at which the reader reads and because of that you can't rely on timing to make a joke. Other types of humor, like satire, don't have broad appeal because they require an understanding of what is being satirized which cuts down on the amount of people who "get" the joke, assuming the satire is funny in the first place. So all that's really left is being silly and making puns. Both are pretty hard to pull off without using in-jokes and pop culture references as a crutch or coming off as dull. That or do something original which we all know is pretty much impossible now.

>> No.7349170

>Could you elaborate the difference between "spontaneous" humor and "weird and random XD" humor?
Off the cuff humor. Nothing to do with non sequitur humor.

>> No.7349208

Go to YouTube, if you think its for 8 year olds its the latter

>> No.7349218

Humor is context sensitive, and even more sensitive to timing. People have a problem writing humor because most humor doesn't translate to writing very well. Without the comedian there doing the act, and adding in the gestures, and animations, and all the other nuances that go into conveying emotion, most jokes fall flat on their face.

Writing humor also requires you to strike a balance, and stick to that balance, otherwise you don't get humor, you get cringe.

>> No.7349309

How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?

Don't be silly, feminists can't change anything.

>> No.7349336

that's not true. they're destroying video games.

>> No.7349348

its so cool to me how people who care about video games and puritan cultural critics have decided to fight each other forever and leave the people actually worth talking to alone

>> No.7349351


>> No.7349374

I chuckled

>> No.7349379


>> No.7349382

You're right. >>7349336 is the funniest thing in this thread.

>> No.7349436

>When I saw myself blocked by three Kawasaki motorcycles at an intersection before the other two, I realized that my counter-plan had been frustrated by a counter-counterplan whose author I did not know.

It's not LOL worthy, but I can see some humor in that.

>> No.7349450

I struggle with this.

I have a self-deprecating streak that prevents me from taking anything I write seriously. Whenever I finish a chapter or a story I just want to poke holes in it and call attention to the ridiculousness of it all. It's really stopped me from progressing with things because I don't feel drawn to fix the problems, only to mock them and discourage myself.

I have a good bit of the situational gift where I can joke on the spot, but I haven't yet tried to make anything actually based on humor, except a few dozen scattered lines of poetry that I would have to track down.

>> No.7349549

Calvino would have made an excellent pulp comics satirist