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File: 31 KB, 251x396, Debord_SocietyofSpectacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7341829 No.7341829 [Reply] [Original]

what have you done to combat the spectacle lately?

>> No.7341838
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u cant combat the spectacle. instead of rejecting pop culture, we should use it as a catalyst for positive social change

>> No.7341864

I don't think you've ever read this book.

>> No.7341866

Shot my TV and threw it on the pile behind my trailer.

>> No.7341869
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I don't think u have even witnessed the unstopable fierce juggernaut of flawlessness that is queen bey

>> No.7341873

"combating the spectacle" just sounds like reinforcing contrarianism

>> No.7341882

I (mostly) agree with these sentiments
I think you misread a bit OP. Go reread the part about Detourment and read further on the Situationists themselves

>> No.7341886

Omg Yonce is so perfect like I can't even
*waves hands in front of face* "I woke up like this" :^)

>> No.7341900

made memes all day

>> No.7342013


Recently I took 1P-LSD with a female friend of mine and then we went on a dérive through a major city. At one point we found a big pile of dog poop and threw it over a bridge onto a moving coca-cola truck.

>> No.7342100

you mean the memes made you

>> No.7342105

yfw you realize memes have been recuperated by the spectacle and reinforce capitalist oppression

>> No.7342191


>by browsing 4chan you are being submersed in and consumed by the spectacle, leaving you with the inability to think about anything without relating it to memes or 4chan and stuck with a tic causing you to mentally say "t b h" after every thought.

>> No.7342495

Often, combating the spectacle only really takes the form of a spectacle in its own right. See Occupy Wall Street.

And combating the spectacle isn't about being anti-consumerist or anti-popular culture--the spectacle can be either of those things. The spectacle is the generalized idea of abstract life that emerges when commodities are produced to such an extent that they begin to communicate with one another and constitute a "world" above the world. This world of the commodities can "negated" itself, can present itself as an escape from consumption. It can dress itself as rebellion, as exit, as the non-commodity par excellance--but in the end it is merely the shifting form that the commodity presents itself as.

The spectacle is rooted in the production of surplus-value through the rapid production of commodities.

>> No.7343003

can anyone tell me where Baudrillard differs from the situationists?

>> No.7343026
File: 50 KB, 610x395, big sadly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baudrillard understood that there was no way to create situations which actually challenged the spectacle, and that everything would be consumed into the "code", the organising mechanism which functions by unifying everything into a coherent simulation.
As such Baud does not believe that there is any possibility of revolution, instead that the only hope is massive cataclysm, a destruction in total of the modern society.

Debord would later come to agree with Baudrillard, leading to his killing himself in despair. Nonetheless Baud does suggest that there are ways to gradually lead to the code collapsing in on itself by feeding it illogical,contradictory destructive seeds in the form of "fatal theories", which,by their challenge to the code to absorb them, will very slowly lead to its erosion.

in a 2014 interview bell hooks called Beyonce a "terrorist" for pushing the capitalist agenda under the guise of black feminism

>> No.7343155

>thinking neo-marxsim has any value

>> No.7343162
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>> No.7343170
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>You're a neo-marxist? In 2015? COME ON!

>> No.7343175

I've read some Beaudrillard but honestly I can't explain his writings to another person without sounding crazy. Thank for being coherent. Please go on if you can too.

>> No.7343194
File: 133 KB, 600x600, fanisk-noontide-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what have you done to combat the spectacle lately?
I refuse to find a job and spam post ironic anti-semitic memes on 4chin

what would baudrillard think of national socialist atmo-black metal?

>> No.7343372

holy shit Baudrillard is nihilist.

>> No.7343531

not OP but what should i read after this?

>> No.7343551
File: 78 KB, 299x343, crying-hitler1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


RIP in pieces Fanisk

>you will never hear Omnium

>> No.7343558

john gray - straw dogs

>> No.7344138

hed think you were all gay faggots

>> No.7344155
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>> No.7344200

I tried, but it was a spectacular failure.

>> No.7344355

combating the spectacle is part of the spectacle.

the only winning move is to refuse to take part. oh, and also to remember that the International Situationists officially disbanded in 1972.

>> No.7344375
File: 22 KB, 459x278, 1443917806816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>called Beyonce a "terrorist" for pushing the capitalist agenda under the guise of black feminism


>> No.7345852
File: 42 KB, 347x226, glarsers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what have you done to combat the spectacles lately?

>> No.7345856

>be edgy teenager
>getting bad grades, doing drugs and complaining all the time about "society."
>ask dad for money for a book "sure son you can always buy books, books are good."
>get Society of the Spectacle
>Dad throws it away

>> No.7346008

>what would baudrillard think of national socialist atmo-black metal?
he would define it as third order simulacra

>> No.7346099

could you expand on these 'fatal theories'

>> No.7346111

write an article for an academic journal that just repeats the sentence 'everything is futile' for thirty pages and you're on the right track