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/lit/ - Literature

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7345415 No.7345415 [Reply] [Original]

I have no idea what just happened, but the prose was beautiful.

Is this what actual literature feels like?

>> No.7345438

Nice meme

>> No.7345442

>he fell for the magical realism meme

>> No.7345444

>Not liking Solitude

Smh desu senpai

>> No.7345453

100 years is super entrycore and popular and easy to understand, if you had no idea what was going on there you might have a problem senpai

>> No.7345476


OP here, are there any more books I should read that are harder to understand and/or more rewarding?

>> No.7345479

>I have no idea what just happened
the plot is pretty straight forward

>> No.7345480

Why would you want something harder when you didn't even understand this?

>> No.7345548

read autumn of the patriarch. even better prose

>> No.7345562

Jacquart le Batard was a strong individual : he liked pee pee and money. Once, he peed on the money. Realizing it made him even stronger, since the syntax of the last sentence implied pee pee and money were linked to him being strong and he just mixed these two things together, he decided to pee on all of his money. When his virtual pee finally touched the virtual money he had on his virtual bank account, however, he discovered his recently acquired strength was all virtual."This virtual strengh, or potential strengh, should become actual !" he thought to himself. To actualize it, he started to IMPROVHIMSELF, just like 4chan told him. He quickly became infinitely rich, and able to actualize all of his strengh. Having no potential left, and being only actual, he was now THE UNMOVED MOVER OF THE ARISTOTELIAN THEOLOGY OH FUCK IT WAS JACKART LE BATARD ALL ALONG FUCK
This is what actual literature feels like.

>> No.7345571


>> No.7345748

Colombian here
You can't really feel this book if you don't know our culture, people literally believe in magical bullshit while saying Catholicism is the devil, and so many weird things happen (some dude sending a donkey to Obama as thanks for... ???) that reality actually feels malleable and it's easy to believe the story of the flying maiden. That's why this book exists.

>> No.7345760

>Colombian here
>You can't really feel this book if you don't know our culture,

>this fucking nigger actually thinks the superior white intellect can't completely understand his shallow culture with 10 minutes on wikipedia

keking hard senpais

>> No.7345770



>> No.7345879


shut up you sub-saharan late offspring, drop ded

>> No.7346033

>i need magic in my "realism"
back to hogwarts with you

>> No.7346059

um sorry but black people don't live in columbia only colubmians do

>> No.7346160

>muh special cornflake culture

people believe in magic all over the world

>> No.7347042

>special cornflake


>> No.7347051

did you read it in spanish?

>> No.7347054

Columbia BTFO

>> No.7347064

this desu senpai. I like him a lot better in spanish than english. plus it's tough to judge quality of prose if you're not reading it in its native language

>> No.7347942

fucking masterpiece
this is proof that movies and games have nothing on books, not even close

>> No.7347986

actually the book really grasps the culture so you understand the culture by reading the book

>rednecks browse /lit/

>> No.7347994

>rednecks browse /lit/
No, it's just /pol/. They probably intended to go to /mlp/ but they misclicked and came here instead.

>> No.7348003

>implying you're white

That's not how breeding in the US works, anon.

>> No.7348034


salty colombians detected

sorry your entire culture got BTFO