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File: 22 KB, 620x387, I swear the fags can't read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7329171 No.7329171 [Reply] [Original]

So I started a post on tumblr about how homosexuality ruins the dynamic of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. They, to me, are platonic best friends. Brothers, even. Brothers don't kiss or cuddle or want to talk about their favourite lube.

On tumblr, I seem to be the only person that believes this. Just me. Only me. One guy.

And then I found out that there's over 500 people that support the idea of "JohnLock", and suddenly I'm trying to erase queer history and I'm the biggest homophobic bastard since your anon's Grandfather by criticizing a Sherlock/John homosexual interpretation.

Can I have some help? Can we discuss homosexuality in Sherlock lore, and how the OP believes it detracts from the narrative instead of serves it?

>> No.7329174
File: 26 KB, 771x686, cec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoe give le fucke

>> No.7329180

Why do you feel the need to discuss this, really? Can't you just disregard obnoxious faggots?

>> No.7329188

post your url

>> No.7329190

Watson got married to a woman (not that that proves anything.)

certain things they did were normal for platonic male friends of the day but would seem gay as hell now. Times were different then. only 2 decades earlier Abe Lincoln slept in the same bed as a man every night for like 5 years. this was considered normal at the time and only the rich had a bed to themselves.

>> No.7329200

>And then I found out that there's over 500 people that support the idea of "JohnLock", and suddenly I'm trying to erase queer history and I'm the biggest homophobic bastard since your anon's Grandfather by criticizing a Sherlock/John homosexual interpretation.

Tbh the erasure of close male platonic friendship in the early modern is a tragedy

>> No.7329202


>> No.7329204

Holmes thread? My dad is way into Holmes and I'm CURIOUS myself, but I don't know the best place to start. Recs?

>> No.7329206

But m8 you will gain nothing by arguing with slashers, they have infinitely more time and energy than you do

>> No.7329213

Tell us more about the dad

>> No.7329218

It really saddens me. I wish I was friends with someone like historical or fictional duos.

On a slightly related note, I remember learning from Holmes that "ejaculate" also means to exclaim and I giggled hard over that as a kid.

>> No.7329223

nah, cec.png is just a really hot and trendy post enhancer at the moment

>> No.7329224

I dunno, man, I do. Others should, too, maybe. These people gravely outnumber classic Holmes fans with blind shipping and projecting. It's become less about a super detective that solves crime, and more about "Elegant Private Man and his Maybe Doctor Boyfriend"

They're clogging up conventions with their obnoxious, handholding, giggle-driven cosplay. Most of them are teenage/early 20-something girls that wouldn't know what a platonic brothership between two men actually were if they were dropped in battlefield trenches..

And I have this inexplicable autistic compulsion to TELL them.

I can't be alone in this.

I honestly can't be the only person in the whole wide Earth that sees this and feels the urge to act on it to say something

That's wrong. That's not Sherlock Holmes. Maybe in jest, go for it, but that's not actually Sherlock Holmes.

>> No.7329225

have your dad's interactions with close male friends ever made you feel uncomfortable?

>> No.7329250


I understand if anons here go on and judge me. I'm willing to accept the consequences of posting a personal item on this Antarctic whaling board

But, Jesus, guys, I'm losing my head over this shit

It's like I'm the sanest person in a sanatorium, a sanatorium of a very particular queer Holmes aesthetic

>> No.7329264

it doesn't ruin it though. it makes it good desu senpai

>> No.7329355

I agree OP.

my fave literary friendship is Ishmael and Queequeg and i think it's annoying when people call their relationship a homosexual one

>> No.7330069

I think most guys are homosocial while a much smaller percentage are homosexual

>> No.7330116

it's an American think
they can't comprehend close male relationships that are not homosexual in nature

>> No.7330123

These people have only seen the BBC show. Watson gets married and moves out of 221b Baker like a few stories in.

>> No.7330131

that's smalltime

check frodo & samwise being gay

>> No.7330133

it's also a female thing because they too can't comprehend love on that level

>> No.7330379

I went on your Tumblr OP, DESU I don't get what your problem is, who cares if some girls don't understand their relationship. And it seemed like you weren't trying to debate, just trying to start an argument. Maybe you just need to grow the fuck up OP.
Also there's only one e in pleb. Fucking pleb.

>> No.7330381

Ah yes. I forgot about that word filter.

>> No.7330391

>So I started a post on tumblr
Seriously, you posted it on tumblr. What the fuck did you expect?

>> No.7330404

I don't know why you care so much about this. Also, you come off like a real jerk in your responses.

>> No.7330611

Introducing libido to the Sherlock universe at all is fucking gross and boorish as fuck.

Sherlock should be cool blooded and about the mind 100%.

>> No.7330640


god bless you anon

>> No.7330692

>In the agora
>Some fag keeps saying Achilles loved Patroclus up the bum
>Plato is in the stoa talking about pederasty being the highest form of love
>Fucking degenerates

>> No.7330709
File: 67 KB, 526x841, 11149462_805109732877818_7712055885904001283_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck you, you literary plebe

>joker rp blog

>> No.7330722


>It's like I'm the sanest person in a sanatorium

You don't say?

Don't go on tumblr.