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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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7329531 No.7329531[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

img.4chan.org/lit was once the greatest website on the internet for highbrow cultural discussion. I am aware how this sounds and no, I'm not being ironic. The creation of /his/ has officially killed this board, with all of the knowledgeable historians, philosophers and linguists no longer imparting knowledge, it is merely a cesspool of memes and the overall quality of literary discussion has plummeted into oblivion, hovering around reddit-tier intellectualism and reddit-tier quality of overall discussion.

I've been here for 5-6 years now, I was one of the people that begged Moot to give us our "damn book board". Curious if there are any posters who have been here since the beginning that disagree with this.
It's been a ridiculous, hilarious time with some of the most interesting discussions of my life.
Now, the memes are stale and EVERY SINGLE thread on here is a tepid iteration of a previous thread that could be searched on warosu.
After this thread it is Goodbye, /lit/

>see you tomorrow

>> No.7329539

sounds like you just grew out of it bud

>> No.7329545
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>> No.7329547

yada yada yada

>> No.7329549

Dude, /lit/ has been shit for years at this point. It also seems extraordinarily premature to declare the death of /lit/ a week after /his/ was created. It has been snarky intellectual culture without the intelligence for quite some time.

>> No.7329550


>and EVERY SINGLE thread on here is a tepid iteration of a previous thread that could be searched on warosu.

lrn2eternal recurrence or suffer.

But honestly, this goes for all boards, all discussions. Nothing new is ever discussed. It's all a rehash of the same 100-200 topics, and if you stay here long enough, you'll know them like the back of your hand.

>> No.7329552

which book is this?

>> No.7329567

Not the case. If there was as much insight and information imparted as in the discussions of yore I'd gladly stay. There is simply no new information posted here, the discussion is watered down into oblivion, the ideas and posters about as 'expert' on the topics they're discussing as on /mu/. It was once the case that you could come here and really learn a niche branch of philosophy or about the biography of an author, and it isn't anymore.
This board was great because of its expertise, posts were made by students of the particular field. That sense of imparting new knowledge is completely gone.

If /lit/ were to move forward with the discussions of the past and got heavily into something like contemporary lit, which there is actually a ton of great content in, it would save itself from death and stagnation.

But the problem is the influx of new posters who eat up the content because it is new to them, and rather than search warosu threads are repeated ad nauseum

>> No.7329574
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I thought /lit/ wasn't necessary because /book/ existed and refused to come to /lit/ until /book/ was deleted by j00t

true story

>> No.7329575

It could not be any more clear you did not experience years 1-3. While the sight has been on the decline, there has still been the odd outrageously good thread, at least a few a day. I have't seen a single one in the last week.

>It's all a rehash of the same 100-200 topics, and if you stay here long enough, you'll know them like the back of your hand
It never felt stale for years, there was constantly new discussion, endless philosophical problems, always a new niche philosopher up for debate

>> No.7329576

I think you just knew less than. I've been around intermittently since the start and I'm not sure I'd say /lit/ was ever particularly "good" or knowledgeable. Probably peaked around ~2 years ago but even then I'm not sure this was ever a great place. Rose-tinted glasses, mate.

>> No.7329581

never come back

>> No.7329589

Why would you come here if you didn't think it had merit? Surely there are better ways to piss away your time

>> No.7329603

I'm here for the shitpostin and bantz, friend, and I'm only here for like a month every year before I get tired of it again.

>> No.7329628

I've been here for 3 (4?) years and while it did use to be much better, it hasn't really had anything of quality in quite some time. And what I perceived as quality might just be the rose-tint effect >>7329576 mentioned.

I come here because I work a 40 hour job with people who scarcely have a high school education. It's nice to be reminded that a literary world exists and that there are people who at least understand the terminology if not the intelligence of it. Also I have no friends and this is sort of a social activity.

>> No.7329639
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You are selecting memories of quality examples from a much larger backlog of potential, through a lens of retrospective bias and juxtaposing it with a comparatively smaller sample size without that lens.

>> No.7329671

I was here years ago, just came back a couple months ago out of boredom. You're viewing it with rose covered glasses. For months on end this board was nothing but Fantasy lit bashing, Infinite Jest fanboys and assholes looking for people to do their book reports for them.

>> No.7329674

man you cut to the core of me

keep doing what you're doing

>> No.7329841

I haven't read much contemporary lit. What should I check out?

>> No.7329848

>4chan.org/lit was once the greatest website on the internet for highbrow cultural discussion
> all of the knowledgeable historians, philosophers and linguists no longer imparting knowledge,

yea ok you're retarded. I've been here since the beginning too and you're probably one of those faggots who spam vague ~philosophical~ and ~intellectual~ and ~deep~ threads about topics that stopped being interesting to anyone who exited puberty.

I'm glad people like you are leaving, fuck off. We can finally talk about, you know, books now.

>> No.7329850

I never subscribed to this blog.

>> No.7329868

I can sympathize.
Funnily enough, board was better when the old trips were around.
Debates were very heated, and it was the best thing about the board.

>> No.7329874

>tfw stan and edgy will never try to outshit one another ever again

>> No.7329895

see you tomorrow

>> No.7329989

whats wrong with /his/?

>> No.7330006
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look at this nep.

>> No.7330057

Too many authors to list come to mind but check out the winners of the Pulitzer or the Man Booker prize from the last decade, including the shortlist selections, check out the descriptions on goodreads and see if they appeal to you, there's a corpus of esteemed lit that has effected me just as much as any 19th century authors

>> No.7330061

>philosophy discussion is inherently pseudointellectual

>> No.7330160
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>I come here because I work a 40 hour job with people who scarcely have a high school education. It's nice to be reminded that a literary world exists and that there are people who at least understand the terminology if not the intelligence of it. Also I have no friends and this is sort of a social activity.

>> No.7330182

Take a look around, every single active thread is a soft/pol/ thread.
Its such a shame...

>> No.7330223

When you think about it /lit/ should be a discussion of literature, fiction drama etc. We should be seeing lots of threads exploring themes, style, character, plotting, etc. I've been here five years and I don't think I've ever seen one thread like that.

>> No.7330233


There's no reason why you can't make the same old threads you used to here.

>> No.7330246

you're retarded
i have been here 5 years (the board has existed for slightly less than 6)
the culture of /his/ is "which country/flag/leader is best"
our culture is different
we can still talk about anything we want and are rid of the idiots shitting up threads
we'll be fine

>> No.7330247

we are here just for the memes, you dork.

>> No.7330302

just stick to the philosophy threads

>> No.7330311

>we can still talk about anything we want and are rid of the idiots shitting up threads
Is that why /co/ invaded us?

>> No.7330326


Seconding this. Although this goodbye post is exactly what I would expect from a longtime /lit/ poster that has finally completed the second journey up their own rectum and ended up right-side out again.

Also, I unironically enjoy /his/ and life in general. Deal with it.

>> No.7330355

the hell? that one guy who wanted to know what people who read actual books think of comics?