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7342591 No.7342591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books would you recommend for someone just starting out in political/green activism. I want to read about ideas and theories of Marxism, anarchy, socialism stuff like that. Trying not to get lost in all of it

>> No.7342595

>political activism
dropped hard

>> No.7342601

Goodluck trying to unite people in the age of identity politics.

Revolution is literally impossible in the current climate.

>> No.7342602

ayn rand

>> No.7342603
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Here you go.

>> No.7342656
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These should keep you busy for a while

Ma'alim fi'l-tareeq (Milestones)- Sayyid Qutb
Riding the Tiger- Julius Evola
Theozoology or the science of the Sodomite Apelings and the Divine Electron- Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels
Mein Kampf
My Twisted World- Elliot Rodger
Industrial Society and its Future- Ted Kaczinsky
The Turner Diaries

>> No.7342678

Derrick Jensen's Endgame series was pretty green & edgy - tho' I don't hold with any of that NeoLib Ecofascist truck.

>> No.7342700

Turn back while you can.

>> No.7342711

The State and Revolution is essential for anyone attempting to organize any sort of political movement against the upper class. Lots of people here will disregard Lenin but he's honestly one of the greatest political pragmatists of the past couple centuries.

>> No.7342724

dont listen to the trolls

David Graeber oviously

>> No.7342727

progress and poverty

>> No.7343056
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Nepal? Syria? Ukraine?

>> No.7343063


>> No.7343066

>I'm joining a pseudo-Christian cult and want to actually understand it

>> No.7343073

I recommend "With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations"

>> No.7344519

Read "how to kill yourself" by fuck you, you're a dirty communist bastard who is ruining America.

>> No.7344580

I'm sure you'll notice that all of these countries are third world shitholes where identity politics are all but non-existent.

>> No.7344608
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How edgy are you? If you want to sharpen your edge levels check out Reflections on Violence


>> No.7344614

hey OP
try to really read things and fight for real change rather than the right to be a target market (as gay, black, etc)
read david graeber, zizek, the coming insurrection

>> No.7344616


>> No.7344617

it's book recs, you cunt
he's not saying "do you agree with my chosen ideology?"

>> No.7344626
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>it's book recs, you cunt
So what? I once got banned for asking book recommendations. Pic related.

>> No.7344632

FUCK YOU Ukraine is the land of Bulgakov

>> No.7344637

"destroy the crazy delusion known as 'socialism'"
ok buddy, that's obviously just you trying to stir shit. if you were sincere, like our friend here you could have asked: "what are some entry-level anti-socialist works?"
try posting that thread, it won't earn you a ban

>> No.7344652

>try posting that thread, it won't earn you a ban
Wanna bet?

>> No.7344659

And I didn't get b& for "trolling", I got b& for "posting a request thread outside of /r/"

If you want to be consistent, the mods should ban all request threads, regardless of the wording of the OP.

>> No.7344664

Getting banned for request threads is rare. I usually get warnings.

>> No.7344675

I guess the mod felt his safe space to be invaded.

>> No.7344676

worth a shot
that was the stated reason because it accords with an obvious rule but the real reason was (we both know) that you were trying to start a shitty /pol/ thread

book rec threads are not request threads, they are not asking for things already known, but rather suggestions. asking for a pdf of a book is a request thread

>> No.7344726
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See pic related. Proper Marxists should get a good background on the classics before moving on to latter-day theoreticians. ABC of Communism and Synopsis of Capital aside, from top to bottom, everything labelled "Introductory" should be read.
If you want to get some physical books, get a copy of the Marx/Engels Reader, the Lenin Anthology, and the Essential Works of Rosa Luxemburg.

>political/green activism
Get some stuff by Bookchin.

Soul of Man under Socialism by Oscar Wilde (essay you can find for free online)
Mutual Aid by Kropotkin
Conquest of Bread by Kropotkin
Statism and Anarchy by Bakunin
Anarcho-syndicalism: Theory and Practice by Rudolf Rocker

Discounting the frankly stupid Anarchist anti-politics, Libcom is your best bet for getting info about organizing. Anarchism is shit. Become a Marxist.

Don't do this

Hedges is a cυck.


>> No.7344753

>Don't do this
why? books are good. What is it with you leftists and your mortal fear of dissenting opinion?Though be careful, once you take the redpill there's no turning back

>> No.7344758

Because all of the reccs are shit with only Ted Kaczynski having anything to do with the OP.

>Nazi complaining about tolerance for 'dissenting opinion'

>> No.7344771

>He hasn't read Liebenfels
>He hasn't read Qutb
>He hasn't read Rodger
>He hasn't read Evola

Typical leftist, dismissing ideas before even knowing what they are all about

>> No.7344929

>recommending Rodger, ever

wew, lads, it's time for me to leave, the level of meta is too high

>> No.7345067

sorry i really didn't know, don't usually post. thought that asking people who go on /lit/ for books is better than requesting it

>> No.7345073

I'm not from America nor do I live there

>> No.7345098
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I actually attempted to read this. I made it about ¾ of the way through before throwing in the towel.

I learned that slavery still exists, the white man runs an evil empire that is going to make our species extinct, the only way to save the human race is to immediately have a communist revolution a couple decades ago, and that climate change is irreversible because of white people.

Occupy wall street was the only chance to save the world, but it was broken up because fascism. Occupy wall street also single handedly saved the entire east coast with their “Occupy Sandy” movement. The government was too busy committing genocide against blacks and forcing them into jail, so Occupy had to save the day. Nearly every single person in jail is a person of color, and they are innocent.

One of the only people who is not an establishment puppet is Doctor Cornell West. He is a genius and is not allowed on television because fascism. Al Sharpton is an uncle tom who is working with Barak Obama to oppress black people. He is an establishment mouthpiece working to maintain America’s unjust empire of oppression.

>> No.7345359

what about unionism, precarity, workplace safety, retail?

>> No.7345366

Homage to Catalonia

>> No.7345374

Ukraine has been divided by identity politics since WW2. Identity politics lead to the coup and subsequent Crimean/Donbass separatism.

>> No.7345384

some books on gardening

>> No.7345385

Here's your good post, OP