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/lit/ - Literature

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7330808 No.7330808 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw reading a good book

>> No.7330814
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>tfw didn't accomplish anything and shitposted instead

>> No.7330820
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>tfw reading any book

I can only enjoy literature in retrospect
the act of reading itself takes immense mental strength
it's like doing a squat the whole time you want to read

and its my only hobby

>> No.7330886
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>those few books that give a weird pleasant feel for some days after finishing them

>> No.7330893
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The last 1/3rd of a book almost always pulls me in; by then I've adapted to the language, no matter how archaic. Getting there is the real challenge.

>> No.7331222
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>read book
>know it's good, but you can't personally connect to it
>tfw because of that it will always remain unread in your life

>> No.7331239

I don't read novels. I prefer good literary criticism

>> No.7331248
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Its funny you say reading is like a squat. I also go to /fit/ and i love working out, but squats really is a love/hate relationship. I couldnt agree more. I push myself to do both because I know ill benefit from it and be satisfied after doing so.

>> No.7331264


It's like a squat for your mind.

Non-fiction is a deadlift.

>> No.7331308

This. I love that foggy warm feeling after finishing a great piece of literature.

>> No.7331324
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>reading a good book
>can't appreciate that it's good because I keep thinking about what's going on on 4chan

>> No.7331330

>reading a book
>keep thinking about how many stars I should give it when I'm done

Fucking Goodreads.

>> No.7331340

Really if you guys cant enjoy prose, you should try some peotry. The illiad translated by pope did wonders for me.

>> No.7331359


>> No.7331370
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>tfw rate most things 5 star
>feel like a book is 4 stars
>tfw that would make it look bad in comparison
>tfw I don't give a damn no more 'bout some ratings--it is the experience of literature that matters; external perceptions of my reading matter not in comparison to my own time
>;) moms spaghetti :0

>> No.7331371
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>reading a book that's not bad, but not very good either
>don't want to drop it because you almost always finish books

>> No.7331377

save it for later--unless it's SHIT

Reading a book when you don't want to is like bonking a dame when you're just not feeling fresh--save that hot mumma for later jabroni

>> No.7331389

trips of lucidity

>> No.7331397

Murakami gives me this feel tee-bee-aych.

>inb4 Murakami is shit

I know.

>> No.7331404

>tfw reading and realise half way through the chapter i've just been moving my eyes without taking in any of it

>> No.7331410

Read biographies to ease yourself into the world of nonfiction. Works of fiction with no real insight into the world are extremely hard for me to read. For me, the deadlift is picking up things like LoTR, Harry Pooper, and pretty much any fiction written after 1960. Philosophical fiction is my main fiction genre. Reading shallow books with basic, cliche allegories makes me cringe. Unlike the sciences, literature is subjective in nature. Our tastes for literature are formed by our past experiences and encounters, and they vary in ways as numerous as stars in the sky desu

>> No.7331415
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>science is objective

>> No.7331417

What edition of the metamorphosis is that

>> No.7331418


>> No.7331586

I want to read more, but I find it difficult to get into the right mindset for reading. I get too thirsty to read, then I need to urinate; I need stop browsing my phone and so I turn it off, then I realise I need it for the dictionary; I finally begin reading, then the garbage men pass and it's too loud, so I put in ear-plugs which get uncomfortable and distract me; I begin to read again, but realise I've only half an hour till I have to leave, I don't want to rush my reading so I post-pone it for another time.

>> No.7331742
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>reading an actually good book
>trying to figure out what made it work so well
>thinking about philosophical implications
>guessing possible influences

>> No.7332212


>> No.7332250
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>read siddhartha today
I am become comfy

>> No.7332919

>any fiction written after 1960.
not even once.