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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 55 KB, 1058x1058, 11-ayn-rand.w529.h529.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7343031 No.7343031 [Reply] [Original]

>reading /lit/'s newly recommended flavour of the month continental philosopher
>"...as the veracity of the thing within itself is reciprocated by the truth function (post hoc ergo helicopter hoc) knowingly known by society at large, which proves the shallowness of today's consumerism but in the exact opposite way that the champagne bourgeoisie snootily claim..."
>/lit/: What a stunning and enlightening book, I cry everytime.

>reading Ayn Rand
>"Dude, just be yourself"


>> No.7343036

Ayn Rand is pretty great as an inspirational writer, not so much as a philosopher. She should have written self-help books. Not to defend the philosopher of the month.

>> No.7343040

Did you have to start a new thread because the last one conclusively proved reading porn was better than reading Ayn Rand for both fun and wisdom gained? That's not very objective of you, have you not read Ayn Rand's work?

>> No.7343044

>reading /lit/'s newly recommended flavour of the month continental philosopher
The vast majority of people of /lit/ hate Ayn Rand.

>> No.7343097


>> No.7343114
File: 36 KB, 803x688, 1423520477047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayn Rand isn't a philosopher so much as she is an burner of strawmen. Her 'arguments' consist of little more than imaginary people she doesn't like espousing ideas she disagrees with in a ridiculous fashion vs. imaginary people she likes espousing ideas she agrees with in a ridiculous fashion. ie.
>"I love communism because I just love taking away freedom and creating inefficiencies!", said a fat, balding man who collects My Little Pony toys in his spare time.
>"Well, I love capitalism because I like earning my money instead of stealing it from people!", said a strong-chinned blonde man who was also had an IQ of 180 and a was also a professional bodybuilder.

>> No.7343119

>reading comprehension

>> No.7343121

Ayn Rand really only works for a self-interested man, and despite the common belief that it's human nature, it's really not. There's a reason people think she's a crackpot and libertarians are a misguided minority.

Though, I don't think she's a crackpot. I actually think she was an opportunist that realized if she created a philosophy that permits that, people would buy what she's selling and she'd succeed. Looking into her personal life, there were MULTIPLE times where she decided to forego the wellbeing of her ideology for her own gain. Not just in collecting those welfare checks, but the schools and romantic life.

If you're an athiest that doesn't care about other people, you could go really really really far if you believe you deserve every great thing you get and charity is for the weak. That's what's so scary about it on a personal "oh he is an objectivist" level, and dysfunctional if you built an entire society around it.

>> No.7343124

that's how /pol/ talks, but the fat balding man also has to go to reddit apparently.

>> No.7343151
File: 92 KB, 400x400, 1444697063783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre actually completely right though

>> No.7343182

Rand herself said she was not a philosopher when she was alive. She said she was only an author and gave her view on several topics.

>yet imbecile people like you think she was a philosopher

>> No.7343281
File: 49 KB, 480x480, 675748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people think in terms of their special special feelings, not logically or universally. Therefore most people reject Rand.

>> No.7344125

holy shit this is such a good post, it's like one of those you read in a screencrap on r/4chan. i love the metaness and irony of this post!

>> No.7344141

>Howard Roark
>described as unattractive
>poor as shit

You haven't read the Fountainhead?

>> No.7344144

Lay off the whine, my friend. It makes you sound like a little bitch.

>> No.7344167

idk why this post gets hated on, prolly some hurt libertarians that cant defend their views if it werent for mockery

>> No.7344173

/no irony/ nice bait you actually got people justifying why Ayn Rand sucks. If you went more extreme in your post people wouldve realised youre a troll but nice constraint 7,5/10.

Do you post on other bords as well?