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File: 102 KB, 390x597, sartre-strange-eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7338142 No.7338142 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Sartre so jealous of Camus? It is as clear as day if you read his scathing critique of The Stranger.

>> No.7338145

>scathing critique of The Stranger

>> No.7338276

He's jealous because The Stranger isn't as apocalyptically boring as Nausea.

>> No.7338301

Camus fucked at least one of his gfs

>> No.7338340

towards the end of existentialism is a humanism

seems like he was trying to subtly undermine camus and label him as a neophyte or an accidental success.

>> No.7338374

>Why was Sartre so jealous of Camus?
because he was worse

>> No.7338400
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Because Sartre was uglier then a double fried rat.

Camus had the looks.

>> No.7338404

Pretty face, ugly prose. Sartre was the opposite.

>> No.7338405
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>> No.7338409
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>> No.7338426

That is some godawful art and delivery

>> No.7338455

pretty sure there was some difference in their attitudes towards the USSR, Camus viewing them as being as bad as the nazis, with Sartre being more sympathetic (to communism)

not 100 percent sure, however

>> No.7338502

Anyone else think Sartre is more physically attractive than Camus?

>> No.7338511

Camus had better eyesight

>> No.7338522

Sartre became bitter towards him, sure, but don't forget the praise he gave The Stranger in his first review (he thought it was brilliant) and the fact that he wrote Camus' eulogy

>> No.7338646
File: 45 KB, 420x269, Simone de Beauvoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well she did.

>> No.7338653

Why does Sartre come across as a self loathing white knight?

>> No.7338768

That's because he was. He had an open relationship with a prominent feminist. Literally a kek.


>> No.7338778


>> No.7338794
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>> No.7338799

He fucked tonnes of audience pussy himself though. The relationship being open was mutually advantageous in this instance.

>> No.7338800

>shuffling doesn't involve chance
>move order doesn't involve chance

>> No.7338843



>> No.7339061

Best fiction and looks: Camus
Best philosophy: Sartre (only because Camus didn't do real philosophy)
>unironically being anti-feminist
have you heard of a website called reddit? I think you'd like it there :) check out /r/mensrights

>> No.7339166

>unironically being feminist
I prefer /r/theredpill to be honest. /r/mensrights are a bunch of pussies.

>> No.7339199

Better novels and ethics: Camus
Better plays, short stories and ontology: Sartre

>> No.7339335

Didnt Celine call Sartre "Fartre"

>> No.7339428

Who cares. They're both awful.

Modern Existentialism is a joke.

>> No.7339441

How was this douchebag nerd able to score so many babes. He liked them young, too.

>> No.7339450

I heard he used to nickname him "the tapeworm".

Céline was a pretty kekworthy guy.

>> No.7339456

Heidegger > Kierkegaard/ Nietzsche/Dostoyevsky > Buber/Jaspers >>> Sartre/Camus > Beauvoir

Why do people only talk low tier existentialism?

>> No.7339474

Because that's all sophomores read in high school

>> No.7339510



>> No.7339514

You got your last inequality symbol in the wrong way, m8. Also why is Heidegger even included in the existentialists, when he explicitly denied he was one ? You might as well add Schopenhauer, whoever wrote Eccleasiates, late Pascal and middle Tolstoy while you're at it.

Next time put a "plen" disclaimer on your post so that we can recognize you faster.

>> No.7339565

>Heidegger > Kierkegaard
>Kierkegaard/ Nietzsche/Dostoyevsky
Even more wrong. Dostoyevsky is the king of good execution of shallow ideas.

>> No.7339606

>blending literary and philosophical existentialism

>> No.7339943

oh my god where do you people come from

>> No.7339961

Nausea is better than people give it credit for but there's no doubt in my mind that the Stranger is superior

>> No.7341053

>>I prefer /r/theredpill to be honest. /r/mensrights are a bunch of pussies.
what is the difference ?

>> No.7341123

The fact that you mix fiction and non-- proves you are a stupid stupid head.

Then there was no coming back from this.
(I'd actually include Camus here but seeing as this thread is partially about him ....)

>> No.7341428

Serious question? Mens Rights tries to be political correct for the most part, they are arguing against the toxic parts of Feminism and discrimination against men in society. TheRedPill is openly misogynistic sexual strategy / PUA kind of discussion but revolving around the psychology of women rather than canned pickup lines etc.

>> No.7341598

I prefer "Shartre" desu