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/lit/ - Literature

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7331412 No.7331412 [Reply] [Original]

So ever since I bought a kindle I've been reading more than I ever have in my life. This has been going on for about a year now.

The only problem is I crave the physical copies sometimes, and my book shelf was finally starting to look decent.

Would it be autistic to buy physical books I've already read?

>> No.7331413

Dude, i don't fucking know. Do whatever your faggot ass feels like and leave me out of it.

>> No.7331438
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How did you know I was a faggot?

>> No.7331454

obtain lit like this
1, having the sense to kindle a lovecraft or verne collection
2, getting goodwill books if you can
3, printing out some lit

kindle doesnt cover every aspect so if you hunt titles you always have to work around

>> No.7331458

I think of my book collection as something I can share. Whether that means loaning a book out or leaving them to people after I kick the bucket.

I don't usually buy digital books on my e-reader. It's more for pirated books. So I wouldn't buy a digital book then a physical copy -- I'd just buy the physical copy instead.
But I would buy a physical copy of a book I pirated.

>> No.7331477

I really thought about doing this, I've read some shit on the kindle which I would kill to have as a hardcover. Obviously hardcovers are a bitch to find and are expensive as fuck