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/lit/ - Literature

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7339213 No.7339213 [Reply] [Original]

I miss the Stirner threads.

>> No.7339223

I don't. They were worse than the christposting.

>> No.7339225

Only edgy moral nihilists like stirner

>> No.7339246

I've been gone for one year. Prior to that, I posted here daily. Can somebody clue me in on the latest goofs and gaffes? Where's butterfly and the Kafka/Nabokov waifu threads?

>> No.7339253

you're looking for >>>/his/

sage and report

>> No.7339257


> Kafka/Nabokov waifu threads

It makes me moist.

>> No.7339265

But there are none on /his/, they don't read !

>> No.7339270

Butterfly left us for a real girl. ;_;

>> No.7339318

Only dumb social justice warriors don't like stirner.

>> No.7339322

this place ain't what it used to be

>> No.7339326

/his/ happened and now you are either stuck in the wasteland of /lit/ or you move to /his/ which is complete cancer where no one has read anything besides a wiki article

>> No.7339332

not a regular browser

how much has /his/ changed things around here?

>> No.7339333

i love stirner

>> No.7339337

It's barely changed anything; don't listen to him.

>> No.7339338

The problem was /lit/ was flooded with people who want to discuss their feels and wandering thoughts , those who discussed books are still here.

If /his/ is filled with non readers, it just proves that /phil/ threads were just shitposters.

>> No.7339340

Not much, it's a bit easier to get morality/religion/humanities threads deleted

>> No.7339344

>Where's butterfly
She--she left.

>> No.7339364

This. Shitposting phil fags pls go

>> No.7339372

How does knowing something is a spook stop it from haunting you?

>> No.7339478


Why is Stirner /his/? He wrote a fucking book. He's an author. You should be allowed to discuss and author and his book.

>> No.7339497
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It doesn't

The most we can do is become aware of our inherently spook-laden "reality" and dance the tarantella until we die

Hope is pain my friend

>> No.7339503

it's quite evident that none of the stirnerposters on /lit/ ever read a word the man wrote, nor do they pretend to

>> No.7339520

SJWs are moral subjectivists. Nihilists are edgelords and realists are respectable people.

>> No.7339530

You can. Look at the sticky. Shitposters who just want say "that's a spook!" should go on /his/ to be with like-minded, cognitive-deficient individuals.

>> No.7339551

>dance the tarantella
lewd :3

>> No.7339554
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>SJWs are moral subjectivists.

no, SJW would believe morals are relative but not subjective

>> No.7339576

It's a spook !

>> No.7339578
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>Only edgy moral nihilists like stirner
The opposite of edgy moralists such as stormfags.

>> No.7339598
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SJWs are moral subjectivists in a strict definitory sense but in action they're actually more like "moral projectivists". They're like the bastard children of Kant and Marx whereby the categorical imperative is used in such a way as to impose their subjective morality on a global scale. It's effectively egoic masturbation disguised as morality. For example, the phrase "no good person is a racist" (apart from the obvious "no true Scotsman" fallacy exemplified just as readily in your own post) is a perfect example of a subjective judgement heightened to the level of cultural law, enforced by cultural ostracism and derision instead of incarceration and force. When one "obeys"/"agrees" with the cultural law they are rewarded with that feel good liberal saviour fantasy euphoria; how can something be wrong if it makes me feel so good? That pleasure is entirely Pavlovian in nature, and as the generations plod onwards the response will only become more engrained and society as a whole will be forced to ebb and flow with a cultural morality decided by an invisible choir of intelligentsia and people of power.

It's Hitler's Germany without any of the economic boom or hope, only derision, division and euthanization of anyone/anything decided by the ruling culture as "problematic"

>Not a form of realism

>> No.7339634
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>It's Hitler's Germany
all that text ruined by the most hackneyed comparison

>> No.7339674

I'll admit it's not the most elegant comparison but it's the most relevant example of a supposedly well intentioned and hopeful rejuvenation of a culture leading to less than desirable results (that being the war and the atrocities committed by everyone involved)

>> No.7339684

Butterfly left late September because she moved in with some chick and wanted to shuffle up her hobbies.

We still like Kafka and Nabokov

>> No.7339690

will she ever return

>tfw miss her

>> No.7339797

you are in luck


>> No.7339810

I'm not sure if she's planing on becoming a regular poster again but she said something about coming back now and then to post

>> No.7339882

serious spook factor going on in that post

can you spoiler that shit

>> No.7339889

Barely anything, it serves as a great containment board now for /pol/ shits and /r9k/ retards.

>> No.7339906

there are noticibly less philosophy threads

>> No.7339915

it's just back to normal. there were more for a while until the sticky change

>> No.7340005

Stirner is refreshing. Of course to call him refreshing would be to imply that there is some stagnant standard in philosophy, which would be acknowledging a spook.