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7337690 No.7337690 [Reply] [Original]

zizek-sama is so kawaii ugu!!!


if i want to read about the "abyss of the image" or the image as eternal and transcending the real, what book should i read? (think the story of the two boys running away from nazi dogs you know the one)

>> No.7337694

I'm actually an hour into this now. Zizek's so funny in this.

>> No.7337698

I have always wondered, what is up with his body language?

>> No.7337699

>yfw trying not to cry while introducing zizek and he has no chill

>> No.7337701

this guy seems like a cool dude, up until now I've never seen any of his stuff. any recommendations?

>> No.7337705

The link in the OP is good.

>> No.7337706

dense, many references, but the "real zizek": sublime object of ideology
fun zizek: first as tragedy, then as farce

>> No.7337776

I wanna read something by Zizek, where do i start?

>> No.7338071

My ethics teacher once said that he is a "charlatán", the philosophical equivalent to Hawkings.

>> No.7338096

>My ethics teacher

Yeah, found your problem.

>> No.7338117

is it because he says naughty words?

>> No.7338657

I'm an hour and a quarter into it and he hasn't talked about Hegel yet.

>> No.7338665

Is just me or he looks like a dirty phillip k. dick?

>> No.7338835
File: 189 KB, 450x472, LOLATYOURLIFE_zpsfdd86388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My ethics teacher
>ethics teacher

>> No.7339334

I don't see the joke...
Pretty much every college has a course on ethics or bioethics.

>> No.7339710

I had this discussion with a classmate earlier.

Basically, we both came to believe that Zizek, Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye etc are viewed as charlatans/quacks by many academics in their field because they try to engage the public in higher-caliber academic stuff in a way that they can understand. They're very good at it, too, speaking to the masses. But it boils down to this: are they doing society a good deed by enriching and educating the public? Or are they harming academic science/philosophy etc by dumbing it down for a broader audience?

>> No.7339740

>charlatan quack
Of course they all get more credit than other smarter more influential people but who cares

>> No.7339742
File: 7 KB, 277x182, 1441999157274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zizek will die in your life time

>> No.7339752

Not if you commit suicide first. :)

>> No.7341562
File: 11 KB, 220x252, 220px-Hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this picture of Hegel except with Zizek's face instead of Hegel's? Theres a edit that floats around on /lit/ time to time