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/lit/ - Literature

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7345373 No.7345373 [Reply] [Original]

>start reading
>an hour later
>only 50 pages read
ADD sucks.

>> No.7345382

That's pretty normal. At least it's the pace that I read at and I never thought it was a problem.

>> No.7345395
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>start reading
>an hour later
>only 10 pages read

>> No.7345443

yeah its like 20 if im going really slow and 60 or 70 if im going really fast, but how fucking weird are you if you read in order to pass pages rather than absorb the prose

>> No.7345445
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>> No.7345452

>People who actually value literature and retain it

Ha, what plebs!

Reading 50 pages in an hour is a good speed, if you do away with subvocalizing altogether than you lose the artistic quality/rhythm of the prose and wont remember it as well.

Anyways, at 50 pages in an hour if you keep that speed up you can read most books in a week with only an hour a day dedicated.

>> No.7345462

>tfw reading too fast

>> No.7345463

He's a troll memester.

>> No.7345466

I read like 10 pages an hour, depending on what I'm reading.
Do you people not take time to contemplate what you're taking in? Do you treat every book like it's a textbook?

tfw feelings of inadequacy because read so slowly

>> No.7345467

>Not reading ~10 pages at a time
>Not spending hours contemplating your book

>> No.7345474

Are we allowed to post ponies now?

>> No.7345493

>page looker at-er

How's looking at words and pretending to read working out for you?

>> No.7345526


Its hard :(

I can read through and grasp everything on the surface at 45-50 pages an hour, but to really see the inner workings takes proper time.

I've recently read through Women in Love and found that. Its kinda overlong so i plowed through the ending, but the level of philosophical questioning in it is impressive.

Nearly all of the relationships and actions in teh end are self-referential to earlier points or broad philosophical symbolism. The whole time I figured that what was going on was really just (mainly) the depiction of how any relationship can fall apart, but i've heard convincing arguements of its its more representative of the irreconcilability of two types of people: those connected to the world and to society at large, and those that attempt to be independent and unaffected.

etc etc.

If you want to get the deep themes of the novel you have to read slowly enough to identifying important passages AND then stop to deeply contemplate/analyze them.

>> No.7346153

Why would you even care about the speed at which you read books? Unless it takes you an absurdly long time, you should be valuing what you're reading rather than how many things you've read.

>> No.7346154

is this the new meme?

>> No.7346178

ADD/ADHD is when you get stuck reading the same paragraph for half an hour because you cant even retain what youre reading while youre reading it
what was I doing again?

>> No.7346189
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>10 pages an hour

lmao retard

>> No.7346502

Lololol, people actually spend time thinking about what they've read and appreciateing things other than the surface level plot? Top Kek my man. Tip top kekerino. It must be hard being such a pleb

>> No.7346546

I'm ~30 pages an hour; stuff like Metamorphosis and Ulysses is about 15. If the pace you're reading at is comfortable and comprehendible then stop worrying.

>> No.7346553
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>tfw one page an hour

I have to read a sentence over like, ten times for me to even understand it on a basic level, and even then I'll usually get confused as to what's going on and then have to go back and read previous sentences.

>> No.7346563

I don't see how the prose in metamorphosis is a stumbling block but same here, I am retarded and read 30 or fewer pages an hour. It took me 45 minutes or more to get through Borges' Tlön Uqbar Orbis Tertius

>> No.7346569

Not used to reading epic poem format. And I got the Horace Gregory translation.

>> No.7346609

It helps if you run your finger under the words as you read, and read entire clauses instead of single words.

>> No.7346611
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oh man the edges on this post.

>> No.7346622


>> No.7346646

Maybe he meant 'Metamorphoses' by Ovid.
I got the Stanley Lombardo translation, though.

>> No.7346720

I read about 250 pages in a day, this includes random hour long showers, eating, stopping to read the newspaper, boring points in the plot, cigarette breaks etc

I don't subvocalize but I realize I could read faster

>> No.7346732
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>not reading a single sentence a day and then writing a 50 page treatise on the meaning of what you read

>> No.7346746
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>tfw not Heidegger

>> No.7346961

>hour long showers

kill yourself. How dare you for wasting all that water

>> No.7346967

ADHD is more like having a hard time starting to read because the thought alone of having to concentrate that long is mentally draining. Then you finally start reading and 15 minutes later you realize you have no idea what's been going on so you have to flip back 5 pages and reread.

At least that's what happens to me

>> No.7347075

All these pathetic retards in this thread will never know the joy of being in the reading one book a day master race.

>> No.7347084
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>tfw you want to read so much but you're busy all the damn time
why does it have to be so time consuming

>> No.7347134

>tfw working at a UK call center based in eastern europe with enough time between calls to read a book a day

Fucking entitled british moms ruining muh immersion

>> No.7347139

>Want to read but keep getting too drunk/high to read
One day I'll discipline myself

>> No.7347154

That's the most pleb thing you can do. You should spend a week on a novella, two weeks on a novel, and a month on anything longer. Anything else is just plebeian.

>> No.7347185


>Trying to justify only reading 25 novels a year

Wew lad.

>> No.7347190

I see you even use low-brow memes. I hope you enjoy consuming literature like McDonald's, skimming through pages as if it's a race--plebeians like you make me sick.

>> No.7347241

50 pages an hour means you can read pretty much any book you want in a day. That's alright.

>> No.7347260
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>25 books a year

>> No.7347261

>Two weeks on a novel

look at this nigga ahaha
you'd fail so hard in grad school

>> No.7347263


What's that, 20-30 pages a day?

