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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 181 KB, 1078x1228, 1447068553827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7337833 No.7337833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>J-just r-read comrades...
>W-were all gunna make it ch-chums...

>> No.7337836

please, please kill yourself OP, for the good of humanity

>> No.7337840


>M-my hours spent in the British Museum and London libraries weren't wasted... I have hope...

>> No.7337843

Fuck off OP; this isn't /r9k/ or /fit/

>> No.7337845


>D-don't challenge the philosophical axioms of why we read when hot pussy is out there... I can't face questioning my life for the fifth time this morning... Oh shit, hopefully the janitor deletes this!

>> No.7337848

Are we supposed to know who this guy is?

>> No.7337850
File: 32 KB, 334x393, KJCqaPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7337877

He's an earthrocker

>> No.7337883

Make it to what?

>> No.7337889

Wow u homo

>> No.7337916

nice projection bro

>> No.7337982
File: 79 KB, 403x401, 1446593681758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ellipsis should consist of three points; your sentence is grammatically incorrect.

You're making a persuasive argument for eugenics. Women are clearly incapable of choosing good genes when most of these men are illiterate.

>> No.7337990

He banged some 7/10 chick and got black out drunk while wasting thousands in one of the shittiest first world cities.

Honestly I'd choose reading a book by the fire wrapped in a blanket over that.

>> No.7337993

Reading isn't lifting... I don't read to "make it" according to some doped up dead australian.

I read because it's a hobby and I enjoy it.

>> No.7338010

I have no idea who either of those people are.

>> No.7338026


>fame matters more than raw sex appeal

The 00s called, they want their mindset back bro.

>> No.7338051

What are you on about, mate? I was just stating that I had no idea who those people were, so I don't know what the pic is supposed to say. Who knows if he's well read or not? Who knows if she is?
You are incredibly hasty in drawing absurdly wrong conclusions.

>> No.7338072

Why are male models all unattractive
They all have this dumb psuedoasian look
Where are my classical beauties

>> No.7338092

Can anyone id that triangle ring?