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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 474 KB, 1619x1725, asukawatermelons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7339982 No.7339982 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine for a moment that the watermelon slices are literary talent and Asuka is time.

>> No.7339987

Well damn, I guess time is a feisty whore with daddy issues

>> No.7339990
File: 77 KB, 447x749, Whiteshaveshittaste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watermelon slices are literary talent
Is that why Blacks have patrician taste?

>> No.7339993

can we just ban anime posters

>> No.7339999 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 260x297, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>harry potter

>> No.7340000

You do realize that the first 4chan board was dedicated entirely to anime and that after much consideration /b/ was added?

And it went all downhill from there.

>> No.7340002

>Gone with the Wind

I don't think I've ever heard anyone ever mention the book aside from my grandma.

>> No.7340008

This upsets me greatly. Tell me /lit/, should I be upset about this or should I ignore it and live my life as best I can?

>> No.7340012

The latter obviously. Moral outrage is so beginning of civilization to 2015.

>> No.7340013

>Time is an attractive young girl
I'm giving you an F.



>> No.7340019

It's not outrage, more just a sinking feeling for lack of a better word.

It occurred to me the other day that most intellectuals adopt the "ignore it" policy and continue with their lives without trying to educate or expose people to better work. If this trend continues, great work shall be lost forever.

>> No.7340030


Nah, there should always be intellectuals around to keep it going amongst themselves. It's kind of pointless trying to encourage most people out of their comfort zone.

>> No.7340041

what is the source of this table
ive only ever heard gone with the wind mentioned once in my life

>> No.7340048

You are of course right, however the "reading population" in America is shrinking and even the educated shy away from fiction and prefer practical material like manuals or textbooks.

>> No.7340051

absolutely disgusting

>> No.7340058
File: 354 KB, 900x1527, 1444356366386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont talk shit about my waifu.

>> No.7340124 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 848x942, migos pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally kill whitey: the novel

>> No.7340129

>migos pepe.png
Ahh my favorite pepe

>> No.7340134

Imagine for a moment that I'm not a nigger.

>> No.7340183

Not too sure about that. Some studies found that reading was the second favorite pastime of teenagers, ranked equally with social media (I know, studies, but you get the point).

People might be reading more trash, but since more people are reading (both in absolute and relative terms) that's to be expected. Unless you come up with a reliable indicator or the "relative well-readness" of the general population that says people are getting more pleb, we'll be stuck at the stage of opinion and cherrry-picked anecdotes.

I mean what do you actually now about the "reading population" in America ? You're in 4chan, remember, there's a strong confirmation bias towards bad news and assertion of general plebbity.

>> No.7340188

>Harry Potter

You can not make this shit up .

>> No.7340211

I'm too autistic for this shit. I know I'm supposed to understand this as, time is eating away literary talent, but because the image is a jpg the watermelon never actually diminishes.

It's all very uncomfortably and makes me squirm in my seat.

>> No.7340267

I can't keep it going for more than 4 seconds

>> No.7340288

I have held this theory since his last q&a that moot comes here as anonymous to steal our gets. I can think of no other reason for this thread.

>> No.7341761

I don't know anyone who read Gone with the Wind, what the hell.

>> No.7341765
File: 37 KB, 960x960, 1428660118150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is allowed on /lit/ but my thread about Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent isn't

>> No.7341768

nice meme arrow, dork

>> No.7341896

And thus, you have taken the first step on a long road towards understanding Asuka and yourself within the context of Asuka.

>> No.7342141

Consider the possibility that anything from your time will always feel worse than from any other time because you can already understand your time well, you live it after all, so any other time will feel like it has more insight because it feels different and has a different perspective, whereas any book from now will share your perspective and it's findings will seem "obvious". We can't read anything from the future, but if we could, I think you'd be a lot more interested again. It's because the book is from "now" as in, from your time, it's not interesting. Books from other countries feel more interesting because of their viewpoints, whereas books from your own country might feel a bit more boring. The quality of a work would thus increase with "distance" in time.

>> No.7342158

except the melons are talent and not quality, you pontificating cuntrag

>> No.7342163


>> No.7342176

I figured that he judged the talent of the writers by the quality of their works and meant in the sense of human history (As time goes, humanity's ability to produce quality works fades away slowly) instead of talking about the age of the writer themselves and how time eats their talent in the timeframe of their lives. In that case, depends on the writer, I'd imagine. Not a universal rule.

>> No.7342189

Miguel de Cervantes doesn't approve this post.

>As time goes, humanity's ability to produce quality works fades away slowly

>> No.7342193

you're so off it's not even funny

do you not know the meme about all great writers producing their best works before 30?

why would anyone think the former? as people become vastly more educated, as literacy increases, as the medium becomes more complex and rich, the works produced become poorer and poorer?

what are you on?

>> No.7342241

I wasn't saying that was the case, I thought OP did even though he didn't.
>do you not know the meme about all great writers producing their best works before 30?
I do, same goes with scientists.
>why would anyone think the former?
I don't know, I don't think that way, but some people do. You can also notice that when people talk about more recently published works, people want to separate themselves from the rest and dig for something obscure to like because 1. nobody has probably read it so they can't criticise you for it 2. you make yourself look like someone who has read more than others because you picked something like that.
I suppose it also becomes more difficult to write about something that hasn't already been written about so originality decreases, so on. I've heard this argument being made though. Then again, it's mostly by undisputable plebs so...

>> No.7342262

her skirt bugs me, how is it that her derriere is pouting out so far?

>> No.7342305


>> No.7342822

Her ass is just that fat.