If you can't retain more than 20-30 pages a day, you're an idiot.

>> No.7347268

So I assume neither of you live the literary lifestyle? I bet you get giddy when someone likes your goodreads review. Keep in mind you'll only touch the surface with your reading style; I for one have delved deep into even the most seemingly simple work--the Hungry Caterpillar sent me into an existential crisis that I was told had the profundity of a man twice my age.

>> No.7347277

>be NEET master race
>read for 8-14 hours a day
>tfw have read my favourites 30+ times


>> No.7347314

>ADHD is more like having a hard time starting to read because the thought alone of having to concentrate that long is mentally draining
what a faggot
literally kill urself

>> No.7347420

Yeah but you read a book at your pace, because you like it, not because you have to finish it.

unless you want to shitpost on /lit/

>> No.7347896


Life is short and people are competitive. Modern people much moreso about stuff like this. Now a blogpost, which will slowly come into focus as relevant to the thread's subject.

I could read Dr. Seuss to my mother at age three. I was told that I read at a "college level" back in fourth grade, reading lord of the rings (half of which was over my head), and apparently some other stuff which convinced the right people of the above. Throughout babby school (K-12) I had a few essays get some above-average recognition. I've since completed a four-year STEM degree with some /lit/-tier minors of personal interest (history/philosophy).

For all this, I'm a slow reader. /lit/ recently found an online reading test which I retook a few times, and though my (reading) comprehension and (writing) composition are for lack of a better phrase "by-definition" graduate-tier, my reading /speed/ is, according to the test, comparable to eighth graders. I estimate that I only read about 40% of the material that was assigned to me in the above minors - it just took /too fucking long/, so I learned to skim for the big "beats" that I knew would be the meat of the discussion.

Two books which stick in my head in terms of speed were Barnes and Noble pleb editions of Moby Dick and Brothers Karamazov. These were fairly dense and large pages, too. When I had NO distractions and I was drilling/engaged, I could get through 20 pages an hour. The internet has lowered my attention span, I'm sure.

>> No.7347902

anon, you have dyslexia

>> No.7347903

Having a hard time starting and finishing tasks is a symptom of adhd

>> No.7348524

Shit, my ADD is so bad I can't even get past the first page.

>> No.7348542

>Using your eyes to ead and not mastering brail before losing your eyesight

>> No.7348607

Anyone knows if there are any worthwhile tests on the interwebz for that ADD/ADHD bullshit?
I never wanted to be that kind of guy who just says I have ADD or ADHD and use it as a excuse for my lack of effort but reading this thread makes me wonder if that really is a thing.
Max speed i can read is ~25 pages a hour and that's when I read just to get it done and put as little thought in it as possible...
I still remember a math test i had in last year of highschool where i just need to finish a simple final calculations and even that took me 10 minutes
(9+9+9)/(3+3) was left and I was thinking for 2 minutes what 27/3 is and asked my friend to confirm its 9. As a result I write down 27, see that scribble it out write 3, scribble that out to write 9 and than my friend tells me its 27/(3+3) not 3. Still got an A........

>> No.7348616

>start shitposting
>day later
>only 50 replies
heh..guess what comes around is all around...

>> No.7348619

>Sense sure you have, / Else could you not have motion.
What would you say about this?

>> No.7348632

Yes, sadly.

>> No.7348744

Speed reading is good for news stories, but you can't really get the flavor of the prose without subvocalizing

>> No.7348747

Read The Shallows by Nicolas Carr. He explains your problem

>> No.7348761

My problem isn't the speed in which I read, my problem is that I can't get through more than half a chapter without getting distracted and checking how many pages are left. Last time I read an entire book all the way through without interruption was in the third grade; my attention span is pure shit now thanks to the internet

>> No.7348910

I wouldn't trust an online test for ADHD/ADD, just get formally diagnosed.

>> No.7348928
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>you will never have enough time to read all the books you want
>books require more mental energy to read than the rate at which you want to read them
>you are wasting valuable reading time on /lit/

>> No.7348941

Didn't really wanna go to a doc about it cause i still don't buy into that stuff. The online tests were just to see if there really is that big of a difference or not...

>> No.7348948

Not him, but what edges? How could taking the time to reflect upon a text at your own pace be a bad thing?

Literature deserves better than an RPG mentality.

Literature isn't an RPG.

>> No.7348998


>> No.7349082

ADHD is one of the most well studied disorders... Don't buy the "ADHD isn't real meme". I will agree that it's over diagnosed though

>> No.7349134

There is a genetic component to it, but I'd be amazed if its prevalence wasn't due to societal factors like too much distraction

>> No.7349197

I agree 100%.

The main thing that is looked for when diagnosing ADHD is childhood symptoms (if you are trying to get diagnosed as an adult). ADHD doesn't come out of nowhere, and if it did, its not ADHD.

>> No.7349238

with that much fucking time, I hope youre reading the book multiple times

>> No.7349241

Is there a standard page length? Comparing pages per hour seems so arbitrary

>> No.7349522

250 words per page I think

>> No.7349621
File: 14 KB, 316x202, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write for an hour
>500 words

>> No.7349647

i love this

>> No.7349676

Wow, I've been reading like 12 pages an hour. That is with stuff like Misak, Peirce,James, and other philosophers.

>> No.7349703


It makes annotating anything fucking impossible too.

>Why don't you take notes, anon?
>Because each note takes 30 minutes to write.

>> No.7351136

Do you only have this problem with books?